Lying or Flying – The Leaning Tower of Pisa. Astrology, architecture and art: Lying or Flying – The Controversy between Taurus and Aquarius at the site of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the elements of design that reflect centrifugal and centripetal forces
Related articles: “Tower of Ring” and the punctuation of the landscape in feng-shui design, Distortion as an element of style in Aquarius, Sky Bella Hotel in Aquarius with Leo, The polarity of Aquarius with Scorpio, The 2 spirals wedding chapel in Aquarius, Aries and Aquarius – Hallgríms Church in Reykjavík, Burj Khalifa in Cancer with Taurus. An astrogeographical history of skyscrapers, The Porcelain Pagoda of Nanjing
Lying or Flying – The Leaning Tower of Pisa

At the laying of the foundation stone for the construction of the bell tower next to the Cathedral of Pisa on 09/08/1173 the plan was that the tower should have a height of 100 meters. The tower began to sink after construction had progressed to the second floor in 1178 due to the instability of the subsoil so that construction works were interrupted for about 100 years.
Today, the building of over 14,000 tons of white Carrara marble rises up to a height of 55 meters with 12 meters in diameter and has become world famous for its leaning position.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the how the construction site is embedded in the surrounding area: the site of the world famous Leaning Tower of Pisa is situated in the combination of earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth, grounding, growing roots, gravitation with creative, innovative, spiritual air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, flying, abstraction.
Within the systemic hierarchy of the structural model of astrology these two signs form a square and so are considered to be in great tension with each other. While Taurus stands for growing roots into the soil, conquer and possess ground, be a part of the center of society and for the gravitation of mother earth itself. Aquarius the sign of flying stands for the motif of a building reaching out for the sky. This direction of Aquarius has two meanings: one is the urge to get away from the center of society and earth itself and the other one is to attempt to get closer to the sky, heaven and paradise.
Centrifugal and Centripetal forces
In physics as well as in psychology Aquarius relates to the centrifugal forces which means its natural direction is to move away from the axis of rotation of the earth. This means Aquarius seems to move away from centralistic ideas and tendencies and seek to free individuality from the social status at the center of society. Taurus on the other hand stands for centripetal forces which as defined by Isaac Newton represents “a force by which bodies are drawn or impelled, or in any way tend, towards a point as to a centre”
In this sense the leaning position of the Leaning Tower of Pisa represents a middle course between these two extremes. This leaning position has become static for 700 years now.
Once we understand the centrifugal reflexes in Aquarius the motifs of the design of distortion at buildings located in Aquarius can be examined more closely.
The Bella Sky Hotel in Copenhagen is located in Aquarius with highly centralistic and centripetal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, heart and kingdom. On the picture the two buildings appear to be leaning against each other.

From a different angle – as seen on the picture below – the distorted shape of the two buildings makes them seem to be torn in different directions. Aquarius and Leo are opposites – meaning conflicting topics. That would explain why the buildings would move in different directions.

The pop-art sculpture “Torn Notebook” by Claes Oldenburg & Coosje van Bruggen erected at Madden Garden at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska is another fascinating example of the method and reflex in Aquarius to experience the creative process through tearing habitual perception and functional use of material apart in order to unveil a perspective on the fuller potentials of reality. The 2nd coordinate at the site of the “Torn Notebook” sculpture lies in Pisces.
Design solutions for the conflict between Aquarius and Taurus
A harmonious design in feng-shui architecture: The Tower of Ring
Read my article on the Tower of Ring punctuation of the landscape here
The Tower of Ring is a 64 m sculpture on Yinhe Square in Tinajin, China which through the ideal combination of the coordinates of its astrogeographical position appears to have been built as a kind of punctuation needle with the help of experienced geomants, feng-shui counsellors, artists or architects as a harmonizing punctuation of the landscape.
As the design was made by Japanese architects speculations could be made whether the geomantical concept behind the tower is derived from Chinese geomancy named Feng Shui exclusively or whether there have been also consultations of experts in Japanese geomancy. Because of the fusion of the explicitly contradictory elements of Capricorn with Aquarius it can be assumed that a mix of different views as well as elements were included in the construction of the tower.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic radius/field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the site itself:
the punctuation of the landscape and morphogenetic field is such that the midpoint of the tower is exactly on the divide of 30° Capricorn/0°Aquarius so that one half of the ring tower lies in solid, traditionalist earth sign Capricorn the sign of rocks, mountains, stability, control and the other half in creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, self-finding and the ideal of people`s and the country`s fuller potentials. In it´s role as an air sign Aquarius is the indicator here for the open tower which allows the winds to pass through. A confrontation of the topics of these two signs with each other proposes an exchange between their energetical and abstract qualities. This would include the potential to stabilize the energetic field by allowing a confrontation and assimilation of the qualities of Capricorn with Aquarius. The conservative, traditionalist, strict, formalist, dogmatic and hierarchical, stability orientated aspects of Capricorn would ideally be in contact with the holistic, abstract, rebellious, radical, innovative, emancipatory and revolutionary appeal of Aquarius . The ring-tower may so be seen as an experiment of art or even Feng-Shui to weld the two spheres together canalizing the fusion, mingling and interaction of their energies.
The 2nd coordinate of the construction site of the “Tower of Ring” is located in highly centralist earth sign Taurus which through its role as the fixed sign of the material plane, earth itself, of grounding, growing roots and local energetic centers defines the place as an ideal site for the grounding and materializing of the alchemist fusion of the two more abstract and higher elements and aspects of the spiritual realms Capricorn (mountain tops) and Aquarius (heaven). Fixed earth sign Taurus so plays the role of a stabilizing and grounding factor here for the spiritual needs.
And apart from that Taurus as the sign of the richest and most fertile places, town centers, market places, making money and food describes the ring principle as something that intends to enclose and stabilize an energy column (column of light) of wealth .
The combination of the two earth signs Taurus and Capricorn is of a particularly high importance for temples dedicated to offerings, prayers and rituals for good harvests, success in food production and all kinds of wealth in agricultural and possibly also in urban societies. And above all this constellation seems to play an important role for temples dedicated to the stabilization of the role of the ruling social classes and the government as a whole.
The twisted rocket design of Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg

