Cancer as the Sign of Seashells in Architecture. Astrology, architecture and places in water sign Cancer: Valencia`s City of arts and sciences and other examples for the symptomatic design reflexes of water sign Cancer.
Compare also: Cancer as the sign of eggs and the uterus, Architecture & Astrology Zaha Hadid, Steel House, Naumburg Bandshell Stage. The Hagia Sophia as a Temple of the Earth Mother, Hoover Dam in astrogeography, A WW2 “flak” tower in Cancer, Burj Khalifa and Hagia Sophia in Cancer with Taurus, George Van Tassels “Integraton” Project at Joshua Tree, Some thoughts on an astrogeographical typology of monolithic domes
Architectural design in water sign Cancer
The following list of example gives a breathtaking introduction into the symptomatic design of places that according to my astrological world map grid system calculation are all located in water sign Cancer. This list concentrates on the affinity of the architectural design with the shape of sea-shells and with eyes.
I have also made another list of such examples exploring how the design element at places in Cancer reflect another core issue of Cancer: the sexual organs particularly the womb, uterus, vagina, breasts and testicles: Cancer as the sign of eggs and the uterus,
Before any misunderstanding may arise here let me make this astrological core issue clearer here: I suggest that the notorious labelling of the sexual organs as analogies of Scorpio the sign of death, evil, underground culture, suppressed and forbidden aspects of reality, sewers, the anus, rectum, feces and of the indigestible a such has to be examined as an expression of cultural problems in dealing with fertility, motherhood, pregnancy and productive aspects of sexuality.
Guyaju Caves and the Resonance of Eyes with Cancer
The shape of the Guayaku Caves mountain may easily be compared to an oyster or an eye.
Cancer is the sign of the inside, interior perception, individual sensitivity and emotions, the mucous membranes and its sense organs: the senses of touch and taste. Our eyes are intensely sensitive organs that can be understood as inner organs that are exposed to the outside. In astrogeographical field study of architectural design the shape of sea-shells and of eyes appears to be symptomatic of buildings located in Cancer.
The question to be asked here is: what do eyes (or orbital cavities) and sea-shells have in common?

The Guyaju Cave complex is located some 90 km north-west of the Chinese capital Beijing. The 35 m wide ancient cliff dwelling structure consists of 117 caves with 350 chambers inside A Chieftain’s Palace consisting of 8 rooms supported by columns cut from the rock is located at the bottom of one of the rock faces of the complex. It remains unknown which people built the dwellings and when.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical qualities and atmosphere of the building itself: the site has one coordinate in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, fertility, womb, caves, sea-shells, of emotional individuality and the feeling at home with it. The shape somewhere in between an eye and a sea-shaell is a breath-taking analogy with the essential topics of water sign Cancer.
The 2nd coordinate is located in magnetic, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, heart, luxury, magnificence, kingdoms and a natural indicator for centralizing function of royal palaces and of capitals.
More Eyes in Cancer with Leo: the Oscar Niemeyer Sphere and the Giant Eyeball Sculpture

Infoversum in Cancer with Gemini
The Infoversum also called DOTliveplanetarium in Groningen, Netherlands was built in 2013/14.

Double Cancer: “The Eye” Film Museum in Amsterdam

The national film museum of the Netherlands in Amsterdam has both astrogeographical resonance coordinates in water sign Cancer the sign of crabs, sea-shells, the moon, the interior, modernity, emotional individuality and authenticity, melancholy and of important aspects of the eyes and eye caves. The position right on the quay could make the building resemble a sea-shell that has opened up for visitors. The shape of a slant eye as a certain filter of openness may be suspected to appeal to a critical and intellectually distinguished approach to watching and consuming films with a venture of (healthy or not) mistrust.
The Valencia City of Arts and Sciences in Cancer with Gemini
The architecture of the City of Arts and sciences in Valencia can be read as a gigantic experiment exploring the possibilities of playing with the essential meanings, impacts and expressionism of the presentation of eye balls, cavities, lashes, brows and aspects of visual perception in architecture.
From an astrogeographical point of view the harmony of the forms of the architecture with the astrological position of the construction site of the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia within the morphogenetic surface fields of our planet is extremely fascinating if not mindblowing. The resonance between the unconscious and subconscious human nervous systems with the nervous system of the earth can be studied and retraced here in every detail of the architecture.
The City of Arts and Sciences is a cultural center in the City of Valencia in Spain. It was built on a ground which lies in the former river bed of the river Turia next to the harbor of the City. The river had been drained and rerouted after a catastrophic flood in 1957.
The whole project area consists of 4 larger single buildings in a line, the large decorative harp bridge “Assut de l’Or” designed by Santiago Calatrava and and the large oceanografic park with the central “L`Oceanogràfic” building designed by Félix Candela which contains Europe´s largest aquarium.

