Predicition for the outcome of the US Presidential Elections 2024 on the basis of Astrology and Astrogeography
Related articles: Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump in Political Astrology “Moscow-Russia in search of its borders & identity“, The USA and Washington in Political Astrology, The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA, The astrogeographical constellations of the US Presidents at the White House. “The Russian Invasion of Ukraine since 2022”, Rythmical activations in the Powell Chart for the foundation of the USA, Astrological Perspectives on the Global World Order & the competition between the 4 Super-Centralist Super-Powers in the 21st century, Moscow & Russia in Political Astrology, China and Beijing in Political Astrology,
Why I predict Kamala Harris as next President of the USA
I believe that prediction of outcomes of political processes of collective learning is for astrological beginners not for experienced astrologers and certainly not for serious characters. Predictionism of outcomes overwrites the analysis of the process that society, state, state nation, constitution and the competitors of a nation need to work out in historical processes.
So what I will be writing here in my astrological laboratory blog will be dedicated at investigating the holistic process of which the election and outome are an important step, And doing that from a holistic perspective.
Now which scenarios of the current stage of the forever ongoing AMERICAN REVOLUTION can be imagined that could open the way for a structural adaptation of the US federation and constitution of 1776-1789. And what could make the USA more independent from the Russian Colonial Empire and its forever ongoing Colonialist Dictature and Wars and allow US population to emancipate from the grip of: it after having been subject to it since through the 2 main challenges: October 1918 (Russian Anti socialist revolution) & 2001 (G.W. Bush presidential inauguration for the Fossile Cartel anti climate change policies agenda).
According to my analysis the main issues to be dealt with for the purposes of Independence, union, national welfare and self help today are:
- the disfunctional, destructive majority voting system and 2 party dictature
- the ridiculous king – presidency system and & the hyper aggressive presidential election system. This involves the question: While there may be arguments for a majority vote for the members of congress (stability of 2 party rule a.s.o.): Which technical, factually effective advantage or benefit is there from not allowing a simple counting of votes for a candidate ?
What could bring more progress: 1 —- A neofascist coup d`etat against the Harris presidency or 2 —- a neofascist coup D `Etat by the Trump alliance with the richest man worldwide ? That is I think the actual question to be discussed.
And that is where a coup d`Etat might allow society to discuss updates of the outdated restrictions of democracy in the 250 year old electoral system copied from the UK system in 1776
So in that sense what we would be talking about will be: is it a neofascist coup against the Harris presidency or a neofascist coup by a Trump presidency ?.
Astrogeographical Transit Situation during the elections and presidential term between January 2025 to January 2029

Major Astrogeographical transits for Washington in the 2020ies
URANUS SQUARE TRANSIT May 2024 to April 2026
Revolution (Uranus) is to happen with the Presidential Elections of 2024 and the next Presdidential term:
A —- the position of Uranus in house 1 of the inauguration chart. meaning that the next presidency has got to revolutionize the political culture and presidential office one or the other way:
And I think anybody will agree that the Trump coup D `Etat attempt is on the way either if he wins or in case he loses the polling.
And yes even if Kamala Harris is the conservative candidate while Trump is the „corruptivist“, „agonist“ and „destructivist“ anti-conservativist candidate (or demon/rakshasa in Indian Astrology) still the election of Kamala Harris as president has the quality of an actual revolution beyond a simple coup D `Etat, since she will be the first woman on top of a nation that by now appears to be (politically) lost.
One may not understand that a female leader gives another enegertical, deep-psychological, spiritual, mental polarization to the „population morphic field“ before it happens. But I do believe – and suggest to consider that this is a question of electomagnetic issues -…. so to say.
In that sense I suggest an interpretation of Uranus in house 1 as a choice between a simple primitive TrumpMuskPutin Coup D `Etat aimed at destroying as much as they can of the national unitiy for fast money vs. a simple revolution of poles within the system of habitual patterns of perception annd interpretation of political potential of the nation or a change of poles in the mental levels od the national morphic field system or population morphic field.
B — the square transit of Uranus between 24° and 30°Taurus square to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington (from my astrogeographical worldmap calculation system) indicates that some kind of a “revolution of the blocked holistic potentials of the nation” (URANUS) is already happening.
