The Egg on top of Dali´s House – Shapes of Cancer. Astrology, architecture & the psychology of art: the role of the moon, uterus and eggs for water sign Cancer
Compare: Cancer as the Sign of Shells in architecture, Taurus and Cancer – The Hagia Sophia as a Temple of the Earth Mother, Lying or Flying – The Leaning Tower of Pisa, Hoover Dam in astrogeography, A WW2 “flak” tower in the sign of the crab, The paradox of the design of Burj Khalifa and its astrogeographical position in Taurus with Cancer, George Van Tassels Integraton Project at Joshua Tree, California,
Eggs, the Moon and Water Sign Cancer
Cancer is the natural indicator for our mothers, motherhood, the interior and the home inside ourselves. And as the sign of the uterus and the vagina Cancer stands for eggs as the shelter and container of the conception of the newborn. “Los cojones” or the balls are the male equivalent that naturally relates to Cancer. In this text I am showing examples for the congruence of the astrogeographical position of buildings with Cancer as an important astrological indicator for elements of style and design that relate to eggs or the uterus.
The Egg on top of Dali´s House in Cancer
Eggs played an important role in Salvador Dalis symbolism. Their appearance on rooftops at the Dali Museums at Port Ligat and at Figueras celebrates the value of their integrity with a complete shell. In other works Dali depicted the situation of the inside of eggs in life.
One of his most famous paintings “Fried Eggs on a Plate Without the Plate” (1932) describes how the liquid of life inside of an egg along with the world of human childhood expectations, sensitivity and melancholy is exposed to the world of public space and industrial reality.
The presentation of a seriously mistreated fried egg tied onto a cord hanging down next to a monstrous, rectangular industrial style bunker building, with its egg yolk reflecting a window that the building is actually missing depicts Dalis reflection of his own Moon position in Aries hanging onto the cold brutalism of public space and factual reality of the mid-heaven of the experience of the modern world.

The tower behind the Dali house in Port Ligat near Cadaques, Spain is round with an egg on its top. An egg on top of a phallic form like a tower is a typical and important motif in the surrealistic art of Salvador Dali. In terms of genitals the egg`s natural position would be below the phallus. But in terms of desire the phallus when reaching for the sky or say the heavenly experience associated with the desired object seeks the egg on top of itself here. Or the egg is placed on top of the phallus to describe the perspective in which desire is the ruling force that erects buildings. Or more simply: the egg simply propagates the focus on sexuality or fertility in art, philosophy and entertainment.

Astrogeographic position for field level 4 (exact position) which describes the energetical qualities and atmosphere of the building itself: the tower is located in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of motherhood, fertility, eggs, pregnancy, conception and the uterus. Cancer stands for the motif of the egg which is presented on top of the building here as a symbol of fertility. The astrogeographical coordinate in Cancer is in direct resonance with the symbol of the egg here which sort of takes the place of the head of the being depicted by the tower. This paradox is highly typical for Dali as it opens the space for multidimensional interpretations. Apart from that Cancer relates also to the ascendant in Dali`s birth chart indicating a direct and intense resonance of the astrogeographical position of the site with Dali´s personality.
The second coordinate of the site is in creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, of abstraction and of the re-connection with the motifs of the neglected and the suppressed and of the spiritual plane. As such Aquarius is also the definite indicator for the upside down effect of the image of an egg being on the top instead of at the bottom of the tower here. As the anti-sign to limitations of perception through bourgeois, worldly or materialistic interpretations it is part of Aquarius` natural role to retrace the original memory and dimensions of the full potentials of meaning. In art the demonstration of the reverse helps the observer to retrace the symbolical meaning of the arrangement suggested by an image, sculpture or any work of art.
Dali`s Moon-Egg at mid-heaven
There are many fascinating astrological parallels to be explored regarding Dalis birth chart.