As water containers full of life aquariums are natural analogies of water sign Cancer in its aspects as the sign of pregnancy and the uterus.
Santiago Calatrava was born on 28 July 1951 in Benimàmet, Valencia with the Sun in magnetic, royal, self-centered, emotional fire sign Leo the sign of self-expression and Félix Candela on 27 January 1910 in Madrid with the Sun in creative, innovative, spiritual air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky and self-finding. The birth dates of the two architects fall exactly on opposite positions of the zodiac and therefore have to be understood as a polarity.

The name “Agora” (greek for market place) for the building in between the museums and the oceanographic park suggests that it was planned as the center of the architectural field.

Ph: Javier Yaya Tur, ccbysa2.0
All the buildings are explicitely designed as variations of sea shells and some even have features of crabs . This is to be considered as symptomatic here as nearly the whole of the construction site falls in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of sea shells, mussels, oysters, crabs, snails, rivers, springs, beaches, eggs, the uterus, caves, fertility, motherhood, the moon and the interior as such. Only the very eastern bit of the oceanographic park is already located in Cancer`s neighbour fire sign Leo.
From an astrogeographical point of view the harmony of the forms of the architecture with the astrological position of the construction site of the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia within the morphogenetic surface fields of our planet is extremely fascinating if not mindblowing. The resonance between the unconscious and subconscious human nervous systems with the nervous system of the earth can be studied and retraced here in every detail of the architecture.

The sea-shell like shape of the Aqora appears in at least 10 variations in the City of Arts and Oceanographic Park. No wonder the whole of the City of Arts` astrogeographical resonance falls in water sign Cancer the sign of sea shells, crabs, mussels and snails.

Astrogeographical position of the City of Arts for morphogentic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the whole area of the park: Cancer is symptomatic for the location of the place in several ways: as the sign of springs and rivers it describes the site as at least energetically typical for a river bed or even the mouth of a river. As the sign of melody and melancholy it indicates a potentially self-centering and emotionally self- concerned atmosphere. And Cancer as the impulse for emotional individuality, indvidualism and emancipation of human perception, emotion and soul from the material plane or from the outside world it is probably the most important indicator for authenticity in art and architecture. This is why the position of modern, experimental, functionalistic or provocative architecture sometimes has a more realistic appeal in Cancer than it would have in other signs.
The 2nd coordinate of the City of Arts and Sciences is in functional air sign Gemini the sign of signposts, learning, communication, technology, experiments, going new ways, roads, road crossings, bridges, connections and bringing opposites together. As the sign of schools Gemini stands for the concept of using the buildings as a place of teaching and learning, presenting information, tolerance, globalization, multicultural and liberal ideas. Gemini`s relation with technology is reflected by the idea of a “City of Science”.

As the sign of bridges Gemini is to be seen as the astrogeographical resonance factor for the 330 m long alibi bridge “Assut de l’Or” whose real function I must admit is comparatively hard for me to understand. My conclusion was that it has to be interpreteed as a purely decorative installation – that serves as a contrast to The most positive aspect I have imagined for it is a sailing ship with the harp or arch on top of the bridge as its giant sail.
Changsha Meixihu Culture and Arts Centre
The next example offers a number of parallels with the Valencia City of Arts and Science. One can be found in the tendency of Cancer to built a shelter above the window eyes of the buildings like in the Palace of Arts Reina Sofia building. Another is a wave building like the Oceanographic.
Opened in 2019 the Changsha Meixihu International Culture and Arts Centre complex contains three separate cultural institutions: a theatre, a contemporary art museum and a multi-purpose venue. The design was developed by Zaha Hadid Architects in the fascinating neo-futuristic style of the Zaha Hadid. The flowing, curvy white concrete icing elements that sweep along and across the single buildings like waves may be observed as clearest expressions of the position of the site in the combination of two water signs.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which explains the energetical topics and atmosphere of the whole area of Changsha Meixihu Cultural Center: the construction site on the beach of Meixi Lake has both resonance coordinates in water signs: one is in Cancer the sign of sea shells, crabs, coast-lines, islands and of emotional individuality. The oyster and other sea-shell like building elements make the whole project an ultimately strong example for the sea-shell like design in Cancer architecture.
The 2nd coordinate is in highly imaginative sign Pisces the sign of the ocean, outer space, the invisible, unconscious, unknown, subtle plane, music, entertainment, holidays, letting go, illusionism, dreaming, arts and of the function of temples as places dedicated at allowing the re-connection with spirituality.
An impressive and important hint at the parallel of the spaceship bridge design with Pisces is delivered by the early 1990ies Oscar Niemeyer project of the Niteroi Museum of contemporary art in Rio de Janeiro where the construction site has both resonance coordinates in Pisces.
More examples
The ArtScience Museum in Singapore and the meaning of lotus flowers in Cancer
The ArtScience Museum in Singapore was opened in 2011 inside of the Marina Bay Sands Resort.

