Georg Stockhorst Astrology & Birth Chart Consultations

Welcome to my astrology consultations practice.
Personal astrological consultations with Georg Stockhorst in English, Spanish, German languages. Visit also my consultation website.

Personal individual appointments are possible in my consultation practice in Berlin or else via landline telephone, skype, facebook phone, zoom, whats app.
0049 177 3451233 on week days 10:00 – 18:00 CET (UT + 1h/2h in summer time zones see)
Email: astrogeography@email.de
Prices for consultations are:
30 min 60 €, 45 min. 80,- €, 60 min 120,- €, 90 min. 160,- €
(incl. recording of wav. audio files)
After booking an appointment I will send you a pay pal invoice. Please do not make payments before booking an appointment.

Birth chart reading
90 min. session
Interpretation of the birth chart from the point of view of astrological psychology combined with karmic astrology
Including written list of remedies for homeopathic self-treatment of karmic issues
2 years astrological prognosis
Relationship chart and all kinds of issues you want to analyze
(incl. recording of wav. audio files and calculations)
Medical astrology reading
60 or 90 min. session
Interpretation of your birth chart from the point of view of medical astrology, astrological psychosomatics and psychology combined with karmic astrology,
This reading includes a written list of homeopathic remedies for self-treatment of karmic issues, stimulating personal, karmic, spiritual and individual development and progress in all fields of life through the integration of blocked potentials into our
(incl. recording of wav. audio files and calculations)
List of 8-10 constitutional homeopathic remedies for self treatment
Written list of remedies for homeopathic self-treatment of karmic issues, holistic self-healing for verification by your medical practitioner
80 € incl.
Partner and relationship horoscope
30, 60 or 90 minutes session
Chart analysis of your individual topics of learning through relationships. The reading includes analysis of individual karmic and social, inherited and learned patterns of experience, role conduct and habits in relationships. Analysis of the relationship of two or more partners is always part of this type of reading. This includes astrological interpretation of the reflexes at work between two (or more) partners that make out the special mental, emotional, psychological and karmic relationship. I also do tarot reading if needed to observe and understand the mental and emotional chemistry between you and your lovers, partners and friends.
Locational astrology readings – click here
Karma, reincarnation and spiritual astrology reading – find out here
Children horoscopes and birth charts
Prognosis for 1 or more years, transits, solar charts, rhythmical activations
Tarot readings
Palm reading