- Salvador Dali was born with the ascendant as indicator for his personal self-image and perspective on the world in Cancer the sign of the uterus and of eggs.
- The two most important sign positions in Dalis natal chart combine the Sun and Ascendant position in the two female signs Taurus and Cancer – a sign combination I have interpreted before as the “Aspect of the Earth Mother”
- In the astrology of the 12 fold zodiac eggs are similes for water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, the vagina, uterus and sexual organs, eggs and embryos, childhood, emotional individuality, authenticity and modernity, sea-shells, snails, crabs, beaches, springs, rivers and lakes.
- The Moon as the sign ruler of Dalis Cancer ascendant was exactly conjunct mid-heaven, a position that relates to the sky above the place where birth event took place.
- This Moon position directly relates to the motif of the symbol for Dalis Cancer ascendant personality being placed right on the top of houses – a motif which also occurs at the famous Dali Museum in Figueras.
- the fact that the moon was in phallic, male fire sign Aries the sign of action, speed, warfare, fighting, mobilization and the world of unicellular beings explains how Dali experienced his Moon position as one in the shape of a uni-cellular creature (Aries) being exposed to the confrontation with the coldness of the outside world.
- Dali so reflects and studies his own emotional liquid identity or else the equipment provided to him in his Mum`s womb as a weakness not a strength…… at least when confronted with public space and obligations.
- Eggs played an important role in Dalis symbolism.
- The presentation of a seriously mistreated fried egg tied onto a cord hanging down next to a monstrous, rectangular, modern industrial style style bunker building, with its egg yolk reflecting a window that the building is actually missing in the picture “Fried Eggs on a Plate Without the Plate” depicts Dalis reflection of his own Moon position in Aries hanging onto the cold brutalism of public space and factual reality of the mid-heaven of the experience of the modern world.
- the natural aim and purpose of the delicately liquid egg to hold, protect and nourish a fetus inside of the interior house of the egg (house 4) where it could live and develop safely is counter indicated by the Moon at mid heaven in Dali`s chart
The Tijuana Cultural Center in Cancer

The Tijuana Cultural Center opened on 20 October 1982 is an OMNIMAX cinema that has more than a million visitors per year. It was designed by architects Pedro Ramirez Vazques and Manuel Rossen Morrison.
Astrogeographic position for field level 3 which describes how the building and area is embedded in the town of Tijuana: located in dynamic fire sign Sagittarius the sign of style, fashion, design and playgrounds and as the sign of the bow, round forms and circles a major indicator for balls. The 2nd coordinate is in the emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the womb, eggs, fertility, motherhood, caves in general and particularly together with Sagittarius a major indicator for domes. Cancer`s colour pink the colour of the interiour skins is reflected by the pinkish-ochre colour of the egg and shell ensemble of the building.
Another Eggshell Building: ArtScience Museum of Marina Bay Sands

The Lotus Flower shaped ArtScience Museum of Marina Bay Sands in Singapore designed by architect Moshe Safdie was opened on 17 February 2011.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the museum itself: the museum is located in self-protective, female, emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the interior, fertility, pregnancy, motherhood, the uterus, eggs and indicator here for the egg shells that stand upright as if to bear testimony of a birth that has taken place. The 2nd coordinate lies in earth sign Capricorn the opposite sign of Cancer like pointing out the exposition of interior of the egg here.
Designer Egg: Belarus National Library In Cancer – Sagittarius
The new National Library of belarus building in Minsk is too complex to simply treat it as an egg fantasy. But its astrogeographical position in Cancer still explains it as a a derivative of the egg archetype.
The 73,6 m tall building has the shape of a “rhombicuboctahedron“ meaning that it is a rhombus, a cube and an octaeder consisting of 18 squares and 8 equilateral triangles. It was designed by architects Mihail Vinogradov and Viktor Kramarenko and opened on 16 June 2006.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area)) which describes the atmosphere of the whole of the stucture and surrounding larger park area and Slyapyanskaya Waterway: one coordinate is in water sign Cancer sign of eggs, motherhood, caves, the uterus and interior as such, feeling at home and of emotional individuality. The 2nd coordinate is in fire sign Sagittarius the sign of style, design, fashion,, ornaments, composition, travelling, thinking, philosophy, observatories, watch towers and of important aspects of science, theory, preaching and of human knowledge.
The relationship between Cancer as the sign of the liquid essence inside the egg shell and of Sagittarius as the sign representing the urge for mental exploration here can be investigated as a collaboration in which a collecting tank was shaped after the ideal of a diamond to deliver the image of an egg shel that hosts a library dedicated to crystalline knowledge, science and genius of literature and books.
Art Nouveau: the Secession building in Sagittarius and Cancer
Dali`s vision that placed an egg symbol on top of a house was not the only attempt made to explore the presentation of a ball on top of the roof. The so called “Secession Building” in Vienna, Austria had been equipped with a ball on top at the end of the 19th century.
The golden ball