In Asian religion and particularly in Yoga culture Lotus flowers represent the 7 energy centers Chakras of the human energy system called “Chakras”. An open flower represents the state when the interior system of an individual is open to the outside world. Among the 7 major Chakras which are all compared to lotus flowers it is the role of the highest Chakra – the 1000 pedals lotus flower called Sahasrara located on the top of our heads to connect us with our higher and cosmic potentials and with god in heaven.

There are several aspects of symbolism of lotus flowers that relate them to the astrological meaning of the sign of Cancer:
- lotus flowers grow inside the waters of lakes. and especially near beaches.
- they open up for short periods in order to receive fertilization making them a simile of the vagina.
- lotus flowers have some parallels with the eyes: they function as inner organs that can be opened up to be exposed to the outside world for reception and be closed for self-protection.

Astrogeographical position for field level 4 (exact position): in emotional water sign Cancer sign of eggs and sea-shells, beaches, fertility, conception, pregnancy and an indicator for the position in the harbor and right on the kai .
The 2nd coordinate of the construction site stretches between solid, exclusive earth sign Capricorn (north half) sign of white color, public space, state cult, tradition, history and creative, innovative, spiritual air sign Aquarius (south half) sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, inspiration and indicator for the extravagant, innovative design, UFOs and the presentation of the open lotus flower to the sky and heaven above.
The National Museum of Qatar – a desert rose in the same aspect as the lotus flower
The National Museum of Qatar in Doha was opened on 28 March 2019. It was designed by Jean Nouvel.

The design is said to have been inspired by the so called “Desert Rose” – which does not refer to a living plant but to crystallized sand formations found in the Sahara and Arabian Peninsula deserts.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field/radius level 4 (exact address) which describes the atmosphere and energetical impact of the building itself: the longitude coordinate for the whole construction site is located in emotional water sign Cancer sign of sea shells, snails, beaches, rivers, lakes, emotional identity and authenticity of modern architecture and resonator for the sea-shell like form of the white shell-like roofs.
The coordinates for the astrogeographical latitude of the building stretch from solid, conservative earth sign Capricorn sign of bones, calcium, rocks, crystals, sand and white color at the north end via creative innovative air sign Aquarius sign of creativity, inspiration and innovation in the center into spiritual water sign Pisces sign of imagination, dreaming at the south end of the building.
Escuelas Nacionales de Arte at Havanna

Escuelas Nacionales de Arte, Havanna, Cuba. The round buildings of the National School of Arts in Havanna resemble shells scattered over the land.
The astrogeographical position of the west half lies in Gemini the sign of learning and east part in Cancer, the main indicator for authenticity in art. 2nd coordinate: north half in Cancer and south half in the magnetic and stimulative fire sign Leo the sign of individual expression. Valid for field level 3. The round shell like buildings are elements of the sign Cancer.
Kaieteur Falls in Guayana
Kaieteur Falls – “largest single drop” waterfall in the world (the combination of height and water volume) on the Potaro River, Essequibo Territory, Guyana.

