The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography. Planetary transits in relation to the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of the USA.
Cornerstone articles: Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography, The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA, Pluto-Neptune Transits in Mundane Astrology,
I am currently re-writing this article – this might take until the end of 2023
Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A – Z: Lists of all capitals by continent, (dt. version), African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Beirut, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Reykjavík, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington.
Related articles: The Covid 19 Crisis in the USA – predictions and anti predictionism, The “Great American Solar eclipse” on 21 August 2017, The 50 US State Capitals in astrogeography, The astrogeography of the US Presidents at the White House, Rythmical activations in the Powell Chart for the foundation of the USA.
The USA and Washington in Political Astrology
This article gives you an introduction to the astrogeographical positions of Washington according to my calculation system and an astrological documentation of the importance of the two resonance coordinates of Washington in the history of the USA and the North American continent.
The USA and Washington in Political Astrogeography
Perspectives on astrological measurement of morphogenetic field structures
Astrology assumes that that human intuition, perception, physical hardware, genetical code, individuation unconsciously connects to patterns that underlie the time structure of human experience, development, action, fate in the same way as all aspects and forms of physical materia.
Systemical Astrogeography is that part of astrology that seeks to explore these aspects applying the 12 – fold systemical divisions onto the surface and landscapes of our planet.
Regarding the question of SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY I want to remind readers at this point that astrology just like mathematics, physics and all other sciences assumes that astrology assumes the existence of patterns of perfectly harmonious logical gravitation to hold all single parts of creation together. It is assumed that scientific human study and logic conclusion allow exploration and recapitulation of all aspects of physical reality and so provide nature`s patterns for orientation where human perception may not even think of it.
Regarding the perfection of the hardware of sublime structures aka the DNA level out of which materiel manifestations emanate, astrology has developed a twelve-fold systemical structural model condensed from the 12 seasonal stages that measure out the solar year.
My Astrological Worldmap Calculation System applies the knowledge gathered from the exploration of human experience of time structures in astrology to the exploration of the landscapes on our planet.
The first natural step to do so is by transferring the 12-fold system of astrological categories minimized as “zodiac” divisions of the sky equator onto the earth equator.
Yes this transfer is extremely complicated. Technically It requires the exploration of the transfer of absolute definitions provided by 4 major stations of the solar year (solstices & equinoxes) onto relative division of the earth equator. I am claiming to have explored the astrological measurement of morphogenetic surface field structures to a dimension and extent which during the long history of astrology had not been achieved before, in order to get to a coherent, meaningful and practically useful knowledge about the structural definitions of the “DNA level” as provided by the 12-fold seasonal definitions of astrology.
By doing so I assume that the structural model of the sequence of seasonal zodiac signs can deliver exact data on the placement of the D.C. area in the perfect structural harmony of the overall morphic surface field of our planet.
Capitals as centers of the territorial and other morphic fields of nations
In my astrogeographical calculation system a capital is defined by 2 astrogeographical resonance coordinates for morphogenetic field level 1 (region) that define its position in the overall morphic field of the landscape of the continent where it is located. Capitals are so defined by their relationship to all other capitals worldwide. This allows comparison of the astrological topics of each national capital with any other and conclusions regarding the timing of processes through stimulation by planetary transits in relation to each capital.
For the standards of application of my systemical field theory in political astrology see the example in my article: “London & GB in Political Astrology” – chapter IV.1 — What is a Nation ? Nations as Morphic Fields
In mundane astrology astrological data of the foundation of countries, nations, parliaments and governments and birth data of heads of state are examined as indications of important central issues, time lines of development and all kinds of issues regarding the countries.
I want to show here how the astrogeographical data from my Astrological World Map calculation can be used for a deeper examination of the relationship between transit cycles and the places on earth where events occur. After intense studies and comparisons of the astrogeographical resonance degrees of the places where national capitals are located with events I have come to the conclusions that their positions function as centers not only of the national politics and governments but also of the morphic fields of the various systemical fields of nations.
The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Washington D.C.
The Astrogeographical position of Washington D.C. for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional, global topics of resonance of the US capital and government: according to my astrogeographical calculation system the longitude coordinate of the US capital Washington is located at 6° in water sign Cancer and the latitude coordinate at 27° in fire sign Leo.
I recommend to consider these zodiac degrees as definitions of the position and function of the D.C. area as the all time capital and government center of the territorial nation field of the USA. Furthermore I want to suggest to Washington as a kind of energetical super center of the self defense and or government and state nation morphic fields of the North American continent.
The Battle of Midway: A symptomatic example for the precision of astrogeographical transits:

The burning Japanese aircraft carrier Hiryu, photographed by a Yokosuka B4Y aircraft from the carrier Hosho shortly after sunrise on 5 June 1942. Hiryu sank a few hours later. Flight deck torn out by the bomb dropped during a dive-bombing attack.

- A conjunction of Jupiter (victory) & Mercury (practical application & clever managment of technology) occupied 29°-25°GEM in a square while Neptune (sinking) at 27°VI was conjunct Tokyo on 4 July 1942 during the Battle of Midway
- Tokyo (and Berlin too) are according to my astrogeographical worldmap calculation system located at: 28°/29°Virgo
- Jupiter is THE natural astrological indicator of aiming to hit targets & triumph and victory.
- Neptune conjunct the capitals of Japan & Germany indicated a government & nation in::self-destruction, self-deception, loss of control, paralysis of the population
Astrogeographical Position of the Houses of Parliament in the Capitol building

- These coordinates are valid for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) of my calculation system describing the whole of the building & surrounding area.
- The British Parliament in London`s Westminster Palace is located in the same sign combination explaining how the founders of the USA copied the British example when they sought to stabilize their new nation & capital in the 18th & early 19th century.
- The unfair majority vote & its consequence the long out of date 2-Party System that reduces the possibility of a ruling party to just two adversaries while invalidating large amounts of votes are the most important parallels between the Lower Houses (Scorpio as underworld aka Representatives as the lower castes) & Upper Houses (Leo as kings and the world in light aka Senate as the upper castes).
- the choice of a construction site for the parliament located in a square aspect between the two fixed signs Leo (absolutism) and Scorpio (battle for power) explains a vision of democracy dedicated at competition not cooperation between the representatives of the population.
Astrogeographical position of Richmond, Virginia as the capital of the Confederate States & possible indicator regarding the polarity between the South-Eastern states & the Northern and North-Western States

The “Confederate States of America (CSA)” existed for appr. 4 years (8 Feb 1861 to 9 May 1865) with Richmond, Virginia as their capital from 29 May 1861 to 3 Apr 1865. Though the Confederation lived only for a short while the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of its capital Richmond at 29°Virgo–1°Cancer can be examined as indicators of the dichotomy between:
- the dominant lobbyist groups of the US Southern States with focus on the policies and geo-strategical sphere of interest of the global oil & gas cartels (since 2017: Saudi-Russian cooperation supported by China). Other astrogeographical resonance coordinates resonance coordinates to be investigated as representative of the current: Dallas, Texas as US capital of the Oil/Gas cartels located at 9°Scorpio – 24°Capricorn.
- and the dominant lobbyist groups of the US Northern/South-Western States with the New York Stock Exchange (13°LEO-13°CAN) – Silicon Valley (6°Capricorn-3°Libra) – central government in Washington D.C. (27°LEO-6°CAN) axes and the lobbyists of future orientated technology and of anti-fossile climacy policies.

The foundation of the Confederate States of America
- the secession of the Southern States and foundation of the short lived “Confederate States” happened with Neptune at 27°Pisces opposite the 29°Virgo resonance coordinate of the capital in Richmond indicating: A — a destabilization of the status quo of territorial control and government institutions in the Southern States, B — a challenge of the status quo through re-connection with spiritual and holistic aspects of ethics and morality of the factual reality of living conditions
- the conjunction of Mercury (tactical) with Chiron (strategical preferences) at 26°/27° in Aquarius the sign of escapes exactly opposite the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of the central government in Washington explains the secession from the Union and opposition to its central government.
The dissolution of the Confederate States
- 4 years later the dissolution of the “Confederate States” happened during the Uranus (revolution, emancipation, globalization, multi-ethnic/cultural aspects) transit over 27°Gemini on zodiac degrees of democracy and of cooperation of adversaries.
- Jupiter the planet of victory, triumph, healing at 28°Sagittarius was in a square aspect to the 29°Virgo resonance coordinate of the Confederate government in Richmond explaining a victory that challenged and put pressure on the Confederate States.
- Jupiter`s position at 28°Sagittarius was in a trine aspect to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of the Union capital in D.C. explaining the dissolution of the Confederate States as an expansion of the US central government.
The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of US State Capitals
Article: The astrogeographical resonance degrees of the 50 US State capitals

The first European invasion of the Americas began with Saturn, Pluto and Neptune opposite Washington in 1518
I developed my global astrogeographical calculation system through extensive research on astrological measurement and mapping of morphogenetic surface fields in Central Europe and its global projection.
As a first example for astrological verification of the relevance and precision of the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Washington delivered by my calculation system I want to draw your attention to the first European conquest on the American continent through the landing of the Juan de Grijalva expedition in the Tabasco region of Mexico on 29 June 1518.
In June 1518 three of the 5 slow moving systemical planets confronted the 6°Cancer and 27°Leo resonance coordinates of the area around Washington D.C. through opposition indicating
- a conjunction of Saturn (government, borders, control) with Pluto (nomads, foreign territory, piracy, criminal gangs, battles for power, transformation) between 4° and 7° in Capricorn the sign of government, rules, administration and factual reality
- Neptune (destabilization of the status quo of territorial control) at 26° in Aquarius the sign of globalization and of social, technological and cultural innovation

- Imagine my surprise when I found out, that the first European campaign of conquest in the Americas was begun with the two slowest moving of the 12 systemical planets PLUTO and NEPTUNE and also SATURN exactly opposite the coordinates that I calculated for Washington.

- The conquest of North America began shortly after the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 13 January 1518 which happened at 4° Capricorn in exact opposition to the 5°-6° Cancer resonance coordinate of the area where Washington D.C. was founded some 280 years later.
- At the same time the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the Inca capitals as the dominant South American culture during the time of European conquest were also directly affected by these transits: Lima (5°CANCER-19°Capricorn) as the modern capital of Peru and Cuzco (25°AQUARIUS – 7°Virgo) as the Inca capital at the time. The position of Lima as all-time capital of Peru) was affected trough opposition from Saturn and Pluto while the position of Cuzco was under conjunction through Neptune as indicator of territorial destabilization.
- the intensity of the resonance between the two most important slow moving planets and the positions of Washington and the Lima/Cuzco areas led me to the conclusion that these places represent highly sensitive positions in the overall morphic fields of the two American continents in regard to the territorial morphic fields of the two American continents or of their common morphic field. government control and administration field,
- The sites of Washington D.C. and Cuzco/Lima arto be considered as all-time centers of: A — general, abstract and overall energetical morphic field of the continent B — the “defense system fields” of the continents, C — human population and/or human cultural development fields, D — “government & administration fields” of each continent.
- The fact that Saturn-Pluto conjunctions are known for their impact of pandemics explains the devastating effects of the European invasion on the population of North America through the confrontation of the native American population with Eurasian/African viruses. Some 90 % of the Indigenous population of Mexico did nor survive the first 50 years following the first invasions.
- Mars (planet of warfare, driving force, motor, mobilization for new activities) was at 3° in Taurus (sign of occupation of territory, money, income). This position relates to the 2nd of the twelve 2°30` sub-divisions or 2nd house of the inner development of the sign. Mars therefore occupied the “Taurus subdivision of Taurus” indicating the start of an era of military conquest of territory and resources.
Washington`s astrogeographical “neighbor capitals”

