Library of Astrogeography & Astrological World Map

Library of Astrogeography & Astrological World Map. List of Articles from the astrological research and astrogeographcal field study laboratory of Georg Stockhorst (Astro-Databank) on his Astrological World Map and Astrological Geomancy systems.

This is not a complete list of articles in the first place but rather an overview of important topics from the over 1000 articles of the world`s first and only astrogeography blog. For consultations on locational astrology, finding positive, auspicious and supporting places to live, love, workand on in depth interpretation of individual karmic issues in relation to places please contact me via my astrogeography consultation page or the website of my consultation practice.

Collection of astrological street maps, country maps and town plans
Collection of street maps, country maps and town plans that I have worked together with some of the astrological maps and town plans that I have published over the last 2 decades

1 Astrogeography —-

What do the 12 zodiac signs and their combinations with each other look like in real life experience of astrogeographical field study and measurement of fields? How to identify, specify, differentiate, interprete the landscapes, shapes, colours, plants, letters, numbers, names, images, reflexes and patterns that distinguish the 12 zodiac signs ?

Astrogeographical Examples for the combination of each of the 12 signs with the other 11 signs & with itself:

Introductions to Astrogeography

Complete lists of astrogeographical positions of capitals

Astrological World Map positions of Capitals part 2
Astrological World Map Resonance Coordinates – Positions of National Capitals pt 2: Libra to Pisces
Afrrica Capitals in Astrology
Capitals of African Nations in Astrogeography

1.0 Newest & recently updated articles

Washington & USA in Political Astrology
“ZEUS RETURN TRANSITS” are Jupiter transits to the 2 resonance coordinates of a capital which happen every 12 years. This table explores how astrogeographical neighbor capitals have their shares in global political developments: a comparative study of the events & developments during the Jupiter transits over the astrogeographical positions of astrogeographical neighbour capitals Washington at 6°CAN , Berlin at 10° CAN & Moscow at 12°CAN. I first framed the term “Zeus Return” in regard to the transits that freed Athens from Ottoman rule in 1828 and German Nazis in 1944.
Berlin und Deutschland in der Politischen Astrologie
Astrological Ages as defined by theSub Divisions (months) of 33.000 years long Pluto – Neptune Super cyclesConjunction cycles between the Libra Period at the end of the last glacial age and the current Gemini Age as reflected in human history
The USA in Political Astrology
The 2024 Presidential Elections as a “Revolution”: The Astrogeographical Transit History of Uranus in relation to the US Capital Washington
Ukraine & Russia in Astrology
Ukraine and Moscow in Astrogeography: Comparison of Astrogeographical Transits During the Russian Colonial War Period 2013 to 2029. Article: The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology & Astrogeography (2024)
Saturn - Neptune Conjunctions in Mundane Astrology
Saturn – Neptune Conjunctions in Mundane Astrology – cornerstone article & study
Asian Capitals in Astrogeography
Capitals of Asian Countries in Astrogeography: astrogeographical positions for morphogenetic field level 1. Article: Astrological World Map Positions of Capitals worldwide (2024)
Pluto - Neptune Conjunctions in Astrology
Pluto Neptune Transits Cyclic Ages and the History of Civilization: The Aries Taurus & Gemini Ages of the 33.000 Years Pluto-Neptune Super Cycle. Article: Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology (2022-24)
Uranus-Neptune cycles in the history of the USA since the beginning of period of European discovery following the UR-NE conjunction of 1478
Uranus-Neptune cycles in the history of the USA since the beginning of period of European discovery following the UR-NE conjunction of 1478
Uranus - Neptune Conjunctions in Astrology
Table of Uranus – Neptune conjunctions over the last 3000 years. Since these conjunctions mark the climax moments of long-term developments I decided to assume an orb of +/- 10 years for evaluation of political processes triggered during the conjunction periods
Pluto and Uranus Transits for Taipei and Kiev
Taipei and Taiwan in Political Astrology (new article begun in April 2023)

1.1 Comparative Articles

Important Capitals of „High Culture Religions“ in astrogeography
A Comparative Study of astrogeographical resonance coordinates of important Centers of the religions of „Urban High Cultures“ with their main feature being the existence of script. This is something to start with but of course the actual list of religions and cults is by far much, much longer. I am regretting that I could not find enough relevant data for including historical capitals of African cults so far.