The table below gives the following keys as to which aspect of the Uranus of the USA is currently activated:
The Presdidental election of 5 Nov 2024 and presidential term Jan 2025-Jan 2029 take place as part of an overall process of the evolution of the United States of America building up on what has been achieved in the last 3 occasions of this transit shown in yellow:
- May 1773 – Apr 1775 —- Boston Tea Party to Declaration of Independence..
- Outcome: Foundation of the indpendent state nation with the first equal rights, democratuic constitution of the modern era.
- Jul 1856 – Mar 1859 —- Splitting of Northern & Southern states to Secession and Civil War 1861-65.
- Outcome: : US Civil War laying the foundation for a stabilization of the union of the post colonial territories and particularly of the super-fast territorial expansion of the state nation.
- Jun 1940 – May 1942 —- Pearl Harbour Event, Japan & Germany Declaration of War war against the USA
- Outcome: The full scale establishment and globalization of the new role of the USA as. A — exorcist of Nazi Fascism & Japanese Imperialism though Preserver of Stalinist Colonial Fascism, B — finisher of European colonialism (except Russian) C — supporter of independence of China/India/West European nations. D — Protector of independence of smaller & (except China) from the Russian Colonial Empire`s appeal to pseudo socialist (anti social) world revolution with Moscow as agitation propaganda ruler of the planet.
- May 2024 – Apr 2026 —– ?????. ….. a change and update of the US constitutiion has got to be achieved and a war with China to be impeded, one way or other. And if no other way is possible that could be even through a Trump coup D `Etat being terminated by a clean and easy military coup in favour of the constitution.
- Outcome:
As proofs for the precision of my astrological world map calculation system I recommend considering::
A —- My system has been introduced to the National Conference of Russian Astrologers in 2015 because of my illuminating explanation for the timing of the Ukrainian revolution & era of Russian Colonial Wars in 2013/14 under simultaneous transits of Uranus (2013-15) + Pluto (2012-16) exactly square & opposite the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow.…. explaining the traumatic fear to lose the whole of the colonial territories along its 24.000 km land-borderlines.
B — The Brit European Union Membership (Brexit) referendum of June 2016 was held with Uranus at 24°Aries exactly opposite the 24°Libra resonance of London and square the 27°Capricorn resonance as well. Not to mention how the Pluto conjunction transit with the 27° Capricorn position of London effected a period of political self-destruction.

May 2024 to April 2026 Uranus (Revolution, Globalization) at 24°-30°Taurus (Markets, Territorial Possessions) in a square transit to the 27°Leo coordinate of Washington:
- The election takes place as a chance for a revolution.
- Both candidates Harris and Trump can be unterstood as revolutionary although in very diffwerent ways:
- Kamala Harris as the first woman and 1st President without a European native background
- The next Coup D `Etat attempt of the neo-fascist Trump conspiracy has long been announced together with a civil and global war should Trump not be elected. Trump has announced a number of measures which if not just spoken as simple lie or provocation will change the political system of the USA into a dictatorship and Trumpist tyranny.
- The fact that Trump had already called his supporters to attempt a Coup D Etat following the last elections of 2020 the allowance of his candidacy as such in 2024 is already a step in the direrction of a coup D Etat against the American electoral system, democracy and constitution.
- The outcome of the election of 5 November will decide whether the coup attempt will take place against an elected Kamala Harris government or through an elected Trump government.
- Since Uranus represents the astrological representative of the influence of foreign nations, global players and lobbyists and interference.
- The last 3 Uranus transits over this position brought the following revolutions: Jun 1940 – May 1942:The Japanese air raid against Pearl Harbour forced the USA to enter WW 2; Jul 1856 – Mar 1859: The splittng of the Southern and Northern States over the question og Slavery forced the USA into Civil War, May 1773 – Apr 1775: The British Policies caused the Population of the English Colonies in America to rebell and start the American Revolutionary löeadng to the Declaration of Independence.
SATURNS SQUARE TRANSIT March 2026 to January 2027
March 2026 to January 2027: Saturn (government, stability) at 3°-9°Aries (Warfare, New Projects) in a falling square transit to the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington.– June 2026 to Feb 2030:
NEPTUNES SQUARE TRANSIT to Washington between June 2026 & February 2030
Neptune (dissolution, long term effective reality) between 3° and 9°Aries (Warfare, New Projects) in a falling square transit to the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington between June 2026 and February 2030
The 1st Return from the 1862-66 transit during US Civil War:
- this transit represents the 1st return of Neptune to the position in the wake of American Civil War 1861-65
- In that period Neptunes transit represented the dissolution of the stablity of the union under economical circumstances in which the South was not able to decide for the implementation of most important and central demands of the Constitution regarding the abolitiion of slavery with the effect that neglect and degenerative effects on social life and political culture through the consequences of torture, raping, mistreatment, murder, racism and other of outcomes of slavery damaged US culture, democracy, politics and also the emancipation of non-enslaved workers.