Astrogeographical “neighbor capitals” share the same astrogeographical transit periods. Neighbors of the 5°-6° Cancer position of Washington in order of astrogeographical distance (+/- 15°):
- Lima 5°Cancer
- Sucre (Bolivia) 7°Cancer
- Kingston (Jamaica) 7°Cancer
- Antanarivo (Madagascar) 4°Cancer
- Islamabad (Pakistan) 8°Cancer
- Djibouti 8°Cancer
- Luanda (Angola) 9°Cancer
- Tripoli (Libya) 9°Cancer
- Berlin 10°Cancer
- Nassau (Bahamas) 2°Cancer
- Vientiane (Laos) 2°Cancer
- Manama Bahrain 1°Cancer
- Copenhagen (Denmark) 1°Cancer & 14°Cancer
- Dakar Senegal 0°Cancer
- Rome 29°Gemini
- Moscow 12°Cancer
- Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 28°Gemini
- Brazzaville/Kinshasa (Kongos) 13°/14°Cancer
- Port of Spain (Trinidad/Tobago) 14°Cancer
- Caracas 17°Cancer
- Singapore 17°Cancer
- Santiago de Chile 22°Gemini
- Nouakchott (Mauretania) 19°Cancer
- Madrid, Buenos Aires, Montevideo 20°Cancer
- Ottawa 21°Cancer
- Kuala Lumpur 21°Gemini
- Baku (Azerbeijan) 21°Cancer
- Bagdad 22°Cancer
Neighbors of the 27° Leo position of Washington in order of astrogeographical distance (+/- 15°):
- Dodoma (Tanzania) 27°Leo
- New Delhi (India) 26°Leo
- Djakarta (Indonesia) 28°Leo & 22°Leo
- Dhaka (Bangladesh) 28°Leo
- Addis Ababa (African Union & Ethiopia) 25°Leo
- Windhoek (Namibia) 25°Leo
- Lisbon (Portugal) 1°Virgo
- Abuja (Nigeria) 23°Leo
- Ulanbaatar (Mongolia) 23°Leo
- Freetown (Sierra Leone) 22° Leo & 7°Virgo
- Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) 21°Leo
- Pyongyang (N. Korea) 21°Leo
- Conakry (Guinea) 18°Leo & 9°Leo
- Dushanbe (Tadjikistan) 5°Virgo
- Kuwait 6°Virgo
- Vienna (Austria) 17°Leo
- Stockholm (Sweden) 7°Virgo
- Zagreb (Croatia) 12°Leo
- Bogota (Columbia) 11°Leo
The 6° Cancer resonance of Washington
For the qualities of Cancer compare my articles: Cancer in Astrogeography, Cancer as the Sign of Shells, Cancer as the sign of eggs and the uterus,
Cancer represents the astrological significator of fertility, conception, motherhood, childhood, the vagina, uterus and other sexual organs (interior and exterior), of gender and sexuality as such. It indicates and resonates with coasts, islands, river banks, rivers, lakes and water sources as the natural habitat of crabs and snails. In human culture Cancer stands for the population nation field (“the People”), ancestor lines, feeling at home, emotional identity, individuality, authenticity & independence, modernity in culture, art and dealing with factual reality as the allowance of subjective emotions of the “I” and of living in the present, individual emotional perception.
In regard to the particular quality of the United States as the first ever and only global state nation that was founded as under the program and constitution of a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-national state open to members of any ethnic group and inheritance Cancer relates to the aspect of allowing a genetic pool that sees fertility and life as such as its homeland issue.
The 27°Leo resonance of Washington
For the qualities of Leo compare my articles: Leo in astrogeography, Lion statues in astrogeographical field study.
The resonance of Washington with the degrees of royalty and absolutism between 25° and 30°Leo the sign of the Sun, light, heart, kingdom, royalty, absolutism, appeal to magnificence, power plants, centralization, emotional self-expression, self-esteem and the allowance of fulfillment of emotional desires and needs explains the potential of the Washington area as an energetical super – center. Among the centralist signs it is Leo (Sun) together with Taurus (Earth) that have to be explored in terms of the strongest gravity.
Washington as one of the top 4 super-centralist capitals together with Beijing, New-Delhi, Moscow
Washingtons resonance coordinate in Leo the sign of absolutism, hierarchical rule and the definite climax of the appeal for centralism explains the importance of the appeal to anti-federalism for the capitals of super-large countries. Important capitals of super-large countries with capitals in Leo are Beijing (3°LEO-17°SAG) and New Delhi (26°LEO-3°TAU).
The “Top 4 Group” of super-large and super-centralist global superpowers (USA, Russia, China, India) the Russian capital Moscow (2°TAU-12°CAN) though not equipped with one coordinate in Leo has its central capital in another one of the two most important resonators of centralism: Taurus the sign of possession of territory, resources, agriculture and economical super-centralism.
Comparison of Washington with other capitals of North America and the Caribbean

National Charts for the USA
Compare my article: Rythmical activations in the Powell Chart for the foundation of the USA
I recommend to differentiate between the foundation charts for the different systemic and morphic fields, historical developments and other aspects as a nation.
Morphic and Morphogenetic Fields of the USA

- A – Territorial Nation Field. There are several aspects of the territorial nation field as the territory of validity of national laws of the USA. the state nation field as accepted by the United Nations, the morphic fields of the 50 single US states. The foundation of the territorial nation field of the USA may be recapitulated in various stages: the first landing, the first colony, the union of the 13 colonies, the declaration of independence of the 13 colonies from the colonial empire, the integration of Texas or New Mexico (southern limits) or California (western limits) as indication of the full territorial nation.
- A 1 – Geo-strategical sphere of Interest Field. Comprises of territories that are seen as sensitive, important, useful. lucrative for defense, military, economical or other purposes. Fossile and other resources have been traditionally considered as of geo-strategical importance.
- B – Population Nation Field: has various layers like the people that have legal citizenship of the state nation, those that are part of the factual population of the territorial nation field as they live or stay there, are
- C – State Nation Field: state nations by definition of the United Nations, as accepted by other state nations or as self-declared. It consists of legal territories and citizens.
- D – “Ethnic” “Nation Field“: the overall “Ethnic Nation” of the USA could refer to the genetic pool of the USA. It is by definition through the constitution and by political tradition of the state nation without ethnic limitation – meaning that all ethnics are part of it. The dimensions of the openness of the USA to different ethnics is surely unique. Historically the Indigenous or Native Americans who may have considered themselves as separate Ethnic nations have been colonized. A definition of the factual “Ethnic Nation Field” of the USA may consider any individual born from parents with ancestors in the USA as part of this field. A contrasting example of the opposite definition in Moscow-Russia where the current dictator stated in 2021 that: the Russian state nation is comprised of ethnic Russians only and that all territories claimed as “Ethnic-Russian territories” belong to Moscow-Russia.
- D 1 – “Ethnic” Group Fields: are subdivisions of the overall “Ethnic” nation field of the USA. Factual ethnic groups and imaginary group identities as for racist, nationalist and other purposes should be differentiated. The synthesis of a number of different genetic, ethnic, cultural, language, religion, karmic group issues, and other types of backgrounds and inheritances may be examined as a potential membership-resonance with
- D 2 – Ancestor Line Nation Field: exists in the USA too. The vast majority (over 98 % ?) has far older and longer ancestor lines in other nations abroad.
- E – Cultural Nation Field: the state cult as such is an important aspect of any state nation field. But the cultural nation field comprises of all aspects of culture in the USA`s territorial and population nation fields.
- E 1 – Cultural group fields
- F – Language Nation Field. the language nation field of the USA comprises of all languages and also of all dialects spoken. The multi-ethnic aspect of the USA makes it a multi-lingual field with English as the administrative and “common multiple” language.
- F 1 – Global Language Fields: The use of English as administrative language makes the “Common Multiple” part of the US – language nation field a part of the English Language Global Field
- G – Colonial State National Morphic Field: consider Moscow-Russia and the United Kingdom & Commonwealth of Nations.
- H – Market nation field: has different layers. the legal territory with national trade, tax, currency and other laws, the global US currency field for example in the form of “Petro Dollars“, trade and other transfers in US currency.
- I – Post Colonial State Nation Field (e.g. India): of the former colonial ruler nations in modern US territories it is the British Empire that plays the most important role here through the fact that English serves as administrative language. The US territorial nation was wasn´t united and founded by the UK or Spain as India, Canada, Argentina and appr. 70 to 120 state nations worldwide were. Nevertheless it
s history makes it a post-colonial foundation. - K – “Religion” Nation Field: played an important role in the European middle ages and still does in state cult. It is particularly central in pseudo-Islamic state cults. The US religion field as such is open. Nevertheless the attempts to propagate it for state cult are getting highly aggressive under the influence of the Neofascist international.
- L – Multinational Cooperation Nation State Field: the USA as part of the UN; NATO as well as international trade zones. The Trump government made the US state nation a part of the Neo-Fascist International currently led by Russian secret services.
- N – Social Class Nation Field: specific social classes, castes and other types of groups that exist inside the USA territory and/or population fields.
Timelines of important foundation charts of the USA
Compare: A comparison of Rhythmical activations in the Powell and Sibley Charts
Be aware of the large number of speculative data on the date and timing of the foundation of the USA considering the 1st or last vote on the independence or constitution and its assumed signing or proclamation between 1 and 5 July 1776 that have been published. The USA is the only nation that has such a heavily disputed and largely overwritten natal chart.
I suggest to explore this “diversity” of data and the manipulative use of data for establishing individual theories as a consequence of the market competition and individual territorial purposes of “astrologers”.
The preference of the value of personal impressions over the treatment of astrology as a science of interpretation of factual timing surely has a degenerative and corrupting effect on the scientific basis and treatment of astrology. The preference of construction of astrological timing of events by astrologers through speculative astrological delineation instead of using astrological data through their limited oral or written tradition is a method that replaces Saturn (factual reality) through personal preferences like Venus (profit), Mercury (lying and tricks). Jupiter (pretense of success, preaching, manipulation) or Pluto (dominance in hierarchy).
Anyway a scientific astrological approach has got to seek to differentiate between the different aspects of the founded systemical fields in order not to confuse the different layers and systemical fields of a nation.
Foundation charts of the Period of discovery and colonization of North America & today´s US territories with important Astrogeographical Transits
- 11 Oct 1492 (jul.) — Chrístobal Columbus discovery of Bahamas und Spanish flag with Lilith (Unknown, Unconscious) at 25°LEO & Mars (Conquest, Beginning) at 28°LEO conjunct the 27°LEO resonance coordinate of Washington. Importance: Territorial nation field
- 24 Jul 1497 (jul.) — 1st known European discovery of North American land at Newfoundland by Giovanni Caboto under English flag with Neptune at 8°Capricorn opposite the 6°Cancer coordinate of Washington. Importance: Territorial nation field
- 25 September 1513 (jul.), 11:00 — Vasco Núñez de Balboa reaches the Pacific coast after crossing the Isthmus of Panama. Transits: Moon conjunct Venus between 27° & 29°LEO conjunct the 27°LEO coordinate of Washington on the royal degrees. This transit describes the full impact of the intensity of excitement about the attractiveness of the west coasts of the Americas and access to Peru and California with access to hughe territorial gain (Venus) and lands for living (Moon) and the gold rush (Leo). Importance for nation fields: Territorial, Trade/Market, Colonial.
- 29 Jun 1518 (jul.) — 1st European conquest in North America through the landing of the 1st Juan des Grijalva expedition in Mexico. A highly relevant chart for the colonial morphic field and territorial nation field of the whole of North & South America and the USA due to the SA-PL conjunction at 4°-7°CAP & Neptune at 27°AQU opposite the 6°CAN-27°LEO resonance coordinates of Washington + similar resonance with the Lima – Cuzco regions of the Inca Empire. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- 18 August 1521 (jul.) — Foundation of New Spain with Uranus at 25°TAU (possession of territory, markets, income, wealth) square the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington. mportance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- 29 Sep 1526 (jul) — San Miguel de Gualdape founded as the 1st colonial settlement attempt on modern US territory. Important for the development of colonization. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- 10 May 1534 (jul) — Jaques Cartier landings and extensive explorations on coasts of Newfoundland and Gulf of St. Lawrence with Saturn as indicator of territorial stabilization at 21°CAN conjunct the 21° CAN resonance coordinate of Canadian capital Ottawa and Neptune at 2°ARI (Fort Sumter position) square the 6°CAN coordinate of Washington. Uranus (as indicator of globalization at 15°CAN). Importance: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language nation fields
- 24 Jul 1534 — Jaques Cartier claims territories in Gulf of St. Lawrence for France with Uranus (as indicator of globalization at 20°CAN conjunct the 21°CAN resonance coordinate of Ottawa. mportance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- 28 Aug 1565 (jul.) — 1st permanent European settlement & oldest city on US territory founded by Pedro Menendez de Aviles in St. Augustine, Florida with Saturn as indicator of territorial stabilization at 24°LEO conjunct the 27°LEO coordinate of Washington. As initial or foundation chart of European colonization possibly & initialization of the process of development towards a national territory. mportance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- 10 April 1606 (jul.) — foundation of English Virginia Company aimed at colonizing the west coast of N. America with outstandingly intense transit pressure on the status quo and astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Washington D.C.: A — Saturn (government, control, borders) at 7°CAP in opposition, B — Jupiter (hunting for success, expansion, victory, aiming) at 27°AQU (globalization, sailing, immigration), C — Venus (territory, income, property, agriculture) at 28°TAU (maximum degree (28°) of possessions, territory, markets, agriculture) conjunct Uranus (globalization, revolution, technological & social innovation, import/export of slaves, immigration) at 24°TAU both planets square the 27°LEO coordinate of Washington indicating plans to occupy territory, local resources and markets. Importance for nation fields: Colonial, Territorial, Trade/Market
- 14 May 1607 (jul.) — foundation of the Jamestown Colony in Virginia as first permanent English colony. Uranus (globalization) at 0°GEM & Chiron (protection, strategical planning) at 27°SCO occupied a square position to Washingtons 27°LEO coordinate explaining the challenge to the status quo in N. America. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- 11 Nov 1620 (jul.) — foundation of “New Plymouth Colony” in today´s New England by “Pilgrim Fathers” as second permanent English colony on modern US territory with Saturn as indicator of territorial stabilization at 5°CAN conjunct the 6°CAN coordinate of Washington. See parallel of Saturn`s position to the St. Augustine, Florida foundation of 1526. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- May 1643 (jul.) (dissolved 1686) — foundation of United Colonies of New England as a first confederation. Transits: Neptune (as indicator of transcending and/or dissolving borders, overall levels of morphic fields, compassion, union with neighbors) at 0° in GEM (roads, infrastructure, interfaces, communication) square the 27°LEO coordinate of Washington. Importance for nation fields: Colonial, State nation, Territorial, Market/Trade,
- 20 Jun 1675 (jul.) (to 12 Apr 1678 (jul.)) — First Indian War in the New England colonies. Colonists fighting without British support develop new national identity. Pluto (battle for power) at 7°CAP opposite Washington explains threats to territorial control and borders through advancing settlers (opposition as an aspect of expansion) and conflicts with neighbors. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, State Nation, Political, Cultural,
Foundation charts of the American Revolution, Independence and the USA with Astrogeographical Transits

