India & New Delhi in Political Astrology

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North Block of the two identical Secretariat buildings that host a number of ministeries and an office of the Prime Minister. The building itself lies in Scorpio with Cancer for field level 3. photo; Laurie Jones, ccbysa2.0

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology. Astrogeographical position of New Delhi & transits of the outer planets in relation to the government of India.

Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A – Z: Lists of all capitals by continent, (dt. version), African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and NuukDamascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabadJakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev,  Kabul, LhasaLima, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Reykjavík, Riyadh, RomeSeoul, StockholmSouth American Nations, Taipei, TehranThe Hague, Tripoli, TokyoUNASUR, United NationsVienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington.

India in my astrogeography blog: The “Statue of Indian Unity” in double Cancer, .Stations of Ganges River in astrogeography, The Sites of the 12 JyotirlingaThe Shakti Peetha shrinesThe Hindu Gods Vishnu and Narayana in astrogeographyShiva in two water signsIndia in astrogeography, The Birth Temple of Krishna, Gemini and Aries – A Statue of Hanuman, Krishna`s wives Rukmini and Radha in astrogeography, The Swaminarayana cult, Astrology, Spirituality & Sacred Sites: Shirdi Sai Baba, Lakshmi Narayani Golden Temple of VelloreKandariya Mahadeva Temple in Khajuraho, The Navagraha Temples for the planets in Hindu Astrology, Bahubali sculpture in Scorpio with TaurusThe 64 Yogini Temples,

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: The astrogeographical position of New Delhi

According to my systemical astrological world map calculation the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of New Delhi fall in the most centralist signs of all of the zodiac signs: Taurus and Leo emphasizing the importance of the capital for keeping this nation of diversity together.

This article explores the astrogeographical position of the Delhi area in regard to the continuity of its historical role as the central site of resonance for the union of the Indian States and the national morphic field of India.

Here is an overview of the chapters of Indian history that you can find in this article.  I hope to continue investigation as soon as I find the time for it. So if you`re interested in the topic take a look after some time.

  • Leo with Taurus – the archetypal constellation of centralism:  the astrogeographical coordinates of Delhi
  • Future transits of the outer planets for the government in Delhi: the coming squares from Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius
  • The inauguration chart for Delhi as the Capital of Modern India under a Mars-Mercury opposition square to Delhi
  • The Independence Chart of 1947: Delhi under pressure from a Mercury-Chiron square
  • The initial chart for the modern governments of India
  • The assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948 with Mercury in opposition to Delhi
  • Foundation chart for the Republic of India: the Moon in Taurus conjunct Delhi and the Green Revolution through a Venus-Jupiter square in Aquarius
  • Economic Liberalization in India since 1991 through Saturn in a square to Delhi from 5°Aquarius and a Mars-Venus-Jupiter conjunction to heal the Saturn-Pluto aspect of the Indian Independence chart
  • The foundation chart for the  Delhi Sultanate 1206–1526: Venus conjunct Delhi and a Mars-Saturn conjunction over Agra
  • The Foundation of the Mughal Empire in 1526:  Babur`s successful attack under a Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus square to Delhi
  • The coronation of Akbar the Great in 1556 and the ideal of a Syncretic Islamic religion with Uranus square to Delhi 
  • The traumatic extinction of Hampi after the Battle of Talikota in the dawn of Pluto`s transit over Hampi
  • The Foundation of the British East India Company in 1600 with Uranus and Neptune transiting conjunct Delhi
  • Mars conjunct Delhi in a constellation of absolutism the reign of Aurangzeb 
  • Uranus in opposition and Neptune square to Delhi:  The English education Act of 1838
  • The Times of India founded under a Moon – Saturn opposition square to Mars over Delhi
  • The Siege of Delhi in 1857: Pluto in conjunction and a simultaneous square from Uranus to Delhi brought the death blow to the Mughal Empire
  • The Government of India Act for British India in 1858 during squares from Saturn and Mars while the Moon joined Pluto over Delhi
  • The Assassination of Indira Gandhi in 1984 and Pluto`s straight opposition to Delhi terminating the rule of the Nehru dynasty
  • India`s First Nuclear Weapon Test with the Sun square to Delhi
  • The demolition  of Babri Mosque during a Mercury-Pluto conjunction square to Delhi

Related articles: The Shakti Peetha shrinesThe Sites of the 12 Jyotirlinga in Astrology, The source of the river Ganges in Cancer-Scorpio

Leo with Taurus – the archetypal constellation of centralism in Delhi

North Block of the two identical Secretariat buildings that host a number of ministeries and an office of the Prime Minister. The building itself lies in Scorpio with Cancer for field level 3. photo; Laurie Jones, ccbysa2.0

Astrogeographical position of the government area in New Delhi for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional and international resonance of the capital and central government of India:  New Delhi has one coordinate on the highly magnetic, centralist, royal degree of 26°Leo (conjunct Washington) the sign of the sun, light, heart, power plants, kingdom, absolutism, self-centeredness, profile neurosis and the second coordinate at 3° in solid, materialistic earth sign Taurus (conjunct Moscow) the sign of money, income, food production, economy, market places, possession and expansion of territory and the definite indicator for the importance of agriculture for India (just like Russia).

The resonance of the region of Delhi with Leo and Taurus as the most centralist and centripetal astrological signs explains Delhi as an area of centralism as such. The combination of Leo with Taurus indicates that the major reason of the choice of the Delhi area for the capital was its supportive impact on the stability of the central government.

According to my calculation all four of the super-larges, super-centralist nations on pur planet: India, China, Russia and the USA have their capitals in one of these two major signs of centralism.

Washington (USA): 27°Leo – 6°Cancer, Moscow (Russia): 2°Taurus – 12°Cancer, Beijing (China): 3°Leo – 17°Sagittarius. Riyadh (self declared world capital of Islam): 7°Leo – 21°Leo.

This can serve as a verification for how highly supportive and even essential the position in the two fixed, centripetal signs Leo or Taurus is for the governments of superlarge mega-territories, superlarge mega-populations, super-centralist and super-dominant economies, state monopoly capitalism, super-colonialism, global super-powers and super-incomes.

The harmonious resonance and conjunction of New Delhi with the capitals of the 20th century military superpowers Russia and USA is an important aspect to be considered regarding Indias role in global politics and culture.

As the worlds largest democracy and with its free market economy and its capital conjunct Washington & Moscow at the same time India has a unique potential to act as a link between:

  • the USA as the motherland of anti-colonialism and modern democracy and its super-large capitalist economy and the
  • anti-democratic 17 Million km² Russian Colonial Empire (RCE) with its oligarchic state monopoly capitalism forever condemned to territorial expansionism into the neighbor states of its 20.000 km of land borders.

