The Cape Town Drought since 2015 – a short astrological analysis. The astzrogeographic position of Cape Town and some thoughts on astrological transits that could relieve the situation
From the wiki article on the “Cape Town Drought”: “A severe drought in the Western Cape province of South Africa began in 2015 and is resulting in a severe water shortage in the region, most notably affecting the city of Cape Town. Despite water saving measures, dam levels are predicted to decline to critically low levels, and the city has made plans for “Day Zero” in May 2018, when municipal water supply will largely be shut off. If this happens, Cape Town will be the first major city to run out of water.”

I read a comment by american astrologer David Crook in the Mundane Astrologer`s facebook group. He suggests looking at the astrological chart for the spring equinox of 2015 for an astrological understanding of the situation in the Western Cape region. He proposes considering the transit of Uranus in fire sign Aries – as a fire sign a natural indicator for dry and hot climates as the problematic transit. And also Pluto due to his position on the ascendant and square to Uranus as a most relevant indicator for the situation.
I think that it absolutely makes sense to consider the chart for the spring equinox here. As the chart for the beginning of the astrological and natural year. It is the most plausible chart to be used for cycles related to mother nature, weather conditions and questions about rainfall and droughts.
The Astrogeographical situation
Here are some astrogeographical thoughts on further evaluation of the situation in the Western Cape region of South Africa.
First of all lets consider the:
Astrogeographical position of the Cape Town metropolitan region for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional, global topics of resonance of the area: I calculated 4-9°Virgo as the coordinate for the latitude in which the Cape Town region is spread and 27°Gemini – 1°Cancer (topic of a water divide) for the astrogeographical longitude coordinate of the Cape Town metropolitan region.

Saturn was square to the Virgo coordinate of Cape Town area from 4° in fire sign Sagittarius – the sign of the cleansing fires and as such also a potential indicator for droughts. At the same time Jupiter the ruling planet of Sagittarius was at 13° in fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun and biggest possible heat in a position to the North of the Cape Town region. The position in fire sign Leo known for its strong gravitation fell on a position some 50 km to the North of Cape Town. This could indicate the strong influence of heat and continental climate influences from the North on the weather situation in the whole of the Cape area.
Conclusions and outlook in regard of the Saturn and Jupiter positions from Chart 1
The fact that the drought began in a Jupiter year in Leo could mean that Jupiter´s transit in Scorpio as a square sign to Leo may be a potential factor for another change of the larger weather situation to the North of the Cape Area. Its effects can be hoped for when Jupiter turns direct from 13°Scorpio and square to his initial 2015 position from July 2018.
Saturn´s transit over the mirrorpoint positions between 23° and 26°Capricorn in January- February 2020 may be expected as a final stage of the current drought situation. Saturn´s ingress in Aquarius from March 2020 can be hoped for to relieve the dramatic situation of the Cape Town area.
Neptune at 6°Pisces was moving in exact opposition to the Virgo coordinates of Cape Town explaining the year 2015 as the starting phase of that drought as a situation when the gravitation from the weight of the essence of the water element (Pisces) was effective in opposite direction of the Cape Town region. From that it can be concluded that Neptune`s transit over the last degrees of Pisces in 2023 in a square to the Gemini astrogoegraphical position and his ingress into Aries from 2026 might bring a permanent and lasting change of the situation that began in 2015.
Uranus` ingress into Taurus from 15 May 2018 and in harmonious trine to the Virgo position s of the Cape region could help solve the current situation. This is also due to Uranus role as the ruler of Aquarius the sign of the water bearer and the winter rains and the indicator for strong winds.
Since the position of 0°Cancer the degree of the summer solstice falls inside of the metropolitain region of Cape Town I calculated the chart for that important date in the yearly cycle of the sun too.

The surprising result is that this chart has Pluto conjunct the ascendant too.
On that day The Sun was conjuncted by Mars at 28°Gemini the sign of small winds right over the coastal area in the west of Cape Town. The Moon was on the last degree (or maximum) of fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun and hottest of all zodiac signs known also for its strong gravitation. Astrogeographically that Moon position was effective some 20 km to the North of Cape Town. And another strongest planetary position was present in that chart: the conjunction of Venus with Jupiterin the center of Leo also in transit of the astrogeographical positions in the region North of the Cape Area. These transits suggest the strong influence of heat and continental climate influences from the North on the weather situation in the Cape area.
Conclusions and outlook from the comparison of Charts 1 and 2
The strong influence of Pluto in both charts should be considered as important. This is because Pluto´s effects relate to hermetically closed up containers and situations, muscular blocks, helmets or the cap of a volcanic pipe. This means that Pluto may stand for a climatic barrier that prevents clouds and rainfall from entering into the Cape Area. Jupiter´s 2018 transit in Scorpio the sign of Pluto´s rulership should stimulate some change of the situation also because of his square transit to the dramatic heat factors from the spring equinox and summer solstice of 2015 constellations in Leo.
The outlook from the chart for the Spring Equinox of 2018
The outlook on the spring equinox of 2018 should serve to give us hints about the coming sun cycle. A highly positive aspect during the coming spring equinox will be the position of the Moon at 8° Taurus the sign of the water of the earth, plant growth, agriculture and food that will be effective for a whole year and in a positve trine to the Virgo coordinate of the whole Cape region.

The chart for the 2015 spring equinox has Neptune the indicator of floods in his own sign Pisces exactly conjunct the descendant. This position of an obvious ad visible appearance of Neptune on the descendasnt might be considered as a positive constellation that provides hope for a flood esp. during Neptune`s rythmical activation around September 20 2018.
But we have to recapitulate that Neptune´s transit in opposition to the astrogeographical Virgo resonance of the whole of South Africa`s South Coast region had appeared as a clear astrogeographical factor that acompanied the drought in the region since 2015 (and possibly even since his Pisces ingress in 2011).
The position of the lunar north Node in Leo a major indicating sign for the causes of the drought does not seem a positive aspect in this situation. But at least there are no more heavy weight planets like the Moon, Jupiter or Venus in this sign.