The cave below the waterfall is a fascinating element of the resonance of the exact position with water sign Cancer. It can be investigated as an explanation why the entrance of buildings in Cancer is often located deeper insider the ground floor where it is protected by the upper floors. The focus so appears to be on the interior and on protection from being exposed to the wind, rain and sunlight.
Astrogeographical position for mophogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes how the site is embedded in the land: the water fall is right on the line of the cardinal degree of the autumn equinox at 0° Libra explaining its role of an important divide between different levels of landscape like between a plateau and a plain. The west half lies in self-protective earth sign Virgo the sign of reason, health, protected places spiritual entities of nature and plants, protection of nature, herbs while the east half lies in air sign Libra the sign of openness, harmony, balance, beauty, symmetry, adjustment and conciliation.
The 2nd coordinate is in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of crabs, sea-shells, snails, springs, lakes, river beds, water basins and shores. Cancer stands for the semi-circled bay, pool and the interior life in the cave formed by the waterfall.
Bastei Lookout Tower
The “Bastei” (bastion) building in Cologne, Germany is an “expressionistic architecture” restaurant building built in 1924 on the site of a former Prussian defense tower in the design of an airport or customs tower overlooking river Rhine.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position): the site is located in self-protective emotional water sign Cancer sign of river banks, crabs, shells, modernity and indicator for the location on the river bank as the natural habitat of crabs.
The 2nd coordinate is located in service-orientated air sign Libra the sign of sign of openness, balance, harmony, stage performance.
Sunrise Hotel Kempinski
The tower of the Sunrise Hotel Kempinski near Beijing depicts a sea-shell in the shape of a Ctena decussata. The building might also be understood to resemble the rising sun or when lit at night the moon. The hierarchy of rounded-up roofs of the various floors on top of which the hotel tower was erected shows elements that also appear at the “National Museum of the American Indian” in Washington, D.C.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the energetical topics of the building itself: the site has one coordinate in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, fertility, pregnancy, feeling at home.
The 2nd coordinate is in service orientated air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, beauty, decoration, symmetry, stage presentation and of the horizon. The elevated position of the building that serves to emphasize its presentation is an aspect of its position in Libra .
Dalian Shell Museum
The Dalian Shell Museum has both coordinates in between emotional water sign Cancer the sign of sea shells and crabs and main indicator for the shape of the museum and it`s position near the water and the highly attractive royal fire sign Leo. Valid for field level 4.
Neptune Fountain in Berlin

Berlin Neptunbrunnen (Neptune Fountain) at Alexanderplatz, Berlin. Neptune`s throne is a shell. Crabs and lobsters archetypal creatures of the realms of Cancer along with crocodiles and other water animals are gathering around him. The four water nymphs represent the rivers Rhine, Oder, Weichsel & Elbe. Rivers too are domains of water sign Cancer.
Astrogeographic position for morphogentic field level 4 which describes the energetical topics and atmosphere of the fountain itself: located in the combination of emotional water sign Cancer with mental fire sign Sagittarius sign of watching, decoration, style, design, ornaments, playgrounds, round shapes, circles and also of caricature here.
Geisel Library
The shape of Geisel Library at the University Of California in San Diego appears to reflect the shape of a crab – though its scissors appear to be missing. It was named it honor of children books authors Audrey and Theodor Seuss. The building was completed in 1970.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area of a building): one resonance coordinate is located in water sign Cancer the sign of crabs, of emotional individuality and authenticity and of modernity as the dealing with the present situation. Cancer appears to be the most important sign of the aspects of authenticity in the modernity in architecture and art.
That doesn`t mean that the sign of Cancer is suitable for being reduced to a definition of the period of the “Moderne” at the end of the 19th century or the period of the modern age in human history like in the 2nd millennium CE. Cancer rather represents the momentum of emotional authenticity of the modernity of art at the moment of its creation at any time in history.
The 2nd coordinate is located in highly magnetic, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, heart, centralism, self-expression, self-centering,
Al Syakirin Mosque

Al Syakirin Mosque, KLCC Mosque in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia has characteristic features of design for Cancer the sign of crabs and sea-shells.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the temple building itself: the construction site is located in emotional water sign Cancer indicator of the round dome on the top and the crab-like pose of the structure below whose hierarchy is similar to the design at the Geisel Library.
The 2nd coordinate is in creative, innovative spiritual air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, paradise and of re-connection with our supreme resources. Aquarius may somewhat relate the ideal of the elevated tower in the center of the building and of the dome to planetarium or sky observatory,
Hagia Sophia in Istanbul

Domes relate to the shape of many types of shells. The dome of the Hagia Sophia is a strong example for the resonance between domes and the position of buildings in female water sign Cancer.
Pantheon in Rome

The 2nd century Pantheon in Rome located in Cancer with Sagittarius is an even older example for a dome located in Cancer.
Naumburg Bandshell Stage in New York

ph: Ajay Suresh, ccbysa2.0
Naumburg Bandshell stage in Central Park has a sheltering shell perfectly resonating with the position of the site in water sign Cancer.
Mc Ewan Hall in Edinburgh

McEwan Hall is the graduation hall of the University of Edinburgh. The exterior and interior are closely related to Pantheon:

