London and Great Britain in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. The national charts for England, Great Britain and United Kingdom and important planetary transits in relation to the astrogeographical position of the capital and center of the national morphic field in London.
Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiew, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington,
London in my astrogeography blog: Pluto opposite London: The Battle of Cable Street, Saturn-Neptune conjunction over London: the Great London Smog of 1952, The Great Fire of London 350 years ago, The British EU Referendum on 23 June 2016, The 3 June 2017 Terrorist Attack in London, The 2017 UK general election, The Grenfell Tower fire, Das Brexit Referendum aus astrologischer Sicht, The Tower of London in Scorpio with Cancer, British Royals in London`s Palaces, Astrogeographical positions of the largest cities in 1500, The London Temple in astrogeography, Piccadilly Circus, Anteros and a 90° aspect between Aries and Cancer.
Chapter 0 — Astrological and Astrogeographical Field Theory
For my findings regarding the application of Astrological Field Theory to the national charts, history and capital of Great Britain read:
Chapter IV — The question of the National Charts of England, Great Britain and the UK
Passage IV.1 — What is a Nation ? Nations as Morphic Fields

- The term “Systemical Astrology” means that I use the 12 sign zodiac, 12 house system and 12 planetary rulers as a structural model and the 12 seasonal zodiac signs as definitions of the 12 structural elements to differentiate between the 12 natural components, aspects and systemical parts of a nation.
- Field Theory means that I explore the different aspects of nations as single fields in order to get to a clearer differentiation between the people the state nation, the territory, language, culture, history, ancestor lines, genetic pools and all the other specific aspects that nations may or may not possess.
- Field theory can be applied to explore every single layer of reality as a system of its own.
- That can help us to examine instead of judging nations.
- The term Morphic aspect of systemic fields describes the assumption of the existence of a subconscious, conscious or unconscious, intended or unintended, visible or invisible relatedness, exchange, resonance, transfer of information and energies between all single parts of a field and system as well as between single fields and systems.
- through the concept of Morphic fields systems like the family and ancestor line field, local neighborhood field, friends field and many other if not all types of group fields can be explored as interrelated systems.
- I personally use the term Morphogenetic Fields in astrology in order to refer to the level of “genotypal” organisation of astrogeographical surface fields according to the 12-fold systemic structural model that has been derived from the seasonal definitions of the 12 solar months since around 200 BCE..
- astrology assumes resonance and inter-relatedness between all things that exist in all dimensions.
- which concept but “morphic field theory” as framed by Rupert Sheldrake could be better to analyze the phenomena investigated through the basic standard equations of astrological conclusions like “as above so below” or “as clothed so naked” …. ???
London and Great Britain in Political Astrology
Chapter I — London and Great Britain in Astrogeography
I.1 — The astrogeographical position of London at 24° Libra & 27°Capricorn
I.2 — The Symbolism of the Capricorn-Libra position in regard to the House of Parliament at the Palace of Westminster
I. 3 — Astrogeographical “Neighbor capitals” of London
I.4 — London in comparison to the capitals of national super territories
I.5 — The 27° Capricorn resonance of London
I.6 — The 24° Libra resonance of London
I.6.1 — The Majority Vote and 2-Party System as an expression of the dichotomy between Libra & Capricorn
I.7 — Astrogeographical Transits For London: 2 Consecutive Transits each time
II — The “English Language Nation Field” and “English Language Global Field(s)”
II.1 — The “Angles” as the titular nation of “England”
II.2 — Anglic and Old English were imported to Britain
II.3 — Astrological Charts for the Language labelled as “English”
II.4 — The first Anglo-Saxon Uprising of 442 CE
II.5 — The Foundation of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Wessex
II.6 — The Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 439 CE as the “foundation chart” of the Post-Roman “Modern” European period, nations & languages
II.7 — The Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 443 in Gemini as one of 2 or 3 “birth charts” of the foundation phase of Anglo-Saxon “England”
III — Astrogeographical Transits of the outer Planets in the History of London, England and Great Britain
III.1 — Astrogeographical Uranus transits in British History
III.2 — Astrogeographical Pluto transits in British History
III.2.1 — The Viking raids of Lindisfarne Monastery with Pluto conjunct London in 793 CE
III.2.2 — The reality shock of Pluto`s transits square and conjunct London between February 2019 and November 2024
III.2.3 — The Pluto-Saturn conjunction of 2020 as the “Effective Brexit Conjunction”
II.2.4 — The Death of King Richard I Lionheart with Pluto square and opposite London and the Pluto-Uranus opposition of 1201 as a crucial moment in the fortification process of England
III.3 — Astrogeographical Neptune Transits in English History
III.3.1 — Neptune in opposition to London as an indication for the Catholic Spanish conspiracy and attack of the Armada
III.3.2 — World War I: Neptune in opposition to London as an indication of the threat through the imperial German super fleet
IV — The question of the National Charts of England, Great Britain and the UK
- 43 CE — beginning of “Claudian” Roman conquest -as foundation chart of Roman province Britannia & first unification & first foundation chart of the English territorial nation field
- 442 CE — 1st Anglo-Saxon uprising as birth chart I of Old England (PL-UR & PL-SA conjunctions)
- 477 CE — 1st Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Sussex founded by Ælle (date legendary ?) as birth chart II of Old England
- 519 CE — 1st Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Wessex founded by Cerdic (date legendary ?) as birth chart III of Old England
- 12 July 927 (jul) — Anglo Saxon Kingdom of England founded by Æstelstan – first Post-Roman unification of England as foundation chart II of the territorial nation field
- 11 May 973 (jul) — Coronation of Edgar of Wessex as King of England in Bath
- 25 Dec 1066 (jul) — Coronation of William the Conqueror as Norman Kingdom of England
- 15 Jun 1215 (jul) — Magna Carta Libertatum as foundation chart I of (the development towards) Parliamentary Monarchy
- 3 November 1534 (jul) — Acts of Supremacy of English Kings over the Church of England in support of stabilization of spiritual & political autonomy of the nation field. As a foundation chart of religious independence & autonomy of state cult.
- 31 Dec 1600 (jul) — British East India Company as foundation of the Piracy and Colonial Empire
- 19 May 1649 — Declaration of the Commonwealth of England as a republic. As foundation chart of a short-lived republic and of important development towards stability of Parliamentary Monarchy
- 15 Dec 1653 (jul) — Instrument of Government first sovereign codified and written constitution in England as a foundation chart of (the development towards) Constitutional Monarchy
- 13 Feb 1689 (jul) — Glorious Revolution as foundation chart IV or VI of Parliamentary and/or Constitutional Monarchy and its stabilization and national autonomy from Catholic powers France, Spain & from Rome. As a birth chart of “Modern England”.
- 1 May 1707 (jul.) — Foundation of “Kingdom of Great Britain” trough annexation of Scotland. As foundation chart of a state, territory, population and colonial nation field between England, Wales and Scotland.
- 1 Jan 1801 — “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” through annexation of Ireland. As foundation chart of a state, territory, population and colonial nation field between Britannia and Eire under factual English dominance
- 7 Jun 1832 — Representation of the People Act (1st Reform Act) as most important reform act regarding abuse, curruption of vote, representation of voters, allowance of right to vote for lower class groups of society. As foundation chart of the modern electoral system and political consesus of the population nation
- 6 Feb 1918 — Representation of the People Act 1918 (4th Reform Act) voting rights for larger parts of society including a percentage of the female population
- 6 Dec 1922 — “United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland” as a re-birth chart of the population nation field of a more independent Britain and a first blueprint chart for the 20th century process of partly decolonization of the British Empire.
- 11 Dec 1926 — Statute of Westminster as foundation chart of the Commonwealth of Nations a a transformation and re-structuring chart of the Colonial Empire nation morphic field.
- 2 Jul 1928 — Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act 1928 (5th Reform Act) women were given electoral equality with men. It gave the vote to all women over 21 years old, regardless of property ownership. As a foundation chart of the “Modern England State, Political and Population Nation fields”.
- 15 Aug 1947 — Independence of India as an initial chart for the post World War II decolonization process and era & birth chart II for a partly autonomy of the British population nation field from the Colonial Royal Piracy Empire
- 31 Jan 2020 —– Brexit withdrawal from EU membership as a re-birth chart of some aspects of legislative autonomy.
IV.1 — What is a Nation ? Nations as Morphic Fields
IV.2 — The “UK of Great Britain and Ireland” chart of 1801 and the “British Dichotomy” between caste system and democracy, national state and piracy empire, Capricorn and Libra
IV.3 — A National Chart for the “Decolonization” process of Great Britain ?
IV.4 — Pluto Square London: The Glorious Revolution of 1689 as an important foundation chart for the State Nation Field
IV.7 — The Chart for the Magna Carta established with Mercury in the center of Cancer
IV.9 — Norman Kingdom of England: Coronation of William the Conqueror in 1066
V. — The Roman occupation of Britain
V.1 — The Landing of Caesar in 54 BC with Neptune square to London
V.2 — Roman conquest of Britain through the “Claudian Annexation” between 43 CE and 87 CE
V.3 — The Stabilization of Roman Rule in Britain
V.4 — The end of the Roman occupation of Britain
V.5 — The year of the Pluto-Neptune conjunction of 411 AD marked the end of the Roman Empire
Chapter I — London and Great Britain in Astrogeography
I.1 — The astrogeographical position of London at 24° Libra & 27°Capricorn
Astrogeographical position for morphogenetic field level 1 which shows the supraregional and international qualities of London: The British capital and historical center of the Commonwealth London is located at 24° of aristocratic, courtly air sign Libra and 27° of conservative, hierarchical earth sign Capricorn.
Qualities of the exact resonance degrees of London:
24°Libra – located in the 10th (of 12) subdivisions aka the Capricorn subdivision of Libra:
- formalism and exclusiveness in relationship, social culture, rules and laws, in standards of aesthetic
- obligation and hardships of services and culture
- service agents sales representation, prostitution,
- closing (Capricorn) of doors and windows (Libra)
- priority of coat stands and bones in fashion
27°-28°Capricorn – located between the 11th and 12th (of 12) subdivisions aka the sphere between the Aquarius and Pisces stages in the inner development of Capricorn:
- the future (AQ) of the past (CAP) & past of the future
- retreat (AQ) and hiding place (PIS) of government (CAP)
- degrees of self-isolation, success strategy of “splendid isolation” and the “retreat from human empathy” (CAP vs. CAN) to the “superiority complex”2”
- strife for the highest stand & standards (last stage) in effective social hierarchy, in consolidation stability, endurance
- priority of survival under difficult (square) circumstances
- Thimphu (Bhutan located at 26°Capricorn) example of the most strictly self-isolated capital worldwide
I.2 — The Symbolism of the Capricorn-Libra position in regard to the House of Parliament at the Palace of Westminster
Astrology is the science of interpretation of symbolisms with the help of the 12 fold systemical structural model derived from the definitions of the 12 seasonal zodiac signs and the 4 major station s of the solar year (equinoxes and solstices). This means that the combination of Capricorn and Libra combines the issues of the first months of autumn and winter.

The political center of the UK of Great Britain is the Palace of Westminster which serves as the seat of the two chambers of the national parliament the “Upper House”or “House of Lords” (Capricorn as indicator of the factually ruling caste) that represent the upper class as highest caste in British society and the “Lower House” or “House of Commons” (Libra as indicator of the ideals of justice & of aristocracy as servitude) representing the lower castes of British society.
The combination of Capricorn with Libra can be explored here through the preference of following formal traditions (Capricorn) of caste hierarchy (Capricorn) in combination with the ideals of formal aesthetics (Libra), formal aristocracy (Libra) and of formal justice (Libra),
The priority of rectangular shapes of buildings and avoidance of round forms is symptomatic of the two signs Capricorn and Libra indicating the same function of that design of aristocratic buildings, manors and other “houses of lords” as symbols in support of the state cult of monarchy and its caste system.
I. 3 — Astrogeographical “Neighbor capitals” of London
Capitals in Libra with Capricorn:
- Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic): 1°Libra – 7°Capricorn – parallel to London an island capital
Closest Neighbors:
- Accra (Ghana): 27°Capricorn – 17°Scorpio
- Dili (Timor Leste): 26°Libra – 7°Aries
- Guatemala City: 24°Capricorn – 10°Aries
- Guitega (Burundi): 28°Capricorn – 23°Gemini
- La Paz (Bolivia): 23°Libra – 6°Taurus
- Porto Novo (Benin): 25°Libra – 3°Pisces
- Thimphu (Bhutan): 26°Capricorn – 1°Gemini
Capitals with one coordinate in Libra:
- Algier (Algeria): 18°Libra – 8°Pisces
- Amsterdam (Netherlands): at 4°Libra – 24°Pisces, The Hague: 10°Libra – 22°Pisces
- Belgrade (Serbia): 6°Libra – 5°Aries
- Colombo (Sri Lanka): 15°Libra – 29°Virgo
- Doha (Qatar): 19°Libra – 22°Cancer
- Georgetown (Guayana): 17°Libra – 22°Aquarius
- Hong Kong (PRC): 6°Libra – 20°Scorpio
- Lisbon (Portugal): 11°Libra – 1°Virgo
- Manama (Bahrain): 8°Libra – 1°Cancer
- Mexico City: 10°Libra – 14°Sagittarius
- Tehran (Iran): 17°Libra – 13°Scorpio
- Warsaw (Poland): 7°Libra – 13°Libra
- Yamoussoko (Cote D`Ivoire): 7°Libra – 27°Scorpio
Note that the last decade of Libra (20°.30°) appears to be very rare for capitals
Capitals with one coordinate in Capricorn
- Ashqabat (Turkmenistan): 10°Capricorn – 19°Virgo
- Bagdad (Iraq): 10°Capricorn – 22°Cancer
- Bratislava (Slovakia): 16°Capricorn – 26°Leo
- Castries (St. Lucia): 19°Capricorn – 24°Aries
- Damascus (Syria): 5°Capricorn – 16°Aries
- Islamabad (Pakistan): 1°Capricorn – 8°Cancer
- Kingston (Jamaica): 19°Capricorn – 9°Cancer
- Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): 15°Capricorn – 21°Gemini
- Minsk (Belarus): 1°Capricorn – 28°Leo
- Moroni (Comoros): 12°Capricorn – 10°Cancer
- Muscat (Oman): 12°Capricorn – 7°Virgo
- Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso): 12°Capricorn – 4°Gemini
- Lima (Peru): 19°Capricorn – 5°Cancer
- Port-au-Prince (Haiti): 5°Capricorn – 2°Virgo
- St. John`s (Antigua & Barbuda): 8°Capricorn – 10°Aquarius
- St. George`s (Granada): 9°Capricorn – 11°Gemini
- Kingstown (St. Vincent & Grenadines): 15°Capricorn – 14°Taurus
- Ulanbaatar (Mongolia): 21°Capricorn – 23°Leo
- Vienna (Austria): 13°Capricorn – 17°Leo
- Vientiane (Laos): 19°Capricorn – 2°Cancer
Note that the last decade of Capricorn (20°.30°) appears to be very rare for capitals
I.4 — London in Comparison to the Capitals of National super territories
Three of the capitals of top 4 national super territories are located in highly magnetic fire sign Leo the sign of centralism itself: Washington, Beijing and New-Delhi. The largest territory on earth is ruled and expanded from Moscow located earth sign Taurus the sign of territorial & economical centralism of market centers. New-Delhi even has both its two astrogeographical coordinates in these two super-centralist, self-centering signs explaining how the Indian centralism effects the nation to behave like a national territory “drawn inwards”.
The comparison of these national centers with that of with Great Britain can be a key to understanding the difference:
- This may explain why London though the qualities of the place seem to support a globalist perspective and a high importance in the overall global morphogenetic field was unable to keep the role it once had as the world´s most important national capital.
- London appears to lack the reflex of territorial super-centralism necessary to stabilize a super-large national territory.
- Judging from the Libra-Capricorn position of London its global functions lie in: serving as a bridge and stage (LI), center of diplomacy (LI), ships bridge (CAP-LI) for control over hierarchy (CAP), a center dedicated at supporting the priority of elites against the population (CAP), effectively organized royal court (LI-CAP) with focus on quality management (CAP), services (LI-CAP), sales representation (LI), administration (CAP).
- The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the town of London and the region around it are located in a square aspect to each other. That means that their location in the overall morphic surface field of the European continent and the North Sea qualifies the region for controlling and dealing with conflicting issues, tension and incompatibilities.
- survival under difficult (square & Capricorn) circumstances
- the function of opposition and square aspect of the astrogeographical qualities of London (CAP-LI) to the Cancer resonance of English local, countryside culture seems to work through opposing, balancing, limiting and controlling of the population field (CAN) and island status of the territory (CAN).
- In that sense the acidity, dryness of the “British humor” often thought of as a mark of English culture can be examined as a phenomenon that has its roots in the confrontational circumstances under which the urban, royal and “aristocratic” culture and the common multiple of the national population develop.
I.5 — The Capricorn aspect of London
- I want to point out the particular importance of the last degrees of Capricorn for global affairs and the world government as reflected by Dane Rudhyar`s interpretation of the Sabian Symbol for 30°Capricorn as A Secret Meeting of Men Responsible for Executive Decisions in World Affairs.
- This explanation of the astrogeographical position of London could explain the astrogeographical position at 27° Capricorn in relation to the historical role of the “City of London” area as the first 5-continents center of globalized capitalist trade.

