The pink coloured water of Lake Hillier. Astrology & Magical Places: The pink coloured water of Lake Hillier and other examples for the resonance of water sign Cancer with pink and violet colours.
Related topics: Water sign Cancer in my astrogeographical picture book,

Lake Hillier is a 600 m wide lake on Middle Island one of 105 islands of Recherche Archipelago near the southern coast of West Australia. The unique pink colour of the lake is permanent and never changes. The vibrant colour is permanent, and does not alter when the water is taken in a container. The pink colour is considered to be due to the presence of the organism Dunaliella salina.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetical field level 3 which defines how the are is embedded in the island: The site is located in the combination of emotional water sign Cancer the sign of the Moon, milk, fertility, pink colour and emotional individuality with highly magnetic, dynamic royal fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun, light, emotional self-expression, red and golden colours. As the sign of the mucuous membranes Cancer is the indicator for the pink colour The effects of fire sign Leo can be identified here as having an intensifying influence on the pink colour.

In the case of the Instituto Cultural Tomie Ohtake in Sao Paulo, Brasil Cancer is in combination with the air sign Aquarius for radius/field level 3. This time the pink colour is related with some kind of violet.

The pink facade of Helsinki Railway Station is located in the combination of Cancer with Scorpio the sign of colossal sculptures.