Astrology & Sacred Sites: Templo Mayor in Mexico City and the Astrogeographic Position of Tenochtitlan

Huei Teocalli (spanish: Templo Mayor) was one of the main temples of the Aztecs in their ancient magical capital city of Tenochtitlan located in the centre of modern Mexico City.

The temple was dedicated to Huitzilopochtli a god of war and Tlaloc the rain god and ruler of agriculture. Both gods had a central shrine at the top of the pyramid each with a separate staircase. The spire in front of the pyramid was dedicated to Quetzalcoatl the “feathered serpent” god in his form as the wind god, Ehecatl. The Great Temple measured appr. 100 by 80 m at its base forming the centre of the temple area of the aztec capital. Construction of the first temple was begun from 1325 and it was rebuilt six times after that. The temple was destroyed by the Spanish invaders under Hernan Cortes in 1521. (read more in the wikipedia article)
Astrogeographic position of the temple area for field level 3 which describes how the temple was embedded in the town of Tenochtitlan: the site is loctated in the first degrees of practical air sign Gemini sign of signposts, learning, education, technology and an indicator for the more practical purposes of magic. The second coordinate here lies in the first degrees of self-protective earth sign Virgo the sign of reason, the harvest season, storing goods and and the spiritual entities of plants, health and nature in general. Virgo so stands for a practical approach to the understanding of the meaning and function of the temple. It stands for the function of the place and the ritual worship here in regard to strategical planning, securing ressources and health protection. Virgo represents the opposite sign of Pisces the sign of mystification, the dream world, irrationalism, illusion. As such Virgo may oppose the typical reflex in Pisces of seeking personal (mental and emotional) contact with the spiritual plane as for example in Buddhism (compare: The site of Gautama`s illumination). In this function Virgo does not stand for religion in the sense of reconnection with spirituality but for a religious belief based on reasonable or economical considerations, security issues and anxiety about the future in the first place. It can so be concluded that the magic worked by the priests might have been primarily directed at earthly concerns such as provisions for the planning of future crops and preventing droughts, earthquakes or epidemics. Pisces on the other hand as the sign of intoxication would be directed at the illusion or opium for the people effect in the first place. On a psychological level this could explain why a worship that relies on the visual effects of the effeciency of the ritual magic worked at the temples could come to a point where it depended on the most severe form of sacrificial worship: the sacrifice of humans.
The central temple area of the aztec empire could only be reached crossing a narrow bridge. This safety installation for a temple in Virgo the sign of self-protection can also be observed at the site of the Golden Temple the central temple of the Sikh religion in Amritsar, India.

Hamandir Sahib the Golden Temple in Amritsar, India is located in Virgo with Leo.
The combination of Gemini with Virgo appears to be of high importance in regard to the archetypal constelation of pyramids in general. It is also present at the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Virgo alone is also a coordinate at another pyramid of highest importance: the magical Temple of Kukulcan at Chichen Itza from the much earlier mayan operiod which lies in the combination of Virgo with Aquarius.
Another really fascinating parallel of the astrogeographic combination of Virgo with Gemini is the fact that the Greenpeace headquarters in Amsterdam is located in the same constellation too. Virgo and even Gemini appear as indicators for caring about the protection of nature, plants and natural ressources. Gemini the green sign or sign of breathing and production of oxygen despite its intense relationship with the destructive effects of technological progress must also of course be seen as the sign of technical solutions for ecological problems created in the past.
More pyramids: The Origin of the Inca Gold – The Pyramid City of Túcume,The Temple of Borobudur, The Great Pyramid of Cholula, The Sacred City of Caral, An astrogeographical history of skyscrapers, Howard Carter and the site of Tutankhamun`s burial chamber
The astrogeographic positions of Montezuma`s Capital

The 2 different size levels of morphogenetic fields to be observed here are:
Field level 1 for the supraregional level of meaning of the Aztec Empire for the cultural, social history of the Americas.
Field level 2 for the evaluation of the qualities of the place where the most important urban center of the aztec empire could develop.
(for comparison of the astrogeography of urban centers read my blogs about: The largest cities in 100 CE and in 2014)
Astrogeographic position of the City of Tenochtitlan for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional, global importance of the place: the area of Tenochtitlan is located at around 10° of aristocratic air sign Libra sign of openness, decoration, relationship, beauty, peace, courtly culture and around 14° of mental fire sign Sagittarius the sign of priest castes, shaman culture, style, design, ornamentation and luxury.
Astrogeographic positions of Tenochtitlan for morphogenetic field level 2 which describe the atmosphere of the town itself: One of the 2 coordinates of the area where the town is located lies in the combination of highly energetic, magnetic, centralistic royal fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun and a natural indicator for royal courts and capital cities. The second coordinate lies in self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of reason and optimal use of ressources and an indicator for safe and dry land and a comparatively easy to defend area.

