The British EU Referendum on 23 June 2016 in astrogeography Astrology, Politics & History: The British EU Referendum on 23 June 2016 and an evaluation of future transits of the outer planets in relation to the astrogeographical positions of London
Compare: The astrogeographical position of London, The Astrological Chart for the EU and its Parliament, The catastrophic chart for the Brexit date, The 3 June 2017 Terrorist Attack in London, The 2017 UK general election in astrogeography, The Grenfell Tower fire, Saturn-Neptune conjunction over London: the Great London Smog of 1952
First I want to quote a text I wrote about the transits of Uranus in opposition and in a square to the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the government area in London (27° Capricorn & 24° Libra) between May 2016 and March 2019 written in March 2015:
“The british capital and historical center of the Commonwealth London is located at 25° Libra and 27° Capricorn. The next really intense transit of a planet in a tight aspect to the astrogeographical coordinates of London will be the square (to Capricorn) as well as opposite (to Libra) positions of Uranus moving between 23° Aries and 0° Taurus between May 2016 and March 2019. This transit may certainly be interpreted by astrologers as a probable indication of an exit of Britain from the European Union. But the main issues here in regard to Uranus` potentials would be more than that: a reorientation and liberation on all sides and not just from one single business partner that the country has been depending on in the past. The challenges effected by Uranus therefore have to deal with the dependence of the country from the monetary, banking, stock exchange and hedge funds industries which involves the dependence from the US and the EU. If Britain was to decide to join the USA it might loose it`s importance for the USA as a loyal bridge into the EU and if it was to decide to leave the EU it would loose this status plus its function as a bridge for other countries into the EU markets. Therefore the solution which would open up all options for a british government could naturally be the common US and EU market (TTIP). This could mean that british governments might have to be ready to decide for the common market at any costs. But even then the status of London as a bridge into Europe would loose some of its weight as US banks would have an easier access to all the EU countries. Therefore Uranus` transits have to be interpreted as the chance for even more creative ideas for the development and application of alternative concepts and technologies in order not to remain paralysed by the question wich business partners would be more advantageous.”
The EU membership referendum

The long expected British EU Referendum will take place on 23 June 2016. The leading politicians and parties in the UK ave been trying to avoid such a referendum for a long time. But after Scotland had been granted the right for a similar referendum (Scottish Independence Referendum) held on 18 September 2014 British Prime Minister David Cameron could not refuse such an option for british voters. Any referendum with a clear result could have a highly positive effect just by providing the chance for a new start on a new basis.
There is a long list of plausible reasons for the probability of a decision to quit the EU from an astrological and also from a political point of view. But there is one particularly problematic aspect that I want to mention in the first place: the referendum comes at such a moment in history when the political right wing movement all over Europe has reached a climax which has not been seen possibly since the end of WW2.
The probable exit from the European Union comes at a moment in history when it appears as highly anti cyclical in regard to the problematic situation that humanity is in. The problems created by the development of modern technology, globalization, overpopulation and destruction of nature by humanity rather suggest the desperate need for the foundation of the United States of Earth than a further spiltting of supra-national organisations.
Britain as the 51st State of the USA
The influence of US lobbyists on British mass media has traditionally been extremely strong. The roots for these special ties are historical an have been even further intensified since Britain losts its colonies after the end of World War 2. No wonder that Rupert Murdoch the biggest player in the british mass media represent american lobbyists. The effect of US propaganda on the british public should not be neglected when considering why the british public has found it difficult to develop a more positive approach to Europe.
The economical ties between the US and Britain have been intense since World War 1 when the british war industries relied on the trade with the USA. And these ties have become even stronger since the introduction of the Euro as a european currency in 2001. London had gained the status of a bridge between the financial markets in the USA and the EU. The british-american hedgefonds` attacks on the european currency since 2007 may have even made it logical that the option of the UK becoming part of the USA comes more and more into the minds of the public.
Another important factor in the current situation is the strong influence of the propagandistic warfare of the Russian secret services in support of the global neofascist movement aimed at destabilizing and weakening the EU as such and also the ties between the EU and the USA.
The Chart for the British EU – Referendum