- Neptune so worked as a final sweeper of unsolvable issues, destabilizer of national territory and union but with the outcome of sealing the standards for a long-term, stabilization of the national union along with the adaptation (lubrication oil effect of Neptune & Pisces) of the US political system to the requirements of the ongoing process of super-fast expansion across the North American continent .

Uranus square Washington from May 2024 until April 2026: the next Coup d `Etat attempts and a Revolution
The simulataneous square and opposition transits of Uranus to London during the Bitish “EU Membership Vote (Brexit vote)” on 23 June 2016 explains what the effects of the Russian/US Republicans led propaganda war agenda Neo-Fascist International
How Kamala Harris represents the Anti-Trump
Before the 2020 elections I published an article delthat delivered a detailed, in depth chart interpretation of the relationship between Kamala Harris & Donald Trump. Read my article here:
Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump in Political Astrology (2020)
Predictionism under Circumstances of a Post-Stalinist Agitation Propaganda War Machinery
First of all because astrology is manipulated, exploited, suppressed, destroyed and overwritten in the Russian Colonial Propaganda War aimed at destabilizing, weakening and destroying the unity of all democratic state nations worldwide.
This leaves no space for a serious in-depth discussion of the highly complex multi-dimensional astrological factors at work.
At least not in the mainstream of mental manipulation that overwrites the complex nature and serious standards of scientific astrological evaluation, critical thinking, recapitulation of immanent mistakes in astrological wordings caused by standards that overwrite the application of serious scientific exploration of the relativity of prediciton and prognosis.
The Trump Party openely threatenened US citizens and the global union of good will that a WORLD WAR and CIVIL WARS WITHIN THE USA and other nations will be inevitable if Trump looses the elections. And on the background that the cause of such a global war will be the “Civil War” within the RUSSIAN COLONIAL EMPIRE geo-strategical sphere of interst aimed at annexations of numerous Russian Border nations.
I see no other way here than to analyze this perfidous propaganda warfare methodology used against the American population in any other way than under the spell of the AGITATION PROPAGANDA scheme of the POST-STALINIST COLONIAL WAR agenda of the Putin dictatorship. And the Elon Musk – D. Trump alliance as a group of supporters and profiteers from that agenda.

Astrologers or as Elic Howe named them “Uranias Children” live, act, think and believe under the spell of the an informational, psychological and spiritual manipulation that overwrites their job as analyzers of the holistic perspective on the current situation of mankind.
Polls among astrologers are organized that play down and overwrite the importance of deeper interpretation of the holistic transit processes at work behind the wars of lobbyists that manipulate public opinion, disguise political information and factually effective political realities.
I think that such deep fake standards of psychological and informational manipulation should not be ignored. It is ridiculous, corrupting and fully negative for astrology to deal with the outcome of this election under the spell of a YES OR NO QUESTION like saying: A or B will win. The main question should be: what impediments are there for updating the electoral system and how could it be reformed so that electional campaigning is not worked to sabotage the unity of the people, state nation and union territory
A serious astrological analysis has got to explore all factors of political manipulation & wars between territorial spheres of interest at work between the Chinese – Colonial Russian war alliance and the USA as well as the Elon Musk Global & American Empire and US citizens and the global network of lobbyists of the Neo Fascist International and the Federal Institutions that used to guarantee the stability of the US state nations over 2 1/2 centuries before judging them by a technique as relative as astrological evaluation.
That is where and why the primitive selling of astrological pseudo-evaluation among circumstances of limited information about the holistic processes at work and not to talk about limited knowledge of astrology simply works through feeding the degenerative mentalities of the predicitionism bargain.
That doesn`t mean that the astrological indication do not speak in favor of a victory of the Kamala Harris candidacy. But what I think should be far more important will be to explore astrology on a serious level of analysis of questions like:
- Where will the Harris or Trump presidency lead the world to ?
- Who wants to split and weaken the national unity of the USA and for which purposes ?
