Read more about the article The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology
Astrogeographical Transit History of Modern Ukraine 1985 - 2032

The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology

The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology & Astrogeography. A comparative astrogeographical transit study for Kiev, Moscow, Washington and EU between 1985 and 2032. NEW ARTICLE in development in…

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Read more about the article Uranus – Pluto Conjunctions in Astrology
The Pulse and Rhythm of Uranus - Pluto Conjunctions in 7000 years of history

Uranus – Pluto Conjunctions in Astrology

Uranus - Pluto Conjunctions in Astrology. The Pulse and Rhythm of the cycles of conjunctions between the planets Uranus and Pluto. Related articels:  Uranus-Neptune cycles & the history of the…

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Read more about the article The Taal volcano eruptions and current situation
Taal volcano on 13 January 2020 ph: Adisidis, ccbysa3.0

The Taal volcano eruptions and current situation

The Taal volcano eruptions and current situation. Mundane astrology and prediction: the current astrogeographical transits for Taal volcano Related articles: The Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, The 1707 Eruption…

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Read more about the article Testing a Covid 19 nosode in astrological homeopathy
A homeopathic Covid 19 Nosode

Testing a Covid 19 nosode in astrological homeopathy

Testing a Covid 19 nosode in astrological homeopathy. Astrology, homeopathy & self-healing: preventive strategies of self-treatment Related articles:  Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak 2019-20 in astrology,  Rythmical activations and timeline of the Covid…

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Read more about the article Vienna and Austria in Political Astrology
The Austrian Parliament building is located in the combination of courtly, aristocratic air sign Libra sign of symmetry, balance, justice with practical air sign Gemini sign of communication, intelligence, interfaces for fl 3 (surrounding area) ph:, ccbysa3.0

Vienna and Austria in Political Astrology

Vienna and Austria in Political Astrology and Astrogeography. Birth charts and history of Austria, astrogeographical position of its capital Vienna and transits of the outer planets in relation to the…

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Read more about the article The 50 US State Capitals in Astrology
US State Capitals in astrogeography

The 50 US State Capitals in Astrology

The 50 US State Capitals in Astrology. Astrogeographical positions for the 50 US State Capitals for in mundane and political astrology. Related articles:  The astrogeographical constellations of the US Presidents at…

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Read more about the article The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography
Köppen climate types of the United States, using 1991-2020 climate normals., license: Icy98, ccbysa4.0

The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography

The USA and Washington in Astrology & Astrogeography. Planetary transits in relation to the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of the USA. Cornerstone articles: Pluto Transits…

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Read more about the article Iran and Tehran in Political Astrology
Tehran skyline ph: Amir1140, GFDL

Iran and Tehran in Political Astrology

Iran and Tehran in Political Astrology. Transit Planets in relation to the capital & government in Tehran and important natal and event charts for Iran. Articles on political astrogeography &…

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Read more about the article Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Idealised view of the Acropolis (located in Virgo with Aquarius) and Athena Promachos carrying a great spear in her right hand (rather than with an owl as indicated from copies and coins), by the painter Leo von Klenze in 1846, who portrayed the great statue of Athena Promachos as visible from far away, as reported in ancient texts.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology

Greece and Athens in Political Astrology. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the capital and government of Greece. This is an old article - I`m hoping to find…

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