- 27 April 1763 — Native American Rebellion in Great Lakes region against British rule in “Pontiac`s War” (1763-66) with Neptune (territorial destabilization) at 23°LEO conjunct the 27°LEO coordinate of Washington. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- 7 Oct 1765 — Stamp Act Congress (Continental Congress of 1765) with Pluto at 5°CAP opposite the 5°-6°CAN coordinate of Washington as the 1st Pluto return from the landing of the Spanish Juan de Grijalva expedition + conquest of Mexico in 1518. The “Stamp Act Congress” was the first gathering of elected representatives of the 13 Colonies in protest against the British taxation of colonists. it was triggered by the Stamp Act passed in British Parliament on 22 March 1765. Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market,
- 16 Dec 1773 — Boston Tea Party protest by American group “Sons of Liberty” against British colonial tax policies through the Townshend Acts of 1767/68. Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market,
- 5 Sep 1774 — First Continental Congress (5 Sep to 26 Oct 1774) of 12 out of 13 of the English colonies in Philadelphia in protest against the “intolerable laws” passed by the British parliament in 1774. Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Defense
- 10 May 1775 — Second Continental Congress (10 May 1775 to 1 Mar 1781) with delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that united in support of the American Revolutionary War as de facto national government of the 13 colonies. Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Defense
- 1 Jul 1776, (7.09 p.m.) — with Jupiter (victory, healing, expansion) at 5°CAN conjunct the 5°-6°CAN resonance coordinate of Washington & Pluto at 27°CAP conjunct London´s 27°CAP coordinate. Powell Chart of American Independence and Constitution for the 1st successful vote on the declaration, independence, foundation and constitution of the USA by members of the Second Continental Congress at 19.07 (p.m.) with 9:2 votes. Date and timing suggested by a professor of the University of Delaware in 1950 on the grounds that the several repetitions of the vote with the same outcome on the next days were a formality. Astrologically the “law of the first event” makes it the decisive moment. For detailed information see explanation of the data source given by american astrologer Gary Lorentzen in a Kepler Community Webinar: “The Powell Chart and the decision to create the United States.” Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Defense
- 4 July 1776 — (various timings with extensive debates due to the lack of written proof) — for the signing of the declaration and constitution. Importance for nation fields: State Nation, Validity of Law, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Defense.
- 2 Feb 1781 — Ratification of Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union as a preparation stage for. the Constitution of the United States of 1788/89. Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Defense
- 1 Mar 1781 — Congress of the Confederation (1 Mar 1781 to 3 Mar 1789) with Neptune at 5°Libra square the 5°-6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington. Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Defense
- 3 Sep 1783 — Treaty of Paris ends American Revolutionary War. Boundaries between Colonial British Canada and the USA are defined. Intense tension of astrogeographical transits for Washington: A — Saturn (limits, borders, rules, laws, government) at 6°Capricorn opposite Washingtons 6°Cancer coordinate as an indication of defining borders and of the exit of the former colonial power into exile (opposition). B — Neptune at 8°Libra square leaving the square position to Washington behind as to Washington as an indication of the end of a period of destabilization and decentralization. C — Uranus conjunct Lilith at 11°Cancer leaving the conjunction to Washington behind as an indication that the revolution is over. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State nation, Defense system
- 21 Jun 1788 — Ratification of the Constitution of the United States with A — Jupiter (victory, expansion) at 6°CAN + B — Mars (warfare, beginning, mobilization) at 28°LEO both exactly conjunct Washington, C— Uranus (revolution, independence, escape, self-finding) at 28°CAN opposite the 27°CAP coordinate of London explains the escape, secession and self-liberation from the enemy and counterpart (opposition). Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Defense system
- 4 Mar 1789 — Constitution of the United States becomes effective. Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Defense
- 16 Jul 1790 — Residence Act as the decision to built Washington D.C. as national capital in the Potomac river area passed in parliament on 1 and 9 Jul signed by President George Washington. Transits: A — Chiron as indicator of careful strategical planning, preparations, gardening & self-protection conjunct Mercury (intelligence, compromise, democracy) at 3° in CANCER (sign of river banks, feeling at home, population nation) conjunct the 5°-6°CAN coordinate of the DC area explains the choice of Washington as a naturally protected place and for reasons of self-protection of the seat of the central government. B — Saturn as indicator of government, control & laws at 5° in ARIES (military, warfare, mobilization, beginnings) square the 6°CAN coordinate of the DC area. Importance for nation fields: State nation, Territorial, Population, Political, Defense system.
- 11 June 1800 — on 15 May1800 President John Adams had ordered the Capital of the USA to be moved from Philadelphia to Washington according to the Residence Act passed in 1790. On 11 June 1800 the official status of the capital was transferred. Transits: Jupiter (victory, triumph, expansion, healing, growth) at 7°CAN was in the “Return of Zeus” or rather “Arrival of Zeus” position conjunct the 6°CAN coordinate of Washington. Importance for nation fields: State, Central Government, Territorial, Population, Political, Defense System.
- 27 Feb 1801 — District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 places the D.C. area under control of the Congress. This act represented an important step in the political stabilization of the central state. Importance for nation fields: State, Central Government, Territorial, Population, Political, Defense System.
- 6 Dec 1865 — 13th amendment to the US constitution decides the prohibition of slavery & involuntary servitude important as one of the most important basics of democracy, seriousness and honesty of the constitution, human rights, spiritual values of human compassion and the confrontation of their corruption. Transits: retrograde Uranus (revolution, emancipation, escapeing liberation from slavery) at 2° in CANCER was conjunct (arrival in the homeland) the 6°CANCER coordinate of the central capital in D.C. describing the effect as a holistic re-connection of the constitution and the population field with its fuller potentials. Jupiter (healing, solution) – Mercury (personality rights, liberty and equal standards) conjunction between 4° and 7° in CAPRICORN (degrees of exorcism, factual reality, correcting mistakes, laws, rules, government) opposite (confrontation) the 6°CANCER coordinate of D.C. explains the 13th amendment as a step taken to correct the corruption of social reality through laws that had placed the civil rights of one group above those of another group. Importance for nation fields: State, Central Government, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political,
- 18 Aug 1920 — Nineteenth Amendment US the Constitution prohibited the denial of the right to vote to citizens of the United States on the basis of sex was one of the most important basics of democratic society and the US constitution. Transits: Jupiter (healing, solutions) at 28°LEO in the Return or Arrival of Zeus position) conjunct the Sun (light, heart, power plant) at 25° in its own sign of rulership (completion) LEO conjunct (coming home, fulfillment) the 27°LEO coordinate of D.C.. Pluto (trauma, pain, battle for power, transformation of role patterns) at 8° in CANCER (sign of the population field) conjunct (coming home) the 6°CANCER coordinate of D.C. as an indicator of a consequence of a deeper crisis of the nation during the conjunction transit of Pluto since the entry of the USA in WW1 in 1917. Importance for nation fields: State, Central Government, Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political,
USA – Member States of the Territorial Nation

The long and permanent process of growth of the USA from the 13 colonies to the 50 (or 52) member states began in 1791 with the admission of Delaware and ended in 1959 with the admission of Alaska and Hawaii. I thought that it could help to explore differentiation between single periods of admission of new states and of adaptation of the Union to new states for astrological purposes and using important astrogeographical transits of the outer planets.
- 29 Jun 1518 (jul.) — 1st European conquest in North America through the landing of the 1st Juan des Grijalva expedition in Mexico. A highly relevant chart for the colonial morphic field and territorial nation field of the whole of North & South America and the USA due to the SA-PL conjunction at 4°-7°CAP & Neptune at 27°AQU opposite the 6°CAN-27°LEO resonance coordinates of Washington + similar resonance with the Lima – Cuzco regions of the Inca Empire. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- 14 May 1607 (jul.) — foundation of the Jamestown Colony in Virginia as first permanent English colony. Uranus (globalization) at 0°GEM & Chiron (protection, strategical planning) at 27°SCO occupied a square position to Washingtons 27°LEO coordinate explaining the challenge to the status quo in N. America. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market, Colonial
- 7 Dec 1787 to 29 May 1790 — process of ratification of US-membership of each single of the 13 Colonies in the USA. Transits: Saturn as indicator of government, laws, state nation and state cult at 23°AQUARIUS (sign of globalization, global morphic field, multicultural issues and of unions and friendships (house 11, true friends, friendship among equals) between states transiting towards (longer process) of exact opposition (expansion, confronting opposites) to the 27°LEO coordinate of Washington with climax in Jan/Feb 1788 during ratifications of Connecticut (9 Jan) and Massachusetts (6 Feb). Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market,
- 4 Mar 1791 to 21 Aug 1959 — beginning of overall process of admittance of 37 states to US membership with admittance of Vermont. Transits: Saturn as indicator of government, laws, state nation and state cult at 5°ARIES (beginning, mobilization, military, warfare) exactly square the 6°CAN position of D.C.. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 4 Mar 1791 to 1 Jun 1796 — phase I of expansion of the Union through 3 new member states during PLUTO`s transit over 27°AQUARIUS (globalization) in opposition (expansion, counterparts, confrontation, going to or expanding one´s limits) to the 27°LEO coordinate of D.C.
- 1 Mar 1803 — phase II of expansion of the Union through Ohio as new member state. Transits. Neptune (cosmic morphic field, compassion/spiritual unity, destabilization of control) at 23°SCORPIO (defense system, underworld, nomads, settler/native conflicts) square (challenge of status quo, pressure on government) to D.C.. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 4 Jul 1803 — in the Louisiana Purchase the Jefferson government buys a gigantic territory in the center of the USA from France starting the era of US Imperialism. It stretches from Montana in the north to Louisiana. Since only very small parts were occupied by France this deal starts an era of massive settler invasions and violent occupation of lands inhabited by native population. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 18 June 1812 to 17 February 1815 — US declaration of war against Britain in “War of 1912” over territorial conflicts in North-West Territory admitted as Ohio in 1803, British global trade policies against US trade with France & other issues. Transits: A — declaration of War with SATURN opposite 6°CAN coordinate of D.C., B — URANUS (globalization) transit over 27°SCO in 1812-14 square the 27°LEO coordinate of D.C. with climax during the “Burning of Washington” by British troops on 24 August 1814. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 30 Apr 1812 to 26 Jan 1837 — phase III of expansion of the Union through 9 new member states. Transits: A — Saturn as indicator of government, laws, state nation & borders in his own sign of rulership at 7°CAP opposite (expansion, counterparts, confrontation, going to or expanding one´s limits) the 6°CAN coordinate of D.C., B — JUPITER (victory, triumph, expansion, healing, growth) at 3°CAN in “return/arrival of Zeus transit” conjunct D.C., C — URANUS (globalization, global morphic field, multinational union of states) at 22°SCO in square transit of the 27°LEO position of D.C. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 3 Mar 1845 to 9 Sep 1850 — phase IV of expansion of the Union through 5 new member states – 3 of them: Florida, Texas, California representing the most populated member states. Transits: A — Neptune conjunct VENUS & MERCURY between 24° + 27° in AQUARIUS (sign of multi-cultural globalization, unions of states, global morphic field) opposite the 27°LEO coordinate of Washington indicating extensive expansion, competition and allowing complementary influences. B — URANUS (globalization, multi-cultural & multi-national issues) at 5°ARIES (warfare, mobilization, new beginning) conjunct JUPITER (expansion, growth, travelling, healing) square (pressure, competition, conflict) to the 6°CAN coordinate of Washington. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 29 Dec 1845 — US annexation of Texas. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 25 Apr 1846 to February 2, 1848 — Mexican-American War following the US annexation of Texas.
- 15 June 1846 — Oregon Treaty with UK hands over the Oregon Territory (OR, ID, WA) to the USA. Transits: Neptune at 28°AQUARIUS cj. SATURN at 0°PIS both opposite the 27°LEO coordinate of D.C.. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 2 Feb 1848 — Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Mexico is forced to cede CA, AR, NV, UT & Western NM & CO to USA. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 11 May 1858 to 1 Mar 1867 — phase V of expansion of the Union through 6 new member states beginning with Minnesota. During this period Transits: A — Uranus (globalization, revolution, innovation) conjunct Jupiter (expansion, healing) between 28° and 26° (degrees of maximal income) in TAURUS (profits, markets, possession of territory, agriculture) square (challenge, competition, stimulation) to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of D.C.
- 20 & 24 Dec 1860 — Secession of South Carolina from the USA as first step into US Civil War begun on 12. April 1861. The secession was a reaction onto the election of the new president of the central/federal government Abraham Lincoln and directed against the abolition of slavery . Transits: A — Jupiter (victory, success, growth) at 27°LEO was exactly conjunct the astrogeographical coordinate of super-centralism of Washington in the “return/arrival of Zeus transit” indicating no loss but rather an expansion of the central government. B — Venus as indicator of income, possession of territory, agriculture and markets at 25° in SCORPIO (nomad culture, underground, battle for power, moving in foreign territory, possession of slaves, criminal gangs) in a square position to Washington can be understood as the main indicator for the reasons why the secession was decided for: the loss of profits through the abolition of slavery intended by the central government. C — Chiron as indicator of protected places and retreats, slaves & employees, strategical planning and calculation at 24° in AQUARIUS (sign of liberation from slavery) was opposite the 27°LEO resonance coordinate of Washington as indicator of the central government but also square the position of Venus at 25°SCORPIO as indicator of the secessionist state of South Carolina. Therefore Chiron`s position here has to be investigated as representative of the supporters of the fight against slavery and the abstract impact of the values of the constitution. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Language, Trade/Market
- 8 Feb 1861 — Foundation of the Confederate States of America including 11 South-Eastern states. Transits: Jupiter at 22°LEO in retrograde movement after the conjunction with the 27°LEO coordinate of Washington during the South Carolina secession 6 weeks before. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Trade/Market
- 9 Apr 1865 — capitulation of General Lee. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Trade/Market
- 20 Aug 1866 — Proclamation of the legal end of the insurrection of the Confederate states by President Andrew Johnson. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Political, Population. Transits: Uranus (cooperation of states and state unions, globalization & global morphic field, multi-ethnic/cultural/national aspects, revolution, emancipation) at 7°CANCER conjunct the 6°CAN coordinate of D.C.. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Trade/Market.
- 1 Aug 1876 to 1959 — phase VI – last period of admission of member states to the union in which 13 territories became part of the union starting with Colorado. Transits: Pluto (defense, trauma, battle for power) at 24°TAURUS the sign of possession of territory, income, wealth, agriculture was in a square position to the 27°LEO coordinate of D.C.. Jupiter (expansion, travelling, success) at 22°SCORPIO (defense system, transformation, battle for power) was opposite Pluto and square (challenge to the status quo, competition) the capital & government in D.C.. Importance for nation fields: Territorial, State Nation, Population, Ethnic, Political, Cultural, Trade/Market
- 21 Aug 1959 — admission of the Territory of Hawaii to the USA as the last of the 50 federal states. Transits: Sun at 27° in its own sign of rulership LEO conjunct the 27° LEO resonance coordinate of D.C. as an indication of the energetical impact of the Hawaiian islands as places of the light as such and of the fulfillment and completion of the overall process of the growth of the USA. Saturn (limits, borders) was at 0° CAPRICORN (degree of check-posts) close to the opposition (ultimate limit of any expansion) to the 6°CANCER resonance coordinate of Washington. Jupiter as indicator of expansion at 24°SCORPIO (defense system, transformation, volcanoes) was in a square (challenge to the status quo, competition) position to the 27°LEO coordinate of Washington.
Birth moments of important Stages in US History
Astrogeographical Transits of the outer Planets and the History of the USA