At the same time through its conjunction with the 2°Taurus coordinate of Moscow New Delhi at 3°Taurus shares the intense tension & competition with the 3°Leo resonance coordinate of Beijing. New Delhi so has a unique standing as:

  • Moscow´s safest ally & bridge-head in the geo-strategical rivalry between the Russian Colonial Empire and China´s dictatorial state cult, monopoly capitalism and military super power over the possession of Outer Manchuria annexed by Moscow during the Opium Wars and the possession of Northern Siberia.
  • And together with all other South Asian nations today India needs Moscows pressure on Beijing more than ever to protect it from China´s economic, logistic, industrialist super-expansion.
  • This is how India appears to be stuck in dependence from Russia´s colonialist scheme under the 3°taurus signum. For the territorial expansion scheme in the first degrees of Taurus (degrees of “nest building”) see the example of the Oklohoma Land Run of 22 April 1889.

The Cancer-Scorpio Resonance of Indian Temples

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Sansad Bhavan the Lok Sabha building in Delhi is located in the combination of the two water signs Cancer and Scorpio. The round shape seems to resemble the 64 Yogini temple at Morena district.  ph: Bill Strongccbysa2.0

The Lok Sabha building in Delhi is located in the combination of the two water signs Cancer and Scorpio (field level 3 – surrounding area) the constellation which seems to be so archetypal for Shiva and Parvati, for the Shakti peetha and Jyotirlinga shrines and for Indian culture in general. This astrogeographical combination is also present at the Gaumukh source of River Ganges, the Devprayag Sangam, the birthplace of Mahavatar Babaji, the tallest Shiva statue and also India`s holiest city Varanasi located at 6°Scorpio and 21°Cancer.

Astrogeographical positions of the state capitals of India

Capitals of India in  Astrology
India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: State Capitals of India in Astogeography & Astrology – astrogeographical positions for morphogenetic field level 1

Future transits of the outer planets for the government in Delhi

Background info: Climate Change made devastating early heat in India and Pakistan 30 times more likely

Pluto square New Delhi: March 2023 until January 2028 & the need for South-North Migration

  • PLUTO AS INDICATOR OF MIGRATION: as the opposite sign of Taurus the sign of roots, agriculture, settlings down, rural centers & marklets Scorpio represents the sign of nomadic situations, foreign territory and of being expelled or uprooted from social stability and possession of land. As the ruler of 8th month and sign of the tropical solar year & seasonal zodiac Pluto represents the ruler of Scorpio and the planetary indicator of trauma, pain, foreign control and rule and of the battle for power
  • PLUTO AS INDICATOR OF CLIMATE CHANGE: …. while the 164-year long Neptune cycle though the zodiac represents the main indicator for natural and organic development of longer periods of climate the 246 year long Pluto cycles have got to be examined as indications of long-term structural changes of climate on earth.
  • The transit of Pluto in air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, strongest winds, rains and holistic aspects of the atmosphere stands for the end of some of the long-term weather systems on our planet.
Climat Change in relation to population distribution
“Overlap between future population distribution and extreme heat. CMIP6 model data [from nine GCM models available from the WorldClim database (45)] were used to calculate MAT under SSP3-7.0 during around 2070 (2060–2080) alongside Shared SSP3 demographic projections to ∼2070 (46). The shaded areas depict regions where MAT exceeds 29 °C, while the colored topography details the spread of population density.” For authors & credits seelicense: ccbysa4.0
  • The current transit of Pluto square the 3°Taurus resonance coordinate of New Delhi is to be eexpected as a period of intense pressure and transformation of the Indian economy, agriculture, markets, society.
  • The current transit of Pluto in relation to the all-time government center of the national morphic field of the Indian sub-continent can be assuemd to mark the moment of awareness of no return and a frist confrontation of climax issues under political circumstance that appear to rule out radically. fundamental measures to prepare the nation for the future.
  • Unlike its astrogeographical neighbor Moscow (2°Taurus) India has no options for projecting its food and agricultural challenges into territorial expansion or simply moving to Northern Siberia.
  • the territorial conquest of the Indian governments have got to be within India.

Uranus in Taurus conjunction: May 2018 until October 2020

The coming transit of Uranus conjunct the astrogeographical position of Delhi at 3°Taurus the sign of mother earth, agriculture, economy, wealth, possession of territory will be effective between May 2018 and October 2020. The major challenges during this transit are in the fields of economy and ecology. Ecology because Indian cities are the most polluted on our planet – a clear hint at the corruption of politics, culture and mentality through the grip of hyper-capitalism on the largest parts of India`s economy, social standards and political system. The transit of Uranus is an opportunity to emancipate the country from the grip of national and global economical players.

The Pluto ingress into Aquarius on 23 March 2023

The climax phase of the coming square transit of Pluto to Delhi has to be investigated as the initial phase of the migration crisis due to the effects of climate change and over population only. The whole of Plutos transit period in Aquarius between 2023 and 2044 has to be calculated with as one of the biggest challenges in Indian history. And with the climax phase of Plutos opposition to the 26°Leo resonance coordinate of New Delhi between February 2039 and February 2043 still far ahead.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the Pluto ingress in Aquarius on 23 March 2023 calculated for New Delhi at 17:54.
  • The fact that the ingress chart for India shows Neptune the planetary indicator of the regulative effect of “THE UNCONTROLLABLE AS SUCH” of god, water, nature, climate, fate, reality, the unknown, unconscious, suppressed and ignored will be exactly opposite New Delhi staging exactly conjunct the descendant as the point of the uncontrollability has got to be examined as the clearest possible astrological image of the dramatic effects of climate change for India.
  • The Pluto ingress in Aquarius in March 2023 will initialize the extremest potential of pressure on the Indian government as it triggers a period of square transit to the 3°Taurus resonance coordinate of the seat of government of India,
  • For evaluation of the effects of Pluto here see the examples of my analyses (text below) the similar Pluto transits during the assassination of Indira Gandhi and Operation Bluestar in 1984 (Pluto ingress into Scorpio and opposite New Delhi) and the death blow to the Mughal Empire of Delhi with Pluto conjunct the 3°Taurus coordinate in 1857.
  • The climax of this challenging and transformational period will not end before January 2028. This coming transit of Pluto the planet of self-defense, trauma, belief systems, ideology, patterns of role conduct, of transformation, nomadic cultures, migration and of outlived patters in Aquarius the sign of self-finding, fleeing, refugees, outcasts, emancipation, innovation and self-liberation stands for a reality check of the political system, the centralism of the government, outdated structures, caste system and policy in support of overpopulation.
  • It is important to consider that the ingress and transit period of Pluto as the ruling planet of the sign of nomadic cultures (Scorpio) in Aquarius the sign of refugees between 2023 and 2044 has to expected as the triggering period of the migration process from south to north triggered by the extreme heat, drought and devastation due to climate change. India can be expected to be forced to seek new territories in Northern Asia. Compare my article: “Pluto in Aquarius and the end of stable Weather Systems”
Pluto Transits in the 12 signs
Pluto Transits in the 12 Zodiac Signs since 374 B.C.

