Rosslyn Chapel in astrogeography

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Rosslyn Chapel is located in Aries with Virgo photo: Sabine Perry, ccbysa4.0

Rosslyn Chapel in astrogeography

Rosslyn Chapel in astrogeography. Astrology & Sacred Sites: the astrogeographical position of the mystical Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh.

Related articles: The London Temple in astrogeography, The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, The Temple Mount in astrogeographyAstrologie & Geschichte: Der Templerorden

Construction of Rosslyn Chapel was begun in the middle of the 15th century.

Rosslyn Chapel is located in Aries with Virgo photo: Sabine Perry, ccbysa4.0

The famous Rosslyn Chapel formally Collegiate Chapel of St Matthew located in the south of Edinburgh, Scotland has been subject to speculation and mystification since the revival of the esoteric sciences in the 2nd half of 19th century. It has been particularly speculated about it being related to Knights Templar and Free Mason traditions and symbolisms. Construction of Rosslyn Chapel was begun in 1456 and after its completion it was dedicated to St. Matthew the apostle and evangelist,

Apprentice pillar photo: Guinnog, GNU/FDL

The Apprentice Pillar (see picture) is said to represent one of the magical “Jachin and Boas” pillars at the entrance of the ancient Temple at Jerusalem. The original Apprentice Pillars in the First Temple in Jerusalem are believed to have been designed by King Solomon and created by the legendary Hiram Abif – the architect of the 1st Temple. The 2 pillars have an important symbolic meaning in Freemasonry.

Interior of Rosslyn Chapel photo: JeremyA , ccbysa2.5

Astrogeographical position of Rosslyn Chapel for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere and energetical topics of the chapel itself: the church is located in careful, self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of reason, health, celibacy, monkhood, yoga culture, spiritual entities of plants, protection of nature, conservation, mummification. Virgo could also be interpreted here as the astrological indicator for storing and preserving the icons and memory of ancient traditions.
The 2nd coordinate lies in highly alert male fire sign Aries sign of warfare, knight & soldier castes. action, speed, fighting, physical strength, sports, ignition and in the case of a temple an indicator for a place that stimulates motivation for starting new projects. Aries would be the indicator for the military aspect of the Knights Templars but not for the esoteric initiations and occult practices that they often stand for.

Birth chart for the Knights Templars mythicalfoundation on 13 Jan 1120 calculated for midnight in Jerusalem. The date and time are based on my own research.