Articles: The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA in astrogeography, Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography, Pluto-Neptune Transits in Mundane Astrology,
In my astrogeographical calculation system a capital is defined by 2 astrogeographical resonance coordinates for morphogenetic field level 1 (region) that define its position in the overall morphic field of the landscape of the continent where it is located. Capitals are so defined by their relationship to all other capitals worldwide. This allows comparison of the astrological topics of each national capital with any other and conclusions regarding the timing of processes through stimulation by planetary transits in relation to each capital.
The transits of the “systemical” outer planets Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Chiron as well as those of other slower moving celestial factors in relation to Washington can be observed as stimulating factors or as analogies of long-term processes of development of the USA.
I recommend to start with exploring the climaxes of astrogeographical transits as major turning points in the history of the territory and population nation:
- 0° — Planets in conjunction with the capital as a new year, re-start, birth, beginning of a new cycle regarding the issues symbolized by the transiting planet
- 90° — planets in a rising square to the capital as climax periods of challenges through the distances covered and expansion achieved through the new developments begun during the conjunction.
- 180° — planets in opposition to the capital as climax periods of the possible distance and challenges of the status quo in the capital from the starting point of the cycle and developments begun during the conjunction of the planet with the capital.
- 270° — planets in falling square to the capital as climax periods of challenges of the status quo of the capital and nation through the effects of the new developments begun during the conjunction.
The following diagrams provide insights into the timings of important transits in relation to the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Washington.
Comparing astrogeographical transit cycles of Pluto and Neptune

- NE & PL opposite Washington in 1518 to 1522 — the simultaneous opposition transits of Pluto at 6°Capricorn and Neptune at 27°Aquarius to Washington marks the events of the first European conquests in North America. The same aspect returned again some 490 years later between 2009 and 2012.
- NE & PL opposite Washington in 2009 to 2012 — the return of the same simultaneous opposition transits of Pluto at 6°Capricorn and Neptune at 27°Aquarius to Washington of 1518 to 1522 can be investigated as the turning point regarding the developments that had made the USA the only most powerful global leading nation since the dissolution of the USSR in 1992. During these opposition transits the USA was alone on top of the world so to say – but only for a short moment in time. This absolute climax of transit pressure on wash was marked by the effects from the World Financial Crisis and Great Recession caused by the self-destructive policies of the G.W. Bush Southern States/Oil Cartel government policies aimed at the weakening and destabilization of the New York (Northern US States) led banking system in order to prevent the long intended New Big Deal in Climate Policies.
- NE cj & PL opp. Washington in 1761 to 1766: Neptune conjunct the 27°Leo & Pluto opposite the 6°Cancer resonance coordinates of Washington marked simultaneous climaxes of: A — a destabilization and self-destruction of the status quo of the Colonial rule (Neptune conjunction) and B — a challenge to the relative autonomy of the population in the 13 English colonies as the British parliament imposed a first direct tax on the 13 colonies through the Duties in American Colonies Act passed on 22 March 1765 (Pluto opposition). These politics of the British Colonial Power (opposite and conjunct Washington at the same time) directly triggered the start of the American Revolution with the Declaration of Independence as its outcome 11 years later.
- NE – PL -NE Cj Washington between 1903 and 1929: three consecutive conjunctions of Neptune and Pluto to Washington marked the beginning of two new 164 year long Neptune cycles and one 265 year long Pluto cycle within just 25 years indicating the beginning of the era of a new global role for the USA. This period was begun in the global disorientation of the Pre-World War I situation with Neptune conjunct the 6°Cancer coordinate in 1904 followed by the Entry of the USA into World War I with Pluto conjunct the 6°Cancer coordinate in 1917 and until it led to the World Economical Crisis of 1929 and Great Depression under the self-destructive transit of Neptune conjunct the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of the US capital.
Comparing astrogeographical transit cycles of Pluto, Neptune & Uranus

Comparing astrogeographical transit cycles of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus & Saturn

Pluto Transits
Articles: The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA in astrogeography, Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography and Astrology
Comparing “astrogeographical” & “US-Natal” transit cycles of Pluto

- the half sum between the 2 astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Washington (6° is at appr. 1°30 Aquarius and only 4° distance from the Pluto position during the foundation of the USA of 1 – 4 July 1776 at 27°Capricorn
- This is why aspects made by Pluto during transits in relation to the natal position of July 1776 happen more or less half way in between those in relation to the two astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the capital.
- This gives the natal position of Pluto the quality of a mediator between the two qualities that define the astrogeographical position of the capital in the global morphc field.
Timelines of Historical Events during astrogeographical transits of Pluto

- In my astrogeographical calculation system a capital is defined by 2 astrogeographical resonance coordinates for morphogenetic field level 1 (region) that define its position in the overall morphic field of the landscape of the continent where it is located. Capitals are so defined by their relationship to all other capitals worldwide. This allows comparison of the astrological topics of each national capital with any other and conclusions regarding the timing of processes through stimulation by planetary transits in relation to each capital.
- Conjunction transits of a planet in relation to a capital
Neptune Transits

Uranus Transits

21st Century Transits
The Pluto return Period 2020 – 2024 as the Return of the “National Question”
The national identy is habitually felt as part of the national territory. That makes it a taboo for open discussion in most nations.
- What does the term “National Question” refer to and why is it important ?
- In Political and Historical science the term “NATIONAL QUESTION” is used to explore and compare the specific components, identity, “individuality”, self-image, definitions, traditions, types, size and location of territories of single nations.
- This can help to identify the uniqueness of a nation and serve as a basis for exploring the situation it is in, its foundation charts, effects of astrological transits and all types of issues.
National Questions :
- The 1st Pluto return from the Foundation of a nation out of 13 English colonies
- In how far are the Trump governments anwers to the national question?
- What, who, how, why & where is the USA & where is it not ?
- Which was the foundation myth of 1776 & what is its current status ?
- Which was the social treaty on which the nation was built what his gone, overcome and changed by 2024 ?
- What would be the collective treaty between the people in 2024 if they were allowed to re-define it ?
- What is or are its national state cult(s), state dogma(s), state ideology (-ies), national ancestor cults ?
- How can a political state nation be defined as a national unity of the people under the circumstances of multi-cultural, multi-ethnic super-diversity ?
Categorizing dofferent types of state nations to replace nationalist prejudice, racism & superuiority/inferiority complexCategorizing Types of State Nation to replace nationalist prejudice, Racism, Superioritiy/Inferiority Complexes ….
There are different types of state nations and they can be explored by categories regarding their status or independence, state cult, political system. geographical features, history a.s.o.. Possible examples to be reviewed:
- A — Independent state nations of different types like France, Spain, Mexico, Thailand, Indonesia. Iran
- B — semi – independent state nations of different types like Germany (WW2 consequences), Australia, Canada, (both Brit.) Georgia, Armenia, ex Soviet states (all supptressed by Russia),
- C — Colonies like N. Korea (as Russian-Chinese colony), Belarus, Kurdistan
- D — small state nations
- E — super-centralist and super-large state nations like: USA, China, India
- F — Colonialist Empires like Russia (full scale), Great Britain (remains, partly)
- G — Ideological Centers: Saudi-Arabia, Vatican State, (both pseudo religious state cult), Russia (pseudo-socialist world revolution)
The roles of PLUTO and CAPRICORN are explored through the astrological assumption of cosmic harmony, coincidence, resonance between all elements on all levels in the universe and particularly our solar system
Since astrology is the science of harmony of fate and the development of the universe transits of planets are explored as stimulators of collective and individual evolution, solutions and learning through experience, reflection, understanding and re-capitulation.
The US PLUTO position defines the state cult and belief systems on which the pact of the population and federation of territories was build as an inheritence of:
- Rigid, inflexible political structures built for stability (CAP) over maximal (last degrees CAP) periods of time
- English constitutional monarchy (London = 27°Capricorn)
- Globalized nationality (30°Cap = world government) aka the fact that refugess and natives from all nations worldwide could join
- The issues of fuller scale individuation (aka the purpose of human life & form) through the allowance of a (RELATIVE according to karmic issues of individuation) maximum (27° of 30°) of hardships/neglection/rejection (27°CAP) & self-responsibility (Capricorn) through separation (Capricorn) from community, society, social welfare and brotherhood.
For evaluation why updates are needed I suggest to consider that this Pluto return is part of a process of thousands of years of evolutionary learning of incarnated individuals through development of human civilization.
And due to the fact that the USA have represented the leading nation and motor of cultural and technological development of humanity I suggest to consider how the CURRENT AGE consists of ongoing LONG TERM PROCESSES that can be measured, defined and recapitulated as parts of cycles that stimulate and condition human evolution.
F — the current 20 year long AQUARIUS SUB_DIVISION of the 179 years long AIR AGE OF DIGITAL GLOBALIZATION & UNIFICATION (1980 to 2159) triggered through the SATURN – JUPITER MUTATION/REVOLUTION of 1980.
The return transit of Pluto to its position of 1776 with climax between February 2020 (24°CAP) and November 2024 (0°AQU) indicates a transformational process of updates of STABLE FORMS (Pluto) to the requirements of the economic, technological political Zeitgeist of the current stage of human evolution as defined by:
A — the fact that the current transit and effected issues unfold right at the end of the “CAPRICORN MONTH” (2008 – 2024) & at the beginning of the AQUARIUS MONTH (2024 – 2043) of the PLUTO YEAR (1822 – 2068)
B — the current 494 years long PERIOD 2 (1891 – 2385) of the GEMINI AGE (1398 CE – 5832 CE) of the 33.000 years super cycle of PLUTO – NEPTUNE CONJUNCTIONS./
C — the current 138 years long VIRGO AGE (1965 – 2104) in the current 6367 years CYCLE B (1591 BC – 4776 CE) of the 2 alternating SUPER CYCLES OF URANUS – PLUTO CONJUNCTIONS. For data see:
D — the current 33 years long CAPRICORN ERA (2020 – 2053) as the 6th of 7 SATURN – PLUTO CONJUNCTIONS in the PLUTO YEAR (1822 – 2068)
The Pluto Return in the Natal Chart of the USA
Compare my new article: The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA
The first Pluto return to its natal position at 27°36`54
Capricorn after 247 years of history of the USA will take place two times between 2022 and 2023. American astrologers have discussed the first Pluto return to his “birth” position at 28°Capricorn extensively.

