The Magic of Prediction at Ancient Greek Oracle Places and in ancient greek culture – Astrology and Sacred Sites: here comes a list of important oracle places and their astrogeographical positions.
Compare: The birth place of Poseidon, Aphrodite`s birth place and the Temple at Aphrodisias, Oracle of Delphi, The Birth place of Zeus in Jupiter`s sign Sagittarius, Three Steps to Mount Olympus, The Temple of the Eleusinian Mysteries, The Tower of the Winds in Athens, Temple of Neptune in Aquarius with Sagittarius, The Birth Place of Hermes on Mount Kyllini. The Dendera Temple of Hathor in astrogeography,
This article was planned as an investigation into the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of oracle places. I tried to provide a short definition of the form in which the oracle was received and of the central deity at the different places in order for you to get an idea about how the astrogeographic coordinates might relate to the different forms of divination. I made quite a big effort trying to locate the exact positions of each of the sites as well as to find useful information on the way the oracles were cast.
Oracle Temples in ancient Greece
The arts and profession of oracular consultation played an important role in the ancient greek world. Long before the development of classical hellenistic astrology and the “modern greek zodiac” from around the 3rd or 2rd century BC under the influence of the closer contact with Chaldean astrology the greek temple priests as well as the “chresmologoi” (oracle-sellers) and “manteis” (seers) had practised the arts of prediction through the casting of oracles and/or clearvoyant or sensitive perception since the late 2nd millenium in the greek cities and at the famous oracle temples.
The oldest known oracle temple was the magical Temple of Dodona in north-western Greece. In Dodona answers to questions were received through listening to the murmur of oak trees and the cooing of doves. Later

The Oracle of Dodona – the oldest known oracle site
Dodona in Epirus in northwestern Greece is considered the oldest Hellenic oracle, possibly dating to the second millennium BCE according to Herodotus. The earliest accounts in Homer describe Dodona as an oracle of Zeus Naios. The namo of “Naios” refers to a god of the spring below the oak in the temenos or sanctuary of Naiads (spring goddesses).

The Oracle of Dodona in the region of Epirus which is considered to be the oldest of all greek oracles used to divinate through listening to the murmur of the oak trees and the cooing of doves in ancient times. Later sign oracles were introduced. Dodona is located in a major constellation for government and royal issues in earth sign Capricorn and royal Leo.

ph: DerHexer, ccbysa3.0
Astrogeographical position of whole of the sanctuary of Dodona for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the whole of the sanctuary: one coordinate is in highly energetic, magnetic royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light, heart, power stations, sexuality, self-expression and self-centeredness, energetical healing and stimulation. leo plays a major role in the authorization of human individuality in the right to decide for oneself and follow personal subjective emotions and intentions. The 2nd coordinate is in hierarchical, strict earth sign Capricorn sign of government institutions, history, tradition, rules and regulations and in temple sites an indicator for places related to an official state cult and its role of controling and stabilizing social institutions and the rulership of a dynasty or social class.
The Oracle of Delphi – the most famous of the greek oracles
The Oracle of Pythia at Delphi is supposed to have been Pythia and later Apollon at Delphi. Read the full article about the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Delphi here.

ph: Leonidtsvetkov license:ccsa2.5
Astrogeographical position of whole of the sanctuary of Delphi for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the whole of the sanctuary: one coordinate is in
service orientated air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, justice, openness, listening, sensual perception, sensitive diagnosis, consultations, relationship, angels, negotiations, peace, justice and courtly culture. The 2nd coordinate is in dynamic male fire sign Aries sign of action, ignition, starting projects,, motivation, clear decisions. one-dimensional perspectives, speed, warfare, mobilization, soldiers. Aries relates to the particular importance of an oracle before going to war.
The Oracle of Siwa

The legendary “skiff oracle” at the oracle temple at the oasis of Siwa in the Lybian desert for example allowed only yes/no questions. It`s position with both coordinates in Scorpio can be interpreted as describing the particularly strict, narrow and one-way concept typical for some aspects of Scorpio. This place is famous for Alexander the Great`s visit here in 331 BC. Read more here.
The Oracle of the Asklepion at Epidauros
The famous healing oracle at the healing springs at the Asclepieon (hospital) of Epidauros was located in the combination Aries with Capricorn which represents the astrological constellation of rheumatism, broken bones, wounds from warfare, liver problems, pest, fever related symptoms and of overstrain of all kinds. The famous healer Asclepios son of Apollo is supposed to have been born in Epidauros.