Interior dome of McEwan Hall the graduation hall of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland located in Cancer and between Aries and Taurus.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position and energetical situation of the building itself): Mc Ewan Hall is located in the combination of the two female signs Cancer (uterus, fertility, motherhood) and Taurus (earth, roots, gravity, markets places, income) making it a temple dedicated to the earth mother.
Domes are symptomatic of the position in the signs of Taurus and Cancer.
Ōita “Big Eye” football stadium in Japan

Ōita Stadium, Big Eye, sport stadium, 250 diameter, opened 2001. Typical Cancer shape makes it look like a shell – reminding me of Dalian Shell museum.
Astrogeographical position: water sign Cancer sign of crabs, shells, the uterus, eggs, domes, the inside, feeling at home, modernity, emotional individuality. 2nd coordinate in water sign Pisces sign of the sea, dreaming, spirituality, temples, entertainment.
Australian War Memorial in Canberra

Australian War Memorial, Canberra. So typical for the position in Cancer!
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position and energetical situation of the building itself): Cancer is the sign of emotional perception and reflection and of sensitivity and pain. The main central building with the dome on top is located in the 2nd half of water sign Cancer indicator for the inner court and the allusion to the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul and through that possibly also to the horrors of the Battle of Gallipoli. where Australian soldiers suffered heavily from Turkish defense activity.
Another aspect of Cancer to be examined at this site is its important role as the astrological element of re-connection with the spirit of our ancestors.
The 2nd coordinate of the construction site is located in dynamic, male fire sign Aries the sign of warfare and particularly if in combination with Cancer the sign of melancholy and emotional pain. The combination of Cancer with Aries is an important astrogeographical factor at graveyards.
As a the sign of warfare the position in Aries may be understood here as an element that has an important relation to mobilization of soldiers and is therefore related to the state cult as such. But the position in Cancer is in the opposite sign of Capricorn – the sign of state cult as such. This rather makes it a memorial to the pain felt in war.
Shakespeares`s Globe Theater

Shakespeares`s Globe Theatre is a reconstruction of the Globe Theatre, an Elizabethan playhouse associated with William Shakespeare, on the south bank of the River Thames in London. The original theater was built here in 1599 and finally demolished in 1644. The modern reconstruction – an academic approximation based on available evidence of the 1599 and 1614 buildings is considered quite realistic.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4: the construction site has one coordinate earth sign Virgo the sign of reason, health, protected places, adaptation, optimal use of resources, employed work, dependence, laborers and the slave castes.
For a highest-level theater and institution of high culture the position in Virgo and not in Libra the sign of aristocracy may be found to reflect an institution dedicated to the “normal” people in the sense of not exclusively aristocratic society.
in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, emotional authenticity and of modernity. The position in Cancer can be investigated here as a resonance with several aspects:
- Cancer makes it an authentic home for the important aspects of the roots of modern English culture
- the location on the river bank as the natural habitat of crabs
- the egg like ring-stadium that resembles a shell built to strengthen the concentration and focus on the inside of the building.

“Cardinal Place” near Victoria Station in London

Ph by John Arundel, CC-BY-SA-3.0-MIGRATED
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position): the front end of Building One of Cardinal Place is another example for the appearance of crab like face on a building located in Cancer.
The bent-down front end reminds me of the moment when a scorpion sting has just come down and hacked its victim – this time an imaginary energetical center on the the street.
The building is located in the combination of the two water signs Cancer and Scorpio.
The “National Museum of the American Indian” in Washington, D.C

The National Museum of the American Indian is part of the Smithsonian Institution. The semi-circled, heavy sand-stone roof that stands out over the entrance puts an strong emphasize on the shell-element here. The flowing architecture and curves suggest the focus on emotional priorities and the water element.
The design was conceived and planned in detail with the contributions by several architects with a Native American background: Douglas Joseph Cardinal, Johnpaul Jones, Ramona Sakiestewa and Donna House. The nearby Hirshhorn museum is located in the same morphogenetic field.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which explains how the surrounding area of the building is embedded in the same area as Hirschhorn Museum: the area has one coordinate in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of ancestral inheritance and ancestor lines, fertility, conception and feeling at home.
The 2nd coordinate is located in fire sign Sagittarius the sign style, design, fashion, arches, bows and round forms, thinking, travelling, watching, shamanism, initiation, observing and measuring time and the medicine wheel. The presence of Sagittarius the sign or arches, bows, circles and of consideration of cyclical aspects of experience is a factor that seems to naturally supported the preference of curves.
Hirschhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

The round building of Hirschhorn Museum along with the sculpture garden is located in the same morphogenetic field as the National Museum of the American Indian in Cancer with Sagittarius. The round shape of the building is a clearest element of form that resonates with the position in fire sign Sagittarius.