- What are the long-term-effect of deep fake, openly progamatic manipulation of voters under a scheme of treating their individual minds, souls and spirits as idiots ? …… and other core issues.
- Which profits will the Elon Musk Empire make out of its open manipulation of the US elections?
- What would an Elon Musk Presidency as follow-up of a Trump autocracy look like?
- and many more
Transits on Election Day 5 Nov 2024: The major national issues during the Presidency of 2025-29

Chart interpretations especially of the astrological ascendant and house system for the outcome US elections may be made for the closing of the last polling stations in Hawai and calculated for 1:00 a.m. in Washington. But i do not see that as a fully plausible timing for judging the US mainland elections
Chart interpretations for the opening of polling stations on election day are even more relative since polling starts weeks before.
Therefore I suggest to consider the midday chart for election day for exploration as an image of: A —- the climax of polling; and B —- the political & national issues of the election and coming 4-years-term.

The Mars – Pluto opposition indicates the threat of global war against the geo-strategical sphere of interest of the USA and its constitution
- the opposition between Pluto at 29°Capricorn in house 1 (presidential office) and Mars at 0°Leo in house 7 (explains a situation in which the office of the US President, the status quo and stability of the US constitution, state nation, political system and union of the USA are under the threat of a global war.
- the fact that the position of Pluto at 29°Capricorn (sign of the state nation, constitution, national cult, common multiple of the citizens) will be conjunct the Pluto position during the foundation of the USA in 1776 at 27°Capricorn.
- This explains how this threat of war as represented by Mars (planet of warfare) is directed against the existence, constitution, traditions, stability, common multiple and unity and the national state cult of the USA.
- Since this is the 1st Pluto return to that position in US history (in Pluto´s 248 years cycle) what we see now is a historical climax of threats and challenges to the fundaments of the United States of America.
- The position of Mars at 0°in LEO the sign of single individual rulership in absolutism, kingdom & dictatorship explains the current attacks on the stability of the USA through the autocratic dictators of the post-Stalinist alliance of China and the Russian Colonial Empire.
- Astrogeographically the axis of the zodiac positions of Pluto near 0°Aquarius and of Mars at 0°Leo happen to be conjunct the 2°Leo resonance coordinate of Beijing and square the 2° and 3°Taurus resonance coordinates of Moscow and New Delhi.
- The square positions of Pluto and Mars to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of the Russian capital Moscow make the coming election appear as a key event regarding the independence and autonomy of the USA from Russia under the circumstances of the ongoing War agenda of a fully mobilized military Russian colonial super territory in Europe and Asia acompanied by the most powerful agitation propaganda machinery ever developed in history: the Russian secret services with their influence in BREXIT, the US REPUBLICAN PARTY and a line up of NEO-FASCIST PARTIES working to split and weaken all democratic nations worldwide.
- The rising competition of China with the USA therefore appears as the central threat of war to be dealt with by the coming US president.
- My conclusion here is that there can be no way around it particularly for Kamala Harris to make steps in the direction of a collaboration with China against the instable RUSSIAN COLONIAL BORDERLINE AGONY.
- The 3 super-centralist powers Moscow, Beijing and Delhi therefore seem to currently ally and combine their powers with their competition with the USA as a common multiple.
- The Putin – Xi War Pact announced before the Russian invasion in Ukraine on 4 Feb 2022 named the USA and democracy as such the commin targets of their geo-strategical expansion.
- The scenarios of a Chinese invasion of Taiwan and a subsequent Pacific expansion have therefore gotto be explored as a central issue in the interference of the Russian led Neo-Fascist alliance and hate propaganda war aimed at weakening and splitting all democratic states worldwide.
- The DEMOCRATS AS REPRESENTATIVES OF PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: Within the 2 party system of the USA the effectively CONSERVATIVE PARTY that attempts to protect the constitution, central state and federal institutions like the FBI, democracy, traditional state cult (full scale human rights, open society, ethnic and cultural diversity, emancipaton of women and minorities), dissolution of the US dominated NATO, have got to be identified by Pluto in Capricorn sign of the state and traditional state cult. represented by the Democrats and the Harris party.
