Read more about the article Sedlec Ossuary and the exchange between Leo and Scorpio
Interior of Sedlec Ossuary. ph: Deror_avi, ccbysa4.0

Sedlec Ossuary and the exchange between Leo and Scorpio

Sedlec Ossuary and the exchange between Leo and Scorpio. Leo as the sign of light and Scorpio as significator of the underworld. Related articles: Sedlec Ossuary and the exchange between Leo and…

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Read more about the article The Symmetry of Main Buildings of Colleges and Universities
The representative main building of the University of Havana is located in Libra with Aquarius (FL3). ph: Anton Zelenov., ccbysa3.0

The Symmetry of Main Buildings of Colleges and Universities

The Symmetry of Main Buildings of Colleges and Universities. Astrology and Architecture: a comparative study of the variations of the symmetrical design of air sign Libra and their astrological interpretation.…

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Read more about the article Free Mason Temples in astrology
The House of the Temple in Washington is an iconic building in the 1910s in the shape of a memorial to the influence of Free Masonry on the American Revolution and Constitution. The building is located in the sign combination Taurus with Capricorn. ph1: AgnosticPreachersKid, ccbysa3.0

Free Mason Temples in astrology

Free Mason Temples in astrology. Astrology, Architecture, Design and History: astrogeographical investigations into the design of Free Mason Temples New article - to be continued - please drop by after…

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Read more about the article The Hundertwasser architecture in astrology
Hotel and Thermal Bath in Bad Blumau ph: Intentionalart, ccbysa3.0

The Hundertwasser architecture in astrology

The Hundertwasser architecture in astrology. Astrology, architecture and art: some thoughts on the architectural design created by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Astrology & Architecture articles: The astrogeography of Wellness Resorts, Spas. Yoga,…

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Read more about the article Fo Guang Shan Buddha in Libra
Big Buddha and Eightfold Path Pagodas of Fo Guang Shan Buddha Memorial Center. The central axis is over 900 metres long. The Buddha statue at the end of the pathway has both resonance coordinates in Cancer the sign of coming home and of being at home license: Yuan mdx, ccbysa4.0

Fo Guang Shan Buddha in Libra

Fo Guang Shan Buddha in Libra. The Libra presentation of architecture and art focused on symmetry, harmony and balance. Related articles: Libra as the sign of symmetry, Buddhist Stupas in Astrology,  Shwedagon…

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Read more about the article Buddhist Stupas in Astrology
Bawbawgyi Pogoda is located in the combination of earth sign Virgo with air sign Aquarius ph: Jakub Hałun, ccbysa4

Buddhist Stupas in Astrology

Buddhist Stupas in Astrology. A comparative study on the astrology and astrogeography of Buddhist spiritual art and architecture. Related articles: An astrogeographical typology of monolithic domes, Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar,…

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Read more about the article The Top 10 most luxurious Hotels in astrogeography
Luxury Hotels in astrology & astrogeography

The Top 10 most luxurious Hotels in astrogeography

The Top 10 most luxurious Hotels in astrogeography. Astrology, Hotels & Tourism: exploring the energetical quality of hotels by their astrogeographical positions. Compare: Wellness Resorts, Spas & Yoga Schools in…

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Read more about the article The Legendary Shaolin Monastery
Chinese Martial Arts at Shaolin Monastery photo: Shawn Xiangyang Liu, GNU/FDL

The Legendary Shaolin Monastery

The Legendary Shaolin Monastery. Astrology and magical places: the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the famous Shaolin monastery Related articles: Astrogeographic position of Beijing, Sagittarius and Capricorn – The Forbidden City in…

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Read more about the article The Waterloo Lion as a Guardian
Waterloo Lion in the position of a guardian at 0° Capricorn and in Aquarius ph: Foroa ccbysa2.5

The Waterloo Lion as a Guardian

The Waterloo Lion as a Guardian. Astrology, sculptures and feng-shui: the position of the lion sculpture on the Battlefield of Waterloo. Related articles: The “Little Mermaid” as a Guardian, Lion Sculptures…

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Read more about the article The Merlion in Singapore as a guardian of good feng shui
The Merlion located in position of a guardian in the first degrees of Capricorn and in Aries photo: fad3away, ccbysa2.0

The Merlion in Singapore as a guardian of good feng shui

The Merlion in Singapore as a guardian of good feng shui. Astrology, sculptures & feng shui: The Merlion in Singapore as a guardian of the city and the relationship between…

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Read more about the article China and Beijing in Political Astrology
The skyline of Beijing CBD ph: 郭友柏, ccbysa4.0

China and Beijing in Political Astrology

China and Beijing in Political Astrology. The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of China in Chinese history and astrological foundation charts.…

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Read more about the article Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan
Heavens Gate, on Tianmen Shan Mountain is located at 0°Capricorn and in Aries.

Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan

Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan. Astrology & Sacred Sites: Heaven`s Gate on top of the Sacred Tianmen Shan Mountain of China Related articles: Astrogeographic…

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Read more about the article Sky Bella Hotel in Kopenhagen
Sky Bella Hotel in Astrology: the copposition between Leo and Aquarius. image license: cjreddaway - ccbysa2.0

Sky Bella Hotel in Kopenhagen

Sky Bella Hotel in Kopenhagen. Astrology, Architecture, Design & Places: the visualization of the topics of opposition between Aquarius and Leo as reflected in the design of distortion at the the…

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Read more about the article Lying or Flying – The Leaning Tower of Pisa
The Controversy between Taurus and Aquarius at the Leaning Tower of Pisa photo:Softeis license:GNU/FDLphoto:Softeis license:GNU/FDL

Lying or Flying – The Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Controversy between Taurus and Aquarius in Pisa

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Read more about the article The White House Building in Astrology
White House north facade located in Libra with Gemini photo: Cezary p, ccbasy4.0

The White House Building in Astrology

Libra and Gemini - The Constellation of the White House

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Read more about the article Libra and Sagittarius – Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar
The abundance and tendency for inflationary repetition of ornamentation may be examined as a symptom of the combination of Sagittarius with Libra ph: Colegota, ccbysa2.5

Libra and Sagittarius – Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar

Libra and Sagitarius - Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar

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