Uranus in Taurus square to New Delhi: May 2024 until May 2026

All the problems that remain unsolved during Uranus` transit conjunct the astrogeographical position of the central government in Delhi can be expected to result in even heavier challenges to the government during the phase of the coming Uranus transit over the square position to Delhi`s 26° Leo coordinate between May 2024 and May 2026. That transit of Uranus as the planet of globalization, mutation, revolution, storms, earthquakes puts heaviest and radical pressure on the position of the government particularly through the influence of global economic players and super powers, the factor climate change (heat, drought, pollution, destruction of land, migration from the south to north and of course the over-population of India caused by the mutation of medical technologies imported from abroad.

Important Transits of the outer planets in Indian History

The inauguration chart for Delhi as the Capital of Modern India under a Mars-Mercury opposition square to Delhi

The decision to shift the capital of British India  from Kolkata ( 28°Virgo – 11°Capricorn) to Delhi was announced on 12 December 1911 by King George V at the Delhi Durbar. Delhi had served as the political and financial center of several empires of ancient India and the Delhi Sultanate, most notably of the Mughal Empire from 1649 to 1857. The inauguration of the new capital in Delhi was celebrated on 13 February 1931.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological event chart for the inauguration of New Delhi as capital of British India calculated for 13 Feb 1931 at 12:00 noon in Delhi

The shift from the old capital Kolkata to New Delhi saw the square transit of Uranus at 12°Aries to the astrogeographic position of Kolkata at 11°Capricorn. A classical effect of this Uranus transit was that the “social status” as the top ranked city in India was taken away from the City of Kolkata.

The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the City of Delhi on the other hand were not enforced by any conjunction transit that would describe the new status as the capital of India as particularly auspicious for Delhi. This could mean that the shift of the government to Delhi was rather a challenge and pressure than a support for the new capital. On the other hand these square transit challenges came from the fast moving personal planets (indication of practical problem) only and not from the slow moving outer planets (indication of structural problems). This indicates that the stimulus from these transits for new developments was on the practical, material and economical planes.  Mercury from 2° Aquarius and retrograde Mars from 1° Leo moved in a square to Delhi`s 3°Taurus astrogeographic position bringing social and technological innovations modernization and topics of emancipation (Mercury) and military power, self-esteem and centralism (Mars in Leo) back to Delhi. The Sun at 23°Aquarius was approaching the opposition  of Delhi`s royalty degree at 26°Leo questioning historical structures, Indian nationalism, cultural autonomy and inheritance and self-esteem.  

The Independence Chart of 1947: Delhi under pressure from a Mercury-Chiron square

The Indian Independence Act  of the UK Parliament in London was validated through royal assent on 18 July 1947. The factual independence became effective on 15 August 1947 at 0:00. The astrological chart for this moment is apparently used by most astrologers as the National Chart of India.  For a number of issues that had to be dealt with before that this chart doesn`t represent the birth chart of the Indian Republic. But it is the birth chart of the independence of the modern Indian nation. The planetary positions can be related to the birth moments of Pakistan and India and also the “death” (Pluto-Saturn conjunction) of the British Colonial Empire at the same time.  Altogether the chart is really heavy in some regards and like all charts it can be read in many different ways:

  • as a chart for the birth processes of modern India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and  United Kingdom
  • as a chart for the cultural and social problems of India`s historical inheritance at the time
  • as a chart for the political situation in the countries
  • as a chart for the battle for supremacy between Moslems and Hindus and for the relationship between India and Pakistan
  • as a chart for the end of the era of monarchic and aristocratic systems worldwide
India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: India – astrological chart for the end of the British Rule and the moment of legal independence from the British Empire
  • The astrogeographical transits for Delhi on the day of the factual independence of India saw a square position of the axis of the North and South nodes Rahu (28°Taurus) and Ketu (28°Scorpio) in exact square to the royal degrees of the position of Delhi at 26°Leo.  The North Node at 28°Taurus a degree of wealth and highest profits in the sign of agriculture stood for the aims and success of the Green Revolution in Indian agriculture and food production. The opposition of Chiron the planet of careful, self-protective strategical planning at 4°Scorpio to Delhi and in Scorpio the most important astrological resonators of Islamic religion stood for the need to accept the independence of Pakistan from Delhi as an unavoidable fact.
  • The dominant conjunction of Saturn, Pluto and the Sun with Venus in the center of Leo the sign of monarchy, aristocracy, hierarchy, sexuality and the topic of royal centralism stood for the dead remains of the hierarchical structures of the inheritance from the British, Mughal and Rajput empires in India, the caste system (Pl-Sa), slavery and prostitution (Ve-Sa), Burning of widows (Pl-Sa-Ve in Leo), group violation of women (Ve-Sa-Pl in Leo) and traditional dogmatic belief systems (Saturn-Pluto cj.) that blocked the light, life and the heart (Leo) of the vivid aspects of inheritance of Indian culture and the potentials of self-expression and individualization of the people at the time. In that it stood for the end of something old and dying in the first place though through a birth or rebirth process (Leo). But in many ways the dominance of royalist structures appear highly antagonistic to the foundation of the comparatively modern election and parliamentary system of the Indian Republic founded 2  1/2 years later in 1950.
  • The deadly conjunction of Pluto with Saturn that was overshadowing Venus the planetary indicator for territorial possessions stood for the ending and the transformation of control over territory. In regard to the ex-colonial power through loosing this super-large country and resources and for the Indian peninsula through loosing the territorial unity of the country implanted by the British.
  • The position of Mars on the first degree of Cancer the sign of English culture and in house 2 the house of material roots and factual rulership over territory stood for the remaining strong ties with the UK and the fact that new born Indian democracy was built on structures installed by the British Empire.
  • A few considerations on the astrogeographical resonance of the transits of the birth of modern India with other capitals:  The Moon at 27°06` Cancer (a degree of separation and in the sign of traditional English culture) was in exact square and opposition to the astrogeographical coordinates of London at 24°Libra and 27°Capricorn. This aspect stood for the losses that the British government had to accept. In this sense the chart had its Moon position in the processes within the British homeland. The astrogeographical positions of Karachi the first capital of Pakistan at 3°Leo and 25°Aries were challenged through the square positions from the Moon at 27°Cancer and Chiron on 4°Scorpio.

The initial chart for the modern governments of India

Apart from the midnight chart of 15 August which validated the factual independence of India there is a second important and extremely impressive chart I want to show here:  the chart for the moment of the swearing in ceremony of the new government at 8:30. It can be interpreted as the chart for the independent political institutions of India.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: India Independence – Astrological chart for the Swearing in of Government on 15 August 1947 at  8:30 in Delhi

This chart had Uranus the planet of self-liberation, revolution, emancipation from slavery and reconnection with the fuller amount of the country`s potentials at mid-heaven in a constellation of revolution, political change, separation, divorce and leaving the past behind.  Uranus was joined by Mars in a constellation of fundamental mutation which due to Mars` position on the first degree in Cancer also of radical emotions, extreme aggression, revenge and violence. The first degrees of Cancer stand for the initial phase of emotional independence and the development of a defense system of individual emotionality.

The prevailing religions of the British Indian Empire based on the Census of India, 1901

The most problematic aspect to be dealt with under this Mars-Uranus conjunction was the Indian Separation of Muslims and Hindus through the independence of the two territories of Pakistan from India.

The assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948 with Mercury in opposition to Delhi

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

During the assassination of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi through Hindu fascists on 30 January 1948 Mercury the indicator for conspirators, lying, stealing, puberty, the competition for intelligence, practical solutions and a tendency to leave spirituality behind was at 26°30` Aquarius the sign of uprisings and self-finding in exact opposition to the 26°Leo astrogeographical position of Delhi. This opposition of Mercury stood for a straight conspiracy against the central government.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Event chart for the assassination of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi by pseudo -hinduistic fascists on 30 January 1948 at 17:17 in Delhi

A second aspect of strongest tension to the 26°Leo position of the central government of India came from the square transit of Chiron at 23°28` in Scorpio a strong indicator for Islamic religion. As the indicator for strategical planning and action and protection of one`s rights  Chiron stood for the issues and influence of the Muslim minority and their aim of founding a Islamic dominated state in India.

The murderer Nathuram Vinayak Godse  was born on 19 May 1910 in Pune, Maharashtra with the Sun conjunct the North Node on 27°Taurus in exact square to the 26° Leo astrogeographic position of Delhi

Foundation chart for the Republic of India: the Moon in Taurus conjunct Delhi and the Green Revolution through a Venus-Jupiter square in Aquarius

In the foundation chart for the modern Republic of India the Moon on 5°Taurus the sign of agriculture was conjunct the 3°Taurus astrogeographical position of the central government in Delhi. This constellation together with the Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius the sign of revolution stood for the Green Revolution in India. At the same time the Sun ruler of Pluto the planet of trauma, dogma. fascism, social hierarchy, castration and role conduct in Leo was in a square to Delhi from 5° Aquarius.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the proclamation of the Republic of India on 26 Jan 1950 at 10:15 in Delhi.

The chart for the proclamation of the Republic and constitution had an early Aries ascendant – pointing at a new start. Uranus the planet of spiritual, social, political self-finding and reconnection with the fuller potential of the country and people was in an important position on the IC (interior heaven) explaining the inner self-finding process of the people, self-liberation, self-help and emancipation from slavery as the central issues. The inheritance of yoga-culture is included in the demand for self-cleaning of this constellation known for its intense relation to monk-hood, celibacy and spiritual liberation. As Uranus represented the sign ruler of the Sun and the Venus-Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius his position shows the fundamental need for change within society in regard to the emancipation of the country from accumulated issues from the past such as: the globalized hyper-capitalism of the British Empire, the caste system, slavery, the trauma of the Muslim minority reign over Hindus before the British Raj and many more. This Uranus position placed the lowest castes, the suppressed and exploited in the center of society.

Economic Liberalization in India since 1991 through Saturn in a square to Delhi from 5°Aquarius and a Mars-Venus-Jupiter conjunction to heal the Saturn-Pluto aspect of the Indian Independence chart

Manmohan Singh – the Minister of Finance who organized the economic liberation policy

Liberalization of Indian economy began with the the Inauguration of Pamulaparti Venkata Narasimha Raoas Prime Minister on the day of the summer solstice of 21 June 1991. Really remarkable was the extremely auspicious and highly dynamical fruitfulness conjunction of Mars, Venus and Jupiter in the center of magnetic fire sign Leo the sign of self-centeredness, birth, sexuality, fruits, royalty, heat,  The conjunction resonated exactly with the highly problematic Saturn-Pluto-Venus-Sun conjunction from the Indian Independence chart.

: Astrological chart for the Inauguration of Narasimha Rao as Prime Minister – Liberalization of Indian economy on the day of the summer solstice of 21 June 1991 calculated for 12:00 noon in Delhi

Saturn the sign ruler of Uranus, Neptun and the North Node Rahu in Capricorn was the only one of the 12 sytemical astrological planets in direct aspect to the astrogeographical coordinates on Delhi. Saturn`s position at 5°53` in Aquarius the sign of the sky. innovation, solutions, self-help and reconnection with the fuller potentials of the country and people fell in a close square to the 3°Taurus constellation of the central government in Delhi. Saturn in Aquarius challenged  Taurus – the status of an agriculture orientated economy through the economic liberalization program together with Manmohan Singh as Finance Minister. Saturn the planet of effectiveness, control and rules in Aquarius the sign of anti-centralism and deregulation turned out as a  highly progressive abut still controllable approach to the reforms. The Indian economy has been growing extremely fast since the introduction of these changes.

History of India

For a list of ancient Hindu Empires see.

Three early empires that attempted to unify larger areas of the Indian subcontinent were the Maurya Empire (322 – 185 BCE) the Kushan Empire (appr. 30 – 350 CE) and the Gupta Empire (appr. 319 CE – 543 CE).

The campaign of Alexander the Great

Astrology and Astrogeography of India and Alexander the Great
Map of the Indian campaign of Alexander the Great between 327 and 325 BCE

The campaign of Alexander the Great into India in 326/325 BCE was accompanied by extremely intense transits of tension from the 4 slowest moving systemical planetary factors in relation to the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Delhi (26°Leo-3°Taurus). The following chart is calculated for the approximate date of the important Battle of Hydaspes on the Eastern banks of the Jhellum River.

Astrology of India in History + Alexander the Great
India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Alexander the Great in India: Astrological chart for approximate date of the Battle of Hydaspes calculated for 15 May 326 BCE (exact date is unknown) at the Hydaspes (Jhellum) River in Pakistan.
  • Neptune the planet of spirituality and indicator for destabilization and for opening up to the cosmic field of consciousness approaching the exact square position to the 26°Leo resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field in Delhi from 22°Scorpio. This Neptune transit stood for processes of re-connection with holistic, spiritual aspects through destabilization of territorial rulership over what was to become the territories of modern India.
  • Saturn the indicator of stability at 24°Taurus was approaching the exact square to the 26°Leo position of Delhi indicating the acuteness of the intense threat to the status quo in the Ganges plain.
  • And so were Pluto at 18°Taurus and Uranus at 8° Taurus both on their own ways to their conjunction of 25 May 323 (at 2:52 Delhi time) which seems to have formed the basis for the foundation of the Maurya Empire under the impression of the impact from the threat by the Greek invasion which allowed Indian culture to meet with Greek science, astrology and military technology.
Astrology of India: the Uranus - Pluto conjucntion at the basis of the Maurya Empire
India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the Uranus – Pluto conjunction of 25 May 323 BCE calculated for 2:58 at Delhi. The Pluto – Uranus conjunction stood for the impact of cultural revolution at the basis of the foundation of the Maurya Empire.

The Maurya Empire 322 – 185 BCE

Astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Pataliputra (Patna) the capital of the Maurya Empire for morphogenetic field level 1 (region) which explains the global and international resonance topics of the governments and the “national morphic field” of the Maurya Empire: the site of the ancient City of Pataliputra is located at in highly expansive, dynamical fire sign Sagittarius the sign of philosophy, preaching, travelling far and the priest castes and at 15° in self-centering water sign Cancer the sign of motherhood, fertility, pregnancy and emotional identity and independence.