- The REPUBLICAN PARTY AS REPRESENTED BY MARS IN LEO: As representative of the attacking global players that aim at installing an autocratic rule of a Trump government, weakening the federal state and institutions, suppressing climate policies/protection of nature/fuller scale emancipation, of the state nation have to be understood through the challenge of Mars in Leo represented by the REPUBLICAN PARTY under the spell of an absolutist leader (LEO)
Uranus` at 25°Taurus square to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington
- the last five degrees (25°-30°) of a zodiac sign relates to the maximum of the unfolding of the sign´s issues.
- the maximum and climax of fixed earth sign Taurus is known to define the climax of market income and power, profits and conquest and possession of territory.,
- the current transit of Uranus at 25° of Taurus so describes issues of a revolution and coup D `Etat attempt (Uranus) supported by the richest man on earth Elon Musk and led by alleged billionaire Donald Trump.
- the square to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington indicates attempts to challenge, weaken and suppress the central government of the USA in favour of the profits and properties.of the wealthiest. americans and the wealthiest global powers.
- another indication is the threat to the US global sphere of interest in the Pacific region through China`s military super power and in Europe through the expansion of the Russian Colonial Empire.
- Particulary Taiwan, Philippines and the Pacific region have to be concluded as being subject to war threats due to the fact that what we currently experience is the 1st return of Uranus to his transit position during the Japanese Imperial attack on Pearl Harbour of 1941 and subsequent declaration of war by Nazi Germany that forced the USA to enter World War II.
The North Node at 6°Aries square to the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington
- as the indicator of the outcome of the elections the position of the North Node in Aries indicates the beginning of a time of new options, solutions, projects and of a new era.
Neptune on the verge of his 1st return to the square position to Washington since the US Civil War in 1861 as a factor of long-term stabilization
- the union of the US population and federal states may seem to be more in question than it has ever been since the Civil War between Southern & Northern States of 1861-65.
- the next US Presidency will have to deal with uniting the American population in order to imopede its breaking appart under the pressure of the ongoing hate propaganda war and lobbyism of the competitors of the USA within the naation with climax during the Saturn-Neptune conjunction on 20 February 2026
- But on the other hand one lesson out of the US Civil war to be explored is also the fact that the effective factual outcome of the Neptune transit in in the first decade of Aries square to the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of the capital in washington between 1861-65 worked to stabilize the union of the USA through questioning it.
- As the natural indicator for the global, cosmic, spiritual and humanist union of humans Neptunes transit square to the US capital in the coming years can so be expected to renew the union of the US population.
The Inauguration Chart for the next Presidency
Basics of US Presidential inauguration charts
Beginning with the inauguration of John Adams on 4 March 1797 until that of Eisenhower in 1953 the basic definitions of the office had been defined by: AC at 3°Cancer with MC at 11°Pisces + the Sun position at Sun at 14°Pisces.
Since the Dwight D. Eisenhower inauguration in 1953 the US Presidential inauguration (except Vice Presidential substitutes) was celebrated every 4 years on 20 Jan at 12:00 noon there are several aspects of the charts that represent basic definitions of the role and functions of office.
- AC at 13°Taurus with MC at 26°Capricorn: In every presidential inauguration the cusps (beginnings) of all 12 house are on the same zodiac degrees. This includes Ascendant (AC) and Mid-heaven (MC).
- The Sun Position at 0°Aquarius:
- The maximal angular distance of Mercury from the Sun is 28° – meaning that Mercury`s position during presidential inaugurations is always between 2°Capricorn and 29°Aquarius.
- The maximal angular distance of Venus from the Sun is 47°. Therefore the span of the potential positions of Venus is between 13°Sagittarius and 17°Pisces
- Astrological differentiation has therefore got to rely on interpretation of the positions of the other planets and factors.
Structural Interpretation

Saturn as house and sign ruler over Mid-Heaven (MC) in Pisces in house 11:
As MC ruler Saturn is a major indicator of the decisive factors that define the next presidency.
Ascendant ruler Venus at 17°Pisces in house 11 conjunct Saturn:
- The position of the AC ruler has to be investigated as a key significator of to the individual inaugurated as the new President.
- In 2017 D. Trump was inaugurated with Venus as AC ruler on exactly the same zodiac degree in the same sign & house (17°Pisces in House 11).
- But there will be a substantial difference in 2025: Saturn will be conjunct Venus restricting the impact of illusionism (Pisces) of the Trump business model (Venus) based on tax evasion and hiding profits behind a system of companies and debts.
