Howard Carter and the site of Tutankhamun`s burial chamber and the astrology and astrogeography of tombs in the Valley of Kings.
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Howard Carter and the site of Tutankhamun`s burial chamber

photo: Hajor, GNU/FDL
The discovery of Tutankhamun‘s nearly intact tomb (KV62) by Howard Carter and George Herbert, 5th Earl of Carnarvon on 4 November 1922 was one of the most spectacular findings in the archeology of the 20th century. According to the wikipedia article “it sparked a renewed public interest in ancient Egypt, for which Tutankhamun’s burial mask, now in Cairo Museum, remains the popular symbol. In February 2010, the results of DNA tests confirmed that Tutankhamun was the son ofAkhenaten (mummy KV55) and Akhenaten’s sister and wife.

As far as we know today all the tombs of the valley of the kings have been emptied either by robbers or archeologists. Here`s a map showing the positions of a number of single tombs. For more details see the Valley of the Kings wiki page.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the Valley of the Kings is embedded in the landscape: The tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62) together with the whole eastern Valley of the Kings is situated in self-protective earth sign Virgo the sign of reason, stratagical planning, storing goods, preservation of stored goods, monkhood and celibacy. Virgo can be seen as an important factor for deciding to use the area for the purpose of creating an easy to defend and protect area for the tombs of generations of pharaos indicates using the advantages of a difficult to access and easy to overlook area. Apart from that Virgo is also a plausible indicator for mummification.
The second astrogeographic coordinate of the Valley of the Kings lies in spiritual air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky and heavens and as such of the reconnection between earth and sky. It so stands for the idea of connecting the mortal remains of the pharaos with their immortal souls here. Like all the three air signs Aquarius relates to connecting different spheres.
The aspect of Virgo occurs also at the site of the Great Pyramid of Giza indicating the need to hide away and protect the 63 burial chambers that have been found here so far. Aquarius as a sign of the spiritual body can be seen as the indicator of the reconnection of the royals with their spiritual origin here- Aquarius stands for the remoteness and difficult to access are but may in combination with Virgo not particularly stand for a quiet grave and for finding peace here. As the sign of opposition for royal fire sign Leo the sign of kinghood and aristocratic castes and a square to Taurus the sign of the centre of agricultural society Aquarius is an important indicator for leaving the burgeois institutions and classes of society behind. Therefore the position in Aquarius marks rather a place of self-finding, escape, exile and outcasts than a site for kings. Compare ´my blog about the constellation of Amarna Akhenaten´s capital of rebellion against the priest castes.

May 9, 1874, Kensington, London, UK, calculated for sunrise – Howard Carters exact birthtime is unknown
The sunrise chart for Howard Carter is calculated for sunrise. In astrogeography sunrise charts are particularly useful for interpretation of the relationship between the Sun as the main planetary indicator for the self-image and subjective impulses of a person and the astrogeographical coordinates of places if the exact birth time is unknown. The Sun in Taurus the sign of the earth and grounding is in a square to the coordinate of the Valley of the Kings`coordinate in Aquarius indicating the wish to take away the trophies found here
The position of Tutankhamun`s tomb at about 27° in Virgo falls on the position of the royal aspect of Jupiter in the 5th house in Howard Carter`s sun chart. This can be interpreted as describing the situation of Howard Carter finding the crown for his own career at this site. The 5th house constellation of Jupiter in Virgo the sign of mining and the exploitation of already existing ressources is the indicator for Carter´s impulse for the treasure hunt at the Valley of the Kings.
The coordinate of the site in Aquarius is in conjunction with the stellium of the Moon and Saturn near midheaven in Carter`s sun chart. This aspect in Carter`s chart can be interpreted to stand for his spiritual quest for self finding (Aquarius) here together with the craving to find his own true mother, home, emotional identitiy and origin (Saturn conjunct Moon at midheaven).

4 November 1922, ca. 16:00, Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt
The astrological chart for the moment of the discovery of Tutankhamun‘s tomb shows the north node of the Moon at 29° Virgo conjunct the position of the tomb at 27° Virgo.
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