- As the most important astrological indicator for the effectiveness and stability of government institutions, administration, laws and regulations the Capricorn of London stands for ist capital status and function as the seat of government and national administration. Capricorn`s tendency to seek orientation through creating and following hierarchical structures explains London`s point of view as led by a reflex for concentrating on the conservation and effective use of traditional hierarchies. Capricorn has a limiting, exclusive, strict and abstract approach. It supports building fortresses, walls and exclusive situations and tends to focus on competence and authority. And Capricorn is not only the reflex of traditionalism it is even the sign of history itself. In the case of London this can be examined as an explanation why the parliament is still formally treated and organized as if it were an institution that primarily served the king`s rule and not the people in the first place.
- From my astrological experience and point of view it is Cancer the opposite sign and polarity of Capricorn represents the actual sign of the Celtic roots of English countryside culture and inheritance of the island situation of a nation surrounded and isolated by water. Cancer represents a concentration on inner values instead and on the emotional basis and essence of the inherited situation. It is this potential of Cancer that makes it the sign of authenticity of emotional reflection of modern culture and of individual judgement in general. Therefore it is Cancer which represents the actual indicating sign of modernity as the process of updating inherited form in relation to the needs of personal development.
- Through its astrogeographic position in Capricorn it is a main quality of the town of London to represent the opposite and “contrary supplement” so to say to the roots of the English countryside traditions.

- Capricorn tends to focus on stability, state cult and tradition, and its outward formal inheritance. Institutions like the inheritance the House of Lords or the preference of royal head of state to an elected personnel to supervise and guard the stability of the nation are clear expressions of such a tendency for formalist traditionalism.
- If form is not allowed to develop the resonance between form (Capricorn) and content (Cancer) is such that the content tends to be suppressed by the limitations through form. The story of the puppet Pinocchio with the wooden nose is illustrative of this topic. The election of a notorious liar like Boris Johnson as Prime Minister who even made a cult out of lying to the people has therefore got to be examined as an expression of the overlay of dead form over reality. Such type of polarity between a capital city and the culture of a country and nation is also typical for the relationship between the French capital Paris which is located in Aquarius the opposite sign of Leo the sign of french culture.
I.6 — The Libra aspect of London
Compare my article: Libra as the sign of symmetry
- Libra stands for the higher ideals of culture. One of its “natural” habitats are royal courts as the places where the highest culture of a nation concentrates. But Libra is not focused on a particular king and on kingdom in general like the centralist signs especially royal sign Leo the sign of kingdom or earth sign Taurus the sign of control over territories.
- This might even suggest that altogether London may not represent the site of a super-centralist government in the first place like is the case with the capitals of the four global superpowers all located in one of the 2 super-centralist signs Leo or Taurus or in the actual capital of Leo culture Paris the original home of European absolutism.
- In fact the combination of Libra (sign of aristocratic culture) with Capricorn suggests a perspective that evaluates the formal state, efficient government, law and administration of jurisdiction as of higher value than the king himself.
- The scales are used for calculating the harmony, equality and balance between opposing aspects. In Libra the ideal of Noblesse Oblige can be understood to refer to the ideal of a balance between: A — the ruler & the ruled, B — the access to luxury, wealth, upper classes, exclusive harems and clubs & the worthiness of descent, character, behavior, aesthetical appearance, deeds of charity or meanness, education or other accomplishments.
- And even more than that: Libra implies also the reflex for service-orientation and finding out how to be useful for others. This “selfless” aspect of air sign Libra patterns points at the angel archetype, the airy realms of angelic beings, beings dedicated at service and at usefulness of human helpers.
- But of course one needs to recapitulate that the “selflessness” reflexes of Libra as parts of a human system dedicated to fighting for survival have plain materialistic roots just like any other of the 12 astrologically definable basics do. Libras strategy for survival and profit is by trying to please others. It is the central indicator for prostitution and for using attractiveness for profits and the purpose of being personally successful. The strategy for survival part of Libra is an attempt to be successful and dominant through means like beauty, elegance, openness, fairness a.s.o.. A nicer one though.
- Anyway it has to be understood that a combination of the signs of Libra and Capricorn apart from having a certain spectrum of harmony ranging from a smallest (survival etc.) and largest (culture orientation, formal laws etc.) common multiple shows a situation of tension, pressure, conflicts and confrontation because they are in a square aspect with each other.
- Astrologically this means that the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of London being in a near to exact square with each other (24°LI to 27°CAP) explain the capital of England as a site of controversial issues.
- Reasons for Libra´s strong gravity towards formalist symmetry and tendency for effectively supporting Capricorn`s (sign of bones and hardware) outward formalism may be traced back to its inherent fragility, its openness as an air sign and its functions as the “entrance”, “main portal” and “reception” of a native or system. In that function Capricorn represents the 4th house of Libra aka its own inner motivation and stand. That way the “angelic motive” or “formal angelic appearance” of the service orientation in Libra appears to be grounded in a neutralization and subordination (CAP) of individuality and personal emotion.
- That could explain Libras tendency of ending up in seeking hold in sticking to the “coat-stand” reflexes of the largest common multiple between the two signs. These issues can also be investigated behind the conclusion made by astrologers long ago, that the planet that is elevated in and by Libra is Saturn – the ruling planet planet of Capricorn.
I.6.1 — The Majority Vote and 2-Party System as an expression of the dichotomy between Libra & Capricorn
Exploring how the paralysis of the relationship between society and politics is generated by mechanisms and automatisms of the “private life” between the zodiac signs Libra and Capricorn is an important issue. The following institutions and belief systems have to be examined as expressions of the dichotomy between Libra and Capricorn and the priority of Capricorn in Libra:
- the state cult of formal aristocracy by birth and its alibi tribute to the lower castes by awarding aristocratic titles for social success as the the central ideal of state cult.
- the dominance of the Capricorn over the Libra reflexes aiming at the preference of the calculable, controllable stability of the existing, traditional social hierarchy over the symmetry of quantitative justice (Libra) and the equality of the value of each single voter. It may be found that Libra so to say “has no chance to stand against Capricorn”.
- The unjust, unfair and unsymmetrical majority voting system organizes the loss of large amounts of votes not being represented in parliament. Control and “stability”
- the majority voting system consolidates the preference of a concept of parliament and society with the ideal of the inferiority of the looser & superiority of the winners of the race in favor of those on top of the hierarchy (Capricorn).
- This “Darwinist”, pseudo-sportly concept opts out a parliament aimed at the collaboration (Libra) and balance (Libra) and empathy (Libra) between the representatives of all social groups.
- the priority of the candidates over political matters (formalism, state (CAP-LI) over essence, population (CAN)) is a standard effect included in that. And along with it the preference of the mental manipulation of the voter in favor of the display format of the personality of the candidate over the political issues.
- the Two-Party System as a direct outcome of the majority voting system with the consequences of dominance of majority over minority, suppression of minorities and individuality, retarding of updates, reforms, progressive parties and politics.
- the paralysis in updating the voting system and political institutions
- the tradition of the priority of the defined social caste system over the caste system of politicians
I.7 — Astrogeographical Transits For London: 2 Consecutive Transits each time
- The nearly exact square of the two astrogeographical resonance coordinates of London brings along with it the effect that all planetary transits first move into an aspect to the 24°Libra coordinate of London before making an aspect to the 27°Capricorn coordinate shortly after.
- Due to the 2 two astrogeographical resonance coordinates being in a tight aspect of only 3° width from each other the transit aspects made by the slow moving planets particularly Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron and Saturn mark longer climax periods of tension for London than they do for other national capitals.
- This unique effect is very rare among capitals. It`s effects may be seen as problematic in the first place but could also be found to have stabilizing effects too. For comparison: other European capitals with a similarly close transit aspect positions are: Belgrade: 1° width, Warsaw 6°, Amsterdam 10°, Berlin 11°, Copenhagen 13°, Rome 15°.
- The example of the intense consecutive transits of Uranus and of Pluto in aspects of tight tension and pressure for London during the period of the EU-Membership Referendum, Brexit and Brexit reality shock and the permanency of the government crisis over 8 years (2016 – 2024) are illustrative of how such condensed transit periods can turn out as important periods for collective learning processes.
II — The “English Language Nation Field” and “English Language Global Fields”
For my field theory of nations and national charts regarding morphic and morphogenetic fields read the passage: “Nations as Morphic Fields” in the Chapter “National Charts of England, Britain and the UK”
So what is the The English-Language-Nation-Field ? And where does it end ?
Language including dialects is one of the strongest and most important elements of nations (others are territory, state, culture and ethnos). For more details see the section “What is a Nation ?” in the Chapter: “The question of the National Charts of England, Great Britain and the UK”.
I thought that this topic could best be explored by differentiating between the “English Language National Field of England” and “other English language national fields” for example the “Post-Colonial Empire Nations English Language Field(s”), the “United Nations English Language Field“, the “US American-English Language National Field” and even the “European Union Pre- & Post- Brexit English Language Fields“
The English Language is the most widely spread of any language ever. This circumstance has various effects. One of these are identity problems for:
- the English National Field in regard to differentiation between the nation & its global roles
- the 14 English colonial “crown territories”
- the post colonial nations under the English crown (Canada, Australia, New Zealand)
- the national fields of nations where English is the administrative national language (see world map of British Colonies)
- all nations worldwide regarding the differentiation of their national from global inheritances
The Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arab, French, Portuguese, Roman and Greek language fields are other examples of larger trans-national language fields with colonial backgrounds

II.1 — The “Angles” as the titular nation of “England”
- a superb wikipedia article is Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain
- “ANGLES”, “SAXONS” and “JUTES” people are assumed to have arrived in Roman and post Roman early medieval Britannia in larger groups as Roman foederati troops the 4th and as mercenaries in the 5th century bringing their language, culture and families with them. In Britannia their language was mixed with other influences and later came to serve as the LABEL for the “ENGLISH” nation, culture, language, population and the country of “ENGLAND”. The imprecision of such type of labels is common in almost every national title and name.
- The most plausible scenario why the Angles served as name-giver of “England” is that they were an important soldier caste (associated with the name of the Saxons) in post-Roman Britannia. Their job was to replace the Roman troops in defense of the formerly Roman territories to stabilize the status quo between competing groups and against raids from the “Irish isle” and northern groups known as “Picts” and “Scots”
- The origin of the tribe first mentioned by Roman historian Tacitus 98 CE under the name of “Angles” is a peninsula in the borderland between modern “Germany” and Denmark called “Angeln“. The origin of the groups called “Old-Saxons” from an English (though not necessarily “German” perspective) was just south to the region of Angeln.

- Effective differentiation between the Angles and Saxons esp. in regard to their language is hardly possible. The late 7th – early 8th century historian Bede Venerabilis saw the Angles as the older influence than the Saxons, but there is no historical proof of that. Btw. the Germanic (“German” & Scandinavian languages) word “Sax” simply refers to the sword of that name and to groups uniting for military purposes making it impossible to trace back an origin of the “Saxons” in a single tribe and region.
- Though the Jutes are not always mentioned among the groups of West-Germanic mercenaries that played a major role in the foundation process of Old England, they might as well have been as large (or larger) in numbers and influence. While their origin on the Jutland Peninsula is located in modern-day Denmark their language is considered to have been close to that of the Angles and Saxon and an equally important contribution to the “Old English” language.
II.2 — Anglic and Old English were imported to Britain
The language pool in Roman Britannia was headed by Roman as administrative, government and one of several common languages between the multi-ethnic groups brought in as soldiers, slaves, traders and other followers of the Roman civilization. A Celtic language called “Common Brittonic” can be traced back to around the 6th century BCE as an older language tradition.
Definition given in the wikipedia article OLD ENGLISH: “Old English or Anglo-Saxon, is the earliest recorded form of the English language, spoken in England and southern and eastern Scotland in the early Middle Ages. It was brought to Great Britain by Anglo-Saxon settlers in the mid-5th century,“
Other West-Germanic languages that developed higher importance in the early post roman period parallel to the early phase of the development of the English language out of Old English (Anglic) were: Old Frankish, Old High German, Old Saxon and early forms of Old Frisian and Old Nordic.
The foreign origin of the “Old English” language is symptomatically overwritten for the state cult myth version of the definition of English language in another wikipedia article “ENGLISH LANGUAGE”: “English is a West Germanic language in the Indo-European language family, with “its earliest forms” spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. It is named after the Angles, one of the ancient Germanic peoples that migrated to the island of Great Britain“.
By detaching themselves from the complex factual origins the populations of territorial nations create national myths and cults through overwriting and denying the memory of their factual origins, ancestor lines and roots of their languages. This territorial reflex creates a myth and emotion that transfers the origin of the national language into the national territory.
England is not the only nation with such problems regarding its national identity and national myth – as ALL NATIONS on earth need to confront this issue. Anyway among them too are 55 nations where English is the official government language (USA, India a.s.o.) plus 17 more nations who rely on English as de-facto national language. Their national identity needs to deal with an overlay of British Colonial inheritance. The same accounts by the way for all other nations worldwide where children have to learn English in school.
II.3 — Astrological Charts for the Language labelled as “English”
A — the foundation period of Anglo Saxon England and the “English Language National Field”
Historians differentiate between the Post-Roman period (411 CE – ca. 500 CE) and “Anglo-Saxon England” from 500 CE to 1066 CE
- in the year of 411 CE the retreat of the last Roman troops from Britannia “dramatically” coincided with the rare Neptune-Pluto conjunction (every 495 years only) of 29 June 411 CE at 23°35` in Taurus. This conjunction event marked the beginning of a new 495 year long era that lasted until 905 CE paving the way for the development of Post-Roman Europe.
- other West-Germanic languages that developed higher importance in the early post roman period parallel to the foundation phase of the English language out of Anglic (Old English) were: Old Frankish, Old High German, Old Saxon and early forms of Old Frisian and Old Nordic.
- Since the depart of the Romans troops in 411 the continuity of the status quo of government, laws, rights, control over territories, food production and markets can be assumed to have been subject to destabilization. The import of mercenaries of Anglo-Saxon and other origin to replace Roman troops was a consequence of that. The importance of their language rose with their numbers and political and military influence.
- The first written evidence of an Anglo-Saxon uprising exists for the year 442 CE. A date for a lasting stabilization of their influence could be examined through the year of the foundation of the (legendary) Anglo Saxon Kingdom of Wessex in 519 CE. Astrological charts for these dates can be explored as potential birth and foundation charts of “Anglo-Saxon-English” traditions, language and culture.
II.4 — The first Anglo-Saxon Uprising of 442 CE

- the transits of Neptune square the 24°Libra and conjunct the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinates of London between July 438 CE and July 442 CE indicate a period of destabilization and dissolution of the status quo and territorial control just before the Anglo-Saxon Uprising of 442 CE.
- Gemini the sign of language having been simultaneously transited by Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in 441 CE the year before the uprising of 442 CE points at the sign ingresses of these 3 planets into Gemini as initial (or birth moments) of the functions of “ANGLIC” as the ruling language, language of state cult of Britannia and of the name of “England”.
- The Gemini influence on the Post-Roman began with the Ingress of Pluto (nomadic societies, zeitgeist, role models, belief systems) into Gemini on 22 Jun 418 CE.. Plutos change of signs from fixed, solid earth sign Taurus into movable air sign Gemini and sign of language, script, education, technology and infrastructure can be imagined as a step backwards in all these fields, as the support for Roman high technology in water supply, learning, roads, bridges and other infrastructure faded. The Pluto in Gemini period lasted from 418 CE to 445 CE. A fascinating description of the parallel between Pluto in Gemini and the amalgamation of language in multi-lingual societies is delivered by the astrogeographical position of the “Tower of Babylon” (Great Ziggurat) in the combination of Gemini and Scorpio.
- Gemini Ingress of Uranus (multi-cultural, multi-ethnic aspects, revolution) on 2 Jun 434 CE. The Uranus transit in Gemini lasted no longer than 7 years. But Uranus in Gemini is nevertheless to be examined as a major indicator of the political change that brought the Anglo-Saxon soldier groups to power as during the foundation of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Wessex in 519 CE Uranus had again reached the sign of Gemini. A climax of Uranus transit in Gemini was his conjunction with Pluto in 439 CE.
- The Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 2 Jul 439 CE at 22°Gemini stands for the cultural, sociological changes and political and social attitudes directed against the existing group hierarchy and government. A destructive element seeking to castrate and terminate with traditions and also with infrastrucuture can be expected. As well as a period of high tension, warfare and more frequent attacks between competing territories. The role of the Pluto-Uranus conjunction regarding the process of transition from the Roman era to a new form of society may be seen in the destruction of the the status quo.
- The Gemini Ingress of Saturn (public-official-administrative status-consolidation) on 10 May 441 CE and the appr. 3 years transit period that followed can be understood as a period of relative liberty and confrontation of polarities.
- Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 22 May 443 CE, 22:22 UT (calculation by Astrodienst routine) at 26°Gemini (language, infrastructure, politics) – this chart may be explored as the decisive planetary event in the transformation and amalgamation processes that made the development of new political structures inevitable.
II.5 — The Foundation of the Anglo-Saxon Wessex Kingdom
This foundation of the Wessex Kingdom in 519 by Cerdic and Cynric of the Gewisse is given in the 9th century Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and the West Saxon Genealogical Regnal List. The foundation year of the earlier Kingdom of Sussex in 477 (or 514) by Ælle may be worth examining too.