If we assume that Pluto in the US natal charts stands for the habitual traumatic patterns of experience and perception that the Americas of the modern era are based on – these patterns are: unrooted and unhindered occupation, exploitation, destruction and pollution of indigenous cultures and of the land provided by mother earth through the castes of European refugees who rule over the Americas since that era. The burning of the Amazone forests and the pollution of all ancient ground water through Fracking are truly ultimate aims of that Post-European caste mentality. And yes in a land of the free and brave – the aspect of hierarchy and trauma (Pluto) that the caste system and rulers of society (Pluto in Capricorn) rely on, are the freedom to pollute, destroy, shoot and make profits where the holy cow of the dogma of state religion (Pluto in Capricorn) is the ultimate success of the courage to lie and corrupt. That is Pluto`s inheritance in Capricorn.
The american natal Pluto at 28° Capricorn falls exactly on the astrogeographic position of London – which reflects that the majority vote and 2 party system along with the English national culture and language, unhindered colonialism and capitalism of the British Empire in the late 18th century are the historical basis for the US version of the american Pluto. This transit explains how much of a catastrophic event and defeat the American secession was for the British Empire.

But on the other hand and at the same time the foundation of USA also appeared as a process of the planting of a clone of the British Empire – and one which in the 20th century became an essential bigger brother that came to the defense (Pluto) of London in the two World Wars.
Sun-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction square to Moscow during the 2021 Presidential inauguration of Joe Biden
During the coming US Presidential inauguration on 20 January 2021 the Sun will be joined and the defense system against Russian influence on the US government will be stimulated by a conjunction of Saturn at 4° and of Jupiter at 7°Aquarius.
US presidential inaugurations are traditionally held with the Sun at 0°Aquarius square the 2°-3°Taurus astrogeographical resonance coordinate of the Russian capital and seat of government in Moscow and also opposite the 3°Leo astrogeographical resonance coordinate of Beijing.
This aspect is symbolic of the notorious historical competition of US governments with the super-centralist governments in Moscow (2°Taurus – 12°Cancer) and Beijing (3°Leo – 17°Sagittarius)

A – Sun-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction square to Moscow
During the coming US Presidential inauguration on 20 January 2021 the Sun will be joined and the defense system against Russian influence on the US government will be stimulated by a conjunction of Saturn at 4° and Jupiter at 7°Aquarius with the Sun position. The outcome of the election could bring a considerable progress in the independence of the USA from Russia.
This Sun-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in the sign of Uranus` rulership will occur in “preparation” meaning before the exact square transits of both planets to Uranus. This situation explains that the inauguration will occur shortly before the active confrontation of the resulting problems from the 4 years phase of Russian influence over Washington will become effective.
B – The role of Uranus
In the inauguration chart Uranus has to be identified as the planetary representative of the Trump supporters, because:
The ties of the Trump government with the alliance of the US fascist and racist propaganda machinery that dominates the Republican Party and the extremely efficient neo – fascist war propaganda spread by Russian Secret Services that brought Trump to power and caused the Brexit decision in 2016 were reflected in the exact Uranus opposition to London`s 24°Libra resonance coordinate during the United Kingdom EU-Membership vote of 2016 and the return of Uranus to the 20°Aries position from the inauguration of Adolf Hitler on Jan, 30 1933 during the Presidential inauguration of Trump on Jan, 20 2017.
C – A new President
The Jupiter- Saturn conjunction will be placed in house 10. An astrological conclusion that has to be drawn from this is that a new President will be inaugurated that replaces the current one. The ideal and stabilizing effects of the constellation of the Jupiter -Saturn conjunction (constellation of the golden section) indicates that the coming president will seek to overcome the splitting of the people and society and the paralysis of the government institutions through harmonizing Jupiter (subjective thinking) and Saturn (factual reality) in order to make the government, state and political decisions more effective.
The spectacular inefficiency and corruption of the US State and government during the Trump Presidency will have to be confronted especially by Saturn who as the house ruler of mid-heaven (house 10) rules the outcome of the inauguration bringing along with him Pluto who will be in the strongest possible position of all planets (mid-heaven) into the government. At 25°Capricorn Pluto will also be placed near the degree of the US Natal Pluto Return (27°Capricorn) into the government.
Pluto conjunct mid-heaven and on the last degrees of Capricorn indicates that the new President will have to rely on the power of the existing political laws, rules, institutions and the support of the commanders of the US military forces to prevent the plans of the US Neo-Fascist/Russian conspiracy to attempt some sort of a coup D` Ètat.
D – Kamala Harris as a representative of the Uranus -Pluto topics and generation

The choice of Kamala Harris as the Vice President during the Joe Biden Presidency reflects the need for confrontation of hereditary Pluto-Uranus topics in US social legislation, the political system and political culture.

- In Kamala Harris` natal chart Saturn in Aquarius near mid-heaven stands for the efficiency of making use of existing resources in order to work the exorcising of political corruption.
- Saturn seems even more spectacular and efficient here as it stands conjunct the 27°Aquarius astrogeographical resonance coordinate of Paris and exactly opposite the 27°Leo position of Washington and on the descendant of Trump`s birth ascendant.
- This aspect of a complementary opposition makes Kamala Harris a care taker of re-orientation in regard to the habitual patterns of suppressing reality and destroying its image and value in the name of subjectivisms (Leo) and pseudo-alternative narratives.

This Saturn position can be understood as an expression of an effect of re-connecting US politics with the traditions and roots of the American revolution and constitution.
- It is important to understand that and how much Kamala Harris stands for the unfolding of the political experience of the Pluto-Uranus conjunction generation (1962 – 1969). The karmic issue of representatives of this generation can be expected to lie in fighting the patterns of castration of human potentials worked by Trump presidency. It lay in the moral and social example given by the image of a male patriarch-king-presidency of a super corrupt, reckless demagogue accompanied by a prostituting house-cat-wife model framed into shutting up her mouth in the name of the Trump dynasty.
- The Pluto-Uranus-Venus conjunction in house 4 of Kamala Harris birth chart ruled and healed by an exact opposition from Virgo`s sign ruler Chiron in house 10 stands for her aim to redirect human potentials into self-responsibility and away from the toxic determination of fate through racial and social background, the hyper-capitalist infiltration and demagogic pseudo-religion, the symptomatic defeat of US democratic institutions, society and culture and the periodical plundering of the resources of the American people by gangs of robbers like the Bushs or Trumps.
- Kamala Harris Saturn is on the point of luck in Trumps chart – I had never considered that aspect in synastry before. She sort of provides stability to a holistic inspection of his pseudo-luck from the point of view of karmic reality……
- I `m also surprised that her ascendant is on his sun position – which is always an aspect of natural competition. inthis case it also means knowing where someone takes his tricks from.
E – The Mars – Uranus conjunction in house 12
The square between the Mars – Uranus conjunction in house 12 and the officially ruling Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in house 10 indicates that plans for an attempted Coup D` Ètat and all kinds of illegal activities directed against the legally elected central government do exist.
The position of the Moon in the 12th sub-division of Aries and in house 12 shows that activities of uncontrollable aggression, hate crimes and organised murder are to be expected during the inauguration and in the coming years as a long-term effect of the spreading of hate through the neo-fascist and racist propaganda worked by the Trump supporters and the Russian Cold War II propaganda.
The Impeachment Inquiry against Donald Trump
Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced the opening up of an impeachment inquiry against D. Trump on 24 September at 17:04.

photo source: Office of Public Affairs Washington, ccbvsa2.0
As a major reason why the inquiry was started now Mrs Pelosi named the Presidents assumed illegal activity when using a large sum of military aid as a means to put pressure on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in order to help him damage Trump`s opponent Joe Biden in the coming presidential elections. Trump has acknowledged he moved to put the brakes on roughly $400 million in military aid to Ukraine about a week before the call.
What do the transits of Sun, Mars, Saturn and South-North Nodal axis on that day in relation to the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the capital and centers of the national morphic fields in Washington (6°CA + 27°LE) and Moscow (12°CA + 2°TA) reveal about that step?

- Saturn + South Node were opposite the 12° Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow (12°CA – 2°TA) + the North Node approaching the exact conjunction explaining the impeachment inquiry as a step directed against the Russian influence on the current government.
- The Sun as sign ruler of the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington had ingressed into Libra opening up the pressure (through square transit) on the 6°Cancer resonance position of the center of the national morphic field currently occupied by the Trump admin from representatives inside of Washington. The fact that the Sun is a ruler of Washington explains that the step came from within the capital.
- The maximum square of the Sun will be reached on Monday 30th 2019. After that the next climax will be from the Mars square to Washington on Oct. 14th. As this Mars square transit appears as a direct consequence of the transit a next important step in the process is to be expected for the middle of October.
The Total Solar Eclipse of 21 August 2017 conjunct Washington`s astrogeographic position at 27° Leo and the era of neo-fascism
Full article: The “Great American Solar eclipse” in astrogeography. Data sources: Path Through the United States

- The Total Solar Eclipse on 21 August 2017 will take place at 28°52`56″ Leo right next to the astrogeographical position of Washington of 27° Leo directly overshadowing the capital of the USA and with Uranus in Aries indicator for the populist and neofascist movement sweeping across our planet since the entry of Uranus into Aries in May 2010. Even the impact of the Saturn-Lilith conjunction at 21°Sagittarius the sign of direct profits and success by all means can be expected to be supportive of the changes brought about in the USA through the new neofascist Trump government.
- During a solar eclipse the Moon as indicator for the suppressed and unexpressed, subconscious, unborn, the darkness itself, pending and waiting spirits, unfelt emotions, individuals whose umbilical cords have not been cut overshadow the Sun and light.
- There is a long list of issues on the agenda that should be explored as potential topics to be dealt with by the stimulation of development through the energies set free by the eclipse.
- Target USA: The Unity of the USA is definitely in question and the secession of some states from the Union is a logical consequence to be called for even though I doubt that this will actually happen. The “Fort Sumter” transit of Neptune into the square position to the 6° Cancer coordinate of Washington in April 2025 will be the final test for the stability of the Union. Threats to the Union may be felt as negative – and they may well be – but the processes behind them are to be understood as constructive in order to solve the underlying issues and integrate new aspects of development.
- Target civil rights and democratic institutions: It is to be expected that the Trump administration will attempt to abolish more and more democratic rights the longer it stays in power. All States may have to deal with the question: staying in the USA or protecting democratic rights.
- Target NATO: The splitting and as far as the Russian side is concerned the abolition of NATO is a logical consequence and a central aim of the Trumputin collaboration. That may be felt as positive and in many ways it certainly is. But a for example Russian – American – British – Saudi Arab collaboration would be an even more powerful alliance than NATO has ever been. Such a military alliance between Russia and USA is clearly headed at the installation of a Russia – US controlled world government.
- Target EU – the largest economy in the world: The social networks propaganda machine built up by the US – Russian – British secrete services when operating together can be expected to manage to split up the largest economy in the world the EU through a mixture of tactical manoeuvres and direct military pressure on the East European States especially Ukraine, Baltic States, Poland, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania but as well on Germany and France. The first targets in Europe directly threatened through the Solar Eclipse position at 28° Leo are: Sofia (Bulgaria) located at 27° Taurus – 19° Scorpio, Talinn (Estonia) at 27° Scorpio – 13° Aries and Minsk (Belarus) at 26° Leo and 0° Capricorn. The eclipse position of Mars at 20°41` Leo falls in exact square to EU capital Brussels` astrogeographic position at 22° Scorpio – indicating a new direct attack on the European economy, currency, independence and all EU institutions with the clear aim to weaken or take over control over the EU. The August 2017 eclipse position of Chiron on 28° Pisces as the ruler of mid-heaven will be conjunct the position of the Central European solar eclipse of 20 March 2015 at 29° Pisces. Compare: Astrogeographical position of Berlin and Future Transits.
- This means that Chiron`s position will be conjunct Amsterdam (!!!) square to Rome and Paris and in exact opposition to Berlin. It can be assumed that the Trumputin coalition will take immediate measures to control the role of the 5 foundation members of the EU from the Treaty of Rome. Compare: The Astrological Chart for the EU and its Parliament
- Pseudo Target Pseudo-Islamism: Islamism is a US-Saudi created political instrument and not a plausible realistic common target of the Russia – USA alliance. It can be expected that Islamism will be further bred in order to keep it alive as a propaganda target – the realistic function for which it has been created. Another plausible purpose Islamism will be used for in the future is the control over Africa through destabilization. A side effect of the employment of Islamism for that purpose is the pressure on the European democracies through migration.
Future transits of Saturn
The next really tight planetary challenge for the US government will be Saturn`s transit over 6° Capricorn in opposition to Washington. The start of this process will be triggered through Saturn`s ingress into Capricorn the sign of reforms and stability on 20 December 2017 and end in December 2018. The transit stands for the legal challenge of the government and the conscious recapitulation of problems unsolved in the past. It is an ideal moment for all reforms and updates made to protect the stability of the American Constitution and the country as a whole.
After that the important Saturn – Pluto conjunction of 13 January 2020 will occur with the North Node at 8°Cancer right between the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Washington at 6° and of Berlin at 10° Cancer. The breath-taking speed of climate change will make that issue the most important of all issues for humanity as there appears to be no possibility to stop the process any more. The conjunction of Saturn with Pluto and in Capricorn appears as the astrological image of traumatic (Pluto) inevitability (Capricorn).