It can be concluded that Harris is a representative of the Saturn position conjunct Venus because:
- because Harris supports the US constitution, law enforcement, federal institutions, stability of the state and state nation represented by Saturn the planetary indicator of the state, central government and stabilization of law, constitution and existing traditions of national state cult.
- While at the same time Trump`s major aim is destabilization and weakening of law inforcement against his own illegal and criminal activities, the federal state and ist institutions, government, constitution and the sz´tabilization of the union of the US population.
- Venus represents the sign ruler over the inaugurational Moon position at 18°Libra conjunct the Sun position at 27°Libra 8 in Harris` birth chart.
Trump´s potential to represent Venus in house 11 :
- The fact that Saturn is conjunct the position of Venus with isa key to the most important issues to be considered here..
- Trump was born with a conjunction of Venus with Saturn in his birth chart explaining his individual psychological issues with relationship as a situation of patterns of role behaviour in which the female partner is a slave and prostitute.
- Since tes that doesn´t mean that Trump himself can nor would want to serve in such role patterns nor does it describe his attitude to his role as president as one of a servant of the nation.
- There are aspects in Trumps chart that intensely resonate with the background of Venuses role as ruler over the Moon position at 18°Libra.
- They lie in the position of Chiron & Jupiter in trumps natal chart at 14° & 17°Libra being conjunct with the Moon position on inauguration day.
- But at the same time this natal position of Trump´s is heavily questioned and challenged by the squares from Mercury at 17°Capricorn (indicating exorcism of lies) and Mars at 24°Cancer plus the opposition from Chiron at 19°Aries (indicating loyalty of the US military to the constitution & nation against foreign conspirators).
- Especially the positions of Mercury and Chiron on zodiac degrees of the .soldier caste indicate issues of stabilization of the centralist federal state and its institutions which are under particular threat to be abolished by the Trump conspiracy`s agenda aimed at weakening the positiion of government institutions in relation to lobbyists.
- Compared to Trumps presidential inauguration of 2017 with a conjunction of Mars-Venus and Chiron in Pisces (illusionism, acceptance of lies and mental manipulation) 2025 appears to require a far more complex and serious exploration of effective factual reality.
Uranus at 23°Taurus in House 1:
- Planets in House 1 have to be considered as direct indicators of the individual inaugurated as president.
- Uranus a such indicates a revolution in all possible kind aka change of President. The position in house 1 makes Uranus a central indicator of the roles and function of the coming president.
- Uranus at 23° in Taurus (20°-30°Taurus representing the highest quantity of wealth in the zodiac) will be square the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington.
Kamala Harris as a representative of Uranus:
- she would be the 1st female US president. This can be a Uranus – revolution in several ways since. Uranus would re-connect US politics with a new perspective on the fuller potentials of society.
- male gender would no longer be an exclusive requirement for a US President and be replaced by the psychological and cultural information of a more holistic reality of emancipation of politics.
- The information of a female leader at the very center of the common multiple of a nation could change the outlook on its meaning. The Merkel Chancellery in Germany has shown that there can be deep changes in the psychology and inner reality of a national morphic field
- Uranus at 23°taurus will be exactly conjunct the Jupiter position in Harris birth chart explaining her personal impact on the required revolution as a healing influence.
The Trump/Musk alliance as representatives of Uranus::
- since the last degrees of Taurus represent the wealthiest degrees in the zodiac the impact of Donald Trump with Elon Musk in this position indicate a revolution by the group of billionaires (Trump & Musk) under the richest and therefore most powerful individual (Musk) in America against the union of the population, their rights and independence and their influence on the state nation and government.
- How could Donald Trump alone represent Uranus in 2025 ? In 2017 Trump attempted to represent Uranus by the agenda of fighting political traditions, promises to dismantle and destroy the national state institutions, provocations like open spreading of lies, spreading hate propaganda and racism, supporting the Russian & Chinese geo-stragical sphere of interest, playing the role of an anti-politician, splitting the national population as well as ties with allied nations, ,
The North Node as indicator of the outcome and central issues of the presidency conjunct Neptune between 29° & 27°Pisces:
- The North Node can serve as indication of the final aim and guideline for which the next Presidency will work. The Position of the North Node in Pisces conjuncted by Neptune is an indication that human empath, spiritual/cosmic consciousness, clearing of issues, social concerns, fighting climate change and democracy itself are core issues and guidelines of the coming presidency.