- The foundation year of the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Wessex with Saturn in transit over the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London in 519/20 CE explains the Kingdom of Wessex as a major step in the stabilization process of the status quo, autonomy and independence of the national morphic field of Great Britain
- the simultaneous transit of Neptune at 24°Capricorn heading for conjunction with the 27° Capricorn resonance coordinate of the all time center of Great Britain in London and square to its 24°Libra resonance coordinate explains the stabilization and assumable fortification of the Wessex Kingdom as a step under circumstances of intense territorial threats and destabilization of government structures and status quo.
II.6 — The Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 439 CE as the “foundation chart” of the Post-Roman “Modern” European period, nations & languages – and of “Old England”
A historical parallel that explains the long-term importance of this chart as a foundation chart of “OLD ENGLAND” is the exact Pluto return to during the Foundation of the Kingdom of England in 927 CE – read the chapter IV.9 .
For the parallel between Pluto (as ruler of Scorpio) in Gemini and multi-lingual societies see the example of the “Tower of Babylon” (Great Ziggurat) in my article: “An astrogeographical history of skyscrapers”
The 3 consecutive conjunctions of Uranus with Pluto between 69 BCE and 439 CE and of Saturn with Pluto in Gemini in 443 CE can be investigated as keys to the understanding of the initial phase of the development of post-Roman and modern-European nations and languages.

- every millenium has appr. 27 Conjunctions (initial ones counted only) of Saturn with Pluto. Out of the ca. 135 conjunctions of the last 5000 years only 10 were took place in Gemini.
- every millennium has an average of 8 conjunctions (initial ones counted only) of Uranus with Pluto. Out of the 40 UR-PL conjunctions during the last 5000 years three occurred in Gemini.
- the three consecutive conjunction of Uranus with Pluto in Gemini between -69 BCE and 437 CE appear to coincide with the climax period of the Expansion of the West-Roman Empire.
- A — the PL-UR conjunction of -69 BCE as an indicator of shift from the republic to monarchy in the Cesarean age. B — the PL-UR conjunction of 185 CE as an indication of the climax period of expansion & globalization of Roman infrastructure. C — the PL-UR conjunction of 439 CE and an indication of the destruction of Roman infrastructure, colonial and slavery systems.
- The result of my astrogeographical calculation system for the position of the City of Rome being located at 14° and 29° Gemini coincides with the qualities of the Roman Empire Nation as shown by these rare events in the longer term cycles of Uranus-Pluto conjunctions.
- Rome was the only globally successful political center that according to my calculation system had both astrogeographical coordinates in Gemini. The double Gemini resonance of Rome describes the Roman Empire as a culture based on technological learning, serving as an interface, collecting information and technical knowledge from all directions, building and developing infrastructure and meeting and assimilation of genetic, ethnic, cultural and religious varieties and antagonisms.
- The “outgoing” Uranus-Pluto conjunctions of 439 CE and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 443 CE both in Gemini can be investigated as initial charts of the Post-Roman period of the formation of nations in Europe with the West-Germanic language Kingdom of Francia founded in 481 CE by the Franks (tribal name first mentioned in the 3rd century) as the most important.

- the zodiac degree of the conjunction between Uranus and Pluto at 22°Gemini occupied the half sum between the two astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Rome at 14° and 29°Gemini explaining how the revolutionary and destructive impact of Uranus-Pluto conjunctions may be understood as some form of implosion through conflicts inside of the Roman hierarchy, groups of the population, imperial rule, the slavery and colonial systems and political culture.
- Considering how the high-technology standards of roman culture was destroyed and the transfer of knowledge suppressed and lost it may be concluded that the destructive and castrating impact of the conjunction in Gemini was directed against Gemini aka technology itself even.
- this could indicate that the groups called “barbarians” and those treated as “slave resource nations” by the Roman system were particularly on the rise. And in fact the term Barbarian Age describes not just the Roman perspective of the political changes but also the effective loss of technological knowledge and destruction of infra-structure of the Rome era too.
- its is fascinating to find that all of the 11 systemical astrological planets were lined up between the signs of Taurus and Virgo as representatives of the first, basic and most “primitive” circuits of the human nervous system. This may be interpreted as a hint at: A — the reduction of European culture to the more basic aspects of survival and away from the complex Roman culture and society B — the basic, material re-structuring of the status quo through a foundation phase
- the positions of Saturn as indicator of stabilization and of Venus as representative of income, food and territorial control in Taurus the sign of agriculture and market towns stands for the prominent role of agriculture
- Neptune at 23°Cancer moving in a square position to London emphasizes the great importance of London in the “awakening period” of modern Europe as through dissolution of government structures in the overall and all-time national morphic field of England together with the loss of territorial control over the coastlines (Cancer) of the island (Cancer) as the situation that was made use of by the Anglo-Saxon mercenary groups and their allies.
- the exact conjunction of the position of Mars (warfare) and the Sun (royalty) at 9°Cancer with the 10°Cancer resonance coordinate of the all time center of the national morphic field of the territory of so called “Germany” in Berlin and the half sum (7°Cancer) between the 1° and 14°Cancer position of Copenhagen as the all time center of Denmark (as Viking nation too) points at the importance of these territories for the “West Germanic” language and culture pool in the processes of the development of post Roman European culture.
- the Moon position at 18° in super-centralist fire sign Leo the sign of Kingdom (monarchy) was exactly conjunct the 17°Leo resonance coordinate of Vienna explaining the later role of Vienna as the long term and only de-facto capital (1404-1806) in the history of the Holy Roman Empire and of the Austria-Hungarian super-colonial state.

II.7 — The Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 443 in Gemini as one of 2 or 3 “birth charts” of the foundation phase of Anglo-Saxon “England”

- the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 443 CE occurred at 26° in Gemini the sign of language, script, communication and of assimilation of competing origins, groups, nation fields, cultures and technologies.
- Gemini (bridges, interfaces, competition & contacts between opposites) directly stands for the practical assimilation of spoken languages, dialects, neologisms, nicknames and all other kinds of wordings through communication between different groups.
- The zodiac degree of the conjunction at 26°Gemini was conjunct the 29°Gemini resonance coordinate of Rome explaining it as an important astrological event regarding the end of the West Roman Empire.
- the Return of Zeus transit aspect of Jupiter (Zeus – see Greek independence of 1828 & 1944) the planet of victory, triumph, success & expansion at 26°17` Capricorn exactly conjunct the 27° Capricorn resonance coordinate of the all-time center of the territorial nation field of England explains the developments triggered by the Pluto-Saturn conjunction of 443 CE as a process that strengthened the independence and centralization of the national morphic field of England & Britain
- this position of Jupiter explains the particular importance of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction for the foundation process of England.
- the conjunction between Mars and Uranus indicates that the effects of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the sign of language and infrastructure had an important impact through revolution and mutation of the existing structures and status quo.
- the position of this revolutionary aspect of Mars & Uranus between 8° + 9° in Cancer the sign of islands, coastlines an natural indicator of the homeland of Britain also reflects the Anglo-Saxon roots in the territorial nation fields of “Germany” (Angles, Saxons) and Denmark (Angles and Vikings, Danish, “Normans” too) with Berlin at 10° Cancer & Copenhagen at 1° & 14°Cancer as in the Sun-Mars conjunction during the important Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 439 CE.
- the position of the Moon at 29° aka the royal degrees in highly centralist sign Leo indicated the aim of kingdom and of super-centralism as may appear logical and particularly symptomatic for the stabilization of independence of islands territories like Britain.
- because an astrological and not a historical event this chart cannot serve as a foundation chart for England. Nevertheless I suggest to consider it and in combination with the UR-PL conjunction chart of 439 CE as indications that the year of the 1st documented Anglo-Saxon uprising of 442 CE can be considered as a plausible birth event of “Old England”. For the year of 442 either the spring equinox (astrological/seasonal new year), the summer solstice (climax of light) or winter solstice (political climax) can be used.
B — the foundation period of the “ENGLISH Language Global Field”
One of the more plausible of the potential dates that came to my mind was the foundation of the British East India Company of 31 December 1600 because this organization was central for British colonization.
Different functions of the communication,, introduction, promotion and obligatory enforcement of a National Language Field in Colonies could be related to communication, infrastructure, propagation of state cult in the form of religion,

- Mercury the natural planetary representative of language and script was in multicultural, abstract sign Aquarius sign globalization.
- the sign ruler over Aquarius with Mercury (language, intelligence, technology, vehicles) and Venus (markets, profits, territory) in it was Uranus (globalization) whose position on the first degree of Taurus indicated the occupation of territory, markets, income, agriculture and resources as its main issues.
- The parallel of the 1°Taurus position of Uranus with territorial super-capital Moscow (2°Taurus-12°Cancer) and with the early period of conquest of territory in general explains the aims of the East India Company as an instrument of colonization..
- Mars the planet of warfare at 27°Capricorn exactly conjunct London explains how the British East India Company was aimed at conquering and militarily dominating nations in order to exploit their resources.
III — Astrogeographical Transits of the outer Planets in the History of London, England and Great Britain
In my astrogeographical calculation system a capital is defined by 2 astrogeographical resonance coordinates for morphogenetic field level 1 (region) that define its position in the overall morphic field of the landscape of the continent where it is located. Capitals are so defined by their relationship to all other capitals worldwide. This allows comparison of the astrological topics of each national capital with any other and conclusions regarding the timing of processes through stimulation by planetary transits in relation to each capital.
I recommend to start with exploring the climaxes of astrogeographical transits as major turning points in the history of the territory and population nation:
- 0° — Planets in conjunction with the capital as a new year, re-start, birth, beginning of a new cycle regarding the issues symbolized by the transiting planet
- 90° — planets in a rising square to the capital as climax periods of challenges through the distances covered and expansion achieved through the new developments begun during the conjunction.
- 180° — planets in opposition to the capital as climax periods of the possible distance and challenges of the status quo in the capital from the starting point of the cycle and developments begun during the conjunction of the planet with the capital.
- 270° — planets in falling square to the capital as climax periods of challenges of the status quo of the capital and nation through the effects of the new developments begun during the conjunction.
III.1 — Astrogeographical Uranus transits in British History
Transits of Uranus in relation to centers of the national morphic field of a nation stimulate processes of re-connection with the fuller amount of potentials of the nation. Symptomatic events are: the rise or fall of a nation, particular policy or strategy.

III.1.1 — The Uranus` transit in a square & opposition to London between May 2016 and March 2019
Compare:England’s post-imperial stress disorder by Andrew Brown

In 2016 I wrote: The next planetary transit in a tight aspect to the astrogeographical coordinates of London will be the square as well as opposition positions of Uranus moving between 23° Aries and 0° Taurus between May 2016 and March 2019. I have described why this transit implies the probability of the British exit from the European Union since my first article on the topic written in May 2015. But of course the full impact of the Uranus transit here in regard to its fuller potentials would be more than that: a reorientation, self-finding and liberation process from dependencies on all sides. As far as Uranus is concerned a radical (from radix, radices) change literally means retracing the situation to its roots. But as a matter of the roots of the factually effective British dependence from world politics lies not in its relation to Europe. It lies inn factual reality itself. Or let`s say it has more than one single root.
For understanding the holistic impact of a Uranus transit it is necessary to recapitulate the whole list of the factors that cause dependence. This is because Uranus and Aquarius tend to seek abstraction and self-liberation from habitual dependence primarily seeking to take habitual aspect into account rather than factual reality itself. Therefore the vote against the closer relationship with the EU is not more than a simple decision for a first practicable step in the direction of and assumed self-liberation. But there may be other financially highly attractive partners for the UK to cooperate with that are politically even more powerful than the EU: Russia, China and the USA that may be the next habitual “downpressors” of the British nation.
The process of the Uranus transit has only just begun. It will be effective for nearly 3 more years and in two different directions. First comes the phase and effects of Uranus opposition to Westminster`s astrogeographical coordinate at 24° Libra. The second stage will be the phase when Uranus` transit in a square to the 27° Capricorn coordinate will be effective from April 2017. During this transit the position of the British government may be challenged intensely by Uranus` quest for globalization and for re-connection with the fuller potentials of a nation.
Although elections would make sense during that period it has to be taken into account that a new government will still have to face another 2 years of an intense process of self-liberation and searching for the country`s future perspectives. There is no stability to be expected during that period unless the decisions for emancipation and innovation are resolutely taken and put into practice. It has to be understood that the autonomy of the new government and even the British currency could get under intense pressure from global economical players and especially from the transatlantic and other business partners.It can be assumed that the country has no other choice than deciding for the common market (TTIP) with the USA and Canada at any costs. And even the standing of the mass media manipulating industries in relation to the British government, which has traditionally been too strong anyway, will surely be further strengthened.The outcome and a period of relative stabilization is to be expected during the Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter conjunction right on 21° Capricorn in January 2020.

Some general thoughts about the Brexit
- It has to be taken into consideration that the country can leave the EU and still be able to make good contracts with Europe. But it won`t be able to get out of the dependence from its even more powerful ally the USA, the rapidly expanding growing Chinese economy and the huge influence of the Russian oligarchic system in the same way.
- Therefore it only appears as logical that the country would seek to live this Uranus transit by concentrating on liberation from the EU as the comparatively “weaker” and less aggressive and less centralist business partner. At the same time this step naturally fulfills the geo-strategical aims of the more centralist business allies USA, China, Russia, India.
- Furthermore it should be noted that the Brexit topic comes at the moment of European negotiations with the USA on a common market system (TTIP). The British decision at this moment in time during a “battle of negotiations” directly weakened the European position strengthening the American.
- This aspect of the decision not only questions the EU as a whole but without doubt it actually is a straight attack on its stability let alone the fact that it may cost Britain and Europe hundreds of billions of euros.
- This move against the ideals of solidarity with the local European business partners effectively does of course also represent a decision against solidarity with their people as well as solidarity among nations in general.
- apparently during Uranus transits such deeper considerations could not be expected to be decisive for the voters who made their decision mainly following the emotional projections suggested by the electoral campaigns.
- That is no doubt the basic problem of any democracy. at all times. As the most influential foreign lobbyist players in British social media, print and television are: the Rupert Murdoch`s New York Stock Exchange propaganda machine of print media, the social media psychological warfare of the Russian secret services since 2014 and the US/Russian neo-fascist alliance that has managed to take over more and more control over the US Republican Party since the beginning of the Iraq War.
II.2 — Astrogeographical Pluto transits in British History
Compare my articles: Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography, Pluto-Neptune Transits in Mundane Astrology, The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA
Pluto Transits Conjunct London as openers for 248 years cycles
One Pluto transit cycle around the Sun or “Pluto Year” is 248 years long. The national cycles of development as definable by the Pluto cycles are therefore 248 years long. The current situation of each capital in the world can so be evaluated considering two simultaneous cycles in relation to the two astrogeographical resonance coordinates that define its position.

