The UFO Encounter at Ariel Primary School. Astrology, Events and Places: some thoughts on the astrology of UFO encounters.
“The children said that a small man, about one meter in height, appeared on top of the object. The little man, who was described as having a scrawny neck, long black hair, and huge eyes, walked a short way across the ground toward the students. When he noticed the children, he vanished and then reappeared at the back of the object. The object then took off and vanished.” (Description of the Ruwa encounter from the page of

The astrological chart for the Ariel Primary School Encounter shows a remarkable conjunction of Jupiter with Venus in house 12 the realm of the unknown, unconscious, invisible, spiritual plane, imagination, mystification, dream world, suppressed reality (truth) and also the natural indicator for outer space and the sphere of the divine. And this constellation was in Scorpio the sign of visual perception and visualization on that day.
Jupiter`s position as the ruler of the ascendant and therefore the first indicator for the event is really fascinating and may lead us straight to the basic questions about the quality of the perceived objects and the perception itself:
1. Was it that something invisible had become visible through the strong suggestive energetic impact of uncleared, possibly traumatic emotions ? This is a major question here as only the children seem to have taken part in the encounter – and the teachers apparently did not see the whole incident. Pluto as the ruler of the 12th house was also located in the 12th and therefore in a position as if remaining (fully or partly) in the realm of the invisible. And as the major indicator for traumatic issues in astrology Pluto also stands for limitations of perception, traumatic overlays over perception (hallucinations) and selective association of physical perception through traumatic issues. Therefore it has to be taken into account here that Pluto´s role could of course indicate natural handicaps of perception. In regard to the spheres of angels as well as of demons as aspects of the 12th house the question is also: why does the school bear the name of “Ariel” ? And how can the school`s guardian angel (or demon) be related to the physical grounding of these “extra-terrestrian” beings? There are a number of associations with Ariel in occult and esoteric literature: Ariel is regarded as a manifestation of Jerusalem in the Bible. Cornelius Agrippa chooses to shortcut Ariel with the sign of Aries and stated that Ariel could be both an angel and a demon. (see wikipedia entry)
2. Does the 12th house constellation simply show a glimpse into the unknown as the beings or entities that landed here while managing to hide from the adults could not prevent from becoming visible to the children because their vehicles lost control of their camouflage or simply had an engine breakdown or “flat tire” – which in case of motorcars is so typical for Pluto in house 12? The exact square between Venus and Jupiter in the house of hiding (house 12) and the Moon in the house of communication (house 3) indicates that the encounter and communication was unplanned and accidental.
For astrogeographic evaluation of the astrological data the question arises: which level of morphogenetic field should be considered here? Basically all levels are potentially interesting of course. But I have to exclude field level 4 in this case as is too small as the exact landing positions of the spacecrafts are impossible for me to reconstruct.
Therefore field level 3 should be considered as relevant and interesting but should theoretically rather be used to desribe the way the location is embedded in the land and not necessarily the event itself. It falls in air sign Gemini sign of schools, learning, contacts, communication and a natural indicator for encounters plus in the last degrees of earth sign Virgo sign of self protection, reason, health care and protection of nature. The combination of Gemini with Virgo in fact is very important in regard to the topic of the protection of nature and our planet as both signs are particular indicators for the spiritual realm of entities of plants (trees as well as herbs and flowers) and nature such as elves, dwarfs, kobolds, gnomes and trolls. This constellation signifies that the place has a strong resonance to the defense system of mother earth and mother nature and can be be related to the reported communication of the children with the unidentified beings “sending the message that we humans are destroying our planet, polluting the environment in ways that will have dire consequences” (see quotes below). This becomes clearer when we find out that the Greenpeace Headquarters in Amsterdam are located in this constellation – read my blogpost.
In order to evaluate the horoscope for the event from a global or terrestrial point of view field level 1 has to be of major interest. The constellation here brings 2 air signs together which is interesting in regard to the “manifestation” of flying objects as both signs and particularly Aquarius are valid astrological indicators for flying.