- This indicates a major shift towards a return to an agenda of global cooperation between nations, climate policies and innovative policies as solutions for the hate propaganda crack through US society and the whole world
- since Neptune will be in Pisces the sign of oceans another core issue will be the trans-pacific collaboration and dealing with the relationship with China
Kamala Harris agenda regarding the Neptune issues of the presidency:
- Kamala Harris is herself widely considered a representative of a “NEPTUNIC (minority) GROUP” within US society since she is considered as “black” or “coloured”.
Trumps agenda regarding the Neptune issues of the presidency
- Trumps strategy to deny the existence of any core issues other than his own personality is destructive in many ways.
- Trumps repertoire contains “Neptunic Strategies” in methods like hiding, disguising, manipulating, lieing, betraying
The Sun at 0°Aquarius conjunct Pluto as an indication of a US President at the climax of global competition
- The position of the Sun at mid-heaven (point of effective government) during the midday coronation of kingsand inauguration of presidents represents a classical ideal practiced for thousands of years. The personality of the president, prime-minister or king is so directly associated with the Sun and formlly placed in the best possible position.
- The position of Pluto conjunct the Sun as indicator of the individual personality of the new leader is a hint that the next president is under tightest pressure through the circumstances of the zeitgeist (Pluto).
- In this position Plutos the tension with super-centralist and super-expansive competitors Beijing and Moscow sees the USA in the tightest grip of their geo-strategical sphere of interest.
- The issues of dealing with the Putin/Xi war pact of 4 Feb 2022 in the preparation phase of the Russian colonial invasion of Ukraine and Chinas appeal to taking control of Taiwan therefore appear as the central issues that overshadow the coming US presidency.
- the USA needs a new initiative and agenda to solve the conflicts with China – and Pluto indicates that there will be no way around it.
Phase 3 of the “Age of Digital Globalization” and the US presidential term 2025 to 2029 as a harmonious turning point in US history

I asume that only updates of the electoral system and an end to the majority voting in particular can end the simultaneous period of political agony in the USA and the UK. My argument is that Britain and the USA are in inner agony through the 2 party system in the 2000s since the assumed “conservative” party is taken over by a Neo-Fascist international in the form of Trumpism and Johnsonism.
If the legislative process to changing the electoral system seems or feels impossible a longer sequence of coup D `Etat attempts, a civil war and global war as announced by the Musk-Trump propaganda and the Russian-Chinese war pact of 4 Feb 2022 need to be explored as the logical scenarios that coul pave the way for it.
The reason why I `m suggesting a discussion on updates of the constitution to the needs in the digitalized world NOW is that according to my conclusion the coup d`Etat threats and attempts against the US constitution are not just temporary – I understand them as systemical issues and assume they will be going on until some heavy events re-connect the nation with the allowance for change..
Political astrology needs to explore the dependence of change on such crucial events as momentums that force the citizens to re-connect to the common multiple of their common interests and needs in order to make important steps forward in re-structuring the political system.

What is the difference between the current period and former periods ????
My answeris: The circumstances of historical developmetns since the beginning of the period.
The AIR AGE OF GLOBALIZATION OF DIGITAL REVOLUTION (1980-2159) triggered by the GREAT AIR MUTATION of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions on 31. Dec 1980 made a fundamental change in the overall priorities from the EARTH AGE OF GLOBALIZATION OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION (1802- 1980).
Since that shift the world is not what it was before. The technological mutation has speeded up and appears to have even multiplied the permanently growing speed of technological innovation developed during the AGE OF GLOBAL INDUSTRIALIZATION (1802-1980) through the spreading of computer technology.
Fields in which the speed of developments has changed are: technological & scientific revolution, population/consumption growth, mobile phone/computer/infrastructure development, migration & informational exchange, the climate catastrophe, contamination, global exchange and availability of information a.s.o..
Technological changes in the ways political opinion is being framed onto the consumers psyche have changed everything. Political Astrology has to recapitulate the conditions for politics in the new age we`re in. What makes the difference?
Now which are the conditions for politics in the AIR AGE we`re in and which changes did the new era bring?

A — today social media frame poltical opinion as much or even more than a state nations own media. And not to forget the fact that Internet Social Media have been introduced just 20 years ago. For the population and people in the USA – as the only nation worldwide that has no central state media of its own the war of mental, psychological, informational manipulation is not easier to win than for other nations. And the fact that one MISTER X who is the by far the richest man in the world has bought the strongest agitation propaganda sicial media worldwide to use it against the US population has done nothing to heal the national morphic field of the USA.