- Although Saturn will not make a direct aspect to the US capital the position of the North Node naturally points at the important role of Washington making it the actual aim (North Node) of the climax of the Pluto-Saturn conjunction. The USA will certainly be forced to take over a more responsible role in dealing with the problematic effects of climate change.
- After that Saturn`s next transit in tension to Washington will also take place in opposition to the resonance degrees of the US government. It will be effective between May 2022 and March 2023 when Saturn passes 27° Aquarius in opposition to Washington`s astrogeographical latitude coordinate at 27° Leo.
Uranus return to the Pearl Harbor position square Washington from May 2024 and April 2026

- One year before Neptune returns to the “Fort Sumter square position” to Washington from the beginning of US Civil War (1861-65) Uranus will return to the Pearl Harbor constellation over the square position to Washington at 27° Leo. This stimulation of working on unresolved issues an updating structural problems of the nation and political system through Uranus will last from May 2024 until April 2026.
- Uranus square transits to governments stand for relatively unexpected or at least uncontrollable foreign influences. Since Uranus will be on the degree of wealth, markets and highest profits the competition with China, Russia and others should be expected to come to a new climax with the consequence of new global trade deals.
- Uranus generally relates to the important issues of territorial globalization and of a holistic abstraction of limited national and/or subjective perspectives. As well as all aspects related to impediments of personal, social, cultural and technological development.
- Finally Uranus in Taurus stands for the international competition of travelling to Moon and Mars. The phase of construction of habitable spaces can be expected to be intensified after the Uranus ingress into Gemini in April 2026
- The simultaneous influence of Neptune who can be expected to bring back the awareness of suppressed reality and particularly of climate change, contamination and destruction of purest natural resources could indicate the dramatic effects of climate change on top of all the political factors. The Fracking gold rush “undermined” by the globalized neo-fascist lobbying of the 2010s when Uranus passed Aries might come to a plausible and sudden end.
Neptune enters the Fort Sumter Constellation in April 2025
- The “Fort Sumter Constellation” or “Secession Constellation” which repeats itself when Neptune enters into Aries triggering the square position to Washington`s 6°Cancer coordinate is due in April 2025 and will be effective until about April 2029.
- This will be the 2nd ever transit of Neptune over that position in the history of the USA and the first time since April 1861. Even if there was no new secession to be expected the emancipation of single states in the USA from the grip of the out of date majority voting system, the two-party system and the manipulative, commercialized US type of presidential elections may be stimulated during that period.
Neptune in opposition to Washington: 2008-2012

author Felipe Menegaz, GFDL
- The lack of tight aspects of tension from the outer planet marked the period between January 2004 and May 2008 providing opportunities for the unhindered plundering of the financial resources of the american people by the Bush administration.
- It was only at the moment of Neptune`s transit through the last degrees of Aquarius and in straight opposition to Washington`s resonance coordinate at 27° Leo since May 2008 when the public awareness of the disaster caused by the Bush government became fully effective for US economy and fully visible for american voters. The world economy went into one of its deepest self-organized crises in history.
- Neptune´s opposition transit was initial for the Obama presidency. It explains Obama´s background as representative of a minority and the difficult situation under which he took over responsibility for the problems created by his predecessor who had gone beyond all limitations in spending american money and the destabilization of control over the banking sector as well as the secret services. Neptune´s heavy challenge of Obama`s stand was effective until February 2012 when he managed to get rid of another deadly factor in recent US politics: Hillary Clinton.
2010-2012: Pluto in opposition and Saturn in a square to Washington
Between January 2010 and December 2012 Pluto moving between 3° and 7° Capricorn passed in an extremely tight opposition to Washington`s coordinate at 6° Cancer. During the same period Uranus moved into the sensitive position at 0° Aries (compare attack on Fort Sumter) in May 2010 adding to the tension caused by Pluto until March 2013. And in addition to that Saturn`s transit into Libra between October 2009 and October 2010 made the year 2010 an intensely questioning phase for Washington. The development in this period also brought really fundamental progress and reforms within the USA. Among these are: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) on 23 March 2010 and the retreat of troops from Irak before 16 December 2011.
The start of the publication of data about illegal and criminal practices of the US army and government institutions in nearly all countries of the world by Wikileaks since 2010 fell into that era. The grip of the secrete services on the government which did not allow democratic recapitulation of these practices by the government and democratic institutions fell in to that era too. Therefore the question has to be asked in how far these transits of Pluto and Saturn actually explain the forces that blocked the democratic institutions.

Obama in the grip of the almighty weapon production lobbyists, wars, police state, radicalized republicans, hedge funds and unprecedented debt crisis created by the Bush administration and US capitalism (Saturn-Pluto):
Altogether it can be concluded that the effects of these transits worked by threatening and blocking the government And not only has the US state been financially ruined and the american people`s money been shifted into the hands of the supporters of the Bush conspiracy but also has an extremely powerful group been created that now controls all the money taken from the USA`s financial resources. The partial abolition of civil rights and thus the partial abolition of the american constitution introduced by the Bush government can also be seen as having become more and more effective, habitual and threatening during the era of Neptune, Pluto, Saturn and Uranus`s pressure on the degrees of resonance of Washington. This shows also the close relation of Saturn and Pluto conjunctions with totalitarian systems, ideologies and fascism which in the case of this period exerted its pressure on the government from within and not from outside of the country.
Transits during the G.W. Bush Presidency between 2001 and 2009
The problem of the manipulated results of the Nov. 2000 Presidential Elections. (from: Political Science Quarterly, 2001)
From an astrogeographical point of view the first year of the G.W, Bush Presidency can consequently be interpreted as a phase characterized by the lack of problematic transits and a time of unhindered expansion (Jupiter conjunct Washington) and even voluntary creation of problematic issues until 2002. This also means that the problematic transits of the outer planets in relation to the astrogeographical positions of governments are not necessarily negative or actual problems but in fact regulative factors and stimulations of solutions. A serious misunderstanding in predictive astrology often is that the “problematic transits” are mistaken for the problematic issues.
The WTC terrorist attack

- The World Trace Center attack of 11 September 2001 occurred only 8 1/2 months after the inauguration of G.W. Bush.
- Jupiter the planet of expansion and victory and also of arson attacks at 11°Cancer was “at home” in the US national capital just doing a slope in his transit across the 6°Cancer resonance position of Washington between August 2001 and April 2002 indicating a period of intentional actions and expansion for the US government.
- Such Jupiter (Return and/or Arrival of Zeus) transits are important indications of successes for the government and of situations in which national governments achieve control over their aims and intentions. This coincidence has to be examined as a straight astrogeographical indication that the 9/11 events were intended (Jupiter) and controlled by the US government and some of its institutions in Washington.
- The first challenging transit during the George W. Bush presidency soon followed: Uranus the planet of globalization in opposition to the 27° Leo resonance coordinate of Washington with climax between January 2002 and January 2004.
- during this period the G.W. Bush government expanded the territorial sphere of interest of the USA through the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq

- Mars as indicator of warfare and of the ignition spark that caused the WTC fires was at 1°Capricorn conjunct the South Node as indicator of the descent of the attack at 3°Capricorn. Since the degrees between 0°-5°Capricorn are known as the degrees of government the US government has to be assumed as the strategical actor behind the attacks.
- Jupiter (Zeus) at 11°Cancer was in the “Return of Zeus” position conjunct Washington (6°Cancer) and New York (13°Cancer) delivering a strong indication that the WTC and Pentagon attacks on 11 Sep 2011 were planned and intended by the US government and collaborators in New York.
- During the climax phase of this Uranus opposition the US government made itself the strongest challenge to the American nation, democracy, security and political integrity by collaborating with the originators of the Nine – Eleven attack (Saudi-Arabia & Gulf States) in the illegitimate attack on Iraq of 19 March 2003 under false accusations and on which in no way had been involved in the Nine Eleven event.
- the US government used the 9/11 attacks as a pretext to invade Iraq and destroy the administrative structures in 2003 opening up the country to a wave of neo-fascist pseudo-islamic invasions, terrorism, murder, hate and civil war that spilled over to Syria, large parts of Africa and Europe. Iraq had been one of the most important geo-strategical counterparts to the Saudi-Gulf State oil cartels and the terrorist groups finance by them.
- The Nine Eleven Events with the Texan-Saudi-Gulf-States oil cartel alliance behind it were clearly aimed at securing the stability of incomes from the oil business against the US Democrats and the Al Gore Agenda 2000 that had been aimed at fighting climate change and reducing oil and fossile consumption.
- The pact of the US government with Pseudo-Islamic neo-fascism clearly represented a dimension of foreign influence over US politics that had probably never occurred before. These developments triggered by the Bush administration have to be examined as the primal cause for the corruption of the Republican Party which had its climax in the Trump Presidency (2017-21) and the attempted Coup d` Etat of January 6 2021.
- Who would have imagined that some 16 years later Russias psychological warfare would be able to gain the strongest influence over a US government it had ever acquired before?
US attack on Iraq
Like in the case of the start of the Vietnam War the US President made use of the method of giving out false accusations against the Saddam Hussein government as a pretext for the invasion of no less than 466.000 US troops on Iraq which was begun on 20 March 2003.

The attack had the strategical aim of destroying the Iraqi state nation institutions, administration, army, police and political institutions, disintegrate the Iraqi state and so pave the way for pseudo-Islamic terrorist armies financed by US top allies Saudi Arabia and its Sunnite Gulf State allies who began to take over control in large parts of Iraq and use it as a basis for infiltrating Syria, Libya and a number of African nations. The invasion of the Saudi -Arabian/Gulf State terrorist groups in Iraq were launched directly after the withdrawal of all US troops in 2011.

- The US Invasion of Iraq was begun during period of the transit of Uranus the ruler of globalization over the 27° Aquarius opposition degree to the 27° Leo resonance coordinate of Washington between February 2002 and January 2004 which means that it was part of the projections made out of the World Trade Center that had been organized by professional terrorists from US top ally Saudi Arabia.
- The withdrawal of US troops from Iraq was begun in 2007 and ended in December 2011 under heaviest oppositions from Neptune at 28°Aquarius to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate and of Pluto at 6°Capricorn to the 6°Cancer position of the US capital.