The “Secession Building in Vienna was built in 1897/99 by Joseph Maria Olbrich as an architectural manifesto and exhibition hall for the “Vienna Secession” aka the Vienna Art Nouveau or Jugendstil movement.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the atmosphere of the building itself.: the construction site located in mental fire sign Sagittarius the sign of design, style, ornament, composition, watching, observing, thinking, conclusions, success, arrows, playgrounds and the major indicator for round forms. Sagittarius therefore relates to the ball on top of the building as an instrument of game play.
The second coordinate of the Secession Building is in the emotional water sign Cancer the main indicator for authenticity in modern art and architecture. If the ball on top of the house was related to the astrological meaning of Cancer the sign of fertility and motherhood it would have to be associated with either the uterus, the egg or the testicles.
The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the Secession Building in Cancer with Sagittarius can be examined as an definition for the Art Nouveau movement. The aspect of Cancer would then have to be seen as the most important indicator for emotional authenticity with individual experience and as the actual momentum of modernity whereas Sagittarius relates to the reflexes of contemplating, exploring and playing with design, style, fashion, perspectives and theoretical meaning.
An egg on top of a house appears also at the house of Dali at Port Ligat, located in Aquarius with Cancer where an egg is attached on top of a tower (phallic form). The indication here is that fertility (Cancer) is turned upside down (Aquarius). Another example for an egg in Cancer is the “Cosmic Galaxy Egg” at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore which lies in the same constellation (Cancer with Aquarius) as the Dali House in Port Ligat.
The magical Moeraki Boulders on Koehoe Beach with both coordinates in Cancer

The Unique Moeraki Boulders can be found on Koekohe Beach, New Zealand. Astrogeographic position: located in between Cancer and Leo. The water sign Cancer is the sign of the Moon, fertility and eggs, the natural habitat for crabs and shells and most important indicator for beaches. The highly energetic fire sign Leo is the sign of the Sun. The 2nd coordinate too is in Cancer here. Valid for field level 2 which includes the whole of the circa 5 km long beach.
Split Apple (or Egg) Rock in Cancer with Pisces

Split Apple Rock is a round granite rock near Kaiteriteri in Tasman Bay, New Zealand.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4: located in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of fertility, eggs, shells and islands and on the last degree of the unstable, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of the ocean.
Neptune sitting on a Shell in Cancer with Sagittarius

Neptunbrunnen (Neptune Fountain) at Alexanderplatz,Berlin. Neptune`s throne is a shell. Crabs, lobsters, crocodiles and other water animals are gathering around him. The four water nymphs represent the rivers Rhine, Oder, Weichsel & Elbe. Rivers too are domains of the water sign Cancer.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the energetical topics of the sculpture itself: the site is located in the sign combination of water sign Cancer the sign of springs, wells, fountains, rivers, fertility and pregnancy with fire sign Sagittarius. Sagittarius stands for the emphasis on style, design, ornament and a mild form of caricature here too.
The Vagina Motive in Cancer
Utroba Cave: the Vagina Shaped Sanctuary in Cancer with Scorpio

Utroba Cave (“Womb Cave”, “Cave Vulva”) is a a Thracian sanctuary carved out of the mountain between the XI and X century BC near the village of Nenkovo in the Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria. The natural shape of the cave was used to give the sanctuary the shape of a vagina. The sanctuary therefore is supposed to have been used for the worship of a mother goddess, goddess of pregnancy and fertility rites or possibly also initiations.
Astrogeographic position for field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the cave itself: the sanctuary is located in female water sign Cancer the sign of motherhood, the vagina, uterus, womb, fertility, pregnancy, conception, sexuality, inner perception and emotional individuality. The 2nd coordinate lies in highly defensive, solid water sign Scorpio sign of sculpting, stone carvings, sculptures in situ and fortresses. The 2 signs are also the most important astrological indicators for caves.
The Gate of the Orient – a Pathway into a Cancer Zone
The resonance between the “genetic” level of patterns of the 12 – fold zodiac system of structural elements and the forms emanating from their organisational structure on the material level is the study of astrology. This is example for the precision of my Astrological World Map delivers another breath-taking series of insights into understanding how the the level of morphic field patterns on the surface of our planet functions.
The astrogeographical position of the “Gate of the Orient” building in Souzhou, China makes it a gate between Gemini (road crossings, contacts, technology) and Cancer (the inside, identity, inheritance). Astrologically speaking it is a gate between the exterior expansion of China (Gemini, Eastern China, Orient) and interior China (Cancer, Western China, Occident). The naming of a “Gate to the East” therefore means that the “Gate to East” refers to a gate into Gemini aka into technological and informational progress. As Gemini also represents the astrological factor of democracy and personal liberty, emancipation and civil rights of individuals an appeal to the urge for freedom cannot be excluded in the “feng-shui” of this ornamental building.
As Cancer represents the sign of the vagina, uterus and conception it is also a pathway and gate into a vagina. That symbolism is clearly reflected in the shape of the building.