ph: Ad Meskens, ccbysa4.0
The 462 m tall spire of the Lakhta Center in St. Petersburg built between 2012 + 2019 is the tallest building in Europe. For a closer look at the complex, dynamical geometry of the building see the video:
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3, (surrounding area): one coordinate is located in creative, innovative air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, elevation, flying, long + narrow forms, rockets, reconnection with the fuller potentials of humans.
The 2nd coordinate is in solid, fixed earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, roots, gravitation, markets, income, stability and the top-most important factor for the position of the top 10 of the tallest skyscrapers on our planet. Compare the table of the top 11 tallest skyscrapers on our planet.
The combination of fixed air sign Aquarius the sign of centrifugal forces with earth sign Taurus sign of centripetal forces reflects the topic of connecting the center of the earth with the stratosphere and open sky above serving as a medium that appears to be programmed to allow the grounding and stabilization of the inflow of cosmic energy, the function as an antenna and also one of a punctuation needle serving to stabilize the flow of subtle energies in the morphogenetic surface field of the region.
The canalization (and “channeling”) of Aquarius` centrifugal reflexes in Capricorn, Aries, Gemini, Pisces, Libra and Scorpio
Not all the signs seem to accumulate the tension with the centrifugal aspects of Aquarius so strongly as it happens in the combination of Aquarius with the centripetal signs Taurus, Leo and Cancer.

The combination of Aquarius with erect fire sign Aries at Halgrims Church in Reykyavik seems to center and even strengthen the movement upwards and the heavens like in the shape of a rocket.

ph: Milkomède, ccbysa4.0
The 392 m tall China Resources Headquarters Tower completed in 2018 fully takes on the shape of a rocket.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3, (surrounding area): one coordinate lies on the divide between Capricorn and Aquarius the 2nd is on the divide between Aquarius and Pisces.

The 136 m tall telecommunication tower at Montjuic was built for the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. Its shape seems to stabilize the upward motion of Aquarius, center it through a ring at a higher altitude and then direct the flow of energies further upward.

The Puente de la Mujer, at Buenos Aires is another building designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava. Astrogeographic position for field level 4 which describes the central needle (or leg) of the bridge: located in practical, functionalist air sign Gemini the sign of signposts, symbols, bridges and connections and creative, innovative spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, flying and indicator for the outstretched white leg. The needle that sticks out into the open air in the center of the bridge points towards the center of the city like a signpost or compass needle.

Aquarius with Gemini: an elevated bicycle roundabout bridge called Hovenring distributes bicycle traffic in the City of Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Astrogogeoraphic position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position): one coordinate is in creative, innovative, futuristic air sign Aquarius sign of elevation, the sky, heaven, paradise, flying, sailing, holistic and alternative culture. The needle in the center pointing at the sky appears as emblematic of the position in Aquarius.
The 2nd coordinate here is in practical air sign in Gemini sign of pathways, bridges, road crossings, technical solutions. FL 4.

ph: Seo75, ccbysa2.1
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which explains the topics of how the arts center is embedded in the surrounded area.: one coordinate is located in creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, paradises, flying, elevation, self finding, innovation and indicator of long, tall & thin structures and the open the tower allowing air to pass through. The 2nd coordinate is in solid, fixed earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, growing roots, gravity, clay, market places. Taurus stands for the basement on which the tower was placed.