1.2 Astrogeography of Restaurants & Pubs

1.3 Astrogeography and Hotels

1.4 Astrogeography and shops

1.5 Transits and Forcasts

2 Astrology and Architecture —-

Astrology, architecture and astrogeography of cardinal divides
Sheraton Houzuo Hot Spring Resort on the cardinal divide of the autumn equinox 
ph 井浩泽, MAD China, ccbysa2.0

2.0 Buildings and sculptures on Cardinal Divides

2.1 Aries in Architecture

2.2 Taurus in Architecture

2.3 Gemini in Architecture

2.4 Cancer in Architecture

2.5 Leo in Architecture

2.6 Virgo in Architecture

2.7. Libra in Architecture

Astrology, astrogeographyy and architecture: Libra as the sign of symmetry
Symmetry and rectangular shape of buildings in Libra: Exterior of the Wilanów Palace located in Libra and Aquarius.

2.8 Scorpio in Architecture

2.9 Sagittarius in Architecture

2.10 Capricorn in Architecture

2.11 Aquarius in Architecture

2.12 Pisces in Architecture

2.13 Castles and Palaces

2.14 Feng Shui architecture

2.15 Roads & Bridges

2.16 Famous Architects

3 Political Astrology —-

Astrology, astrogeography blog articles
Astrogeographical positions of European capitals of Non – EU nations

3.0 Capitals, Nations + National Charts in astrology & astrogeography

African Union + CapitalsAmsterdamAnkaraAsian CapitalsAthensBagdadBangkokBeijingBelgradeBerlin (en), (Berlin (dt)BernBrasiliaBrusselsCairoCanberra, CaracasCopenhagen and NuukDamascusEU & European CapitalsHavana, HelsinkiHongkonglslamabadJakartaJerusalemKiew,  KabulLhasaLimaLondonMadridManila,Mexico CityMinsk, MoscowMyanmarNew DelhiNew YorkNorth American NationsOttawaParisPraguePyongyang,  RiyadhRomeSeoul, StockholmSouth American Nations, TaipeiTehranThe HagueTripoliTokyoUNASURUnited Nations, USA 50 State Capitals, ViennaWarsaw, WashingtonWellington,

3.1 Government Seats

3.2 Political Events + History in astrology —-

3.3 Elections

3.4 Terrorist attacks, killings & murder

3.5 Astrogeographical Transits

3.6 Rhythmical Activations

3.7 Politicians in astrogeography

3.8 Markets, Stock Exchanges & Banks

3.9 Political Parties and Organisations

3.10 Government Institutions

4 Magical & Sacred Sites

4.0 Archeoastronomy

4.1 Magical Places & Nature Temples

4.2 Egypt, Persia, Babylon Sacred Sites

4.3 Greek Mythology & Temples

4.4 Roman Temples

4.5 Hindu & Indian Sacred Sites

4.6 Jewish Sacred Sites

4.7 Buddhist Sacred Sites

4.8 Chinese Sacred Temples

4.9 Christian Sacred Sites

4.9.1 Churches

4.9.2 Christian Pilgrimage sites

4.10 Maya, Aztec & Native American Sites

4.11 Islamic and Sufi Sacred Sites

4.12 Nordic Mythology and Religion

4.13 Tombs

4.14 Tree Temples

4.15 European Pre – Christian sites

4.16 Other Cultures

4.17 Knights Templars

4.18 Pagan & Witch Culture

4.19 Planet Temples

4.20 Free Masons

5 Earthquakes & Volcanic Eruptions

5.1 Astrology and Earthquakes

5.2 Volcanic Eruptions & Activity

6 Conjunctions, eclipses & transits

7 Accidents and disasters

8 Weather Events

9 Astrology and Art

Astrology, Art and Sculpting
The Rape of Proserpina by Pluto
ph: Architas, ccbysa4.0

9.1 Sculptures & works of art

9.2 Painting

9.3 Astrology & Music

10 Wars and Battles

Event charts and astrogeographical data for wars and battlefields can be found in the articles for the capital.

11 People and Places

12 Mountains and Rocks

13 Cities

14 Sports

15 Homeopathy

16 Science & Schools

17 Gold and Mining

18 Space Flights & UFOs

19 Paranormal

20 Nature

21 Rivers

22 Planets, Comets and Asteroids

23 Birth charts