- one of the fascinating parallels between Pluto transits conjunct the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London are the late 13th century Statutes of Westminster that codified English Law and the enormous work of re-issuing English laws after the EU-Brexit from 2020. Capricorn appears as the sign of laws while Pluto stands for the “sculpting” work aspect of designing & framing their wordings.
- In the case of the initial event of the first Viking raids (Lindisfarne) with Pluto “at home” (conjunct) over London explained the event as an introduction to the long chain of Danish/Norwegian (Pluto as indicator of foreign, nomadic + of pirates) raids, conquests and foundations.
- the same accounts for the Norman and French invasions form the national territory of France including the establishment of the House of Tudor with Pluto conjunct the 24°Libra coordinate of London in the late 15th century.
- the early 16th century “Laws of Supremacy” of the English Kings over the Church of England as a reaction onto the continental (Catholic Church & nations esp. France, Spain) attempts to influence English politics combined the Capricorn aspects of law making with the Pluto aspect of defense against foreign conspiracies and invasions (Pluto).
- the loss of the extremely promising North American Colony through the American revolutionary War and Declaration of Independence was an extremely important and highly symbolical event: the Colonial Piracy Empire (Pluto) of Britain morphic field made extreme losses while the national population and national territory field of England sort of “reconquered” some autonomy and self-centering. This experience may be found to have allowed the national population to go through some form of a first emancipation process regarding the unlimited expansionism (Capricorn as experience of limitations) of the Piracy empire into foreign territories.
Pluto Transits Opposite London as Climax periods of Threats
Opposition transits of Pluto and of Neptune as the 2 slowest moving of the 12 systemical planets and indicators of particularly long lasting effects in relation to the all-time center of the national territorial morphic field appear to represent climaxes of territorial threats.

- Among these territorial were such major threats as the Nazi-German & Japanese expansion (1934-39) that ended the Colonial era, the invasion attempt of the 3rd Spanish Armada (1589-1603) the loss of English continental territories in France (Pluto) during the final phase of the 100-Years-War 1443-48) and the Arrival of the large Viking armies in the 2nd half of the 9th century (866-73).
- The Glorious Revolution is an example of foreign invasion (Pluto opposite London) being used for the stabilization of national autonomy through the import of a foreign (Pluto). The long-term stabilization effects lay in the emancipation from the Catholic Church and nations, the threat of lobbyist wars between Catholics and Protestants as well as the weakening of the position of the King opposition transits directed against the status quo) in favor of parliament and legal rights.
Pluto Transits in English & British History
The following table provides a time-line of climax phases of Pluto transits in exact aspect to the astrogeographical positions of London with some historical events. The timeline is complete for the modern age since the year 1600.

- I have found enough proof so far to be convinced that the astrogeographical positions of many modern capitals can be understood as as all time centers of the national morphogenetic fields of the territories of nations.
III.2.1 — The Viking raids of Lindisfarne Monastery with Pluto conjunct London in 793 CE

One of the most traumatic experiences in the history of Britain was the first arrival of the Viking raids whose first target was the Monastery of Lindisfarne on 8 June 793 with Pluto at 26°Capricorn square the 24°Libra and conjunct the 27° Capricorn position of London.
This event started a three century long period in which Britain like huge parts of Europe too became subject to the frequent raids, plundering raping, man-slaughter, deportation into slavery and extensive conquests by the superior military of Viking groups.

- the arrival of the Vikings occurred during a transit of Pluto at 26°Capricorn square the 24°Libra and conjunct the 27° Capricorn resonance coordinate of London. The conjunction of Pluto with the capital stood for a foreign possession and is a symptomatic aspect for foreign invasions
- a second highly impressive astrogeographical transit was by Jupiter the planet of victory, triumph, hunting, archers and shooting at 28°Cancer. exactly opposite the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London explaining the triumphant victory in of the treasure hunt of the adversaries.
- the astrogeographical position of the capital center of the national morphic field of the Norwegian territory in Oslo being occupied by the position of Mercury as the natural indicator of the thieves and scouting professions can be explored as an indication of the origin of the attackers at the coasts of Norway.
III.2.2 — The reality shock of Pluto`s transits square and conjunct London between February 2019 and November 2024
re-written in 2022
The comparison between the Russian and British national-transit processes during the 2010s provides some fascinating insights into the recent political developments of the two nations. And how these developments are interrelated.
In his 246 years cycle Pluto in Capricorn currently demands a factual reality check (Capricorn) of the propagated and habitual versions of national state cults and national identity for all nations on the planet. Due to his character as the planet of disappointments Pluto´s transit in Capricorn the sign of factual reality stands for a serious “brain wash” and reality check constellation.
This reality shock constellation appears to be particularly heavy for two former global super-powers who have lost their status but are still carrying the burden of the appeal for supremacy from their historical role: Russia and Great Britain.
Both nations are currently going through a shrinking (Capricorn) process.
During the manifestation of the long awaited Brexit on 31 January 2020 (see table below for the timeline) Uranus the planetary indicator of self-liberation, leaving groups, escaping and of revolution was exactly conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow.
This indicates that Moscow was the driving forces behind the Brexit. explaining the impact of the the Russian secret services psychological warfare on Britains (like US and all European societies) and how strongly the Brexit escape from the EU was driven by the Russian social media motor.

- The table delivers a timeline of the transits of Uranus and Pluto in relation to the 24°LI -28°CAP of London and the 2°TA – 12°CAN resonance coordinates of Moscow.
- It shows how Moscow experienced a simultaneous Pluto opposition (246 years cycle) and Uranus square (84 years cycle) between 2013 and 2015. These astrogeographical transits explain the extreme horrors Russia has projected into the comparatively simple, peaceful and easy Ukrainian Revolution of 2013/14 apparently taking it as a blueprint for democratic emancipation movements all along their 22.000 km long borderline syndrome which at some point of history will put an end of their Colonial Empire.
- Directly after that the United Kingdom went through a similar process with Uranus opposite and square to London from 2016-19 followed by a Pluto square and conjunct London transit between 2019 and 2024.
- The period between February 2019 and November 2024 will be marked by two consecutive climax aspects made by Pluto: the square transit to the 24°Libra coordinate and conjunct the 27°/28°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London.
Three sub-periods of this phase can be distinguished:
- Square: the climax of Plutos transit over the square position to 24°Libra between February 2019 (from 22°Capricorn) and December 2022 (26°Capricorn)
- Square & Conjunct: the intermediate period while Pluto will square to the 24°Libra coordinate and conjunct the 27°/28°Capricorn coordinate between January 2021 and December 2022
- Conjunct: the climax of Plutos transit conjunct 27°/28°Capricorn between January 2021 (from 25°Capricorn) and November 2024 (0°Aquarius)
The conjunction of Pluto with London 2021-24 has to be examined as a reality shock regarding the assumed “achievements” from the Brexit decision.
Strong examples for Pluto transits conjunct the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of a capital were: Washington 1917 (entry into WW1 forced by German submarine (Pluto) attacks), Berlin 1923 (hyper-inflation, French-Belgian occupation of Ruhr, 1st Hitler coup, “German October” = Russia directed Communist revolution attempt). Moscow 1922-25
III.2.3 — The Pluto-Saturn conjunction of 2020 as the “Effective Brexit Conjunction”
Since Saturn stands for stabilization through a factual reality check and Pluto for dealing with disappointments, trauma, shock, battle for power and defense the conjunction of Saturn in his own sign Capricorn with Pluto stood for a reality check regarding the state nation of Great Britain, its territory, market connections, political status quo, state cult and its individuals too.
The Pluto-Saturn conjunction of 12 January 2020 coincided with the Brexit Agreement of 24 Jan and the effective withdrawal of the UK from the European Union on 31 January 2020. It looked like it was not before that conjunction that after years of political instability and insecurity the British government was able to put that step into practice.
From the point of view of my astrogeographical world map calculation system the importance of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 12 January 2020 for London has to be qualified as outstanding if not to say absolutely breath-taking. There were to major aspects to it:
A — the zodiac position at 22°46` Capricorn where the PL-SA conjunction occurred was near to square to the 24°Libra resonance coordinate of London. Conclusion: the Brexit defined a new legal and administrative situation, hierarchy and government which defined a new status quo directed at changing the current one.s
B — the Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurred appr. 4° before both planets went in conjunction with the 27° Capricorn resonance coordinate of London. Conclusion: the coming stabilizing transit of Saturn over London supported and stimulated the foundation of the new Post-EU-Member-State. The highly traumatic Pluto transit over London explained the reality shock of the discrepancy between the factual reality of the new state and government and the ideological propaganda promises that had motivated the (small) majority of voters to decide to vote for leaving the European Union.

- It was the first Saturn – Pluto conjunction in Capricorn since that of 13 Jan 1518. Meaning that it was the first time in 500 years that the civilizations on earth were confronted with its regulative impact and reality check.
- For the UK it manifested as the first sich conjunction since the Pre-Colonial era, before the foundation of the British East India Company, the colonization in North America, Africa, Asia, Australia and the rise of England to its rule over Scotland in the Kingdom of Great Britain (1707) and UK of Britain and Ireland (1801) and the loss of many all of these territories except Scotland and N. Ireland and formal rule over Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a number of other territories.
- Astrogeographically the Withdrawal of the UK from the EU occurred in a period in between the climax of effects from the intense pressure transits of Uranus (May 2016-March 2019) and the following period of high pressure from the Pluto transits over 24° and 27°/28° (Feb 2019 – Nov 2024) in Capricorn the sign of factual reality that were soon to unfold.
- The Pluto transits in Capricorn the sign of effective reality turned out as a heavy reality shock regarding the developments during the earlier Uranus dominated period.

London and Great Britain in Astrology: Astrological Chart for the Saturn- Pluto conjunction on 12 January 2020 calculated for 16:58 in London. The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto of January 2020 in Capricorn had the potential of supporting a stable foundation and a period of reforms.
- Not only did the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto of 12 January 2020 in Capricorn coincide with the Withdrawal of the UK from the EU but also with the entry of the Covid 19 pandemic into Europe. The timing of the pandemic hit Britains economy particularly hard as its consequences coincided with those from Brexit.
- the coincidence of the withdrawal from the EU with a Saturn-Pluto conjunction is an indication that the main issues of the Brexit reform programs were aimed at austerity, “splendid” isolation, closing borders, keeping unwanted people out, cuts in economical growth, retreating from partnerships and attempting to control the nation`s own situation.
- Conjunctions of Pluto with Saturn like natal positions of Pluto in house 10 and Saturn in house 8 are known for issues of foreign control and possession and being subject to possession (obsessions) by foreign spirits.
- This explains that while fighting back the close relationship with the EU and European neighbor states the UK went under the influence of Non-EU Nations. These were:
- A — the sphere of interest of global actors of Wallstreet capitalism some of aimed at weakening the European Union, controlling the UK worked through the influence of the Rupert Murdoch Media and by the US government under the Trump presidency.
- B — the whole of the “Londongrad” impact of the strong influence of Russian oligarchs on the City of London combined with Russian war propaganda industry exerted by the Moscow-Russian secret services. The full scale Soviet psychological warfare directed against the European Union was begun after the first Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014 and continued to the 2nd invasion of 2022.
- C –— the global cooperation of the Oil and Gas Cartels with the Texan/Saudi Oil cartels WTC cooperation of 2001 and the Pseudo-Sunnite terror alliances recruited by them and their propaganda branches in the Neo-Fascist International of American Fascists/KKK/White Supremacists joined by the new racism of the Russian Secret Services and state monopoly capitalism of the Russian Oil & Gas Cartels.
- the intensity of the Saturn-Pluto constellation was further strengthened through conjunction with the Sun at 21°56` and Mercury at 23°13`Capricorn.
- calculated for London the Sun acted as sign ruler of the Ascendant which was placed on the first , degree of Leo indicating a new start in regard to the English Superiority Complex and the important issues of production of electricity out of fossile resources (stored sunlight).
- the conjunction of Mercury with Pluto is known for its support for mental, informational and psychological manipulation. The conjunction of these two planets during the foundation of the Communist Party of China under the patronage of the Bolshevist Russian Agitation Propaganda in 1921 delivers an illustrative symbolism for the spirit of Brexit as well as of the hardcore use of Covid 19 related issues by the post-Bolshevist psychological warfare of the Putin era.
III.2.4 The Death of King Richard I Lionheart with Pluto square and opposite London

Richard I – the Lion Heart (8 September 1157 – 6 April 1199) was King of England for only 10 years from 3 September 1189 until his death.

- King Richard I was born during a transit of Uranus the planet of globalization, self-finding, abstraction, self-liberation and re-connection with the country´s fuller potentials conjunct the 27° Capricorn resonance coordinate of London and exactly square the 24°Libra coordinate.
- This Uranus transit is a fascinating astrological explanation for Richard´s important role in the 3rd crusade – the third medieval attempt of Christian Europe for globalization.
- It is important to understand that Richard conquered the Island of Cyprus for England in 1191 as an early step in the coming era of European globalization.
- Uranus may be explored as an indication of his confessed homosexual experiences, of the fact that he spend more time abroad than in England, of his fight for “religious” idealism and for the extreme financial losses caused through the Austrian/HRR ransom claims of 23.3 tons of silver after his capture on 21./22 December 1192 by his personal enemy Duke Leopold V. of Austria near Vienna.
- Richard died from an injury he had caught during the siege of Châlus castle in Normandy, France. His death has to be examined as part of the process of the transit of Pluto the planet of trauma, pain and defense between 23° an 30°Cancer in exact square to the 24°Libra and opposite the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London between 1196 and 1202.
- This Pluto transit explains the time of the death of the Richard Lion-Heart as a time of heaviest pressure onto the territorial integrity, particularly the island status and coastlines (Cancer) and of cultural, political and military transformation for England with the Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 4 August 1201 at 28°Cancer exactly opposite London was its climax.
- the fact that Richard´s death during the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Cancer occurred outside of England can be investigated as a symptom of the problem of excessive involvement of the English crown in battles for territories away from the Island Nation Field (Cancer).
III.2.5 — The Pluto-Uranus Conjunction of 4 August 1201 at at 28°Cancer opposite London

- The time span between two conjunctions of Uranus and Pluto is between 110 and 140 years. Both planets play a major role in globalization (Uranus) and battles in foreign territories (Pluto) indicating climaxes of competitions with other nations through territorial expansion or competition from abroad.
- During the last 3000 years there were only 2 occasions when a Uranus-Pluto conjunction occurred in such an exact transit to the 2 astrogeographical resonance coordinates of London: on Aug, 4 1201 at 28° Cancer (sign of coastlines & island) and on June, 26 1850 at 29°Aries (warfare, indicator of military).
- On two more occasions conjunctions of Uranus with Pluto occurred within only 4° orbis of a climax aspect to the 24°Libra resonance coordinates of London: A — on 11 March 436 BCE at 20°Capricorn indicating a period of conquest and threat through groups with more stable government structures and May, 1 1597 at 20° Aries the sign of warfare pointing at the foundation phase of the English military and colonial politics with the foundation of the British East India Company in 1600 as the historical event triggered.
- Because of the exact opposition to London the chart of the conjunction of Uranus and Pluto of 1201 has to be investigated as a crucial moment in English History. The position in Cancer (coasts, islands) can be seen as an indication of a climax – stimulus for the defense and fortification of the English coasts.
III.3 — Astrogeographical Neptune Transits in English History
One Neptune year or transit cycle is 165 years long – which is 83 years shorter than one 248 years long Pluto year. There are 2 simultaneous 165 years long Neptune transit cycles to be observed. One beginning with Neptune at 24°Libra the other beginning with Neptune at 27°Capricorn.
There are no more than 6 full Neptune years/cycles in one millennium so that 2 x 6 Neptune years/cycles for the two resonance coordinates that define a capital can be explored. This graphical visualization shows the pulse of Neptune transits over the last 500 years:

III.3.0 — Neptune transits conjunct London
Conjunctions of Neptune with the capital are foundation moments of a new development cycle of the Neptune aspects of the nation – aka its effectively true, holistic identity. Neptune dissolves, washes away, relativizes, helps us let go and forget old overlays, patterns, encrustments, blocks of identity, contaminations, hidden, neglected and suppressed factual realty and holistic national identity and factual ethnicity of the population.