Ph: Vmenkov, GNU/FDL
At the site of the Spire of Dublin the influence of spiritual water sign Pisces seems to allow Aquarius` direct reconnection with the sky with nor resistance at all. it seems to even support and mystify the reconnection between earth and sky as intended by Aquarius. Impressive is also the Y posture of socialist activist and national hero James Larkin – which seems to enjoy and accompany the Spire in its quest for reconnection. The letter Y is a direct analogy with air sign Gemini.

This is interesting: slingshots are designed in the shape of the letter “Y” – a clear Aquarius equivalent. They are used to make objects fly: balls and even airplanes. This sculpture in Hardaupark in Zürich, Switzerland has one coordinate in Aquarius sign of the sky. heaven, paradise, elevation, lifting, flying, reaching for the sky – the 2nd in Gemini sign of tools, roads, duplication, 2-folded paths, gateways, passages, technology, tricks, media. Field level 4 (exact position).

A tent structure in two air signs – Aquarius as the sign of tents:
Khan Shatyr Shoping Mall + Entertainment Center built as a transparent tent in Nur-Sultan the capital of Kazakhstan. The building was opened in 2006 and has been the largest tent on our planet ever since,. Its roof rises to a maximum of 150 m with a needle on its top.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position): the tent part in the center is in 2 air signs: creative, innovative Aquarius sign of the open sky, heaven, paradises, wind, tents, sails and service orientated Libra sign of harmony, balance, beauty, relationship, openness, meeting people, stage performance.
A Flying Flat Top

The Museo de Antropologia in Mexico D.F. explains the cooperation between Aquarius and Libra in such a way that Aquarius` attempt to concentrate on the sky is supported by Libra through the installation of a roof that serves as the heavenly stage or stabilizer for the appearance of the sky at the top or else above the building
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the whole larger building complex is embedded in the city: located in creative, innovative air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, self-finding, inspiration, abstraction and a possible indicator for Mayan culture. 2nd coordinate lies in aristocratic air sign Libra sign of relationship, openness,, harmony, balance, beauty, decoration, stage performances and the ideal of aristocratic culture. In architecture Libra stands for rectangular forms and in this case for the dominant rectangular shape of the roof.

In the ensemble of the dome and the tower at Oscar Niemeyer International Cultural Centre in Aviles the tower with the spiral staircase that leads up to the head and roof where the energy and center of the building is concentrated stands for Aquarius. The closed-up roof of the dome is highly typical for Scorpio – see the examples for Scorpio architecture in my article.

The assumed site of the sacred Saxon sanctuary of Irminsul at the sitze of the Eresburg close to the famous Externsteine in central Germany was located in Scorpio the sign of the underworld with Aquarius the sign of the sky. The sanctuary was destroyed by Charlemagne in 772 in the course of the Saxon Wars. The tower temple is assumed to have had the shape of the Aquarius related letter Y. As a tree of life and tree of the worlds it connected the underworld with the sky. Read my article on the site here.

The two towers of the Altair building complex in Colombo, Sri Lanka are currently under construction. The west tower of the Altair building complex is leaning onto the east tower. The north half of the buildings is in Aquarius and the south half in Pisces. 2nd coordinate is in solid fixed water sign Scorpio.
Zaha Hadid´s flying Port House at Antwerp

Dramatically imbalanced architecture – playing with asymmetry & imbalance in this set design. Port House, Antwerp, Belgium by Zaha Hadid Architects.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 describing the exact position, atmosphere and energetical topics of the building itself: located in dynamic male fire sign Aries sign of warfare, fighting, aggressive, pointed, sharp-edged, outstanding, phallic, male elements of form.
The 2nd coordinate is in creative innovative air sign Aquarius sign of the sky heaven, flying, innovation, provocation, rebellion, revolution and reconnection with a fuller perspective on human potentials
Capital Gate – the leaning tower of Abu Dabhi

Capital Gate in Abu Dhabi is a 160 m tall multifunctional building inclined westwards by 18°.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical topics of the building itself: located in the highly profitable earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth and indicator for gravitation which is also present together in combination with an air sign at the site of the leaning tower of Pisa. The 2nd coordinate is in Aquarius` sister sign Libra the sign of decoration, seeking balance and dancing. Libra literally stands for the concept of design as an attempt to beautify the city. As the sign of the hips it resonates with the inevitable association of a dancing body.
Lying and Flying: a lying Buddha in Taurus with Aquarius
Through its position in the combination of Taurus with Aquarius the Lying Buddha sculpture of Wat That Luang Tai seems to embody the solution for the competition and tension between the centrifugal and centripetal forces: by allowing himself to lie down and let go of tension the Buddha is able to transfer the flying bit onto the interior plane.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the energetical topics of the statue itself: located in solid, stable earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, growing roots, market places, food, agriculture, wealth, possession of territory plus creative innovative air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, self-finding, flying, reconnection, rebellion and self-liberation. Aquarius is the indicator for the long and narrow shape of the arms and legs.