in the astrological chart for the British EU referendum the Moon in Aquarius, Uranus in house 10, Mars as the ruler of house 10 in house 5, Mercury in house 11 opposite Saturn and last but not least Saturn`s square to Neptune present the clearest possible astrological indications for the probability of the voter`s decision for the long expected exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. From an astrological point of view this chart leaves little doubt about the decision to be expected.
Uranus in house 10 is in the position of revolution, change and leaving the past and particularly unwanted friends behind. Mars as the ruler of the 10th house and therefore the indicator for the direction taken by Uranus is located in house 5 the house of emotional self-centeredness indicating that the decision will be taken for emotional rather than economical considerations. Saturn the defender of the status quo will be under intense pressure from Mercury in opposition and from Neptune and Jupiter both in a square.
There is of course also room for the hypothetical idea that the strong Uranus position in the chart might be an indication that british voters decide for a more internationalist and globalized political option. But I doubt that this interpretation of Uranus` position here is realistic without the vision of a more global and less european community of countries.
The British EU Referendum comes right at the Moment of a Climax of Neo-Fascism in Europe
In regard to the political situation we are in today it has to be stated that it is a result of the War against Islam organized by international capitalism and led by the US and British foreign policies since the end of the Cold War with the illegal attack on Irak in 2003 as its major achievement. Therefore it has to be taken into account that the british public and mass media might to some extent have been under the control of war propaganda ever since the September 11 Events.
The destruction of the political institutions in Irak in order to create a never ending civil war in the country and breed a new enemy (Islamic State) to ensure that there will be options for further wars over the next decades falls directly under the responsibility of british foreign policy. And one major outcome of that development is the refugee crisis which has heated up the neo-fascist movements all over Europe and not only in Turkey, Hungary, Poland and Austria but even in France, Germany and the UK itself.
Therefore it has to be concluded that the right wing movements manifests not only a direct result but also a strategical aim of the US- British strategical foreign policies. This also means that the british EU referendum has to be understood as a direct result of the participation in the war in Iraq and against Islam alltogether.
The Chart for the British EU Referendum in 1975

The first British European Cummunity Membership Referendum on 5 June 1975 was held with a Mars, Jupiter, Moon, Chiron phalanx in Aries between house 10 and house 11 (house of true friends) and Saturn on the ascendant. Venus is on the cusp of house 2 indicating financial gains and growing roots. But due to the position on the last degree in Cancer – a degree of resentment – Venus may not fully be seen to feel as a part of the community. The referendum brought a strong 67 % majority voting for the membership in the European Community. But ever since then there has been a strong opposition against the European Community and the UK governments were forced to demand exemption clauses for their status from the EU at numerous occasions as the voter`s opinion was not in favour of the membership. Read about the special UK rebate (6,2 billion € in 2015) and the so called Opt-outs in the European Union.
London and an outlook on the transits of the astrogeographical position of the former world capital
The british capital and historical center of the Commonwealth London is located at 25° Libra and 27° Capricorn. The next really intense transit of a planet in a tight aspect to the astrogeographical coordinates of London will be the square (to Capricorn) as well as opposite (to Libra) positions of Uranus moving between 23° Aries and 0° Taurus between May 2016 and March 2019. This transit may certainly be interpreted by astrologers as a probable indication of an exit of Britain from the European Union. But the main issues here in regard to Uranus` potentials would be more than that: a reorientation and liberation on all sides and not just from one single business partner that the country has been depending on in the past. The challenges effected by Uranus therefore have to deal with the dependence of the country from the monetary, banking, stock exchange and hedge funds industries which involves the dependence from the US and the EU. If Britain was to decide to join the USA it might loose it`s importance for the USA as a loyal bridge into the EU and if it was to decide to leave the EU it would loose this status plus its function as a bridge for other countries into the EU markets. Therefore the solution which would open up all options for a british government could naturally be the common US and EU market (TTIP). This could mean that british governments might have to be ready to decide for the common market at any costs. But even then the status of London as a bridge into Europe would loose some of its weight as US banks would have an easier access to all the EU countries. Therefore Uranus` transits have to be interpreted as the chance for even more creative ideas for the development and application of alternative concepts and technologies in order not to remain paralysed by the question wich business partners would be more advantageous.
The next tight transit that follows wil be Pluto moving between 23° Capricorn and 0° Aquarius in conjunction with London`s position at 27° Capricorn and in a square with the capital`s position at 25° Libra from February 2019 until November 2024. The climax of this plutonic process of stimulation of development through the solution of karmic and other unsolved issues is to be identified as falling in the phase of the transit of Saturn between 22° Capricorn and 0° Aquarius between January and December 2020.

Particularly the conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn (the constellation of the golden ratio) in the last decade of Capricorn and directly over the astrogeographical position of London at 27°Capricorn in December 2020 is to be seen as a decisive moment for installing a new foundation and concept for the future of the country`s politics in the 21st century. It has to be considered here that this conjunction of Jupiter Saturn and Pluto does of course not only effect London but like any other transit will be effective all over the planet.
There are of course many other places which on one or the other of the morphogenetic field levels in the holographic structural system have a direct resonancece with the last degrees of Capricorn. But as a capital city and former world capital London of course has the potential of having a more supraregional resonance particularly in world politics than other places. Therefore London could even turn out to claim the role of the capital of the United States of Earth in 2020.
Sounds unrealistic?