- Neptune can be considered as a symptomatic indicator for giving up territorial claims whereas Pluto stands for the invasion of the pseudo-islamic fascist terrorist armies send into Iraq by the Saudi Arabian/Gulf State sponsors who tool over control in large parts of Iraq, Syria, Libya and a number of African countries as a consequence of the US deal with their Saudi Arabian partners.
The Birth Charts for the USA: Washington in the Foundation Chart of the USA
On the question of the most plausible natal chart for the USA from the point of view of rhythmical activations of the 7 year per house rhythm compare my article: Rhythmical activations in the Powell Chart compared to the Sibley Chart.
There is an endless discussion on the best astrological chart for the foundation of the USA. I suggest to read some really valuable statements on that discussion in the Mundane Astrologers Facebook group. It has to be understood that a serious astrological evaluation of such charts is surely not one aimed at establishing the one and only true chart for the “Birth of the nation” but rather seek to understand which stage of the birth process is reflected in any of the 25 (or more) versions of a US natal chart that are currently circulated around.
Anyway there may be several complications to be considered astrologically unsolvable in these attempts:
- The question whether the declaration of the decision of the vote on the Declaration of Independence and new constitution is taken as the foundation moment or rather a final declaration two days later is a question of subjective evaluation.
- The square aspect between Mars in Gemini and the Neptune/Lilith conjunction in Virgo during the climax of the foundation phase of the USA between Juli 2nd and 4th can be read as the systemical problem behind the struggle for the master authority on the evaluation of the one and only natal chart here. Mars the planet of warfare in Gemini the sign of intelligence stands for the aggressive competition in lying, spying, destructive manipulation, neutralization of facts and use of information for trigger preaching while being lost in unclear emotions like pseudo or caste.patriotism that seeks to overwrite the deeper questions of spiritual identity, truthfulness and the more abstract and holistic level of truth (Neptune). This lack of abstract orientation appears to be a systemical pattern deeply installed into US culture for the purpose of controlling the majority of voters in presidential elections just like in astrological discussions.

John Trumbull’s painting,
Various charts with a number of different birth times have been suggested for July, 4. This date is recapitulated as the day of the Declaration of Independence. I have personally come to the conclusion that the July, 4 charts are not the best option. My impression is that this date may help to describe the official festivities rather than the factual political event of the independence. But no matter which date or birth time is used from an astrogeographical point of view all charts calculated for the first days of July 1776 have one important astrological transit in common:
In the Foundation Chart of the USA Venus was conjunct Jupiter on the astrogeographical position of Washington (6° CAN) – 14 years before the decision was made to built the new capital!!!
Between 1st and 4th of July the astrogeographic position of Washington at 6° Cancer was occupied by an intensely beneficial, luxurious, growth orientated, economically promising conjunction of Jupiter at 5°-6° Cancer with Venus at 0°-3° Cancer and the Sun between 10° and 13°Cancer. This “harmonic resonance” between the birth planets of the American Constitution and the new capital area identifies the Washington area as a highly auspicious site for the issues of the Declaration of Independence, the country`s political stability and it`s economical growth. A critical review of the constellation should not fail to recognize that the unhindered expansion of Venus as the planet of markets. expansion of territory, possession of land, economical resources and financial income when stimulated through the conjunction with ruthless Jupiter the planet of success, personal advantages, mental corruption, expansion, profits, gains and victory at any costs could appear as the aspect here that wanted the unhindered destructive expansion of: European rule over the continent, the mentality of consuming resources, the exploitation of the land, contamination of ground waters (Cancer), well aimed (Jupiter) extinction of the native population (Venus), the suppression of humanistic concerns, spiritual identity and self-regulation through the installation of a political system based on emotional manipulation and hyper-capitalistic control over social and political life.
All the four personal planets from the Declaration of Independence in Cancer emphasize the process of conception, pregnancy, birth, motherhood and fertility of a new national morphic field, of installing a home in the new land and with the topics of emotional independence and individuality as its strongest aspects.
The Sibley Chart – a show-room chart for Independence Day
- In the hypothetical Sibley Chart for the foundation of the USA Jupiter exactly conjunct the 6° Cancer astrogeographical resonance coordinate of Washington was joined by Venus at 3° Cancer in a planetary constellation of territorial, financial and social expansion and fertility in house 7 the house of stage presentation, relationship orientation and openness.
- Mars the planet of warfare was in Gemini the sign of politics and indicator of the belief in technology, practical magic, superficial information, personal liberties of self.expression, freedom to move and in house 7 in a constellation of war and weapon orientated policies.
- no matter whether the 2nd or 4th of July is taken as the birth date of the USA: one of the key aspects of the US natal situation was the self-destructive square of the Mars position to a conjunction of Neptune the planet of spirituality, self-healing, pure essence of soul, spirit and waters and of peaceful solutions with Lilith indicator for suppressed truth, identity and traumatic pain.
- Neptunes position in Virgo the sign of ecology, protection of nature, health, reason was most aggressively eclipsed by the violent expansionism of a Mars position that seeks to forget about and eclipse any limitations of the aggressive expansion of consumer orientated robbery, murder and crime management that the US culture appears to consume as its holy grail of social hierarchy.

Washingtons second astrogeographical coordinate at 27° Leo was challenged through an aspect of exact opposition of the Moon at 27° Aquarius. This Moon position can be interpreted in 2 directions: in regard to the construction site it describes the extreme changes that the area at the mouth of the Potomac River went through in the course of the construction of the new capital. The contradiction (opposition) of the 27°Aquarius Moon position from the Sibley Chart to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of the site that was later chosen for the construction of the new capital represents a breath taking resonance between the two astrological factors. This resonance between the Leo (absolutism, french culture, sign of the sun king, hyper-centralism) aspect of Washington D.C. with the 27°Aquarius (revolution, emancipation, liberation from slavery, astrogeographical resonance coordinate of the City of Paris) position of the Moon is not of harmonious but rather of a conflicting character. Though such oppositions should not be judged as negative but rather as traits of the tendency for completion of conflicting parts of holistic systems the questions has to be asked in how far the installation of a system of a semi-royalist Presidential rule in Washington could be able to represent the appeal for freedom and independence as indicated by the 27°Aquarius Moon position.
The hypothetical selection of a birth moment of a nation with this Moon position may look fascinating for a number of imaginary astrological observations. Especially the choice of an unstable Sagittarius ascendant cannot reflect such an unpolitical society, where voters are degraded to cheerleaders of mind-manipulation industries and such stability of government institutions as those of the United States at the same time. Apart from that Sagittarius is known for its appeal for a welfare state, a health insurance system and for supporting justice between the social castes of a society. And for such a progressed moon position in Aquarius it is hardly explainable that the US federal system unlike the City of Paris simply does not allow revolution, socialist movements, radical political demonstrations and general strikes which are so essential for the political mentality of French culture.
The Powell Chart for the US Constitution
The Powell chart for the formal approval of the Lee Resolution of July, 2 1776 is calculated for the decision of the vote on the declaration of independence and the new constitution. Later the 4th of July was settled as the date for the annual celebration of Independence Day considering it as the day of the outcome of the whole process.

After a study of the first three 84 – years cycles of rhythmical activation of the planetary positions through the method of the 7 and 12 years rhythms I have come to the conclusion that the natural timeline of developments indicated by the Sagittarius-Ascendant of the Sibley Chart appears completely out of resonance with historical events.
I found that the so called Powell Chart calculated for the vote and decision on the new constitution reveals a convincing resonance with the really important chain of events in US history and one that throws a really deeper light on the meaning of events in US history. (source: Kepler Community Webinar on the Powell Chart by Gary Lorentzen: “The Powell Chart and the decision to create the United States.”).

The early Capricorn ascendant and the Moon in the very center of the sign at 15° Capricorn explain the focus of the political system on formal stability of the political system of the USA, its emphasis on social hierarchy, preference of formal traditionalism over and the preference of . Capricorn explains why in the US political system the influence of big companies has more value than the needs and rights of the people. It explains the slavery system, racial discrimination and the dominance of the high income castes over society.
The foundation of the new capital Washington

The Astrological Sunrise Chart for the foundation of Washington through the Residence Act signed into law by President George Washington on July 16, 1790 is calculated for sunrise with equal house system. Mercury at 4°and Chiron at 3° Cancer the rulers of the two Mercury signs Gemini and Virgo were not yet conjunct but moving towards the astrogeographical position of the central government area at 6° Cancer on that day. Their conjunction stands for intense planning, gardening, preservation and self-protection (Chiron as the ruler of Virgo) and hyperactive communication, building roads, bridges and networks (Mercury as the ruler of Gemini).
Saturn at 5°in highly alert, active, male fire sign Aries the sign of action, speed, warfare occupied an exact square position to Washington explaining the foundation of the new capital as an intense challenge to the Washington area including fundamental changes of atmosphere. Saturn in Aries giving the indication of the start of a new era that included fortifying the town and taking care of the construction of a military base here.
Jupiter made Washington the capital

On May 15 1800 President John Adams ordered the capital to be removed from Philadelphia to Washington. On 11 June the capital status of Washington was officially adopted.

- Jupiter at 7°45 Cancer was conjunct the astrogeographical position of Washington at 6° Cancer on the day it became the capital of the USA which was the 11th of June 1800. Because of Jupiter`s expansionary effects this aspect clearly describes the expansion of the importance of the government area in Washington from that moment.
- And Cancer also explains the intense emotional projections for example as a “capital home of the free and brave” as the Moon as the ruler of Cancer was in Aquarius the sign of freedom, rebellion, self-finding, emancipation and liberation on that day.
Washington`s “Neighbour” Capitals in Cancer
The position at 6° Cancer falls in conjunction with the positions of Berlin at 10° and Moscow at 12° Cancer. Especially the conjunction with Moscow can be evaluated as an extremely important and stabilizing factor which might even have prevented much worse controversies since the beginning of the Cold War between US capitalism and Russia in 1917. As far as the transits of the outer planets are concerned their effects regularly stimulate the position of the US capital between 1 and 4 years before transiting the maximum of any aspects with the capital of Russia. But for the “inner” planets the time in between the maximum effect of transits for Washington and Moscow is only 6 days for the Sun, Venus and Mercury and only 12 hours for the Moon. As far as Berlin is concerned the conjunction between Washington and Berlin can be seen as extremely positive for the City of Berlin particularly regarding the US role after World War 2 with the Air Lift (1948/49) during the Berlin Blockade and the support for West Berlin until 1989.
US Pre-Natal Charts
Capitals appear to manifest as central places of resonance that are capable of serving as sites of central resonance for national morphic fields or systemical fields of nations. They seem to be able to hold countries together, serve as interfaces between the competing regions and allow the development of centralist and/or federalist structures of cooperation within nations and national territories. Their astrogeographical resonance positions seem to be of highest importance for the development of unity of nations. This also means that their resonance coordinates tend to appear as important factors long before the foundation of the cities and nations.
Vasco Núñez de Balboa first discovered the American Pacific Coast with a Moon-Venus conjunction over Washington

The first European expedition that was able to cross the new continent and discover its Eastern coast was led by the spanisch explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa proving that America is a continent.

The success of the Vasco Núñez de Balboa expedition across the Isthmus of Panama came was achieved under a breath-taking and highly promising Moon-Venus conjunction on the royal degrees between 27° and 29°Leo and conjunct Washington which describes the full impact of the intensity of excitement about the attractiveness and the gold-, profit- and territorial gains rush triggered by the discovery. And it is no wonder that this extremely auspicious planetary constellation fell exactly on the astrogeographical resonance position of what later became the capital of the most wealthy nation in modern times.
The landing of the Mayflower with Saturn conjunct Washington

The landing of “Pilgrim Fathers” on board the Mayflower at Plymouth, Massachussetts brought Saturn the ruler of state religion, traditionalisms, rules and regulations, scarcity, strict formalism and control in Cancer the sign of old English culture, islands, coast lines, modernity, fertility, conception, pregnancy and feeling at home to America. The Pilgrim Fathers were the first independent community of settlers. Their historical role can be seen in the stabilization of a first bridgehead in the process of the colonization of North America..

This is because they landed here during the stabilizing transit of Saturn at 5° Cancer conjunct the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of the future capital in Washington. Uranus the planet of globalization, abstraction, flying and escaping at 2°Leo occupied the degree of mirrorpoint square t the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington indicating a direct threat to the population of the Potomac delta territory which turned out as relevant centralist area of resonance for the future national morphic field.

The highly aggressive Pluto-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus shows that the landing of the Mayflower was part of an organized hunt for territorial gains and profits directed at no less than the occupation of the new world. Venus the sign ruler of Taurus was conjunct Neptune in a constellation of nomadic experience and the insecurity about territorial possessions.
The position of Mars the planet of warfare, actions and ignition who had just ingressed into Libra triggering a square to the 6°Cancer resonance of Washington is symptomatic of the significance of the “Pilgrim Fathers” community as an early step in the conquering of the future United States landscape field.
American Civil War: the rise of a Neptune square to Washington
American Civil War – stage I: The Secession of South Carolina with Jupiter conjunct Washington

The exact transit of Jupiter the planet of victory and expansion over the 27° Leo resonance coordinate (climax degree of centralism) of the federal capital in Washington in December of 1860 brought the Secession of South Carolina from the United States. Jupiter`s position has to be seen as a strong indication at the victory of Washington in US Civil War and at the expansion of its centralist role in the Union. For an evaluation of the potential of such Jupiter transits see the “Returns of Zeus (Jupiter)” to Athens during the Greek independence of 1828 and the liberation from Nazi Germany in 1944.

