An astrological typology of Dolmen and Portal Tombs. Astrology, Megalithic Sites, History and the astrogeographical typology of ther 12 zodiac signs: a short overview on my results from astrogeographical field stidy of the position of of dolmen and portal tombs in Europe..
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An astrological typology of Dolmen and portal tombs is aimed at understanding their positions 12 astrological signs. Their astrogeographic position can be read as an indicator for the particular function, intention or necessity of their construction. Dolmen have been found mostly in Europe and Asia but also in the Americas.

Ph: Olaf Tausch, ccbysa3.0
Gemini is the most frequent sign for the position of dolmen that I have calculated so far. Its astrological symbol even resembles the shape of a dolmen with the connecting line on the top of the two girders which establish the twin, double or polar aspects of things. The capstone of a dolmen is the equivalent of this line in the symbol for Gemini. In Gemini the sign of duality and dualism the capstone symbolizes connecting two opposites or bringing multiple aspects together. This explains also in wich way Gemini is to be seen as the sign of pathways, bridges, road crossings, interfaces, connections or synapses.

Gemini indicates the function of a portal tomb as a symbol or signpost. It also stands for learning and teaching and for the (further) development of technology and practical magic. As the sign of Gemini occurs as one of the two coordinates of the extremely important Stonehenge monument its importance for other megalithic constructions can not be overrated anyway. It has to be considered that such construction were a also experimental as the number of stone buildings built in that period was very small. Therefore Gemini as the sign of schools does always have the indication that those construction were also built for teaching, studying, learning and experimental purposes.

The fire sign Sagittarius as the sign of druid cultures indicates the function of a portal tomb for a shamanistic or ritualistic purpose. And in its aspect as the sign of design and fashion it stands for ornamentation and elaborate style in architecture. In the case of the Dolmen de la Pedra Gentil wich is located on a hill it indicates also the purpose and position of a lookout place. And as a fire sign Sagittarius might stand for location of a former cremation or burning place.

Taurus stands for the function of a portal tomb as to mark territorial claims, document the roots of an ancestor line, relate the site to an agricultural society or document a certain wealth or social standard of the person or family buried at the place.

Photo: Richard Law License: ccbysa2.0
Pisces relates the place to the spiritual plane and indicates the mystification of things and the function of a temple. It has the potential to support imagination and opening up to associations of all kinds of different worlds and dimensions.

Aquarius could also relate the function of a tomb to a religious purpose, indicate the ideas of heaven or paradise and a place of ascension into heaven, mark an ideal of friendship and/or the construction type as an innovation.

Air signs are particularly interesting for the position of dolmens because they are so typical for open constructions or buildings where the air can pass through. Libra indicates a site of relationship, and love and might be seen as an ideal place for the grave of couples. An interesting aspect of Libra is the urge for harmony, balance and symmetry. Libra may stand for the idea of balancing the capstone (indicator for any ideal) on top of two or more standing stones. And Libra may simply be seen to stand for the reflex to beautify and decorate a tomb simply in order to make it more beautiful. And as the sign of aristocracy it could indicate the function of creating a stage on which a mortal could be elevated and thus positively remembered.

Cancer as the sign of emotional pain is actually a frequent aspect for graveyards and it indicates relating the buried and their visitors to their ancestors. As the sign of feeling at home and of the womb it has a particular indication also for the atmosphere on the inside of a grave.

Aries as the sign of the warrior caste may stand for buried knights and soldiers. As a frequent aspect for graves is an indicator for the single and individual dead person.

Leo is very frequent in portal tombs particularly those found in Britanny and all over France. As the sign of the Sun it marks energetically intense, magnetic, attractive and vivid places and loading energy onto the visitor`s system and emotions. Leo is the sign of life, light, emotional desires and sexuality and as such really not the first sign to be expected for tombs. But it might mark and indicate the royal status, honor or prominence of a buried person.

Self-protective, careful strategical earth sign Virgo is a frequent astrogeographic aspect of the sites of Dolmen. The fact that it is also present at the site of the Great pyramid of Giza shows Virgo`s importance for the protection, precaution measures and the preservation of the mortal remains and tombs in general. As the sign of spiritual entities of plants it also has a strong relation to shamanic cultures and particularly to the use of herbs and herbal medecine.

Scorpio as the sign of transformation, death and of the underworld is a natural and frequent indicator for tombs. But for some reason it is extremely rare for the sites of megalithic portal tombs. As the sign of sculpting and stone masonry it stands for working the stones. As in the case of the Great Dolmen of Bagneux, the largest in France it would be the indicator for the compact, closed up stronghold character of the construction:

Even less frequent than in Scorpio is the position of dolmen and portal tombs in Capricorn although these two particularly solid signs could easily have been the most expected coordinates for the locations of portal tombs. Capricorn indicates the function of conserving history, memories and government institutions. The fact that so few dolmens have been built in Capricorn may lead to the conclusion that this sign might be too impersonal or not emotional enough to justify the effort of building such elaborate tombs for individuals an especially for smaller tombs.