One coordinate is located at 9° Gemini the sign of practical intelligence, technology, communication and learning and falls exactly on a position of the horoscope chart which is called the point of the Descendant. For the function of a horoscope as a graphical depiction of events the descendant has the position of the meeting point and is the indicator for encounters, relationships, meeting someone and all kinds of exchange. The coordinate which falls on the descendant in the event chart is exactly the same zodiac degree as one of the two parameters (astrogeographical coordinates) of the relationship of Ariel Primary School with the morphogenetic surface field of Northeast Simbabwe. Therefore this UFO encounter can be evaluated as a potential manifestation of the nervous system of the region itself and thus even of the defense system of nature and the earth. And this interpretation would be valid in any case – whether or not there was a physical manifestation of extra-terrestrians!!!!
The second astrogeographic coordinate of Ariel Primary School falls on 15° of highly innovative, spiritual air sign Aquarius the sign of the nervous system, sky, heaven, flying and a natural indicator for exploring the universe and other dimensions. The Moon on 12° Aquarius in the third house (house of communication, technology, information, messages) was directly conjunct that coordinate at the moment of the encounter. As the Moon is the fastest moving and therefore most specific gravitational factor of all astrological “planets” its position is always a major indicator for the interpretation of events. The conjunction of its position in event charts with the astrogeographic coordinates of places is always a clear indicator that topics of the place and the morphogenetic field at the site where events occur are of major importance. As Aquarius symbolizes reconnection with the spiritual and abstract origin of existence the Moon´s position indicates that the extra-terrestrians wether physical, spiritual or mental entities are to be seen as potential messengers of the nervous system of the morphogentic field. That would mean that even their superior technology is calculable and can be identified as part of energetic processes on the earth surface field and that even they were in interaction with the morphogenetic field.
Description of the Ruwa encounter from the page of
“On the morning of September 16, 1994, teachers and school officials at the Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe were amazed when the school’s students, aged approximately 5 to 12 years old, reported that a flying object had landed on the school grounds.
The teachers at the school were in a meeting, so the 62 children were basically unsupervised while in the schoolyard on morning recess. The only available adult seems to have been one of the mothers, who was operating the school tuck shop – a sort of snack bar where candy, snacks and sodas are sold.
According to some sources, UFOs had been seen in the skies over Zimbabwe for two days before the incident occurred. Ruwa is about 20 kilometers from Harare, the capitol of Zimbabwe. Ariel School is a private elementary school with students of mixed ethnic heritage.
The children said that they had first seen three objects in the sky. These objects would disappear and then reappear in a different location. The objects moved closer and closer to the ground and finally landed in a brushy area adjacent to the schoolyard. This area had not been fully cleared yet and was off-limits to the students. The object landed, or hovered just above the ground, in an area about 100 meters from the students.
The children said that a small man, about one meter in height, appeared on top of the object. The little man, who was described as having a scrawny neck, long black hair, and huge eyes, walked a short way across the ground toward the students. When he noticed the children, he vanished and then reappeared at the back of the object. The object then took off and vanished.
The smaller children were very frightened and cried for help. They believed that the little man was a demon who would eat them. Black African children have heard legends of tokoloshis, demons who eat children. The children ran to the tuck shop operator, but she did not want to leave the shop unattended and so did not go.
The late Cynthia Hind, known as Africa’s foremost UFO investigator, investigated the case the next day. When she was first contacted, she asked the headmaster of the school, Colin Mackie, to have the children draw pictures of what they had seen. When she arrived at the school, he had about 35 drawings for her. The drawings were of very similar objects.
‘I swear by every hair on my head and the whole Bible that I am telling the truth.’
The headmaster affirmed that he believed that the students were telling the truth, and one little girl told Cynthia Hind that, ‘I swear by every hair on my head and the whole Bible that I am telling the truth.’
Dr. John Mack, the abduction researcher, and his associate Dominique Callimanopulos went to Ruwa and spent two days interviewing and counseling twelve of the children and their parents.
“Those thoughts came from the man – the man’s eyes.”
Curiously, the older students said that they felt that the creatures communicated with them somehow, sending the message that we humans are destroying our planet, polluting the environment in ways that will have dire consequences.
The Sightings TV show did a report on the Ariel School landing, and CSETI has a Real Player video taken from the TV program with actual testimony from the children.”