Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall: confrontation between Libra and Scorpio. The design and overall proportions of the building deliver an example for the confrontation of different energetical and psychological elements or atmospheres.
Compare: For the differences between Libra and Scorpio in architecture compare my articles Shapes of Scorpio and Libra as the sign of symmetry. The astrogeographical position of the White House,
Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall: confrontation between Libra and Scorpio
Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall is a royal reception hall on the grounds of Dusit Palace in Thailand`s capital Bangkok. It was built between 1908 and 1915 as a mixture of Italian renaissance and Neoclassic building with the ground plan of a typical european church in the shape of a cross but with palace elements. The basical design was apparently worked out by a prussian architect named C. Sandreczki, afterwards two Italian architects Mario Tamagno and Annibale Rigotti took over much of the work. The question arises in how far their confronting views on architecture are reflected in the unsolved issue of the missing correspondence between the proportions of the west and east wing of the building.
The astrogeographical position of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall is a breathtaking example for the unsolved confrontation of different zodiacal elements. The central dome of the building was built right on the crossing of divides between 4 different morphogenetic fields. This choice of the construction site seems to have programmed the confrontation between Libra and Scorpio and Libra and Virgo through the buildings design.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere, architecture, energetical situation and function of the building: the astrogeographical longitude coordinate falls on the divide between Libra (west wing – on the left in the picture below) and Scorpio (east wing – on the right). The astrogeographical latitude coordinate of the central dome and the whole building is located right on the cardinal divide between Virgo (north west) and Libra (south east).

The largest part (west wing) falls in aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of openness, receptions, stage performance, harmony, balance, justice, love, relationship, princesses, beauty, decoration, presentation of art and the ideal of a higher aristocratic culture. But the morphogenetic field of Libra correspondence ends right on the midpoint of the 49,5 m tall dome which through its elevation represents the main part of the building. The dome is an architectural element that relates to the position of the east half in Scorpio the sign of self-defense, fortresses, dogma, hierarchy, sculpting, imaging, helmets, tanks, bunkers and closed up containers. As the sign of death and trauma Scorpio repesent an element that terminates with the openness standards of Libra and its appeal for higher culture, beauty, justice and naive painting.
Although the building is partly located in Libra the appeal for the symmetry of the two “halves” is thus not fullfilled as it usually is in buildings of a similar function and especially when located in this sign. The look on the building from outside the gate shows the contradiction between the reflex to expect symmetry and an the missing balance between the west and east wings.

The fact that the west wing of the building is taller than the east wing seems to reduce the role of the east wing. But in the typical church architecture it the east represented the part of the building that held the Sanctum Sanctorum – the holiest and most important part of the church. The dynamic of the question that arises here is how did the architects intend to deal with that contradiction – and what could it be good for?
In regard to the overall proportions the reduction of the Scorpio “end” at the building`s east wing is an element of design which from the point of view of my Libra ascendant or so seems to deprive the building of its appeal for harmony.
Altogether there is of course an abstract meaning in the presentation of the contrast between the smaller “military” east wing with the spike helmet on top and the taller and larger “civil” west wing. The spike helmet in Scorpio through demonstrating the presence of military alertness in the back end of the building is simply not prominent in relation to the larger peaceful and open-minded part in Libra the sign of relationship, justice and empathy. That is the abstract message behind these proportions and design.
The spiked helmet motif as a resonance with the Imperial Prussian topics of emptire of steel and arms production
Scorpio is the astrological indicator for steel an arms production.

The spiked helmet motif resonates with the Prussian authorship of the building`s design. It appears only at central dome and at the dome of the Scorpio wing the building. It so represent an association with the military dominated mentality of the short-lived Imperial Prussian Regime (1871-1918) that was brought to power during the industrial boom of Scorpio aspects like steel and weapon production in the second half of the 19th century.

The Laying of the Foundation Stone with Mercury right on the center of the building

The transits on the day of the laying of the foundation stone saw the astrogeographical resonating signs of the building occupied by the Sun in Scorpio, Mars and Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Virgo.
The strongest resonator was Mercury right on the divide between the Libra and Scorpio and therefore right on the center of Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall.
Mercury is especially important and strong in this chart as the ruler of the conjunction between the Moon, Pluto and the North Node around 25°Gemini. In the experience from my astrogeographical field study these last degrees in Gemini strongly resonate with parliaments and parliamentary institutions.