How to select the best possible radius level for your questions:
astrogeography.com`s world map is based on astrological measurement of electromagnetic (morphogenetic) fields. There are different sizes of fields, each field consisting of 12 x 12 smaller fields. astrogeography.com will calculate four different radius or size levels of electromagnetic fields.
Radius level 1 which is the biggest size of fields in astrogeography`s astrological world map is big enough to include a whole region and a number of cities. It should be considered if you want to understand your relationship to a region or province.
The size of electromagnetic fields of radius level 2 can not include the whole of a major city but is big enough for a part of a major town, an average size city, or any small town.
Fields of the size of radius level 3 are big enough to include a street or a big building complex and can be used to analyse the astrogeographical constellations of for example a neighbourhood or a football stadium.
The size of electromagnetic fields of radius level 4 is big enough to include two single-family houses. In astrogeographical analysis for individuals it should be used to analyse only one single-family houses. Check exact adresses with the help of radius level 4 if you want to live, work or buy real estate at the place.
Looking for a new home, a place to rent, a place for living ? Check adresses from the housing ads with your personal astrogeography.com chart. Find out if a place is auspicious for your working life, if it rather stands for relationship or if it supports education! Use radius level 4 for this feature.
Looking for a job. Check the employer´s adress in astrogeogrophy.com to get an idea of what`s expecting you and how you could present yourself when applying! Use radius level 4 for a small firm and radius level 3 for bigger companies!.
Holdays. Which holiday resort should I chose for myself, my family and friends?
Check the adress of a hotel or resort in astrogeography.com before booking!
Use radius level 4 for a small hotel and radius level 3 for a holiday resort!
If you`re planning to move to another city check out the qualties that it has for you personally on astrogeography.com! Use radius level 2 for this feature!
If you want to buy a house check the adress with astrogeography.com analysis!
Use radius level 4 for the house and radius level 3 for bigger piece of land!
Time to start your own business. Check your business adress in order to get an idea about the potentials and the problems awaiting you at different places with astrogeography.com! Use radius level 4 for your own office and radius level 3 in agriculture or if there there´d be more than one building involved!
If you want to explore new markets and find new custumers and clients. Calculate the potentials of different regions or towns for strategic planning in astrogeography.com! Check the adress of a possible client in order to see your potential at another company`s headquarters! Use radius level 1 for regions, 2 for towns, 3 for a larger and 4 for a small company or single person!
Going out tonight. You want to meet people and find new friends? Check the adress of any public or private place to see which potential it has for you for meeting people! Use radius level 4 for a bar or restaurant and radius level 3 for a street festival!
Discover the World! If you want to find your personally most inspiring places all over the world use astrogeography.com and navigate your way! Use radius level 1 for this feature if it`s a country! Use level 2 if it’s a town and level 3 for a small place!
Want to move to another country ? Use astrogeography.com charts to find out which country is auspicious for living or short period stays! Use radius level 1 for this feature!
Want to find an auspicious place for a date? Check your personal astrogeography.com chart for any restaurant, club, bar, dancehall, museum, cinema or any other possible location you can think of! Use radius level 4 for this feature.
Want to find an auspicious neighbourhood to live in ? Check a particular street or block with your personal astrogeography.com chart! Use radius level 3 for this feature!
Want to figure out why some things seem easier in one place than the do in another? Make use of your personalised astrogeography chart for interpretation and get some hints for a better understanding of the different atmospheres of places. Use radius level 4 if it’s a small building, level 3 if it’s big building or a street and level 2 if it`s a town!
If your local football team is playing an away match calculate the chart for the day of the foundation of your club and the adress of the stadium in astrogeography.com before betting! Use radius level 3 for this type of calculation!
Buy a ticket for a lottery? Check the adress of the lottery vendor with astrogeography.com! In this case use radius level 4!
Las Vegas ? Wich would be the best place for you personally here? Check the adress of your hotel and casino in astrogeography.com! Use radius level 3 to spot an auspicious casino place and radius level 4 if you`re able to spot the position of the roulette table with your Iphone ore facebook app of astrogeography.com!