Astrogeographical position of whole of the sanctuary of the Asklepieon at Epidaurus for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) describes the energetical topics of the whole of the sanctuary: one coordinate is located in dynamic male fire sign Aries sign of action, speed, warfare, mobilization, soldiers. 2nd coordinate in solid, conservative, strict earth sign Capricorn sign of control, rules and regulations, government institutions, impediments, expertise.

ph: Michael F. Mehnert, GFDL
Amphiareion of Oropos

The Amphiareion of Oropos was also a healing spring and famous place of healing and treatment. It is located in the combination of the earth sign Virgo the sign of health, doctors and medicine together with the fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun and of light which is a major indicator for healing as well. The oracle was received by a medium while dreaming.
Astrogeographical position of whole of the Amphiareion of Oropos for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the whole of the sanctuary: one coordinate is located in careful, self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of reason, health, herbal medecine, doctors, cleaning, diets, strategical planning. 2nd coordinate in highly energetic, magnetic royal fire sign Leo sign of the sun, light, heart, self-expression, vitality, life, sexuality.
The Nekromanteion of Acheron at Ephyra

Ph: Babbsan47
The Nekromanteion of Acheron at Ephyra was seen as a gate to Hades – the underworld or world of the dead. The site is located in service orientated Libra the sign of angels and maybe the most important indicator for consultations. People came to seek advice and talk to the dead at this place. Libra represents the sign of gates and of empathy and also stands for the readiness to help, communicate, listen and respond.
Astrogeographical position of whole of the Nekromanteion of Acheron at Ephyra for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the whole of the sanctuary: one coordinate is in service orientated air sign Libra sign of harmony, balance, justice, openness, listening, sensual perception, sensitive diagnosis, consultations, relationship, angels, negotiations, peace, justice and courtly culture. 2nd coordinate is in emotional water sign Cancer sign of emotional individuality and authenticity, the individual soul, ancestor lines and inheritance, caves, fertility, pregnancy, motherhood and the uterus.

The fish oracle of Apollon Surios at Sura
The fish oracle of Apollon Surios at Sura near the ancient town of Myra in today`s Turkey supposedly worked through observing the reaction of fish when they were fed with meat. It is located in the two major indicators for hunting, the fire signs Sagittarius and Aries which when in position together form the constellation of successful undertakings and warfare.
Astrogeographical position of whole of the Nekromanteion of Acheron at Ephyrafor morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the whole of the sanctuary:
The fish oracle of Zeus Labranda

Astrogeographical position of whole of the Oracle Temple of Zeus Labranda for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the whole of the sanctuary: one coordinate in service orientated air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, justice, diagnosis and important indicator for all consultation services. 2nd coordinate in solid, conservative, strict earth sign Capricorn sign of control, rules and regulations, government institutions, impediments, expertise.
Temple of Apollon at Claros
The Temple of the Oracle of Apollon Claros was an ancient Greek oracle temple on the Ionian coast dedicated to Apollon the god of light as Apollon Clarios. It was located 12 km south of the ancient City of Colophon, one of the twelve Ionic cities. The Temple of Apollo at Claros was one of the most important ancient greek oracles together with Delphi, Didyma and others.

Astrogeographic position of the temple of the ancient greek word oracle of Apollon Claros for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes the atmosphere and energetical situation of the area of the whole sanctuary and how it is embedded in the land: the oracle temple of Apollon Claros has one coordinate in service orientated air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, justice, diagnosis and important indicator for all consultation services. The second coordinate lies in earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, growing roots, agriculture, local energetical centers and market places.
The oracle of Apollon Ptoios
The oracle of Apollo Ptoios was located three kilometres northeast of Akraiphia. Pausanias reports that it was originally an oracle of Ptoios, a local hero who was son of Athamas and Themisto, but that he was displaced by Apollo.[1] The name Ptoios was also that of the mountain which loomed over the oracle and was borne by Apollo as a local epithet

Astrogeographical position of whole of the sanctuary of the tempüle of Apollon Ptoios for morphogenetic field level 3 (surrounding area) which describes the energetical topics of the whole of the sanctuary: one coordinate is located in solid, conservative earth sign Capricorn sign of rocks, mountains, stability, history, control, expertise, government institutions and sites of the official state cult. 2nd coordinate is in solid fixed water sign Scorpio sign of sculpting, imaging, visualisation.