B — the current age began with a huge step in the direction of a global union of nations and a climax of the United Nations role in world politics with the UN war against Irak & the dissolution of the USSR bringing a new dimension into global politics: an option for global cooperation & peace through a next step in the abolition and overcoming of colonialism and racism.
C — What happened during the beginning of the Libra Air Age of 1980 to 2159 was NOT NAIVE. Putin claims that it was a mistake while it was a fundamental step ahead for the Russian Colonial Empire that suppresses the individuality rights and karmic delevlopment of the peopel incarmnated as citizens in the Russian poplatuion.. And I want to suggest to understand that from a long-term historical perspective it was not just an expereince humanity could make for a short time. It was the introduction to what global politics need to learn and develope during the cuurent age.
D — It was followed by the Bill Clinton Presidency as a CLIMAX OF THE IDEAL COOPERATION of the global community led & supported by the US government until 1997-99 or so.
E — That new climax of development of humanity was terminated through the G.W. Bush Fossile Cartel presidency within thw 2 months that followed its inauguration in Jan 2001 with the establishment of a new enemy provided by the US cooperaton with Saudi/Gulf State oil/gas cartels aimed at global spreading of pseudo-islamic sunnite terrorism for using it as a scenario to divert the global community frpm the issues of climate policies.
F — by 2024 the USA is now hunted by its rising competitors for the role of the super-evil leader among all nations begun by the simuiltaneous inauguration of the Bush and Putin Presidencies.
G — by 2024 the USA appears to be waiting in paralysis for a next attack that could force its uncontrollable ship out of agony – giving it a new purpose and direction.
H — Nevertheless the outcome of all this is as simple and easy as it must be: humanity needs to unite and cooperate to survive. Even without the climate catastrophe it would have to – but now climate catastrophe and climate migration will have to serve as the regulative that will force humanity to cooperate…… in the long run.
The stunning Saturn Return on 5 Nov 2024 to its position during the coming into effect of the US Constitution of 4 March 1789 as a hint at a stabilization of autonomy of US politics
After some investigation I concluded that the outcome of the US presidential election of 5 November 2024 can be interpreted as a maybe unexpected but efficient step in a stabilization of the constitution of the USA of 1787-89 due to the exact Saturn return transit to his position at 13° Pisces position.
Saturn tranists stabilize the autonomy of the system they affect.
That doesn`t mean a reform of the electoral system from the majority vote/restriction to a 2 party system to a mixed proportional/majority system with 5,6 parties in Congress isn` t needed.
I still believe it is inevitable and is stabilize the national dialogue, unity and constructive politcs and that voters will support bringing it into open discussion.
A glance at the list of existing political parties that will never be influential in the House of Congress even if they get 20% votes in national elections tells us how much diversity there is in the USA and that diversity is strategically suppressed by the 2 only ruling parties.
There is also the outlook that the Pluto return transit to its “natal” position (of 1789) at 18°01` Aquarius between April 2033 (Pluto at 16° AQ) and January 2037 (Pluto at 20°AQ) may be understood as sth. like a chance for a deadline given to for such a change.
Chart Details:

- The fact that Saturn´s transit will be exactly on the IC during the elections is absolutely stunning !!!! And what does Saturn`s return transit and its position on the Sun plus IC indicate in regard to the coming election: ?
- due to the astrological law of the first event the definitions of 1 to 4 July 1776 were initial and are the foundation chart for the constitution for astrological interpretation. That was done with Saturn on 14°Libra
- The constitution of 1787-89 came into effect with Saturn at 13°Pisces with several indication: 1 — Pisces indicates the intension to make decisions it more fluid and adpt the constitution to current demands. 2 — Saturn in Pisces indicates creating flexible options for interpeting it the way its needed 3 — Pisces making it a mystery for purposes of national state cult
- Saturn`s return indicates a reform and reality check of the constitution.
- Since Saturn at 12°46`will be retrograde & stationary on 5 Nov and go direct 10 days later attacks on the essential issues (Pisces) on the ground of the use of formal wordings (Saturn) have to be expected and even appear as „fatally“ predictable.
- the return transits to the election day position at 12°46`on 25 Nov will be crucial for possible attacks against or consolidations of the outcome of the election and the return to the 1789 position at 13°35` on 17 December be crucial for attacks against the constitution or else its stabilization..