National centers of Buddhist state cult in Pisces. Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok & Wat Ounalom in Pnom Phen as the religious center of their nations.
Compare: Buddhist Stupas in Astrology,Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar, The Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, A Monumental Buddha Maitreya Statue in Scorpio, The “Spring Temple Buddha”, The Emerald Buddha, King Arthur, Lincoln Memorial, Queen Victoria Monument in Pisces, An Astrological Typology of City Squares
National centers of Buddhist state cult in Pisces
The most important and central site of Buddhism is the sacred Mahabodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya, India where Gautama Buddha is assumed to have experienced illumination. According to my astrogeographical worldmap system both astrogeographicl coordinates of the site are located in water sign Pisces – the sign of timeless, endless, all-pervading spirituality itself.
Since Pisces represents spirituality it can be considered to represent the actual sign of god and of the origin of all forms of gods as well as of life, matter and of humans too.
Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok

The Buddhist temple known as Wat Phra Kaeo in Bangkok serves as the iconic, central shrine of the Buddhist religious state cult of the the kingdom and state nation of Thailand. its is situated right next to the royal palace so that important religious rites regarding state politics and royal functions are symbolically centralized here.
Right next to it is the largest inner city square of Bangkok called Sanam Luang the “Royal Field”. It is a 600 m wide open space that serves as a central site for gatherings.

The Emerald Buddha at Wat Phra Kaew is the palladium and national shrine of the Kingdom of Thailand. The historical Buddha statue carved from jade and clothed in gold was discovered in Northern Thailand in 1434. It is a central object of worship as part of the duties of the King of Thailand to perform important rites for the welfare of his country and nation.
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 which defines the atmosphere, function and energetical position of the Grand Royal Palace area in Bangkok: one coordinate lies in highly energetic,magnetic, centralist, royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light, heart, power stations, kingdom, palaces, gold, precious stones, luxury, magnificence and life itself.
The 2nd resonance coordinate here falls in highly imaginative, relaxed, mystic, spiritual water sign Pisces sign of spirituality, mystification, illusion, legends, temples, entertainment, movies, holidays, the dream world, the collective unconscious and invisible.
Wat Ounalom and the Silver Pagoda with the “Crystal Emerald Buddha” in Phnom Penh

Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 which defines the atmosphere, function and energetical position of the royal palace area in Phnom Penh: the royal palace along with Wat Ounalom has one coordinate in Pisces the sign of spirituality and the 2nd coordinate in highly alert water sign Scorpio the sign of fortresses, strongholds and of sculpting.

The Silver Pagoda Wat Preah Keo was built in 1947 to host the magical national icon the “Emerald-Crystal Buddha” .
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 3 which defines the atmosphere, function and energetical position of the temple of the Emerald-Crystal Buddha: the site has one coordinate in in Pisces and the 2nd coordinet in fire sign sagittarius the sign of priest and shaman caste, preaching, healing, searching, thinking, success, victory and triumph.