The Maurya Empire has long been considered to have been the largest political entity that has existed in the Indian subcontinent, extending over 5 million square kilometres (1.9 million square miles). Although this has been disputed by modern historians who argued that large areas were probably autonomous and partly unconquered tribal areas the importance of the Maurya Empire undoubtedly lies in its role as the most successful attempt to unify the Indian subcontinent in early Indian history.

Astrology of Indian History, Patna and Delhi
Expansion of the Magadha and the Maurya Empire between 600 and 260 BCE.
map: Avantiputra7, ccbysa4.0

The origin of the Maurya Empire was the Magadha Kingdom with its capital in Rajagriha (Rajgir) in Bihar, India and later some 60 km north in Pataliputra (Patna). The Maurya Empire was founded in 322 or 321 BCE by Chandragupta Maurya in a period shortly after the Indian campaign of Alexander the Great (325/326 BCE) which created the a vacuum of power in the region of modern Pakistan, Afghanistan and North-Western India that allowed the Maghada King to expand in that direction.

Astrology of Indian Political History, Patna and Delhi
India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the year of foundation of the Maurya Empire calculated for the Spring Equinox of the year 322 BCE.
  • During the foundation process of the Maurya Empire Neptune the planet of spiritual re-connection and thus of territorial instability at 3°Sagittarius was in transit conjunct the 3°Sagittarius resonance coordinate of Pataliputra after having moved over 26°Scorpio the exact square position to the 26°Leo resonance coordinate of Delhi and the national morphic field of India for 5 years accompanied by the Indian campaign of Alexander the Great (325/326 BCE).
  • The threat to territorial integrity represented by Neptunes transit conjunct the capital during the foundation of the Maurya Empire explains the problems created to the capital through the fast expansion of its territory. An example of a similar Neptune transit in relation to a capital during a phase of rapid expansion was the annexation of Texas, California and taking over of control over New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado by the USA with Neptune at 28°Aquarius opposite the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of its capital in Washington.
  • The Uranus – Pluto conjunction of 323 BCE a constellation known for its impact through political, social and cultural revolution formed the basis for the Mauryan Empire. The threat from the invasion of the short-lived bus impressively fast expanding Macedonian Empire of Alexander may have left a strong impression on Indian territories. Through the creation of a new situation in terms of military power and also through the impact of Greek science, astrology and military technology.

King Ashoka`s Buddhist Edicts

During the reign of King Ashoka between 268 – 232 BCE at the climax of its expansion the Mauryan Empire was itself responsible for spreading out the peaceful message of Buddhism to East, South-East and Western Asia and the Greek lands. It so became itself a source of cultural revolution to the world.

Ashoka ordered his famous Buddhist Edicts to be carved into rocks and later into stone pillars. At the same time he sent out Buddhist monks on missions to spread the teachings he himself had received from monks.

Indian and Buddhist History in Astrology
The four scripts used by Ashoka in his Edicts: Brahmi (top left), Kharoshthi (top right), Greek (bottom left) and Aramaic (bottom right).
License: Brahmi – Laura Solà, Kharoshthi – Niskhan65 Greek & Aramaic – Schlumberger, GFDL

The year of 260 BCE is assumed to have brought about the strong influence of Buddhism on King Ashoka under the impression of the brutality of the successful but extremely brutal Kalinga War that ended in 261 BCE. Therefore the important Saturn – Pluto conjunction of 28 October 261 at 22°Leo nearly exactly conjunct the 26°Leo resonance coordinate of New Delhi has to be examined as the astrological and astrogeographical indication of the topics of this attempt to install a kind of “monotheistic” state cult to unite the large empire. The following chart is calculated for the summer solstice of the year 260 BCE when Ashokas Edicts

Astrology and Astrogeography of Buddhism and India
India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: King Ashoka`s Conversion to Buddhism and the start of his Campaign to install a “monotheist” state cult. The Chart is calculated for the summer solstice of 23 June 260 BCE at the capital of Pataliputra (3^Sagittarius – 15°Cancer)
  • the conjunction of Saturn with Pluto the astrological indicators of hardware, hierarchy and manifestation of solid structures at 20°Leo was moving ahead towards the exact conjunction with the 26°Leo resonance coordinate of Delhi explaining the creation and the spreading of the new “monotheist” Buddhist state cult in the years to come as a step dedicated at the stabilization of the large empire.
  • The introduction of a supreme (in the sense of abstract) ideology and state cult under a Saturn-Pluto conjunction near the royal degrees in the last decade of Leo stood for the appeal to the absolutism and super – centralism of the royal dynasty which is so symptomatic of Leo`s role as the sign of the one and only Sun in our solar system.
  • the transit of Saturn the planet of precise, effective and abstract laws, rules, regulations and government institutions over Delhi between 261 and 260 BCE explains the origin of the Buddhist Edicts sent out by Ashoka as a measure dedicated at establishing a solid, spiritual, cosmopolitan ideology that appears to have supported the long-term stabilization of the national morphic field of the Indian subcontinent.
  • the transit of Pluto the planet of alertness, trauma, pain, belief systems, ideology, preventive defense, battle for power and dominance, fortifications, bunkers and steel weapons over the 26°Leo resonance coordinate of Delhi between 260 and 256 BCE stood for a phase of fortification
  • Uranus the planet of globalization, revolution, emancipation and of leaving the past behind was in transit of the exact opposition to the 26°Leo resonance coordinate of Delhi between 262 and 260 BCE explaining the challenges to the national morphic field of India brought about through and during the climax of the first unification of North India.

The Gupta Empire 319 CE – 543 CE

During its climax phase between appr. 350 and 467 CE. the Gupta Empire (319 CE – 543 CE) named after its founder King Sri Chandragupta I covered much of the Indian subcontinent.

Astrology of Indian History
: India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological Chart for the foundation of the Gupta Empire in India calculated for the spring equinox of the year 320 CE and for the capital Pataliputra.
  • during the starting period of the reign of Chandragupta I Neptune as the indicator of spiritual re-connection and of the instability and dissolution of overcome structures moved in transit of the exact opposition to the center of the national morphic field of the Indian subcontinent in Delhi at 3°Taurus.
  • At the same time Uranus the planet of globalization and revolution ingressed into his own sign Aquarius entering into an exact square to the 3°taurus resonance coordinate of Delhi.
  • Pluto was on his way to the exact opposition to the 26°Leo resonance coordinate of Delhi from 26°Aquarius explaining the threats to the status quo exerted by invading and/or uprising powers.
  • Jupiter (Guru, Brahma, Indra) exactly conjunct the 26°Leo resonance coordinate of Delhi is symptomatic of a solar year in which processes that can be astrologically compared to “the return of Zeus” to Athens were on their way.