- conjunction transit over astrogeographical positions are situations when the transiting planet arrives at the place. An important example for an event in the spiritual. holistic sense of Neptune as indicator of clearing of long accumulated injustice, fraud, deception and corruption regarding the exploitation of the population field was the “Representation of the People Reform Act” ( “Great Reform Act” ) or Reform Act No. 1 of 1832. This act made important changes in the voting system paving the way for another 100 year long process in the direction of allowing full voting rights to the population field.
- Historical developments for the capital under Neptune conjunctions are therefore to be investigated as events that stand for the changes and updates within the national territory needed for clearing unsolved issues of the capital and nation.
- the “Great London Smog” during the Saturn-Neptune conjunction of Dec 1952 at 23°Libra as climax aspect of contamination was such a situation.
- Others were the Great Plague of 1665 in which 1/6 of the population died and the Great London Fire of 1666 followed by Anti-Jewish/Anti Catholic riots as occult representative and projections of Neptune.
- the typical astrological algebra would assume that Neptune conjunctions are to be investigated as having the opposite effect of Neptune oppositions.
- Among the most spectacular Neptune opposition transits are the events of the French landing attempt of 1545, the Spanish Armada attack of 1588, the threat by the German super-fleet of 1914 or even the 1 year French rule in England after the landing of Louis the Lion in 1215 in the 1st Baron`s War against John Lackland. These events explain opposition transits of Neptune in relation to the capital of England as situations when the threat of foreign occupation through landings by boat was averted.
- Neptune conjunctions therefore have to be investigated as situations when landings by boat were successful occupations.
- Among these is the arrival of the Benedictine Catholic Monastic reforms from Italy through the Regularis Concordia in 973 CE supported by King Edgar the Peaceful who has been famed as the “true founder of England” by some astrologers and historians along with an idealization (Neptune) of his “exceptional” rule and the proposal of Edgar for canonization as Catholic saint.
- Other important landings were by Sven Forkbeard who became king of England in 1013 and by “Cnut the Great” of Denmark who landed in 1015 and became king of England in 1016.
- A fascinating example for a Neptune transit conjunct the capital arose in 1625 when the new king Charles I as representative of the government and status quo in London demanded the supremacy of the king over the parliament under the roman-catholic justification of an assumed “Divine Right of Kings“ which contained both Neptune indications: A — a mythological idealization of the kings role as well as B — an attempted fraud against the population field through the attempt to neglect their rights.
- Imagine also the fear of British aristocracy and royal empire during the years of Neptune`s transit over 24° in Libra the sign of aristocracy conjunct London during the years of the French Revolution 1789-93. Neptune questioned their status and lives.
- another highly illustrative development under a Neptune conjunction transit was the “Suez Canal Crisis of 1956” which has been identified by historians as an important milestone and nail on the coffin of the British Colonial Empire,. In a coup the Egyptian President Nasser confiscated the Suez Canal from British control declaring it nationalized in July 1956. When the USA denied support for the British/French military landings at the Suez it became clear to the world public that the colonial nations had to “pack up their empires” and return back home. Neptune so stood for the factual reduction aka dissolution of the colonial power and for the depression of having to reduce the territorial field.
- The Suez Canal Crisis is also remarkable in regard to the Neptune correspondence of maritime shipping route. Another important canal was opened with Neptune conjunct London: the Fourth and Clyde Canal that connected the East and West coasts of Scotland (theoretically) allowing Neptune in the form of the North-Sea waters to pass through UK territory
- an outstanding example was the Neptune transit conjunct London between 1994 and 1998. It appears to have triggered the issues of the superiority/inferiority complex (Neptune conjunction) of London through developments through which the City of Brussels as capital of the European Union was about to become more important and successful than the capital of the British Global Empire. The end of the Cold War and rise of the European Union had taken away the function of the duo of Britain and USA as co-rulers of global democracy. The end of the pseudo-socialist regime in Moscow-Russia too had liberated Britain from an important part of its key role in global politics. At the same time the EU was heading for a common currency which was to take away the 300 year long dominant role of the London Stock exchange and Financial market. All these developments seem to have caused Britain and the USA to cooperate in the preparation of a new cold war together with the Sunnite-Pseudo-Islamic-Terror-Fronts provided by Saudi-Arabia and the Gulf states and with the US invasion of Iraq as their common aim.
III.3.1 — Neptune in opposition to London as an indication for the Catholic Spanish conspiracy and attack of the Armada
Opposition transits of Neptune in relation to capitals are among the biggest and most fundamental transit challenges to the status quo of a government, state, political system and territorial integrity of nations. For the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of London they happen from:
- 27° in Cancer the sign coastlines and islands indicating naval invasions also because Neptune is the sign ruler of Pisces and ruler of the sea.
- 27°Aries the sign of warfare indicating challenges and loss of control or through military attacks, invasions and competition.

- the parallel between Neptune opposition transits and the two events of the foundation of the German national state of 1871 and beginning of World War I in 1914 provide an example of 2 consecutive oppositions of Neptune to each of the 2 different resonance coordinates with a time span of 39 years between the two.
- the late foundation of a German national state with the appearance of a new centralist geo-strategical power in Europe seems to have triggered the end of the climax era of the expansion of the Colonial Empire explaining the holistic and far reaching impact of Neptune transits.
- an important aspect of the Neptune challenge through his role as ruler of maritime sign Pisces and of the sea as such was the fact that the German Empire rapidly began building a large fleet that challenged the British hegemony over the North Sea and Maritime world trade.
- the parallel between Neptunes opposition transits at the beginning of World war I in 1914 and the attack of the Spanish super fleet on Britain of 1688 delivers an example for the importance of maritime geo-strategical in relation to oppositions from Neptune in Cancer for Britain.
- But at the same time the more holistic causes for the decline of the British Colonial Empire have to be explored through the technological, economical scientific, social, cultural, and political developments brought about by the long-term processes that began with the start of the Industrial Revolution in England around the time of the opposition transit of Neptune to London in 1749-52.
- among the long-term historical factors caused by the Industrial Revolution were the rise of the age of illumination and science with long-term effects like the end of the unity between religion and state cult, the abolition of serfdom slavery and aristocracy, the introduction of republics, democracy and human rights.
- one of these long-term effects was a certain rise of more global standards of moral values and ideals that outwardly contradicted reckless occupation, global piracy and exploitation of nations in Europe with the exemption of the Russian Colonial Empire still operating in the 17th century patterns until today.
- other direct outcomes of the Neptune transit opposite London which triggered Word War I with uncontrollable long-term effects were: A — the rise of the USA to the leading global super power B — the fact that the USA demanded an end to colonialism C — the fact that Britain owed much to the global community of nations for support during WW, D — the foundation of the “League of Nations” in 1920 promoted by the USA
III.3.1.1 — Babington Plot and Execution of Mary Stuart with Neptune opposite and Saturn square London
I thought of looking into this event chart as an example for a particularly dramatic event regarding the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the government and related issues like the “Wars between Catholic & Protestant religions” and also the “Wars inside the British Caste system”

The English crown had been subject to geo-strategical lobbyism by “catholic” global players es France and Spain using the influence of the Catholic Church and Popes in Rome for centuries. The conflicts between Spain and England had escalated in the 1680ies on the issue of the English pirate attacks on the Spanish gold transports from the unbelievably large colonies in New Spain (founded in 1521).
The last one these attempts had been the Babington Plot of 1586 aimed at assassinating Queen Elizabeth I, a Protestant to put her Catholic cousin Mary, Queen of Scots on the English throne. Mary had been found guilty of supporting the plot.

Political Interpretation
- The execution of the Queen of the Scots was carried out during the tightest pressure on the 27°Capricorn resonance degree of London through the exact square from a conjunction of Saturn at 28° with Chiron at 26° in Aries the sign of warfare. This aspect explains that the English government appears to have acted under circumstance of intense geo-strategical pressure.
- the conjunction between Chiron (indicator of dependence, self-protection, strategical planning and “slavery ” to circumstances) and Saturn (stability of government and state cult) indicate a situation in which the English government appears to have decided for the execution as a measure of precaution.
- in addition to the Chiron-Saturn conjunction the simultaneous opposition from Neptune the ruling planet of maritime sign Pisces at 27°Cancer the sign of coastlines indicates a naval conflict with Spain over the hegemony over the shipping routes across the Atlantic and to the Americas. The English government appears to have feared uncontrollable situations and loss of control (Neptune) over its coastlines (Cancer) through a landing by the Spanish Armada.
- this is also supported by the parallel transit concerning the British entry into WW I with the major war aim of fighting the German Empire as a rising competitor to the British hegemony over global sea trade.
- at the same time the opposition of Neptune as rule of Pisces the sign of the Catholic church is also to be examined as an indication of the conspiracy worked through the Catholic connection as attempts to re-establish the Catholic influence directed against the English national autonomy and English Reformation.
- regarding the geo-strategical level of importance of the execution the transit position of the Moon at 29°Gemini is a fascinating aspect since it resonates exactly with the astrogeographical resonance coordinate of the capital of the Catholic Church in Rome (29°GEM & 14°GEM) against which the act was directed.
- regardless of what we think about the Catholic Church of that era it is important to understand and further differentiate the coincidence of the indication of the double Gemini resonance of the City of Rome as a hint at the potential implanted in its local morphogenetic field to serve as an interface of geo-strategical globalization. The site of Rome appears to be focused on progress and its positions in Gemini stand for technological, infra-structural, political and social progress and particularly on democracy.
Interpretation of the chart regarding the execution
- the factual act of the execution of Mary Stuart by beheading may be examined from two perspectives:
- considering the 3 planets in Aries and particularly Pluto as indicator of the weapon (axe) in house 12 as indication of the sphere behind someones`s back.
- the position of Jupiter as a natural indicator of the moment of death in house 2 as the natural corresponding zone of the neck of a person.
III.3.1.2 — The Spanish Armada attacked England during a Uranus transit square to Madrid
Compare my articles: The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA

The attack of the Spanish Armada on England came shortly after the phase of the transit of Neptune over the square and opposition transit to the resonance coordinates of London of 1586/87 with the execution of Mary Stuart Queen of the Scots at its climax.
A major historical parallel to the attack of the Spanish Super-Armada under one of the Neptune transits over 27°Cancer and opposite London which occur every 165 years is the declaration of war of World War I against the German Empire and the threat of its newly built “super fleet” including the threat through the new submarine weapons in early August 1914.

- among the historical precedence stored in the “British Memory” regarding transits of Neptune over 27°Cancer (the sign of the coastline and of islands surrounded by coastline & Neptune/oceans) is also the attack of the Spanish Armada on Britain of 1588 being a consequence of the failure of the Catholic Babington Plot of 1586 and the execution of Mary Stuart of 1587 both with Neptune at 27°Cancer.
- From the point of view of the English side the attack of the Spanish Armada began with Mars the planet of warfare at 23° in Cancer the sign of islands, coastlines and major indicator for the English homeland advancing towards the exact square position to the 24°Libra resonance coordinate of London.
- the lack of exact transits of tension from the slow moving systemical (Pl, NE, UR, CHI, SAT) outer planets in relation to London (24°LI-27°CAP) is a hint at the lesser degree of effective losses and short-lived impact of this sea-war.
- on a global geo-strategical level the position of Jupiter as at 26°Leo in conjunction with Washington at 27°Leo as the assumed energetical defense center of North America and of Cuzco
- For the Spanish side the attempt to conquer England in the summer of 1588 was made during the transit of Uranus the planet of globalization, storms, sailing and flying over 15° in maritime water sign Pisces in exact square to the 15°Sagittarius astrogeographical coordinate of Madrid. Uranus seems to have put tightest pressure on the Spanish capital and government.
- This aspect has to be explored as an explanation of the unexpected and bitter defeat of the Spanish Armada. The position of Uranus as the planet of globalization, self-finding and leaving ones own roots behind describes the Spanish attack as an attempt motivated by the hype of fast globalization and without a solid enough strategy to succeed.
- The advanced technology of the small English ships and their superior long range cannons can be understood as the factor represented by the Uranus square position to Madrid during the battle. As the ruling planet of Aquarius the sign of the bigger and strongest winds Uranus could be interpreted as an indicator for the heavy storms that are assumed to have destroyed parts of the Spanish fleet on its escape around the north coast of Scotland.
III.3.2 — World War I: Neptune in opposition to London as an indication of the threat through the German Empirial super-fleet
The Neptune transit opposite London in 1914 triggered the “Deconolization Process” or sinking of the Colonial British Piracy Empire
Important keys to interpreting the Neptune transit at 28°Cancer in opposition to the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London in the early days of August 1914 could be:
A — the opposition of a planet makes it a significator for the opponent or enemy – meaning that with the Neptune opposition transit London thought (Neptune on the Descendant as an issue of confusion) that:
- among the historical precedence stored in the “British Memory” regarding 27°Cancer (the sign of the coastline and of islands surrounded by coastline & Neptune as indicator of oceans and sinking ships) transits of Neptune is also the attack of the super fleet of the Spanish Armada on Britain of 1588 being a consequence of the failure of the Catholic Babington Plot of 1586 and the execution of Mary Stuart of 1587 both with Neptune at 27°Cancer (see charts in the chapters below on the execution of Mary Stuart and the Spanish Armada).
- it was attacked and threatened by Neptune in Opposition to the center of the national morphic field. capital and government
- by the relatively young 43 year old first German national state and its alliance with the decaying Austria-Hungarian Empire (Neptune as a potential indicator of a Catholic Holy Roman Empire revival).
- Especially in person of Wilhelm II as an “uncontrolled” (Neptune) Lutheran – Prussian pseudo version of the originally catholic “Kaiser” and “Emperor” an institution that traditionally intended a status of weakness of emperors in the multi-national catholic-church-based Holy Roman Empire. Meaning that the transfer of the roman kaiser title onto the head of state of the first ever German national state of 1871 was a false labeling (Neptune), big swindle and deadly fraud (Neptune).
- And with the consequence that Wilhelm II`s personal mental border-lining and dam-breaking (Neptune) PLAYMOBIL fantasies (Neptune) of building a Prussian Super-Fleet (Neptune) to play dominator of the Open-Sea-Water (Neptune) just to threatened the London centered (opposition from the uncontrollable = Neptune) British hegemony over the North Sea (Neptune) headed and went nowhere (Neptune) but to the self-destruction (Neptune) of the Prussian monarchy, losses of huge territories and the bankruptcies (Neptune) of the first German national state in 1923 and 1929.
- the “Uncontrolled” issue of the role of the anyway mentally disturbed (Neptune) German pseudo emperor lay in a structural problem (lack of Saturn leading to the rule of Neptune) of the German “Empire`s” constitution which did not contain the role of the “emperor” as the head of state (Neptune) as in a parliamentary monarchy allowing the Fake-“Kaiser” (Neptune) the right of the final decision.
- the fake emperor may have even dreamed (Neptune) or mistaken himself as the imaginary true ruler of Germany-Austria (Neptune) by acting as if in the tradition of the Holy Roman Empire (Neptune).
- a core issue to be explored here is Wilhelm`s confusion of representing the “Kaiserby the will of God” according to the ancient Roman-Catholic State Cult Ideal whereas he himself as a protestant king was to be the representative of the self-responsible human in charge of seeking the best way to serve.
- how huge the confusion in the German Empire was can be taken from the fact that of all the participating nations Imperial Germany released its declaration of war by handing out a blank cheque of support to Austria (Neptunism) in early August 1914 without defining its aims except those of boasting and pretending to play big policies.

- apart from the young German National State possessing an inefficient and unclear constitution (Neptune) it also lacked a clearly defined role in this world (Neptune) especially as its economy was expanding beyond all limits (Neptune).
- the Neptune of the blown-up Austro-Hungarian super-territory lay in the fact that its huge territories included multi-ethnic and multi-lingual populations that were about ready to demand national independence and leave the state.
- and it was the weakness of the Austrian colonial rule (Neptune) that provided the occasion for the ever-center-less Russian Colonial Empire to project the unsolvable identity crisis of its 17 Million km² Colonial super-territory into organizing the Pan-Slavist-Terrorism and assassination of the Austrian crown prince to spark World War I..

