Julian Assange at the Embassy of Ecuador
Astrology of People and Places: Julian Assange
Wikileaks Website
The Embassy of Ecuador at 3 Hans Crescent London SW1X 0LS is situated in the first decade of the water sign Scorpio and the last decade of the air sign Gemini. This is valid for the astrogeographical radius or field level 3, which describes how the building is embedded in the surrounding area.
On 19 June 2012 Julian Assange took refuge in the Embassy of Ecuador and has stayed there since then.

3 July 1971, Townesville, Queensland (AUS), 15:00 (data source: astro.com)
The coordinate in Scorpio falls on the position of the Moon in the twelvth house of Assange`s bith chart. The aspect of the 12th house stands for hiding, living outside of everyday life and for being in a situation where his personal rights are in question. The Moon which in a birth chart indicates where a person feels at home may explain why Assange decided to seek refuge in the embassy of Ecuador.
The coordinate in Gemini falls on the position of Venus on the cusp of the 8th house indicating a situation of standing in foreign territory.
The combination of Julian Assange´s houses 8 and 12 can be interpreted as a situation where he is deprived of his self-determination delivering himself to the goodwill of other people.
For astrological observation the combination of the positions of the Moon and the Sun, the two female aspects in Assanges´s birth chart at the site of the embassy is absolutely fascinating. It may describe Assange`s situation in this prison as relatively comfortable.

19 June 2012, London, calculated for 12 h
At midday of 19 June 2012 the Sun and the Moon were conjunct the position of the astrogeographical coordinate of the Embassy in the the last decade of Gemini. This constellation explains how worldwide public focus was put on the embassy building on that day.