But at the same time through the Sun`s entry into Capricorn an into opposition to Washington`s 6° Cancer resonance coordinate triggered extreme tension for the capital, the government and for the Union. And even more so because the Moon passed in a square position to Washington in her/his transit of the first decade of Aries.
Stage II: The Battle of Fort Sumter during the Neptune ingress in Aries
The beginning of the war with the Battle of Fort Sumter on 12/13 April 1861 occurred during the Neptune ingress into Aries thus activating the square position to Washingtons astrogeographic coordinate at 6° Cancer. The challenge to Washington through Neptune that manifested in the secession of the southern states was active all the way throughout American Civil War. And the war could not be stopped before Neptune had made his last transit over the square to the 6°Cancer resonance degree of Washington in 1865. Neptune appeared as a factor that threatened territorial control and possession of land.

The fact that US Civil War began with an attack on a sea fort reflects the important role of the ingress of Neptune as the ruler of Pisces and resonator of the sea into Aries the sign of warfare, action, ignition and the strife for dominance.
Stage III: the capitulation of General Lee with Neptune about to leave the square position to Washington behind

The astrological chart for the end of the American Civil War shows such clear transits to the position of Washington that it is almost an archetypal chart for various chains of interpretation (and meaning) of astrological transits of astrogeographic positions in mundane astrology. As seen in the chart for the attack on Fort Sumter the transit of Neptune into Aries and thus into a square position to the astrogeographic coordinates of Washington had been the most important astrological factor challenging the capital`s position. On the day of the General Lee`s capitulation the Moon was moving in Libra the sign of peace, ceasefires, negotiations in opposition to that Neptune. Neptune`s challenging aspect of the capital´s position was contradicted on that day by the opposition of the Moon and the square of Mars who was moving directly on the coordinate of the capital at 5° Cancer. But only 5 days later on 14 April 1965 the challenging effect of Neptune proved to be still active when President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
The assassination of President Garfield in 1881 under a Pluto square

The assassination of President James Garfield on 2 July 1881 at 2:00 a.m. in Washington occurred under the extremely tight square aspect for the US government positions in the form of a Pluto (28°46`Taurus) Venus (25°33`Taurus) conjunction with its midpoint at 27°10`Taurus. Venus role as the ruler of Taurus is a strong indication of purely financial motifs behind the murder. Pluto in Taurus the sign of money, markets, possession of land and control over territories and wealth stood for a period of intense challenge to the government by dominant economical lobbyists.
The assassination of President McKinley in the wake of a Neptune transit conjunct Washington in 1901

The assassination of President William Mc Kinley on 16 September 1901 at 16:07 in Buffalo, Ohio took place with a conjunction of Saturn (9°50`Capricorn) and Jupiter (3°18`Capricorn) with the midpoint at 6°34`Capricorn in exact opposition to the astrogeographical coordinate of the federal government area in Washington. This opposition indicates not only an intense threatening of the position of the government by political opponents but also a critical examination of the corruption of the government by the legal and institutionalized opposition through Capricorns role as the sign of government institutions and administration.
The Moon`s transit over Neptune in the moment of the assassination emphasizes Neptune`s role in the event. Alltogether Neptune`s transit into Cancer and onto the astrogeographical position of the federal government stands for a period of corruption, self-destructivity and intense questioning of the role of the federal government. Compare the self-destructive aspects of the Neptune transit over the 29°Virgo resonance coordinates of Berlin and Tokyo in 1941.
WW1 US Declaration of War

The US Declaration of War against Germany was a defensive reaction onto the renewal of German submarine attacks against the USA that made the entry into WW1 inevitable. The astrological transits that speak for an act of self-defense by the US government were the conjunction of Mars at 8° with Venus at 11° in Aries the sign of German culture. Both planets had recently passed the exact square to the 6° Cancer resonance position of Washington putting pressure on the US government. The fact that these 2 planets were square the 10°Cancer resonance coordinate of Berlin at the same time explains the multi-demensionality and interconnectedness of such transits: for Berlin these transit meant the disastrous effects of decisions recently made. Another transit that explains the defensive character of the decision from the American side was the midday-transit of the Moon over the exact square to Washington at 6° in Libra the sign of peace and justice. Planetary transits in Libra are typical astrological indications for reactions (revenge, balancing the accounts of relationship).

Among the long term transits that exerted pressure on Washington were Uranus at 23°Aquarius marching into opposition to the 27°Leo coordinate of Washington and Pluto at 2°Cancer approaching the exact conjunction with the 6°Cancer position.
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 with Uranus square to Washington
The Great Depression that hit the United States and along with it the world economy between 1929 and 1933 is mostly remembered as an effect of the Wall Street Crash of 1929. But in regard to the developments in the USA – which was the most important economy of the time – its roots have to be searched for in the transit of Neptune the planet of depression conjunct the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of the US capital Washington between September 1926 and August 1929. As in the case of the Neptune transits over Berlin and Tokyo in 1941 Neptune seems to indicate the intoxication, subjugation and paralysis of the population, the parliament and the responsible government institutions who allowed the self-destruction of the country`s wealth and economy.

During the “Black Thursday” events (24 October 1929) that started the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and the the worldwide Great Depression Uranus occupied 8° Aries in an exact square to the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington. Venus the ruler of Taurus and planet of profits, income, wealth, food, stability, roots and possession of land was at 6° Libra in exact square to the astrogeographical coordinate of Washington

The square transition of Uranus the planet of globalization and indicator for the recapitulation of the fuller potentials of reality seems to have effected an extreme challenge to the US governments` economic and social politics towards the end of 1929. The worldwide effects of the Wall Street Crash seems to have further strengthened the role of Washington as a leading global capital simply because the world financial crisis had to be solved from Washington. Among the countries hit most hardly by the recession were Chile, Canada, Australia, Italy and Germany. The whole process of the square transit of Uranus over 6° Aries lasted from March 1928 to March 1930.
Uranus and Saturn square to Washington: the attack on Pearl Harbor

The Japanese air strike on Pearl Harbor forced the USA to enter into World War 2. Uranus the planet of globalization, the sky, flying, airplanes & air strikes was transiting 28°Taurus the sign of conquering territory in exact square to Washington´s 27°Leo coordinate.

The astrological chart for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor reveals the intense resonance of the transits of the outer planets with the astrogeographic coordinates of the US capital Washington. Uranus at 28° and Saturn at 23° Taurus were transiting the square position to Washington at 27° Leo. The intense threat to the territorial integrity of the country lay in the fact that the “planetary attack” on the Washington position came from Taurus the sign of occupation of territory bringing the first and only ever attack by another country`s army on the territory of the USA.
The Cuban Missile Crisis and the Kennedy assassination
The Cuban Missile Crisis between 14 and 28 October 1962 was the climax of confrontation between Russia and the USA during the Cold War. The absence of transits of tension from the outer planets is surprising and even spectacular here. The only 2 highly problematic transits in regard to the astrogeographic positions of the US government were Venus in exact square between 26° and 27°Scorpio and Mercury also in exact square from 6°Libra although the incidents represented the most severe threat ever imposed on the USA by Russian nuclear missiles.

On 14th of October 1962 the day that the Russian missiles on Cuba were detected the Sun at 20° Libra was in exact transit over the 20° Libra ascendant in the birth chart of John F. Kennedy indicating something like a wake-up call for the new yearly solar cycle of the President.
Altogether the transits do not explain the full dimension of the actual danger and enormous threat caused by the Cuban Missile Crisis. Particularly Mercury in Libra would rather explain the situation as an attempt to gamble with the unexperienced and comparatively young US president. Furthermore Venus`s square from Scorpio can be interpreted as an attempt to conquer not only territory but also expect financial gains through Khrushchev`s “manouevre”.
Nikita Khruschev`s birth chart reveals the position of the Moon at 27° Leo exactly on the degree of the government area in Washington, indicating his tendency of developing a self-image as a kind of “US President”. It can therefore not be excluded that the Khruschev`s Cuban Missile “move” was done out of personal motifs and even as an attempt to demonstrate his personal power to the american people.

- Nikita Khruschev`s birth chart reveals the position of the Moon at 27° Leo exactly on the degree of the government area in Washington, indicating his tendency of developing a self-image as a kind of “US President”. It can therefore not be excluded that the Khruschev`s Cuban Missile “move” was done out of personal motifs and even as an attempt to demonstrate (his personal) power to the American people.

- As Venus represents the ruler and significator of Libra Venus`s transit in a square to Washington may be seen as a threat focused to some extent on the personality of President Kennedy himself. Plausible speculations to be examined in regard to this constellation should include in how far the Russian side did not take Kennedy serious or even expected him to withdraw and not confront the russian aggression indicated through the transit of Venus.

- The absence of intense problematic aspects of the outer planets or even Mars for the position of the US government on the day of the assassination of John F. Kennedy is spectacular. This could up all kinds of questions and speculations in regard to the occultism that has been created around the death of this President.
- The only remarkable transit of tension is the Sun (29°44` SCO) – Lilith (24°11`SCO) conjunction with the midpoint on 26°58`Scorpio in an exact square to the position of the US federal government. Lilith is of course a clear indicator for the hidden circumstances and real motifs of the murder. A comparatively clear indication of the groups involved can be taken from the meaning of the degrees in the last degrees in Scorpio the sign of the “robber castes” which definitely point at influential lobbyists, highly ranked representatives of defense administration and super-rich conspirators such as large companies or Mafia – like organisations.
- The fact that the Sun is the ruling planet of the Leo coordinate of Washington clearly points at a Washington-based conspiracy behind the attack on the US president, government, constitution and political institutions.
- The North Node – indicator of the aim and/or decisive circumstance that led to the assassination was at 12°Cancer and exactly conjunct Moscow.
Pluto conjunct Washington: the Mc Carthy era

The transit of Pluto over the 27°Leo resonance degree of Washington had its climax between December 1953 July 1957. Examples for historical events under Pluto conjunctions to capitals were the “Reign of Terror” after the French Revolution, the 1st Hitler Coup d`Ètat of 1923 in the Weimar Republic and the climax of the success of the Islamic State in Iraq between 2012-15.
Vietnam War with an unhindered Mars joined by Venus and Moon conjunct Washington and no tension from the outer planets
The decision for the US entry into Vietnam War was based on manipulation of information through the US secrete services namely the NSA.

The astrological chart above shows that there was no tension from transits of the outer planets threatening the astrogeographical position of the US government at this time. Unthreatened Mars later on that day joined by Venus and the Moon was in transit over Washington indicating financial gains and similar motifs for this war. In regard to the astrogeographical constellations at the beginning of the Vietnam War displays a similar quality as those of the Twin Tower incident in 2001 which used as pretext for the illegal attack on Iraq in 2003.
Jupiter the planet of aims, growth, expansion and success at 23°in earth sign Taurus the sign of profits was approaching the exact square position to the 27°Leo position of the US government indicating a period marked by the unhindered expansion of profits and markets against the stability and independence of the US government.
The Neptune Square of 1968-70
The climax of the square transit of Neptune over the 27° Scorpio position between January 1968 (25°Sco) and November 1970 (0°Sag) and the square position to Washington made that era one of the most traumatic in US history. Neptune stood for the spiritual challenge through the hippie generation including the drug experience and the cultural revolution that it brought, the students protests but also the assassination of Martin Luther King and the destruction and contamination of the positive outlook on the role of the USA in World history through the US performance in the Vietnam War.
Challenges through Neptune as the planet of spirituality may turn out as processes of reconnection, self-healing, self-finding in the long run. But like in the case of any other planet development through Neptune transits has to be grounded in the experience of humans through things deeply felt, insecurity and concern endured, confusion sorted out and stimulation of reconnection with the supreme, subtle, invisible and spirituality itself through real life lessons, pains, depression and transformation lived.

From one angle of interpretation the square transit of Neptune makes the assassination of Martin Luther King appear as an act directed against the US constitution, the union and the government of the USA. But because Jupiter occupied the conjunction degree with Washington at 26°Leo at the same time the assassination appears to have been organized from Washington at the same time.

Pluto square to Washington during the “Fall of Saigon”
The opposite was the case on the day of the “Capitulation of Saigon” which fell into the period of Pluto`s square transition to the 6°Cancer position of Washington between November 1972 (3°Libra) and August 1976 (10°Libra).

- The day of the capitulation of the US controlled Saigon on 30 April 1975 fell into the climax period of the square transit of Pluto the planet of trauma, pain, defeat, losses, battle for power and dominance at 7° Libra to the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington.
- Saturn at 12°Cancer was conjunct the 12°Cancer astrogeographical resonance degree of Moscow the most important supplier of weapons for the North Vietnamese armies indicating a stabilization of the Russian capital and political situation.