B — another aspect of the opposition of a planet is its meaning and impact as a representative of deficits of development of systemical aspects of the capital and nation that has come under pressure from the challenge of the opposition transit:
- in the pretext of World War I Britain confronted geo-strategical challenges to its role as the military and economical dominator of global trade routes. Apart from the hegemonial status in the North Sea this involved control over British colonies and impeding the construction of the Berlin-Bagdad and intended Bagdad-Beijing railways. A complete list of British war aims in WW I
- I have explained before that I see Cancer as the actual home sign of old English countryside culture and anyway of the situation of England on an island.
- Meaning that the astrogeographical positions of London in Libra (aristocracy, high culture, jurisdiction) and Capricorn (hierarchy, control, caste system, efficient government) along with the emphasis on super-formalism represent anti-poles that function as regulative counter-aspect to English culture to politically stabilize Englands rule of the British Isles.
- astrological interpretation should examine the important holistic, regulative function of Neptune transits in relation to capitals in the stimulation of processes of clearance of long-term issues of imbalance and blocked development between the essential identity of the nation, people and territory and the developed habitual status quo of the ruling system (government, state, rulings hierarchy).
- the Cancer transit of Neptune between 1901 and 1914 has therefore got to be examined as a process of clearing discrepancies between the national identity of the land and people of England and the overlay of the capital in London through its functions as the global head office of the colonial empire.
- in regard to the symbolism of Neptune this did also involve the role of Britain as leading maritime power with the connotation as having conquered Neptune or being the ruler over Neptune.
- the Neptune transit opposite London therefore personified the “wrath of Neptune” in the sense of the return of Neptune as representative of the uncontrollable aspects of holistic reality on the horizon (opposite) of confrontation (opposite).
- the historical changes that had brought the new challenges were the industrial revolution since the mid 18th century along with the foundation of the centralist German national state in 1871. The shift from competition of sailing boats to one of steam vessels but also through the availability of modern weapons for all the suppressed nations of the British empire. The UK was facing the road to reduction to a territorial nation.
C — the Neptune transit can be investigated as a hint at the outcome of the war for the United Kingdom
- since the planet in opposition can serve as an indicator of the enemy and opponent it can also serve as an indicator of the the outcome of the war for the opponent.
- Neptune is no natural indicator for winning war (except maybe a partisan war).
- of course the winning of a war with indication of a Neptune transit in opposition
- and as far as we know the German and Austrian “Fake-Kaisers” (meaning fake-cesars/emperors of Rome or emperors of the Holy Roman Empire tradition) were wiped out of office, lost World War I along with large territories and along with the nations that they had played with went into downgrade and depression (Neptune).
- watching the opponent sinking and drowning can so be investigated as a reflection of the Neptune opposition transit.
D — other possible expressions of the Neptune opposition to be considered
- being trapped in a trench war unable to move forward
- facing attacks or attacking with mustard and chlorine gas
Other Details of the Chart itself

- On the evening of the day of the British Declaration of War the Moon as sign ruler over Neptune went conjunct Londons 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate and exactly opposite Neptune indicating a decision aimed at controlling or confronting the “uncontrollable” (Neptune) of the war mongering German emperor along with the incalculable German fleet, productivity of their war, cannons and shipbuilding industry and submarines development and danger of the loss of control over global sea trade and whatever projection might be taken from the Neptune opposition.
- the opposition transit of the Sun at in its own sign Leo with Uranus in his own sign Aquarius the sign of the nervous system with its climax on 2 August at 19:48 UT too has got to be explored regarding the super-excitement, nervous activity, paranoia, activity between national leaders hectically exchanging notes. Surely a transit that is particularly stimulative of higher than usual blood pressure anyway.
- adding to that Uranus at 9°34`Aquarius conjunct the Sun position at 7° in Wilhelm`s birth chart has to be conceived of as a major issue for the Kaiser too particularly due to the poorly organized regulations of the limitations to the role of Wilhelm as head of state and commander-in-chief of the German forces.
- furthermore ever nervous “mobilization” conjunction of Mars and Venus (Oklahoma Land Run & Hitler Birth Chart of 22/20 April 1889) in stress and fear motivated earth sign Virgo (21°-22°) the sign of precaution, notorious strategical planning and of mental hyperactivity tilting between the pros and cons while seething conjunct the IC in Wilhelms IC – see chart below..
- the Mars-Venus conjunction was exactly opposite the 22°Pisces resonance coordinate of the Belgian capital Brussels explaining how the counselors of the Kaiser could have felt so intelligent as to advice invading a neutral nation and with actual aims to annex part of its territory for a start.
- Saturn at 28°Gemini was in a crucial position regarding the grand cross of the founding members of the European Union. Precisely it was conjunct Rome (29°Gemini) opposite Paris (28°Sagittarius) and square to Berlin (29°Virgo) and Amsterdam (29°Pisces).
- Pluto had just made his/her ingress into Cancer the home sign of English culture following up Neptunes work here stimulated since 20 May 1901.
- it can be concluded that Pluto finished up with issues of the national question of England regarding its global empire that were left unsolved during the course of World War I were later brought up again during Pluto transit over Neptune´s position from the start of WWI at 28°Cancer between 1937 and 1939.

IV — The question of the National Charts of England, Great Britain and the UK
A major problem of finding a useful astrological chart for modern “Great Britain” is that the last major historical event I have heard of that would make sense for an interior policies foundation chart through its long term effects on stabilization of the nation appears to have occurred over 300 years ago. Later charts like the annexation of Ireland of 1801, the end of the UK of Britain and Irland in 1922 or the end of the Vice-Royal Kingdom of India in 1947 are exterior not interior foundations.
Currently I think of the outcome of the Glorious Revolution as the most important chart for the inner stabilization of the population nation and state nation fields of England and Great Britain. a main event of it was the Declaration of Rights by the British Parliament wich was read Mary II of England and her husband William of Orange when they were jointly offered the British throne on 13 February 1689, 10:00 in Westminster. Directly after they were proclaimed Queen and King of Great Britain. The Declaration of Rights served to stabilize the Parliamentary Monarchy by providing useful, practical and efficient limitations to the rights of the crown.
Possible dates for birth or foundation charts of England, Britain, Great Britain, UKs
- 43 CE — beginning of “Claudian” Roman conquest -as foundation chart of Roman province Britannia & first unification & first foundation chart of the English territorial nation field
- 442 CE — 1st Anglo-Saxon uprising as birth chart I of Old England (PL-UR & PL-SA conjunctions)
- 477 CE — 1st Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Sussex founded by Ælle (date legendary ?) as birth chart II of Old England
- 519 CE — 1st Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Wessex founded by Cerdic (date legendary ?) as birth chart III of Old England
- 12 July 927 (jul) — Anglo Saxon Kingdom of England founded by Æstelstan – first Post-Roman unification of England as foundation chart II of the territorial nation field
- 11 May 973 (jul) — Coronation of Edgar of Wessex as King of England in Bath
- 25 Dec 1066 (jul) — Coronation of William the Conqueror as Norman Kingdom of England
- 15 Jun 1215 (jul) — Magna Carta Libertatum as foundation chart I of (the development towards) Parliamentary Monarchy
- 3 November 1534 (jul) — Acts of Supremacy of English Kings over the Church of England in support of stabilization of spiritual & political autonomy of the nation field. As a foundation chart of religious independence & autonomy of state cult.
- 31 Dec 1600 (jul) — British East India Company as foundation of the Piracy and Colonial Empire
- 19 May 1649 — Declaration of the Commonwealth of England as a republic. As foundation chart of a short-lived republic and of important development towards stability of Parliamentary Monarchy
- 15 Dec 1653 (jul) — Instrument of Government first sovereign codified and written constitution in England as a foundation chart of (the development towards) Constitutional Monarchy
- 13 Feb 1689 (jul) — Glorious Revolution as foundation chart IV or VI of Parliamentary and/or Constitutional Monarchy and its stabilization and national autonomy from Catholic powers France, Spain & from Rome. As a birth chart of “Modern England”.
- 1 May 1707 (jul.) — Foundation of “Kingdom of Great Britain” trough annexation of Scotland. As foundation chart of a state, territory, population and colonial nation field between England, Wales and Scotland.
- 1 Jan 1801 — “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” through annexation of Ireland. As foundation chart of a state, territory, population and colonial nation field between Britannia and Eire under factual English dominance
- 7 Jun 1832 — Representation of the People Act (1st Reform Act) as most important reform act regarding abuse, curruption of vote, representation of voters, allowance of right to vote for lower class groups of society. As foundation chart of the modern electoral system and political consesus of the population nation
- 6 Feb 1918 — Representation of the People Act 1918 (4th Reform Act) voting rights for larger parts of society including a percentage of the female population
- 6 Dec 1922 — “United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland” as a re-birth chart of the population nation field of a more independent Britain and a first blueprint chart for the 20th century process of partly decolonization of the British Empire.
- 11 Dec 1926 — Statute of Westminster as foundation chart of the Commonwealth of Nations a a transformation and re-structuring chart of the Colonial Empirenation morphic field.
- 2 Jul 1928 — Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act 1928 (5th Reform Act) women electoral equality with men. It gave the vote to all women over 21 years old, regardless of property ownership. As a foundation chart of the “Modern England State, Political and Population Nation fields”.
- 15 Aug 1947 — Independence of India as an initial chart for the post World War II decolonization process and era & birth chart II for a partly autonomy of the British population nation field from the Colonial Royal Piracy Empire
- 31 Jan 2020 —– Brexit withdrawal from EU membership as a re-birth chart of some aspects of legislative autonomy.
IV.0 — Astrological and Astrogeographical Field Theory
IV.1 — What is a Nation ? Nations as Morphic Fields
- Let me say that the term “National Chart“ as is commonly used to excite beginners of astrological study about “birth” or “foundation” charts of nations is manipulative, misleading and confusing in many ways.
- Recapitulating the different aspects of nations is an important step before interpreting event charts in national history. Political science uses definitions for the different aspects of nations.
- I suggest to explore nations as morphic fields. For that purposes I introduce between 12 and 20 different systemical categories that can be extremely useful for an easier and more systemical exploration of the aspects of nations. The most basic and essential ones are population and territory. The existence of language is an important social – a national state a central political category.
- Astrological research on the situation of “nations” is probably the most widely spread use of political astrology. Charts are calculated for important events in the history of what is considered as a nation. But only in very, very rare cases a nation can be understood to have been founded on an actual birth date.
This is why in a first step towards establishing more scientific standards of Political Astrology I suggest to explore and recapitulate which of the 15 or more different of types, aspects, features and structural elements of a “country” and of a nation may be identified and be useful for differentiation of the meaning of nations and national charts:

A – Territorial Nation Field (all states): the claimed and/or occupied territory and the wider acceptance of the claimed Territorial Nation Field by the United Nations defines the validity of the law and area of administration and jurisdiction of state nations.
B – Population Nation Field: I use the term population to avoid misleading interpretation of the use of the term “People” or even worse of the German term “Volk” due to their being charged with nationalist, fascistoid and racist connotations. I suggest to use the word population for the effective population that inhabits the national territory assuming that not all members of the population are members of the same ethnic, cultural or language group. It can be assumed that the population nation is always in competition with the legal possessors of the lands of the territorial nation field
C – State Nation Field: all states consider themselves as political nations. Nevertheless it should not be neglected that there are many Nations without a state of their own. The “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” was an example of a colonial state as well as colonial empire that consisted of a number of nations. Some state nations like India, USA and Brazil programmatically include large numbers of ethnic, language, religion and other type of nation fields. The colonial super territory of Moscow Russia on the other hand is an example of a state nation whose president has claimed in 2021 to explicitly and exclusively consist of descendants of only one single titular ethnicity: Russians. Political science has recapitulated how state nations are in competition with the population nation and are used by groups of lobbyists to suppress minorities, conquered populations, lower castes and exploited groups.
D – “Ethnic” “Nation Field“: or rather the input into the genetic pool along with the question of the inherent controversy between the name-giving ethnic group and the factual present population at a given moment in time. This aspect is important to explore as most national names are general labels mostly given to them by neighbors and storytellers. Examples: the Kurds have no state nation of their own but are subject to being controlled by a number of other nations. The so-called “Dutch” speak a dialect of the so-called “Deutsch” language. Nevertheless their state nation and territorial nation is not “Deutsch”. “Germany” does not represent all Germanic groups which makes the title just wrong. France qualifies the nation through the name of the “Franks” a Germanic tribe that originated from the modern territory of the GFR. The older inheritance was “Gallic”. England is named after the Germanic tribe called “Angles” whose name can be traced back to the modern territory of the GFR. That naming leaving out the influence of the Brittons, Celts, Picts, Irish, Romans from all nations. Saxons, Vikings, Normans and all the immigrants that followed them like the Hindus, Africans, Poles a.s.o. is not for the ethnic nation field but for the state nation field. The confusion of titular names with factual ethnic fields is mostly propagated for purposes of state cult
E – Cultural Nation Field: inherited tradition and what we feel and share as social tradition and social history. Language, music, experienced history, myths, technologies, landscape, climate, local topography & nature are factors that play an important role. Origins and/or influences on the shared aspects between Cultural Nation Fields are often aggressively debated, defended or occupied as if they were territory between state nation fields and s well as social groups.
F – Language Nation Field: language including dialects is one of the strongest and most important elements of nations.
F 1 – Global Language Fields: The English language national or national terrotory field as originator of the language labelled as “Anglic (Old English) Language” plays a unique role as the global language and language of globalization, causing identity problems for the English language native nations as well as all other global nations regarding the differentiation of their national from globalized inheritances. The language of Moscow Russia plays an equal role in the large colonial empire across Asia, its satellite states and the large groups of formerly suppressed and dependent nations across Europe and Asia that have been culturally framed by the pseudo-socialist world revolution ptopaganda under the disguise of an anti-capitalist class nation definition, with an intense cultural pand political impact through the function of Russian langiuage in mental and psychological infiltration (AGITPROP) aimed at centralization of global rule of Moscow. Similar aspects can be explored regarding the important historical roles of e.g. the Greek & Roman languages in globalization or the Sanskrit & Arabian languages in religion may be explored here too. I have been thinking about a way to investigate an astrological foundation chart of the role of the “English” language as the language of globalization. The most plausible of the potential dates that I found so far was the foundation of the British East India Company of 31 December 1600., a date that can be understood as the foundation of the global colonial empire.
G – Ancestor Line Nation Field: any memory stored in the Akashic records of having ancestors or children in a national territory may be part of the ancestor line field. Any spirit contact through genetic inheritance with ancestors too. Ancestor lines are not limitable to landowners inside the national territory or people who lived in a country all of their lives. The “ancestor line nation field” would be largely congruent with the “ethnic” and “effective population” national morphic fields.
H – Colonial State National Morphic Field (e.g. Rome, Spain, UK and Moscow-Russia as the most important examples): Moscow-Russia is currently the biggest and most extreme example of a modern state on the basis of a Colonial State Nation. I suggest the comparison of the British Empire with the Moscow-Russian colonial empire to explore in which ways the “British Colonial Nation Field” is effective, working and intact in the 2020ies. Certainly part of that are the Commonwealth of Nations with its head office in London and King Charles as his ceremonial leader, the 14 British Overseas Territories and the role of the British Crown as head of state of large nations like Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This also applies to role of the English language as the language of globalization and national and administrative language in 50-70 nations as a consequence of British colonialism is a part of that morphic field too. The UK and Moscow Russia are important examples of how the Colonial Nation aspect is in competition with the population nation and territorial homeland nation field. The colonial empire nation field causes the establishment of a lobbyist caste of colonialists that seek to control and suppress the national population and territory. For the UK it is the undemocratic electoral system and the royalist caste system that serves to control and to suppress the emancipation of the population nation field. In Moscow Russia the only tradition is plain terror against the population combined with mental infiltration as in the pseudo-socialist Muscovite Colonial Empire.

