Astrology and Places: Art Nouveau in Sagittarius and Cancer. On the astrogeography of the Secession building in Vienna
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The “Secession Building” is a famous exhibition hall in Vienna, Austria built in 1897/99 by Joseph Maria Olbrich as an architectural manifesto for the “Vienna Secession” the Vienna Art Nouveau or Jugendstil movement.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the building itself: One coordinate is located in open-minded, dynamic mental fire sign Sagittarius the sign of style, design, fashion, ornamentation, composition, initiation, shamanism, philosophy, observations, understanding, playgrounds and luxury. As the sign of the archer and bow the sign is a major indicator for round forms and as such for the ball on top of the building. Balls as symbols for playing are elements of form directly related to Sagittarius. The motive of balls on top of a building built in Sagittarius appears also in the case of the famous Salvador Dali Theatre Museum in Figueras, Spain.
The second coordinate of the Secession Building lies in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, the uters, fertility, the interior, fertility, emotional individuality and independence. Cancer represents the main indicator for authenticity in modern art and architecture. If the ball on top of the house was related to the astrological meaning of Cancer the sign of fertility and motherhood it would have to be associated with either the uterus, or else the testicles.
An egg on top of a house appears also at the house of Dali at Port Ligat, located in Aquarius with Cancer where an egg is attached on top of a tower (phallic form). The indication here is that fertility (Cancer) is turned upside down (Aquarius). Another example for an egg in Cancer is the “Cosmic Galaxy Egg” at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore which lies in the same constellation (Cancer with Aquarius) as the Dali House in Port Ligat.
The astrogeographical combination of the Secession Building in Cancer with Sagittarius could be read as an astrological definiton for Art Nouveau. The aspect of Cancer would then have to be seen as the most important indicator for modernity and Sagittarius as the sign of the focus on design, style and fashion.
Obecní dům or Municipal House in Prague an icon of the Czech Secese
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Built between 1906 and 1912 Municipal House (Czech: Obecní dům) in Prague is an important example for the Czech Secese. The building houses Smetana Hall a celebrated concert venue.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the building and the surrounding area: one coordinate lies in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, the uterus, fertility, pregnancy, the interior, emotional individuality and independence. Cancer represents the main indicator for authenticity in modern art and architecture. The second coordinate lies in earth sign Taurus sign of mother earth, gravitation, grounding, town-centers, and market places.
The combination of these 2 female signs relates the topics of the site to the topics of an earth mother as in the case of the Hagia Sofia archetype.