The Gate of the Orient, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China is a 301 m tall dual skyscraper which has been ridiculed because it looks like a pair of long underpants. The project was planned to be completed in 2014.
The astrogeographical longitude coordinate of the construction site for field level 3 falls in the last degrees of the air sign Gemini, which stands for the twin tower aspect here describing the gate as a pathway and road-crossing with 2 equal halfs. The gate is built right next to the cardinal energetic divide (water divide) between a local morphogenetic field in air sign Gemini the sign of signposts, symbols, roads, interfaces, connections and one in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of motherhood, the womb and vagina. This topic and character of the site is reflected by the upside down V-shape of the building in such a clear way as if consciously planned to represent an entrance into the “vagina field” or field in Cancer.
The 2nd coordinate of the building of the north tower for the astrogeographical latitude of the building too is located in emotional water sign Cancer while the south tower is situated in highly energetic, magnetic fire sign Leo.
This resonance therefore explains the presence of second interface that is effective inside the building: while the longitude coordinate explains the building as a pathway between Gemini and Cancer or Cancer and Gemini the latitude resonance coordinate explains the polarity between water sign Cancer (conception) at the North tower and fire sign Leo (sexual self-expression) at the site of the South Tower.
Opus Omniyat Building in the same astrogeographical sign combination as the Gate to the Orient
The astrogeographical position of the Opus Omniyat Building in Dubai between Gemini and Cancer and in Leo is a fascinating parallel to the position of the “Gate of the Orient” in Shouzhou. Omniyat is a privately held real-estate development and service group in the Gulf Region founded in 2005,
The Omniyat Opus Building in the center of the Burj Khalifa district of Dubai was designed by Zaha Hadid architects and first revealed in 2007. The building is currently (2018) under construction. Its resemblance of a gate, keyhole or entrance of some sort and located in the same astrogeographical resonance coordinates represents a stunning parallel to the “Gate of the Orient” building.
Astrogeographical position fro morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the energetical qualities of the building itself: The site of the Opus Omniyat Building has the latitude coordinate crossing the cardinal divide of the summer solstice between air sign Gemini (technology, roads, bridges) and water sign Cancer (fertility, emotional identity, feeling at home) and the longitude coordinate between fire sign Leo (royalty, magnificence, glorification, power stations) and earth sign Virgo (box design, cold. neutralizing, rational, antiseptic surface).
Even though the hole inside the building cannot be interpreted as an element of form of a vagina its presence has to be examined as an expression of the resonance of the site with the position on one of the cardinal solstice divides. Like the position of the summer solstice divide (Gemini-Cancer) gates and holes in buildings have turned out as being symptomatic also for places in resonance with the winter solstice divide between Sagittarius and Capricorn. Compare the examples given in my article Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan.
Rose Tower with a clitoris on top
Rose Rayhaan by Rotana, also known as the Rose Tower, is a 72-storey, 333 m tall hotel building in Dubai opened on December 23, 2009. It is the 5th tallest hotel worldwide. Each side of the tower incorporates two convex cylindrical forms that fold into one another. Façade sections flatten towards the top and reach up into an elaborate sculptural peak of intersecting petals.

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the surrounding area in which the construction site is embedded: one coordinate is in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the inner and outer sexual organs, motherhood, pregnancy, feeling at home and of emotional authenticity art and architecture with emotional individuality. The 2nd coordinate is in spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of imagination, music, art, dreaming, entertainment, relaxing, holidays and of the ocean.
The small ball on the top of Rose Tower is a female element of form. And even more so than the erected egg on top of the Dali Museum tower at Port Ligat. It stands out from ” the “petals” or skins below. Following the logic of the position in Cancer the small ball that takes the position of the climax of the whole building at its very top represents the clitoris or even the clitoral climax.