I – Post Colonial State Nation Field (e.g. India). state nations that were united and/or defined by colonial empires. India is the biggest one – other such super states are all of the South American state nations, Mexico, Canada and Australia. In Europe Belgium (Spanish – Habsburgian Colony with a dual cultural system) and to some extent the dominance of England over Scotland and Northern Ireland in the “United Kingdom” too have such type of inheritance. The British, Spanish, French, Portuguese national fields are interrelated with other nations as founders of Post Colonial Nation State Fields. As indicator of foreign possession and control, criminal gangs, territorial conflicts in nomadic societies, battle for power and hierarchy and racism Pluto in combination with Mars/Venus aspects has to be examined as a major indicator for Colonialism. Others are Jupiter (treasure hunting, expansionism) and Uranus (globalization, multicultural society & living abroad).
J – Island State Nation Field (Iceland, NZ, Australia): Island State National fields have a specific isolated status and patterns regarding the Moon (coastlines) as their protection from Neptune 8uncontrollable open sea). The main island of “Britannia” is a larger single island state nation field with a particular history and reflexes of separatism out of that. The particular geo-strategical situation as an island has for example served to provide ideal conditions as an El Dorado for the Pirate and Mercenary Castes of the Vikings, Angles, Saxons, Jutes and others that escaped the dense competition between neighbor groups on the European mainland. The island status is one condition under which the ever new pirate colonies and the long tradition of the Piracy Empire of Britain developed.
K – “Religion” Nation or State Nation Field: the expansion of the Roman Catholic Nation Field in Western and Central Europe through the Frankish Empire and the multinational Holy Roman Empire with its spiritual capital in Rome are important historical examples. The European Colonialism with the installation of Colonial “Christianism” (Protestant & Catholic) since the 15th century are symptomatically aggressive examples of “Religion Nation Fields”. Another one is the morphic field pattern created by the extremely fast military conquests under the “Islamic Nation” ideology during the first 100 years after the death of the religious founder under the condition that the religion like so many before was founded as a military state cult. The UK has established a religious state cult field of its own to separate the nation from other Christian churches through the “Church of England” and Anglican Church.
L – Multinational Cooperation Nation State Field: among the biggest examples are the European Union of national states (EU) and the United Nations of national states (UN). The USA too at least in several important regards has to be examined under this aspect. Particularly through its self-definition as a supra-ethnic, supra-national state and as territorial union state joined by a large number of independent territorial states.
M – Autonomy field of a Nation: a hypothetical category that I suggest in regard of questions concerning different types of fields or field patterns that may be seen as important vital aspects of nations with a potential gravity.
N – Social Class Nation: this term has been proposed by a political scientist to explore, define and deal with ideas of solidarity and common identification particularly the global nation of workers and the proletariat. Other identifications one could think of may be slaves, victims, the “Last Generation”, LGBT community or even a Global Community of Goodwill.
IV.2 — The “UK of Great Britain and Ireland” chart of 1801 and the “British Dichotomy” between caste system and democracy, piracy empire and national state, colonial nation field and population nation field, Capricorn and Libra
Apparently the chart for the “United Kingdom of Britain and Ireland” or “Incorporation of Ireland” appears to be widely used in the “English National Field” as THE “national chart” of “modern” Great Britain until today.
Currently my overall conclusion regarding the historical relevance and function of this chart is that it could be seen as a main indicating chart for:
- the “Climax Phase of the Colonial Empire in the 19th Century”
- evaluations of the “Colonial Empire field“, “English and /or British Monarchy field” ,“Global field of English Language” or “City of London Globalization field”
- it may not serve as a chart for the Political and State Nation, Territorial Nation and Population Nation fields. The state, territorial and population nation fields existed long before. The temporary annexation of territories cannot define them.
- I also doubt that the chart has enough significant value as a relevant foundation chart for organisational structures of the government, constitution or administrative structures inside of the UK.
- the use as a “national chart of Britain” takes the assumption for granted that the Colonial Empire still exists. While that may be so in some or many regards the changes that the Colonial Empire has gone through are too big and important to judge the present nation of the UK by the chart of 1801.
The timing of the historical act of the annexation of Ireland defines the validity of the chart from the beginning of the climax period of British Colonial Empire in 1801 to the beginning of its end in 1914, 1922 or 1947.
I am suggesting here to explore how the dichotomy, competition and conflict between the two astrogeographical resonance coordinates of London is reflected in the handling of this chart:
- 24° Libra: formal balance of justice, measurement of formal balance & equilibrium, ideal of differentiation between law and justice
- 27° Capricorn: state cult and control exerted through formal law
In order to intellectually solve and handle this British National Dichotomy any abstract and deeper evaluation of this “event chart” or rather “validity chart” cannot get around further recapitulation of the accumulated criminal energy from the history of the dichotomy between the legal lable of Kingdom of Great Britain and the effectively criminal Piracy Empire of the British Crown.
Astrological analysis of the 1801 chart of the “United Kingdom” cannot go without re-capitulating its historical consequences: the criminal invasions and occupation of foreign territories, exploitation of nations, plundering, stealing, massacres, murder, opium wars, drug production and trade for purposes of corrupting, suppressing and exploiting national populations and culture in China, Burma, India, most African nations, the “Great Irish famine” caused by British capitalism and many, many more.
What was founded?
- the formal act was the incorporation of the “Kingdom of Ireland” into “Great Britain” – factually an annexation against the will of the population an expansion of the territorial nation field and population nation fields.
- A progressive Name Change was made by adding a “United” to the title of the “Kingdom of Great Britain” founded on 1 May 1707 on the occasion of the incorporation of the Scottish colony into the English national state
- the interpretation of the chart as a foundation chart of the “British Colonial Empire” is factually and formally wrong and misleading. The foundation of the empire and the dichotomy between the British National State and the “Colonial Empire” was constructed much earlier. One of the most important charts could be foundation of the “British East India Company” on 31 Dec 1600 (jul. date)
Aspects that speak for a long term use of the chart
Among the main arguments why the validity of this Colonial Piracy Empire chart of 1801 is still held up as a valid chart for certain aspects of the current state of Great Britain in the 21st century could be:
- the British monarchy is still intact
- the Colonial Empire continues to exist in the Commonwealth of Nations
- the electoral system in the form of a majority voting system and with the consequence of a 2 party system still exist.
- the continuity of the role of the British crown as head of state of Canada, Australia, New Zealand
- the possession of 14 British Overseas Territories and 3 Crown Dependencies
- the role of English language as the global language and administrative language in a large number of former colonies
- the fact that a large number of territorial nations on the planet were unified and central administrative structures founded under British control.
- the role of the English language as the language of globalization and global languag
Limitations of the value as a national chart of Britain:
- the foundation of the “Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” of 1801 on the occasion of the incorporation of the “Kingdom of Ireland” succeeded the “Kingdom of Great Britain” founded on 1 May 1707 aka the incorporation of the Scottish colony into the English national state pointing at a step in the continuity and tradition of an existing system.
- It is sometimes argued that the importance of the step and horoscope chart lay in administrative re-structuring which would explain the act as an update but not a new foundation of a state and/or government system. In fact I have not been able to find convincing information for a “re-structuring” that accompanied the formal annexation of Ireland.
- Historically there can be no doubt that the act was primarily an act of colonialism as the factual status of The Kingdom of Ireland as a colony under British Crown rule since 1542 was changed into a formal membership status.
- In the 3rd millennium the ongoing conflicts between the Irish Republic as successor state of the former colony together with large parts of the population of Northern Ireland and the colonial state aka Great Britain make the use of the chart as “THE national chart” for Great Britain a question of ideological, nationalist, racist and supremacist issues and of a political propaganda war of state cult.
- astrological interpretation needs to identify and deal with common structural problems regarding the validity of one-sided political acts like the foundation of a British province of Ireland of 1801.
- differentiation between state cult (Jupiter, Pluto) and long-term effective (Neptune) factual reality (Saturn) is a central issue in Political Astrology
- the incorporation of Ireland was against the will of large parts and probably the majority of the Irish population. Meaning that a national territory and population was annexed. The annexation was temporary and lasted until 7 Dec 1922 when Britain was forced to allow the independence of Ireland.
- confusing the chart of an annexation of another state with the birth or foundation chart of a nation creates a national history defined by activity in foreign national territories. That way the British territory, population, language and cultural identity are stripped of its own center.
- the events during the “Great Famine” few decades after the foundation of the UK between 1845 and 1852 with appr. 1 million Irish people (rest of Europe 100.000 victims) dying of hunger while food production of Ireland was exported to England by the British landlord system explain not only the ruthless exploitation through the colonial system. These developments are also a proof of the fact that no common population nation of citizens was established.
- using it for “modern” Great Britain follows the assumption that there is no other modern Great Britain than the traditional Colonial Slavery System.
- Apart from ignoring the right of Ireland for a national identity of its own (compare: Jonathan Swift in 1729) such a logic ignores the roots of England´s own inheritance, its interior and the energetical and spiritual aspects of the homeland. By using such a chart as the National Chart the inner roots of the nation (ethnic inheritance, ancestor line, population nation field, cultural nation field, fourth house) are replaced and overwritten by defining the country`s identity through the national status in relation to other countries,
- that way Britain is reduced to the Colonial Empire (Libra-Capricorn resonance of London) overwriting the inner national identity, history and cultural inheritance (Cancer aspect of Old England, Brittonic & Celtic inheritance)
Recapitulating the Structural Weaknesses of New Year Charts:
- The weakness of new year charts is that they all have between 5° and 10° Libra Ascendant with the Sun at 10° Capricorn conjunct the IC for most countries. Their “field” of meaning is the validity of a foundation for formal law and bodies and for administrative years.
- The degree of individuality, differentiation and overall indication ascendant and sun position which are the two most important elements of horoscope charts is therefore limited. Their position does not reveal qualities of the nation but are plain uniformal circumstances of administrative year. For comparison see the validation chart for Prussian-German Empire of 1 Jan 1871 with AC at 7°Libra & Sun at 10°Capricorn.
- Since Venus and Mercury have to be near the Sun position their impact in new year`s charts too is limited to positions between Sagittarius and Aquarius and in houses 3 to 5.
Details of the Chart Interpretation: Pluto

- as the sign ruler of Scorpio and indicator of piracy, criminal gangs, nomadic culture, battle for power and group hierarchy the position of Pluto at 2°42` in maritime, naval sign Pisces occupied a zodiac degree that pointed at illegal activity, issues of dam breaking, dissolution and deprivation of legal rights, drowning, drug addiction (opium trade), liver failure and contamination.
- as a natural allegorical representative of closed up containers and vessels, tanks and armour as well as cannons and cannon balls,, guns and gun powder the position of Pluto in maritime sign Pisces also relates to war ship-building and the battle for power aimed at the appeal to the military hegemony over the world shipping routes and trade.
- The aspect is the clearest astrological allegory for the Empire of Piracy aspects behind the formal title of the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland”
- as a natural indicator of containers, vessels, cannon balls, guns, steel production and machines Pluto
- as the sign ruler over Pluto in Pisces Neptune at 18°44`Scorpio conjunct the center of the national morphic field of the Irish nation in Dublin at 15°Scorpio explains how Ireland was the main target behind the re-naming of the Kingdom of Great Britain for the purposes of the Piracy Empire.
- The fuller impact of Neptune conjunct Dublin as ruler over Pluto at 3°Pisces explains how the Irish nation was brought into a position of loosing the rest of its territorial rights through submission, neglection, depression, corruption, territorial losses, starving, drowning, paralysis, lasting impoverishment and continuous loss of population .

- Mars at 11°45` in Taurus the sign of markets, profits, food, money and agriculture in opposition to the indicating degree of the center of the Irish national field in Dublin while it was “eclipsed” by Neptune through conjunction explains how the territorial dominance and economic exploitation through the opponents of the nation were operated.
- Venus as the planetary indicator of profits, possession of land, income, markets and as sign and house ruler over Mars in Taurus at 16°Aquarius was exactly square to Dublin represents another elements of pressure onto Ireland
- the fact that contrary to Dublin no direct planetary transits with the resonance coordinates of London were present at all is an astrogeographical indication that the add-on of the “United” to the “Kingdom of Great Britain” was of minor importance to London and the national morphic field of Britain..
- the position of the Moon as indicator of the population was in Cancer the sign of the national population field. But as the ruler of mid-heaven the Moon in his own sign and in house 10 happened to be captured in public space and government regulations..
The Incorporated Problems of National Identity in the 1801 “national chart”
Symptomatic problems of profile neuroses of nations have to be recapitulated as consequences of successes (whether fiction or historical facts) in national history of all nations. History of assumed and even imaginary successes contaminate and overwrite the realities of nations, ethnic population and the national history fields of all nations. They cause and feed the superiority/inferiority complexes in all nations and are used in state cult and for lobbyist and other purposes.
The central problem of the use of the annexation of Ireland chart of 1801 as a national chart is that the self image of the British nation was reduced to its expansion into the territory of another population field.
- The identification with the national and territorial state cult of the Colonial Empire remains central for large parts of the British population in the 21 st century. The propagation of the annexation of Ireland chart of 1801 by astrologers as the national chart in the 2020ies is a symptom of that.
- this treatment of history has to be explored as symptomatic of structural problems of the national identity regarding the different British national morphic fields of A — state nation field, B — population nation field, ethnic inheritance & ancestor lines nation field, C — culture nation field, D — language nation field and others.
- fundamental developments of national history of the 19th, 20th & 21st century remain overwritten – particularly the decolonization process and the differentiation between the colonial and post-colonial periods.
- This is a situation that strongly isolates Britain from the rest of the world while British pseudo-nationalism still continues to play on the emotions from the era of British East India Company and Victorian Age, the “Ruler of the World” role model and quest for new fields of dominance over other nations, new colonies and populations to be exploited (e.g. the EU population).
- This problem clearly marked the process England had to go through under the Uranus square transit to the 24°Libra resonance coordinate of London during the EU membership referendum of 2016 at the point where the question of national identity arose. “Making Britain great again” willingly or not – referred to the self-image derived from the Piracy Empire 1801 chart status.
“How can the 1801 chart for the full possession of Ireland be the National Chart of the modern Britain??? That chart only reveals the Plutonic overlay that covers the deeper view on the question of the national identity. That saw England above their colonies, Wales, Scotland and the Commonwealth Nations. Astrologically going down – as a Neptune simile is nothing bad! What went down with the colonies wasn`t Venus anyway – it was foreign territories hence Pluto. Therefore – the Saturn-Pluto conjunction over London in 2020 simply indicates the end of the profile neurosis from the Empire status. Nothing bad about that – 100 years after the independence of Ireland – an emancipation from the colonies and being forced to take on citizens from the former colonies a.s.o..” (from a comment I wrote in the mundane astrologers facebook group in June 2017)
IV.3 — A National Chart for the “Decolonization” process of Great Britain ?
Data Links: List of more or less “decolonized” British Colonies and dates of independence.
There are a number of relevant astrological charts for single important steps in the long and slow process of “Decolonization” of the Colonial Empire to be explored. But I doubt that any of these charts can serve to define the start of the process.
Partly this is because the UK never gave up colonialism by its own will and has kept the control over as much former colonial territories as it could.
Partly because the Colonial Empire was transferred into a successor organisation the Commonwealth of Nations under the British Royal Empire.
And partly also because the British Colonial Empire Population, Political, Language, Territorial, Psychological, Economical and other important aspects of the Colonial Empire Morphic Field can simply not be deleted, terminated, abolished or overcome.
Let me explain these important aspect of the consequences of history through the example of the “re-unification” of Germany: though formally a re-unification has been carried out 30 years ago the territories of the former pseudo-socialist Russian Colonial Empire are still under the propagandistic, magical, psychological, intellectual, spiritual ban against the former West-European parts of the population, territorial and cultural nation. Meaning that on psychological, karmic and energetical levels information imprinted onto the morphic field never ceases to exist in the memory of the population and territorial fields.
Under the described long-term, holistic effects of history terms like “Decolonization” of the Colonial Empire would therefore have to be applied to changes in regard to territorial, political and economical control over state, territorial and population nations that have to some larger or smaller extent gained independence from the British Empire.
The “decolonization” along with the “emancipation” of the British national population from its involvement in their functions as dominators and exploiters of other national populations has been forced onto the State Nation Field basically through the consequences of industrial and technological revolution with World Wars I and II as the most important crises events that forced Britain into the long process of giving up most colonies.
Willingly or not the state nation of the UK has been able to let go of control over colonies when it was forced to. Nevertheless it has to be understood that the population nation has never decided to give up colonialism by itself. And the post-Brexit policies in Northern Ireland under the neo-colonial implications of the “Make Britain Great Again” propaganda explain how the colonial national state cult can be heated up for colonialist purposes at any time in the 21st century.
IV.3.1 — A Timeline of important steps in the “Decolonization Process” of the British Colonial Empire:
- 1 July 1776 — USA Foundation and Declaration of Independence from Britain
- 14 July 1789 — French Revolution of 1789-93 as the beginning of the age of the priority of the population nation field over the territorial, kingdom and colonial empire nation fields in Europe
- 4 Aug 1914 — British entry into World War 1 through the Declaration of War. WW 1 weakened the Colonial Empire
- 8-16 March 1917 — Socialist Revolution in Russia including the abdication of Tsar Nicolaus II as the first in several revolutions to abolish the aristocracy caste system & monarchy
- 28 June 1919, 15:12 — Treaty of Versailles signed, Rise of the anti-colonialist USA to the status as the leading military power
- 10 January 1920 — Foundation of the League of Nations promoted by the USA
- 11 Dec 1931 — Statute of Westminster granted increased sovereignty rights of the self-governing “dominions” South Africa, Canada, Ireland, NZ, Australia, UK
- 1 Sep 1939 — Start of World War 2 through German invasion of Poland. WW 2 further weakened the legitimacy of invasions in foreign territories and the exploitation of nations with lasting effects on the British stand in the colonies.
- 24 Oct 1945, 16:45 — Foundation of the United Nations
- 15 Aug 1947 — Independence of India from Great Britain as the largest colony
- 26 Jul 1956 — Nationalization of the Suez Canal by Egypt answered by British-French-Israeli invasions under international condemnation including by USA revealing that the UK has lost the status as a global super-power. The incident is often named as symbolical of the end of the British Colonial Empire.
- 14 Dec 1960 — United Nations Resolution A/RES/1514(XV) declares foreign rule as a violation of human rights and called for an end to colonial rule. 89 countries voted in favor 9 abstained 7 of them were European Colonial Empires.: Australia, Belgium, Dominican Republic, France, Portugal, Spain, Union of South Africa, United Kingdom and United States. This result clearly explains that the colonial nations had to be forced to give up colonial rule. Moscow-Russia voted in favor of the resolution though it still claims its foreign and colonial territories until today.
IV.3.2 — The process of decolonization of South Ireland
The strong British resistance against the independence of Ireland until today can be seen from the current status of the “decolonization process” there in the 2020ies:
- 24–29 Apr 1916 — Easter Rising and proclamation of Irish Independence
- 21 Jan 1919 – 11 Jul 1921 — Irish War of Independence ag. Great Britain
- 3 May 1921 — Partition of Ireland under the Government of Ireland Act 1920
- 6 Dec 1922 Foundation of the Free State of Ireland in 26 of 32 counties of Ireland
- 21 Dec 1948 Republic of Ireland Act
- 1 Jan 1973 EU membership of Ireland
- 10 April 1998 Good Friday Agreement on the background of common EU membership allows an end to the civil war between Irish and British/Irish population fields in the overall population field of Northern Ireland
- 23 Jun 2016 EU membership referendum in Britain is accompanied by hate and racism propaganda against any developments out of the British EU membership including the aim of pseudo-nationalists to renew the strict separation between North & South Ireland including propaganda and policies aimed at re-starting the British Civil War in Northern Ireland.
- 31 Jan 2020 Brexit of the UK from the European Union