The foundation chart for the  Delhi Sultanate 1206–1526: Venus conjunct Delhi and a Mars-Saturn conjunction over Agra

The Delhi Sultanate was a Muslim sultanate based mostly in Delhi that stretched over large parts of the Indian subcontinent for 320 years (1206–1526)

Delhi history map image: Javierfv1212, GNU/FDL

The following chart for the coronation of Qutb al-Din Aibak calculated for 26 June 1206 (jul.) at noon and for Delhi can be used for this period in Indian history. The astrogeographical coordinates for Lahore  where the coronation was carried out are:  23°Aquarius and 21°Cancer.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Foundation chart for the Delhi Sultanate through the coronation of Qutb al-Din Aibak

The position of Uranus the planet of innovations at 19°Leo during the coronation shows the resonance between the innovations brought by the  Delhi Sultanate and the problematic Saturn-Pluto-Venus conjunction between 13° and 15°Leo from the 1947 chart for the independence of India.

Venus the planet of wealth and territorial possessions was conjunct the astrogeographical coordinate of Delhi at 26°Leo explaining the territorial control from Delhi, its strength, profits, wealth, stability  and even the prominent position of the harems of Delhi in the newly installed political system.

The Mars-Saturn conjunction – the constellation of the warrior castes and warfare in Gemini the sign of intelligence, information, spying, practical skills, technology and learning appears as an important factor for practical innovations in the armies and warfare technologies of the Delhi Decanate. This constellation is located between 3° and 5°Gemini and in resonance with the astrogeographical position of Agra on 6°Gemini and 5°Virgo pointing at Agra as the site of the development of military technology and its later role as the capital of the later “Gunpowder Empire in India” (Mughal Empire).

The Foundation of the Mughal Empire in 1526: Babur`s attack under a Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus square to Delhi

The First Battle of Panipat on 21 April 1526 fought between the forces of Babur invading from Kabul (20°Taurus-12°Sagittarius) and the Lodi Empire that ruled over Delhi marked the beginning of the Mughal Empire in India.  This was one of the earliest battles involving gunpowder, firearms and field artillery in India. The superiority of the Mughal Empire in regard to the use of modern arms of that time in India is a reason why the Mughal Empire is counted as one of the “Gunpowder Empires”.

Battle of Panipat from Baburnama (Memoirs of Babur) – Late 16th Century

Astrogeographically the Battle of Panipat is to be understood through the Mars-Jupiter conjunction – a constellation of luck in warfare between 21° and 25°Taurus the sign of occupation and possession of territory and wealth that was approaching the exact square to the 26°Leo astrogeographical coordinate of Delhi in the dorm of the invading armies of Babur in a classical constellation of defeat for the defenders of Delhi.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological Chart for the first Battle of Panipat on 21 April 1526 calculated for 12:00 noon

Though the Moon was transiting over the resonating degrees of the Delhi armies on the last degrees of Leo in the morning of that day its ingress into Virgo the sign of hospitals, nurses and doctors in the afternoon brought the defeat of Delhi.

The coronation of Akbar the Great in 1556 and the ideal of a syncretic Islamic religion with Uranus square to Delhi 

Akbar the Great reigned from 1556 to 1605 as the third Mughal emperor. The transit of Uranus the planet of globalization, innovation and political and social updates square to the astrogeographical position of Delhi during his coronation marked his reign as a period of innovations and fundamental changes. Although Akbar resided in Agra not in Delhi I will investigate his reign in relation to Delhi for the purpose of astrogeographical comparison of the continuity from the Delhi Sultanate to modern India.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the coronation of Akbar the Great as Mughal Emperor on 11 February 1556

The position of Uranus the planet of innovations, inventions, inspiration, abstraction, holistic perspectives, liberation and re-connection with the fuller potentials of the people and the country at 1°Scorpio the sign of metal working, steel procession, cannons, fire arms, bullets, alchemy, chemistry, gunpowder in exact opposition to the 3°Taurus astrogeographical coordinate of Delhi stands for the many technical, social, spiritual and cultural innovations introduced during Akbar`s reign.

Akbar`s innovations were by far more than just technical improvements, new and better weapons or gun-powders. One of his holistic Uranian innovations was a syncretic (abstract) approach to religion under the name of Dīn-i Ilāhī  (lit. “Religion of God”) that was aimed at merging the best elements of the religions of his empire, and thereby reconcile the differences that divided his subjects. The Dīn-i Ilāhī  was introduced in 1582 in the early phase of Uranus` opposition transit to Delhi`s 26°Leo astrogeographic position.

Abu’l-Fazl, one of the disciples of Din-i-Ilahi, presenting Akbarnama to Akbar, Mughal miniature

Akbar promoted tolerance of other faiths and repealed the tax on non-Muslims) in 1568. He built the Ibādat Khāna  a debating house at Fathepur Sikri that encouraged Hindus, Roman Catholics, Zoroastrians, Jains and even  atheists to participate. Religious leaders and philosophers from around his diverse empire were invited to Akbar’s Thursday evening discussions.

The traumatic extinction of Hampi after the Battle of Talikota in the dawn of Pluto`s transit over Hampi

I`m presenting the example of the extinction of Hampi under the effects of Pluto`s dawning transit over the astrogeographical positions of Hampi at 17°Leo and 21°Pisces  as an example for Pluto conjunctions to capitals in astrogeography.

The beheading of the Vijaynagar king Rama Raya during the Battle of Talikota

The Battle of Talikota was a watershed battle fought between the Hindu Empire of  Vijayanagara and the Muslim Sultanates of the Deccan on 23 January 1565  in northern Karnataka. Aliya Rama Raya the King of Vijaynagar was beheaded during the battle and his capital Hampi looted and burnt for 6 months and wiped out completely. The battle was decided by the treachery of 2 Muslim generals that changed sides during the battle to directly attack the Vijaynagar king. The “treachery complex” could astrologically be associated to the Moon position in Scorpio the sign of Pluto`s rulership here..

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the Battle of Talikota on 23 January 1565 calculated for 12:00 noon

During the Battle of Talikota Pluto occupied 14°27`Pisces. Pluto`s exact transit over Hampi became effective two years after the Battle of Talikota between May 1567 (19°Pisces) and February 1573 (23°Pisces). The fact that there were no planetary aspects to Delhi except the Moon at 0°Scorpio the sign of treachery is an indication that the Mughal Empire in Delhi wasn`t directly involved in that war.

The fact that the fast moving Moon was transiting in opposition to the 3°Taurus position of Delhi in the afternoon of the battle may indicate that the strength gained by the Deccan Sultanates through their victory included a minor threat to the position of the Mughal Empire.

The Foundation of the British East India Company in 1600 with Uranus and Neptune transiting conjunct Delhi

British East India Company flag

The foundation of the British East India Company started the British invasion of South-East Asia in the year 1600 during simultaneous transits of Uranus conjunct the 3°Taurus position of Delhi and Neptune conjunct Delhi`s 26° Leo position. By 1858 and 257 years later under Uranus 3rd return to the same position over Delhi and in Taurus the British rule (British Raj) over India was complete.

Ships in Bombay in 1731. The East India Company warehouse is in the center, the castle is on the right with the Union Jack flying and a number of warehouses are on the left. The foreground is occupied by shipping with a large boat flying the company’s colors. Painting by Samuel Scott

The British East India Company was founded  through a Royal Charter  from Queen Elizabeth I that granted it the monopoly for all trades east of Cape of Good Hope on 31 December 1600. The foundation was a major step in the conquering of Asia through globalized hyper-capitalism. The foundation of the BEIC was accompanied by intense transits of the outer planets in relation to the astrogeographical positions of London, Delhi and Rangoon.

