Audrey Hepburn in Taurus at Tiffany`s

Audrey Hepburn in Taurus at Tiffany`s

photo:Dmadeo license:GNU/FDL
Audrey Hepburn in Taurus at Tiffany`s photo:Dmadeo license:GNU/FDL

photo:Dmadeo license:GNU/FDL

Audrey Hepburn in Taurus at Tiffany`s

The astrogeographical coordinates of Tiffany’s famous jewelry and silverware store at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 57th Street in Manhattan, NYC are 16° and 26° in the earth sign of Taurus. This is valid for the astrogeographical radius level 4, which describes the atmosphere of the building itself.

Taurus the sign of marketplaces and town centres is the most important indication for sites that support buying and selling and all aspects of trading. As the sign of agriculture it stands for food and in my experience in astrogeomantic field studies next to to Pisces (drinking) and Leo (enjoying) iis one of the most auspicious aspects for running a restaurant. As the site for a jewelry store it does not put the focus on the aspects of design (Sagitarius), elegance (Libra), innovation (Aquarius), exclusiveness (Capricorn), handicrafts work (Scorpio) or self esteem and shining personality (Leo) but rather on the reflex to qualify for being part of society and secure one`s feeding.

Birth Chart for Audrey Hepburn
4 May 1929 at 03:00, Ixelles, Belgium

Audrey Hepburn was born with the Sun conjunct Jupiter in Taurus. This constellation of royal self-esteem falls in the second house of her birth chart and is in exact conjunction with one coordinate of Tiffany`s store. The second coordinate in the last degrees of Taurus stimulates the third house in her birth chart and is in conjunction with Mercury. An easy definition for this constellation would be: “a marketplace for new contacts and opportunities”. Audrey Hepburn`s biography does not suggest many parallels with Holly Golightly from “Breakfast at Tiffany`s”. But an astrogeographical analysis of the filming location reveals a highly intense resonance between the character of Holly and Audrey`s constellations at the site.