- the exact Moon-Pluto conjunction as an indication of hate, defensive emotions, patterns of role behavior, emotional battles for power and castration of adversaries in Cancer the sign of the English homeland occupying house 1 explains the full amount of resistance against the independence of Ireland.
- It reflects the English policy to keep on dominating Ireland and not to allow full Irish independence – in a policy apparently aimed at “cooking” to conserve the hate relationship between the two nations until forever.
- nevertheless the extremely auspicious and supporting grand trine aspect of that conjunction with Uranus as indicator of revolution at 10°Pisces and Jupiter as indicator of expansion, success and potentials of healing at 8°Scorpio explains the long-term outlook on the results from this step in the long process to Irish independence
- an important function of the chart can be investigated in its potential role as a blueprint for the decolonization process after World War II. it may be evaluated as an example for the future policy aimed at securing long-term profits out of the former colonial territories.
- Earlier decolonization charts that could be explored as blueprints were the legislative autonomies of Canada on 1 Jul 1867, 00:00, New Zeeland of 26 September 26 1907, 0:00 and of Australia of 1 Jan 1901 at 0:00.
- the particular quality of the date of the Irish legislative autonomy can be investigated through the revolutionary appeal of Mars in Aquarius conjunct mid-heaven and of Uranus in house 10 indicating the aim of getting rid of the English crown as soon as possible. Ireland still had to wait until 18 April 1949, 0:00 to reach that aim.
- Neptune as indicator of global spiritual oneness in royal sign Leo the sign of absolutism, royalism, centralism and the supremacy of one individual over all others was in house 3 the house of intelligence, lying, thievery, infrastructure, education, technology and language could describes the functions of : A — the technique of using (house 3) the royal crown (Leo) as a diplomatic disguise shield (Neptune in house 3) with connotations of a mythological spiritual power (Neptune) B — the “Commonwealth of Nations” organization for trade contacts C — English introduced as administrative language, education system introduced, infrastructure left behind, close diplomatic ties and the global diplomatic network, the fact that administrative nations were founded under colonial rule and other aspects for exerting influence on the former colonies.
IV.4 — Pluto Square London: The Glorious Revolution of 1689 as an important foundation chart for the State Nation Field
Nicholas Campion suggested considering the moment of the swearing in of William of Orange-Nassau and his wife Queen Mary on the Bill of Rights and as the new King and Queen as the moment in which the foundation for the “modern” British constitution was laid.
That idea is really convincing to me as that particular constitution at that particular time in history appears to have been a path-breaking step into the future with a consolidating and lasting effect guaranteeing the stability of the British State over 300 years. It laid the foundation for a structure inside of the country making it a by far more realistic event to be considered in regard to the interior systemical topics of the British homeland, population, political system and stabilization of national territory..
The decision against a Catholic royal family line and for a protestant rule helped prevent long-term instability and insecurity in the country through the conspiracies between the two confessions. The memory of the example of the disastrous 30-years war in Germany (1618-48) between Lutherans supported by Sweden and Catholics supported by France & Austria must have been fresh at the time,

- Pluto`s long-term transit between 23° Cancer and 0° Leo in a square and opposition to the astrogeographical positions of Westminster (25°Libra/27°Capricorn) explains how the pressure of pseudo-religious conspiracy and manipulation threatened the British government and kings in the last quarter of the 17th century.
- The exactitude of the calculated time may be relative. But a Gemini ascendant is a logical aspect for the chart of a Bill of Rights. This is because Gemini supports the communication between opponents, personal liberty and parliamentary institutions in general.
- The highly dubious Mercury-Neptune conjunction and in Pisces the mother sign of corruption may be interpreted as showing that the whole of the declaration was organized by secrete diplomacy, hidden contracts and buying consent from all directions – just the way parliaments and politics work.
- And even though the Catholics had been expelled from power since that day the Sun as the most important planet and Mercury as ruler of the ascendant were both and even together with Neptune in Pisces the classical astrological indicator for the catholic church. That brings me back to my argumentation that I have been enforcing in this blog for several years now: Pisces represents the sign of spirituality itself and not its limitations to a single dogma or god.
- Jupiter in house 10 the constellation of healing effects appeared as an extremely beneficial and highly successful aspect for the new constitution. Its position in Aquarius the sign of self-finding and re-connection with the integral dimension of the country`s fuller potential stands for the aim of optimizing the overall performance of governments from a more abstract and less regional point of view.
- But on the other hand we should not overlook that the intensely liberal appeal of Jupiter´s position here was in exact square to Uranus the ruler of Jupiter´s position in Aquarius. Uranus in Taurus the sign of markets and in house 12 (house of abroad) represented the concentration on conquering. possessing and exploiting other countries and on dominating world trade.
IV.7 — The Chart for the Magna Carta of 1215 established with Mercury in the center of Cancer
Magna Carta Libertatum “the Great Charter of the Liberties” was a declaration of rights signed by King John of England at Runnymede, near Windsor on 15 June 1215 (Julian date). The Magna Carta reduced some rights and powers of the king, promised the protection of church rights, protection for the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice and limitations on feudal payments to the Crown. It should be explored as an important early milestone on the way to the Glorious Revolution and Parliamentary Monarchy.

- the conjunction of Neptune with the black moon “Lilith” indicator for unconscious, suppressed and neglected aspects of reality and the common unconscious at 20°Aries moving towards exact opposition to the 24°Libra resonance coordinate of the capital explains how the Magna Carta was declared under circumstances of accumulating weakness and territorial and financial threats to the status quo of the king and royal government in London.
- the change of signs of Uranus (revolution, progress) from Virgo into Libra the sign of justice, royal courts, balance and conciliation and resonating sign of the morphogenetic field of the larger region of London seems to have played an important role. This is also documented by the exact trine-transit of the Moon at 0°Aquarius sign of rulership of Uranus and a central indicator for events of emancipation of the lower classes.
Norman Kingdom of England: Coronation of William the Conqueror in 1066
The overall astrogeographical resonance aspects with the center of the all time center of the national territorial field in London are relatively weak. There is far stronger resonance with the 28°Sagittarius – 27°Aquarius resonance coordinates of Paris (Uranus conjunct, Moon & Chiron square, Neptune square) than with London (24°Libra-27°Capricorn). This could mean that London lost importance to some extent under Williams rule or that the new territory was seen as a colony.

London and Great Britain in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the coronation of William the Conqueror on 25 Dec 1066 calculated for 12:00 in London.
- The coronation of William the Conqueror saw the astrogeographical transit of Venus the planet of wealth, grounding, growing roots and of relationship on the 29th degree of Capricorn and thus conjunct the position of Westminster (27° Capricorn) and right next to the 30° Capricorn resonance of London`s role as a resonator for the topics of the World Government.
- the 3°
- This particularly stimulating harmonious transit can be evaluated as intensely supportive of the growth and stabilization of the capital, central government and economic growth in the country.
- At the same time the absence of problematic transits of the outer planets to the astrogeographical position of the new kingdom suggests a relative stability of the institutions created through this king.
- the choice of Christmas Day for the coronation may be explored as a customary date in Catholic coronation close to the date of the winter solstice, Saturnalia and Christmas in the style of the crowning of Charlemagne as emperor of Rome on 24 Dec. 800 CE. in order to provide religious legitimization to the new king. The same accounts for the natural issues of the Sun in Capricorn pointing at the topic of the installation of a government and state cult.
- Uranus the planet of globalization and revolution was at 28°Sagittarius exactly conjunct the 28°Sagittarius resonance coordinate of Paris explaining the strong ties to the geo-strategical sphere of influence of France.
- Altogether there is far stronger resonance with the 28°Sagittarius-27°Aquarius resonance coordinates of Paris (Uranus conjunct, Moon & Chiron square, Neptune square) than with London (24°Libra-27°Capricorn). This could mean that London lost importance to some extent under Williams rule or that the new territory was seen as a colony.
- the position of Pluto at 3° in maritime sign Pisces may be investigated as a hint at the conquest by boat as in the annexation of Ireland chart of 1801 (three full Pluto cycles later). The indication of the affinity between colonialism and piracy may be explored through this position of Pluto.

- On the day of the Battle of Hastings the Sun and Venus were conjunct near the astrogeographical position of Westminster at 24° Libra and in exact square to the second astrogeographical coordinate of 27° Capricorn. This simultaneous conjunction and square reveals the strong future position of the winning side of the Battle of Hastings at Westminster (conjunction) and the heavy threat to the ruling parties in Westminster.
- in his function of the sign ruler the Moon moved over the last degrees of Cancer (coastlines, islands) and occupying 29° the opposition to the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate at noon. This constellation could explain the outcome of the day and battle as a victory for the landing forces.
- the position of Pluto as indicator of battles for control over foreign territories, of criminal gangs, bandits and pirates at 3° in maritime sign Pisces explains the landing as a an act of piracy and colonization.
- The position at 3° being in the 2nd of 12 sub-division (of 2°30 each) of the sign of Pisces relates to the “2nd house” and “the “Taurus” part of the sign indicating issues of possession of territory. It can therefore be related to territorial conquest, conquest of markets, money, income, and wealth through landing by boat.
IV.9 — The foundation of the Kingdom of England in 927 CE under the exact Pluto return from the “Foundation of Old-England PL-UR conjunction” of 439 CE

- the foundation of a central kingdom was achieved during the 3rd Pluto return to 22°Gemini aka the exact zodiac degree of the important Uranus-Pluto conjunction of 2 July 439 CE which I have identified before as the central astrological event during the foundation phase of Anglo-Saxon or “Old England” (see: Chapter II.6).
- Uranus as indicator of revolution and globalization at 23°Aries was exactly opposite the 24°Libra resonance coordinate of London explaining a
V. — The Roman occupation of Britain
V.1 — The Landing of Caesar in 54 BC with Neptune square to London
In the course of his Gallic Wars, Julius Caesar invaded Britain twice: in 55 and 54 BC. On the first occasion Caesar took with him only two legions, and achieved little beyond a landing on the coast of Kent. The second invasion consisted of 628 ships, five legions and 2,000 cavalry. Caesar penetrated into Middlesex and crossed the Thames, forcing the British warlord Cassivellaunus to surrender as a tributary to Rome and setting up Mandubracius of the Trinovantes as client king.

Gaius Julius Caesar´s landing and conquests in Britain
Between 55 BC and the 40s AD, the status quo of tribute, hostages, and client states without direct military occupation, begun by Caesar’s invasions of Britain, largely remained intact.

- Gaius Julius Caesar´s landing and conquests in Britain were carried out during the transit of Neptune the symptomatic astrogeographical indicator for territorial destabilization over 24° in Cancer the sign of islands, beaches and coastlines in exact square to the 24° Libra resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field of England in London.
- Despite the intense long-term challenge from the transits of Neptune Caesar did not make Britain part of the Roman Empire. But the Mercury-Neptune conjunction from the solstice chart may imply the establishment of a system of client states instead.
V.2 — Roman conquest of Britain through the “Claudian Annexation” between 43 CE and 87 CE

map: Notuncurious, ccbysa3.0
The Roman conquest of Britain in order to establish a province of the Roman Empire was a gradual process that began in 43 CE under Emperor Claudius and was largely completed by 87 when the Stanegate was established as the northern frontier.

- The Claudian campaign of 43 AD was begun shortly after the ingresses of Pluto into Capricorn and of Uranus into Libra the astrogeographical resonating signs of the morphic field of the region that holds the center of the national morphic field of Britain.
V.3 — The Stabilization of Roman Rule in Britain
The Boudica Uprising in the year 60 AD at the end of Pluto`s transit conjunct the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London appears as a chain of events that brought a further stabilization of the Roman rule over Britain. London itself was destroyed by Boudica´s armies of Britons.

The construction of the Stanegate around the years 80-87 AD and of Hadrian`s Wall between 122 and 128 CE as a defense against the Picts stabilized the status quo of the Roman Province of Britannia for the next three centuries.

- The astrogeographical transit event that explains the fortification of the Roman Empire and the province of Britannia through the completion of Hadrian`s Wall was the transit of Saturn as indicator of stabilization conjunct he 24°Libra resonance coordinate of London in 128 CE.
- this transit of Saturn along with the fortification of Britain (England) against the regions of modern Scotland and the North so appears to have stabilized the territories England for the developments under the next important astrogeographical transit period : Uranus conjunct the 24°Libra coordinate of London between 129 CE and 131 CE
- as indicator of abstract aspects of humanity, globalization, multi-national, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural developments Uranus in Libra the sign of high culture seems to have “escorted” the introduction of Roman technology, language, cultural achievements, global religions, genetic input through the soldiers, merchants and slaves from far away lands and the road systems that connected all regions of Britain with the centers of the Roman Empire.
V.4 — The end of the Roman occupation of Britain
For astrological evaluation of the period of the decay and end of the Roman Empire see also my articles on the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Rome, Paris and Berlin (dt).

map: Notuncurious, ccbysa3.0
Roman rule ended in different parts of Britain at different times, and under different circumstances. In 383, the usurper Magnus Maximus withdrew troops from northern and western Britain, probably leaving local warlords in charge. Around 410, the Romano-British expelled the magistrates of the usurper Constantine III, ostensibly in response to his failures to use the Roman garrison he had stripped from Britain to protect the island. Roman Emperor Honorius replied to a request for assistance with the Rescript of Honorius, telling the Roman cities to see to their own defense, a tacit acceptance of temporary British self-government.

- The year of the withdrawal of the last of Roman troops from Britain in 407 AD was one of the final steps in the longer process of the Roman retreat.
- I find it fascinating that the position of Uranus at 12°Aquarius from the leaving of the last Roman soldiers was occupied by the Sun during the factual EU – Brexit of February 1 2020 because of the parallel of the EU as an organisation based on the political continuity of Europe in the Roman Empire and Holy Roman Empire political traditions.
- But altogether the chart calculated for the summer solstice of 407 CE does not really reveal the expected intense transits of the outer planets in relation to the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of London at all. This means that the withdrawal is to be considered as a development that mainly originated in the Roman Empire along with other national centers indicating that it was a consequence of global changes.
- the fact that Neptune as the planet of pure spirituality and destabilization of territorial control and possession occupied the very center of Taurus the sign of occupation, possession and control of territories, wealth and resources explains that moment in history as a climax of the questioning of territorial control as such.
- the most important long-term transit event to be explored for indications regarding the retreat of Rome from Britain could be the Neptune-Pluto conjunction of 29 Jun 411 CE.
- for deeper considerations on the topics of such Venus-Neptune or Taurus-Pisces conflicts compare my article on the Pisces-Taurus resonance coordinates of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on the conflict between nomadic shepherd and hunter societies with settled down agricultural production aka Cain and Abel, Jesus and the priest castes and money changers and the conflicts between the 3 monotheist pseudo-religions.
V.5 — The year of the Pluto-Neptune conjunction of 411 AD marked the end of the Roman Empire
The withdrawal of the Roman troops from Britain between 407 and 411 AD had a stunningly accurate timing with the Neptune-Pluto conjunction of 411 which initiated a new 495 years cycle.
The super conjunction of the Neptune – Pluto conjunction of June, 29 in 411 AD at 23°15`08 in Taurus the sign of possession of territory and with Jupiter at 25° and Saturn at 29°Taurus all in a stimulative trine aspect to the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field in London stood for the important shift between the Roman and Post Roman eras in Britain and the whole of Europe.

- The retreat of the Roman Empire from Britain occurred right at the beginning of a new 495 year long cycle. In order to understand the relevance of this Pluto-Neptune conjunction in astrological evaluation of long-term processes one must therefore recapitulate the fact that the conjunction of 411 a period that had begun through the conjunction of Oct, 29 in -83 BC at 16°Taurus to start a new period one that lasted until the next conjunction on May 26 of 905 AD at 28°Taurus.
- It may be examined whether or not and in how far the conjunctions of Neptune with Pluto are of particular importance for the history of the Britannic islands, England or simply the whole of Europe.
- the next Pluto – Neptune conjunctions were and will be: 30 June 1398 with the shift of signs from Taurus to at 2°Gemini making it an event of higher importance, on 2 August 1891 at 8°Gemini and on 30 May 2385 at 12°Gemini.
- Venus as the sign and house ruler of the Pluto-Neptune conjunction at 24°Cancer was in exact square to the 24°Libra resonance coordinate of London explaining the factual outcome of the change of the ages in the shift of territorial control away from the old land owners.
VI — Kings and Queens of England & their individual relationship to their royal palaces
The individual relationship of a head of state to the site of her/his office can be examined as an indication of her/his situation, approach, performance and other aspects.