Mars the planet of warfare at 27°Capricorn was conjunct the 28°Capricorn astrogeographical position of London. As the sign ruler of Pluto in Aries Mars` transit reflected a climax of the period of Pluto`s transit in opposition to the 24°Libra coordinate of London between 1600 and 1604. Pluto` s fascination as the ruler of Scorpio the indicator for the robber castes and foreign territory seems to have drawn the attention away from the British homeland.

The astrogeographical positions of Yangon (Rangoon) the former capital of Myanmar at 12°Aries and 17° Aquarius were aspected by conjunction through Venus the planet of territorial possessions, capitalism and wealth at 16°Aquarius and opposition through Chiron the indicator for strategical planning, careful action, optimal use of resources and slavery from 18°Leo.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Foundation chart for the British East India Company calculated for 31 December 1600  (jul.) at 12:00 in London

For Delhi the foundation of the British East India Company came during a period of simultaneous transits of Uranus over the 3°Taurus astrogeographic position of Delhi (1599-1602) and Neptune over the 26°Leo coordinate (1588-1601). Uranus in Taurus stood for the social changes, globalized capitalism, European political ideas, new technologies of food production and exploitation of natural resources and the foreign control over Indian economy installed by the invaders. Neptune`s transit over the royal degrees resonance of Delhi in Leo stood for the state of paralysis, deception, corruption, suppression of development and holistic religion, spiritual manipulation, insecurity and weakness in the Mughal Empire at the time of the arrival of the British. The Neptune conjunction here suggests that the conquering mode of the Mughal Empire had run dry. For the effects of Neptune conjunctions with capitals compare the Neptune transit over Berlin between October 1940 and August 1944 and the Saturn-Neptune conjunction over London during the Great London Smog of 1952.

Mercury the planet of negotiations, intrigues, lies, stealing, cleverness, spying, technology and practical intelligence at 7°Aquarius had just passed the square position to Delhi`s 3°Taurus coordinate in the days of preparation before the official contract that granted the monopoly to the British East India Company became effective.

Mars conjunct Delhi in a constellation of absolutism: the reign of Aurangzeb 

Historical map of the Mughal empire

Aurangzeb was the sixth, and widely considered the last effective Mughal emperor and successful expansionist. During his reign, the Mughal Empire reached its greatest extent, ruling over nearly all of the Indian subcontinent.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the reign of Aurangzeb calculated for his Inthronisation on 31 July 1658 at 12:00 noon in Agra

During the Inthronisation of Aurangzeb Mars at 28° Leo was conjunct the astrogeographic position of Delhi indicating that strongest centralism, the absolutism of his personal status, warfare and military expansion were the major topics of this Mughal Emperor`s reign for the heart and center of the union of India in Delhi.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrologial chart for the end of Aurangzeb`s reign and the last climax of the Mughal Empire

Aurangzeb`s death was the end of the expansion and the beginning of the decline of the Mughal Empire. It occurred shortly before Pluto`s transit conjunct the 26°Leo coordinate of Delhi. This is another example of the astrogeographical resonance of Pluto`s transits with the death of the ruling personality as in the case of the Siege of Delhi under a Pluto conjunction, the  killing of Indira Gandhi under a Pluto opposition and the destruction of Hampi under a Pluto conjunction.

Uranus in opposition and Neptune square to Delhi:  The English education Act of 1835 

Clerks, compositors and castors in The Times of India office in Bombay, Taken on the occasion of the newspaper’s Diamond Jubilee (60 years), November 1898.

The English Education Act was a legislative Act of the Council of India in 1835 that promoted English as the administrational language in India through the decision to support English education in the country. Though I could not find out the exact date for the English Education Act I`m presenting this example for the precision of interpretation of astrogeographical transits of the outer planets here because of the rarity of this data and historical events.

The English Education Act was without doubt an act of aggression, manipulation and infiltration of Indian culture, society and  political development. But its long-term effects prepared India for the democratic constitution of the Indian Republic in 1950 – a unique step for Asia and many countries worldwide until today. The example of China which is still unable to install a democratic political system in the 3rd millennium could serve for consideration of the progressive effects of the English Education Act.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological Chart for the year of the English Education Act calculated for the spring equinox on 21 March 1835 in Kalkota

The introduction of the English Education Act came during the square transit of Neptune at 3°Aquarius to the 3°Taurus astrogeographical position of Delhi and the opposition transit of Uranus at 26°Aquarius to the 26°Leo coordinate of Delhi. The square position of Neptune stood for the paralysis, corruption and weakness of Indian armies and the inability to defend their own territories (Taurus aspect). The opposition of Uranus the planet of revolution, liberation, innovation, self-finding and re-connection stood for the need for reforms and changes in order to stimulate development.

The influence of creative, innovative, holistic air sign  Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, self-finding, Saddhus, emancipation, abstraction, the Dalit and slave castes and of re-connection with the fuller potentials stood for the developments that connected India with the more globalized European modernity, capitalism and industrial revolution during these transits.

The Times of India founded under a Moon – Saturn opposition square to Mars over Delhi

The foundation of the Times of India was a propagandist and educational measure that followed the English Education Act in 1838 .

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the foundation of the “Times of India” on 3 November 1838 calculated for 12:00 noon.

The establishment of the “Times of India” was put into practice again with strongest transits in resonance with the astrogeographic position of Delhi: a Moon – Saturn opposition square to Mars over Delhi! 

Saturn the planet of control, rules and regulations at 28° in Scorpio the sign of hierarchical structures, dominance, establishment of dogma, propaganda,  visualization, sculpting, photography, copies and printing was in exact square to Delhi`s 26°Leo coordinate. The Moon  on the  last degrees of Taurus the sign of wealth, territorial possessions and as the sign of agriculture and 12th house from Gemini an indicator for the limitation of knowledge and information passed the square position to Delhi in an aspect of highest profitability.

Mars on 29°Leo was transiting the royal degrees conjunct the astrogeographical coordinate of Delhi. indicating that the Times of India would turn out as a long-term effective support of the defense system of central governments, centralism in India and the stability of the Union.

The Siege of Delhi in 1857: Pluto in conjunction and a simultaneous square from Uranus to Delhi brought the death blow to the Mughal Empire

In early May 1857 the British informed the 82 year old emperor Bahadur Shah II that the Mughal Reign would end with his death. This led to the participation of Bahabadur in the Delhi Uprising of 11 May 1857. The Siege of Delhi  between 8 June – 21 September 1857  was one of the decisive conflicts of the Indian rebellion of 1857. Following the capture of Delhi by Indian rebel forces on 11 May 1857 the British and their allies reconquered Delhi on 21 September. 

The City of Delhi Before the Siege

Astrogeographically the British victory over Delhi involved two transits of slow-moving planets in strongest resonance to the 3°Taurus coordinate of Delhi.

