Scorpio as the sign of reptiles and the underground world

Scorpio as the sign of reptiles and the underground world

Scorpio as the sign of reptiles and the underground world

Related articles: Scorpio as the sign of sculpting,  Examples for places in Scorpio in my astrogeographical picturebook in pinterestLibra as the sign of symmetry.

Life Underground sculpture located in Scorpio with Libra image: wikimedia commons
Life Underground sculpture located in Scorpio with Libra image: wikimedia commons

“Life Underground” is a sculpture showing a crocodile that comes out from the depths of the underground to eat the money-heads, rich or capitalists.  The sculpture is located inside of the entrance hall of 14th Street – Eighth Avenue subway station in New York by. It was created by american sculptor Tom Otterness in 2001.

Astrogeographical position od the sculpture for morphogenetical field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the sculpture itself: the site lies in water sign Scorpio the sign of reptiles, crocodiles, dragons the underworld, the robber castes, sculpting, imaging, metal working, caves and a major indicator for underground culture. And Scorpio is related to trauma, suppressed pains, neurotic states, paranoia  and also the  return of unconscious, unfelt aspects in the form of symbolic images. For the relationship of dragons with Scorpio see:  Drachenfels (dragon mountain) in Scorpio the sign of dragons.

The second coordinate lies in aristocratic air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, beauty, justice, angels, victims, decoration and the ideal of higher culture. Libra is reflected in  the “naive painting” effect of the nice crocodile that appears to even be smiling while swallowing a child legs while an adult is watching the scene.