Pulse Orlando Nightclub Shooting
Astrology & places: an astrogeographical analysis of the event chart and astrogeographical positions of the Pulse Orlando Nightclub Shooting
On June 12, 2016, multiple people were shot in Pulse, a LGBT+ nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Approximately 50 were killed and 53 wounded. According to the news published the attack on the nightclub was begun at 2:00 and lasted until a SWAT team entered the club at 5:00 killing the attacker who has been identified as Omar Mir Seddique Mateen born on 16 November 1986 in New York City.
Astrogeographical Positions
The resonance of the astrogeographical position of the “Pulse Orlando” with the planetary transits of the faster moving planets on this day do not reveal resonance with the local and not even with the regional morphogenetic field structure. This could mean that the triggering forces for the incident are not aimed at a discharge of negative energies in the local morphogenetic field. At least not in the first place.
The aspects of highest intensity of the astrogeographical resonance through planetary transits of the slow moving planets were for morphogenetic field level 2. One of these was the transit of the Saturn – Neptune square from 12° Sagittarius and 12° Pisces to the astrogeographic position of the Pulse Orlando Night Club at 12° Virgo for field level 2. And the second was the exact mirrorpoint square by Uranus from 23°37` Aries/6°27`Pisces to the club`s astrogeographic position at 6°Gemini. The fact that effects of the Saturn-Neptune constellation of depression were manifesting at the site of the massacre emphasizes the scapegoat function of the victims.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 2 which describes how this particular part of the town of Orlando is embedded in the State of Florida: one coordinate lies at 12°Virgo and one at 6° Gemini.

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the club itself: the club is located in the combination of service orientated, courtly air sign Libra sign of openness, peace, harmony, beauty, balance, dancing, love and relationship with open-minded, dynamic fire sign Sagittarius sign of expansion, travelling, thinking, moving around. This constellation for explains the site as an ideal location for any dancing place or festival hall. For comparison: Bataclan Night Club in Paris is located in Libra with Pisces (“Paris Terrorist Attacks on 13 November 2015 in astrogeography”).
Astrogeographic position of Fallujah, Iraq
Astrogeographic position of Fallujah for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the international meaning or say relevance of the town: Fallujah is located at 10° of water sign Pisces and 28° of fire sign Aries.
The fact that the Pulse Orlando Massacre was carried out while the Iraqi Army and its allies are about to fully conquer the City of Fallujah suggests that the incident has to be seen as related with the current decline of the Islamic State. This is documented by the fact that the attack came just at the moment of Neptune turning retrograde at 12° Pisces and now moving towards the position of Fallujah at 10° Pisces. At the same time retrograde Saturn at 12°Sagittarius is moving towards the square position to Fallujah (10°Sagittarius) which he will reach by mid-July 2016.

Apparently the massacre was begun exactly the moment the ascendant changed from Pisces the sign of hiding into Aries the sign of warfare. The Moon -Jupiter conjunction in Virgo indicates a long-planned attack and careful and extensive preparation from a safe shelter. The constellation suggests a high probability of being employed by a larger organization.
Saturn as the ruler of midheaven in house 9 the house of personal aims ruled by Jupiter which is involved in the constellation of the “backend” of hidden preparations together with the Moon and Rahu (North Node) in Virgo and house 6 stands for the purpose of financial profits here.

Pulse Orlando Nightclub Shooting Swat Team enterining 12 June 2016, 5:00, Orlando
The police SWAT Team entered the club the moment that Mercury was rising on th ascendant indicating a precise and well planned operation directed against Mars in Scorpio.
The Attacker

Omar Mateen the attacker was an employee of the infamous CIA related G4S company. Omar Meteen was born with an exact square of the Sun at 23° Scorpio with `Mars at 23° Aquarius an aspect known for its relatively high probability of committing suicide. Mars in a square to the Sun means that the center of individual personality is permanently questioned and threatened by the person`s capacity for defense. The exchange of these 2 planets between Scopio the sign that of the projected habitual social role and Aquarius the indicator for individualism brings along the full impact of topics dealt with in the Pluto-Uranus constellations. The desire for castration and the whole field of sexual negation operating in sadism and masochism are known as central issues during the unfolding of this step in the development of individual karmic self-responsibility.
The Moon in Taurus the sign of the desire to be part of bourgeois society, be rich, socially successful and accepted and possess territory in combination with a tight Venus-Pluto amalgamation in Scorpio stands for an extreme desire to possess potential partners and make them part of ones own field of territorial control. At the same time both indicators for the female aspects of the person`s indviduality Venus as well as the Moon are under direct rule of Pluto indicator of the traumatic experiences stored in personal memory and as such the indicator for the psychic defense system. In this type of situation it can be assumed that personal sexuality when experienced without a chance for possessing and dominating a partner is experienced as an attack (castration) against one`s own male role. Altogether an unreflected karmic (past-life) experience of castration of the attacker is to be examined as a highly probable personal psychic trigger for selecting the club for his ego shooter experience.
Compare: The Charleston Shooting and Aquarius as the sign of the victims, The Terrorist Attack in Istanbul on 19 March 2016, The Ankara Bombing on 16 Feb 2016 in astrogeography, The Ankara Bombings on 10 October 2015 in astrogeography, Der Sprengstoffanschlag von Istanbul am 12. Januar 2016, The Paris Terrorist Attacks on 13 November 2015 in astrogeography, Bamako Terrorist Attack on 20 November 2015 in astrogeography, The Baga Massacre in Astrogeography, The Garissa University College Attack in astrogeography,