Stonehenge Sun & Star Observatory in Astrology
Gemini and Sagitarius - The Stonehenge Monolithic Circle Astrology and astrogeography of the Stonehenge Monolithic Circle
“Architecture and Astrology”: Astrological interpretations and analyses of of the location, design, style, function, feng-shui, history and other aspects of buildings and their construction sites from the point of view of holistic astrology.
This category contains articles that explore the typology of buildings as well as of the 12 zodiac signs.
Buildings are explored through their astrogeographical position according to my astrological world map calculation system and through astrological data like the date and period of their construction.
Cornerstone articles in the category “Architecture and Astrology” are:
Cancer as the sign of eggs and the uterus in architecture
Gemini and Sagitarius - The Stonehenge Monolithic Circle Astrology and astrogeography of the Stonehenge Monolithic Circle
The Cathedral of Our Lady of Chartres Astrology and astrogeography Our Lady of Chartres