The astrological chart for the moment of the spanish conquest of the city reveals an extremely intense resonance of the transiting planets with the astrogeographical coordinates of the place.
Jupiter conjunct Tenochtitlan
One of several extremely intense planetary transits of the astrogeographic positions of Montezuma´s capital was Jupiter – the planet of victory in transit of 14° Sagittarius (the sign of shooting and hunting) exactly conjunct the astrogeographic coordinate of Tenochtitlan at 14° Sagittarius. Jupiter was in exact trine with Venus in Leo the sign of royalty and the North Node in Aries the sign of warfare. This coincidence emphasizes the intense energetical focus on the town on that day describing the attack as carried out in a highly auspiscious moment. The fact that Jupiter did not effect luck to the defenders but to the invaders here – supports the assumption that the international role of Spanish culture is ruled by Jupiter´s own sign Sagittarius.
The Fall of Tenochtitlan came at a moment when the Moon at 11° Capricorn was “fatally” conjunct Pluto at 9° Capricorn in exact square to the astrogeographic coordinate of Tenochtilan at 10° Libra delivering an intense astrological description of the threat to Aztec society and culture through the spanish invasion. The threatening quality of Pluto`s square clearly represents the ideological, dogmatic and deadly influence of the spanish gold hunt and catholic dogma in the form of a square to the aztec religion and culture whose significator is the astrogeographic coordinate in Libra here. The ideological impact of Pluto in Capricorn can also be observed in the extinction of the open pantheon of the colourful aztecs gods (Libra as an indicator for angels and other celestial beings) by the narrow -minded state religion of spanish monotheism (Pluto in Capricorn).

But Pluto´s transit in Capricorn as the triggering factor for the destruction of aztec culture also includes the topic of the question: how morbid or corrupt was the ideology of the aztecan state religion, the ruling classes behind it and the political system based on racism and slavery. That is where Pluto in Capricorn appears in the guise of an exorcist factor.
The Role of the Welsers and Fuggers
Going deeper into the investigation of the fuller impact of the Moon – Pluto conjunction in Capricorn another topic that arises is the question about the economcal situation of Spain in the early 16th century, Here`s an easy to access though rather old online ressource: Bernard Moses 1892 The Economic Condition of Spain in the Sixteenth Century. But the main question in regard to Pluto`s role is: which banks financed the conquest of Mezoamerica by the bankrupt spanish state? The answer is the Fuggers and the Welsers – Swabian banks based in the Cities of of Augsburg and Nuremberg, South Germany.
Compare: Sixteenth Century Spanish Fiscal Mismanagement and Debtor Emperors: An Economic History Review of Spain under Charles V in 1528 and under Philip II in 1575.
Astrogeographical position of the City of Augsburg for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the international, supraregional meaning of the place: Augsburg is located at 10° of air sign Gemini and 9° of earth sign Capricorn which reflects the exact position of Pluto in transit on the day of the Fall of Montezuma`s capital! The main seat of the Welsers the City of Nuremberg is located at 12° Gemini and 14° Sagittarius occupied by Jupiter in August 1521.

The discovery of the exactitude of the positions of Pluto in transit of the place of the main seat of the Fuggers and Jupiter in transit of the home of the Welsers is – even for an experienced astrologer – relatively exciting!! 😉 The Fall of Tenochtilan was forced from Augsburg (Pluto) and cheered in Nuremberg (Jupiter). And the role of both banks the Fuggers and the Welsers in the development of the slavery trade had already been included in that history.
The Role of Madrid and the King of Spain
The astrological and astrogeographical correspondences of the positions of the Alcazar of the spanish kings in Madrid and the birth chart of the spanisch ruler Carlos I. of Spain with the events at Mexico City are by no means less intense and stunning.
Astrogeographical position of the site of the former royal court in Madrid for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the international, supraregional meaning of the place: the astrogeographic coordinates are 14° Sagittarius and 19° Cancer. This means that Jupiter as the planet of victory in a position at 14° Sagittarius at the moment of the Fall of Montezuma´s capital brought the resonance of the momentum of victory not only to the headquarters of the Welsers but at the same time to the site of the spanish court in Madrid.

The astrological birth chart for Carlos I King o Spain aka Charles V Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of Habsburgian origin was born on 24 February 1500 (jul) in Ghent, Belgium. I`m showing the chart calculated for 4:00 a.m. as presented in the astrotheme databank with ascendant on 9° Capricorn the exact position of Pluto on the day of the fall of Tenochtitlan. The exact birth time as given by austrian astrologer Phillip Schiffmann who quotes Wilhelm Knappich via Junctinus und Gauricus would have been 3.32 a.m.
The Moon and Jupiter conjunction from the day of the Fall of Montezuma´s capital thus was on the Moon and Ascendant of the spanish/austrian/german emperor intensely enforcing his position and empire.
More aspects of the planetary transits during the Fall of Tenochtitlan

Saturn`s transit over 10° Aquarius the sign of revolution and emancipation from slavery in an exact trine to Tenochtitlan`s 10° Libra astroheo position has to be considered a highly auspiscious transit for a “sustainable development” in regard to a stabilization of the situation at the aztec capital. Why then did it end the aztecan culture and not support iis stabilization then? The traditional answer here is: the conquest of the spanish invaders was accompanied by larger armies of the local tribal population who supported the destruction of the aztec empire.
Venus` transit over 14° of royal fire sign Leo too occured in the highly auspiscious aspect of a trine – this time to the 14°Sagittarius astrogeographic position of Tenochtitlan. Venus as the ruler of earth sign Taurus the sign of food, wealth and possession of land was transiting favourably in relation to the place while Jupiter the planet of luck, expansion and victory was moving over it, Such a transit could be assumed to have enough potential of bringing wealth to the region. But in fact the largest part of the accumulated wealth of the aztec empire was thus transferred to the Spanish Court in Madrid and from there to the Welsers with their head office at Nurember. In that way the effects of Venus`s transit were transferred across the Atlantic sea!