Astrology & Sacred Sites: The sanctuary of Locmariaquer
Compare: On the astrogeography of Carnac, Introduction to an astrogeographical typology of dolmen and portal tombs, Valley of Saints at Carnoët, Bretagne, Saint Michaels Mount and Mont Saint Michel in Sagittarius, Le Chêne Chapelle – The Chapel Oak in astrogeography,
The Sanctuary of Locmariaquer is a megalithic site in the Departement Morbihan on the south coast of Brittany, France. It comprises the elaborate Er-Grah tumulus passage grave, a dolmen known as the Table des Marchand. and “The Broken Menhir of Er Grah”, the largest known single block of stone to have been transported and erected by Neolithic people.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the whole of the megalithic sanctuary is embedded in the land: in creative, innovative, spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, self-finding, abstraction and the reconnection with the spiritual plane. The position in Aquarius is symptomatic of open air temple areas (compare: The Capital of the Sun God Aten in Aquarius) and of the aspect of innovation of architecture here. As the sign of the reconnection with heaven and the sky it stands for the function of the menhir as a sky temple. Compare also the famous Menhir du Champ Dolent position in Aquarius.
The second astreogeographic coordinate of the sanctuary lies in emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, motherhood, feeling at home, family life, ancestors, emotional identity and inheritance, fertility, pregnancy and the most important indicator for celtic culture. apart from the cultural and atmospherical aspects Cancer as the sign of the natural habitat of crabs also explains the position of the sanctuary on the shore of the sea at the Gulf of Morbihan.

The Table des Marchand, dated 4200 BC. is a large dolmen containing a number of decorations. The main capstone of the chamber includes a large carving on its underside depicting an axe, and part of a carved depiction of a plough, apparently pulled by oxen. The semicircle carvings are probably depictions of wheat plants.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetical field level 4 whicvh explains the amosphere and function of the cairn: the coordinate for the latitude lies right on the cardiinal divide of the winter solstice between dynamic fire sign Sagittarius sign of shamanism (north half) & conservative, stable earth sign Capricorn sign of government institutions (south half). pointing at the function of the cairn as a site for the gathering of the tribal chiefs for prayer & sacrifice for fertility, wealth, warfare, oracle and initiation rites. The 2nd coordinate is located in solid, fixed earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, agriculture, wealth, roots and posession of land. Taurus is a major indicator for a village or town center and also a clear hint at a place dedicated to seasonal rites related to agriculture. This is reflected by the carved image of a plough pulled by an oxen and the semicircles which in a place located in the 2 earth signs Taurus & Capricorn are to be interpreted as depicting wheat plants.
The astrogeographical combination of Taurus with Capricorn is a frequent and highly typical constellation for central places (with superregional importance) of worship and sacrifice related to fertility rites. Compare: The Karnak Tempel of Amun Re in Luxor, Tian Tan Temple of Heaven in Beijing, Pashupatinath Temple in Kathmandu.

For the importance of sites located on the cardinal divide of the winter soldtice for the gathering of the tribal chiefs and shamans compare my article about the position of Bighorn Medecine Wheel

Grand Menhir

The Gran Menhir Brise de Er-Grah was erected around 4700 BC, at the same time as another 18 blocks nearby. Archaeological findings have proven that the menhir measuring 20.60 metres with a weight of 330 tonnes it once stoof upright, It is thought to have been broken around 4000 BC. The stone is from a rocky outcrop located several kilometres away from the site. The impressive dimensions of this menhir still divide specialists about the techniques used for transport and erection, but the fact that this was achieved during the Neolithic era remains remarkable. Worked over its entire surface, the monument bears a sculpture representing a “hatchet-plough”. Unfortunately today this is seriously eroded and very difficult to see.
The Tumulus d`Er-Grah

The 140 m long Tumulus d`Er-Grah leads from Scorpio at its north end through Sagittarius (largest part) into Capricorn (south end). The longitude lies in Taurus