Pluto the planet of transformation and the death of structural impediments of development at in Taurus the sign of wealth, food production, agriculture and control over territory had been transiting in conjunction to Delhi for nearly 3 years. The period of Pluto`s transit conjunct Delhi between 1853 and 1859 brought the death blow to the Mughal Empire.

and Chiron at 6°Aquarius in a square. Pluto stood for the transformation of belief systems, role conduct and dogma in Indian society, the enforcement of the defense and walls of Delhi and the traumatic issues through the foreign control over the Mughal capital.

As the planet of strategical planning, careful action and optimal use of resources Chiron`s square can be understood to represent the strategical and economical pressure exerted onto Delhi by the globalized British hyper-capitalism in the form of the  British East India Company.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: The British recapture of Delhi

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 occurred during the transit (1855-57) of Uranus the planet of rebellion, revolution, self-finding, re-connection with the fullest potentials and of globalization in the last degrees of earth sign Taurus the sign of profits, wealth, global capitalism and conquering territory over the square position to Delhi`s astrogeographical coordinate at 26°Leo. Uranus` square from the highly profitable last degrees of Taurus indicates the motif of “liberation” through an attack of globalized capitalism under the control of the British Empire and London Stock Exchange .

And another really strong astrogeographical transit whose presence ist really impressive for any astrological consideration here:  The Siege of Delhi ended under the heavy fire of British artillery when fast moving Mars the planet of warfare had reached the royal degree of 25°Leo exactly conjunct Delhi. Mars is of course no significator here for the structural problems that led to the end of the Mughal Empire. But the transit is impressive for the moment of the conquering of the city, the arrival of troops and the killing of the heirs to the throne.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the British recapture of Delhi and end of Mughal Empire on 21 September 1857 calculated for 12:00 noon

The Moon moved through the first degrees of Scorpio from early in the morning of the day triggering the square to Delhi`s 3°Taurus astrogeographical coordinate. The Moon square stood for the consolidation of the situation for the attacking side and for the deprivation of power of the rulers of Delhi.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Capturing of the  82 year-old Bahadur Shah II the last Mughal Emperor and three of his sons, Moghul, Khizir Sultan and Abu Bakrat Humayun`s Tomb in Delhi. The 3 sons were arrested and shot dead in cold blood by Captain William Hodson, a British intelligence officer

The killing of the heirs to the Mughal throne and the deportation of Bahadur Shah II to Burma during Pluto`s transit over Delhi was the death blow to the Mughal Empire.

The Government of India Act for British India in 1858 during squares from Saturn and Mars while the Moon joined Pluto over Delhi

Map of “British India” (in this case, actually the “Indian Empire”) from Pope, G. U. (1880), Text-book of Indian History: Geographical Notes, Genealogical Tables, Examination Questions, London: W. H. Allen & Co source

After getting rid of the last Mughal Emperor the British Colonialists finally established the rule of the British Crown over India through the Government of India Act  passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom on August 2, 1858. It liquidated the British East India Company and transferred its functions to the British Crown establishing the British Raj. It was effective until the  Indian Independence Act of 1947.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the Government of India Act calculated for 2 August 1858 at 12:00 noon in London

The Government of India Act was passed during square transits of Saturn the planet of stability and control and indicator for the official government over 3°Leo in exact square to Delhi`s 3° Taurus coordinate and from Mars at 25°Scorpio the sign of the robber castes in exact square to the 26°Leo coordinate of Delhi.

The transit of the Moon over Pluto`s position at 7°Taurus the sign of economical profits and possession of land enforced the effects of Pluto`s transit over Delhi between 1853 and 1859 that brought the death blow to the Mughal Empire in Delhi.

The Assassination of Indira Gandhi in 1984 and Pluto`s straight opposition to Delhi terminated the rule of the Nehru dynasty

The Nehru dynasty: Indira Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajiv Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi

Indira Gandhi, the 3rd Prime Minister of India, was assassinated on 31 October 1984 at 9:20 a.m. at her Safdarjung Road, New Delhi residence. She was killed by two of her bodyguards, Satwant Singh and Beant Singh, in the aftermath of Operation Blue Star, the Indian Army’s June 1984 assault on the Golden Temple in Amritsar which left the Sikh temple heavily damaged.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Operation Bluestar

Both events Operation Bluestar and the assassination of Indira Gandhi appr. 5 months later have to be understood as part of the fundamental process of transformation under the exact opposition transit of Pluto the planet of self-defense, trauma, pain, ideology, battle for power and dominance and patterns of moral role conduct.

The influence of the government of Pakistan and the country`s almighty secret service (ISI) on the events in Indian Punjab can be evaluated in the light of the transit of Neptune in exact conjunction with the 1°Capricorn resonance coordinate of the capital Islamabad. Neptune so stood for the climax of a period of weakness of the central government of Pakistan and the introduction of foreign rule over Islamabad since that phase due to the involvement of global players from Saudi-Arabia and the USA. The US-Saudi alliance seems to have taken over control over Islamabad with the use of pseudo-religious fascist ideology as a consequence of the Afghan Civil War.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the assassination of Indira Gandhi on 31. October 1984 at 9:20 a.m. in Delhi

The assassination of Indira Gandhi fell into the period of the transit of Pluto over 3° in his own sign Scorpio in exact opposition to the 3°Taurus astrogeographical position of Delhi between November 1983 and October 1986). The murder of Indira Gandhi occurred 141 years after the Pluto transit over Delhi`s 3° Taurus coordinate which had marked the death blow to the Mughal Empire in 1857. This Pluto transit marked the first death blow to the era of the Nehru Dynasty in India although the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi 7 years later and with Pluto at 18°Scorpio was still to come.

The return of the axis of the North and South Nodes Rahu and Ketu from the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi between 27°Taurus and 27°Scorpio in a square to Delhi`s 26°Leo astrogeographical position explained the aim of the conspiracy behind the assassination as an attack on the central government and union of India. The same accounts for the exact square of the fast moving Moon the indicator for personal emotionality from 3°Aquarius the sign of rebellion and self finding to the 3°Taurus position of Delhi.

India`s First Nuclear Weapon Test with the Sun square to Delhi

India`s first Nuclear Weapon Test was carried out under the name of Smiling Buddha on 18 May 1974 at 02:34 a.m. at the Pokhram I testing site in Rajasthan. I`m showing the chart for the first nuclear weapon`s test as another illustrative detail for a particular astrogeographical resonance topic.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for India`s 1st nuclear weapon test under name of “Smiling Buddha”

The astrogeographical transits of the day showed no support of the strength of the position of the central government in Delhi. The only exact transit of the 12 systemical astrological factors was the position of the Sun as indicator for electric power at 28° Taurus in exact square to the 26°Leo coordinate of Delhi. As the ruling planet of the astrogeographical coordinate of Delhi in Leo this Sun position can be understood as an outsourced representative of the sphere of  interests of the capital Delhi.

The archetypal constellation of a propagandist attack: the demolition of Babri Mosque during a Mercury-Pluto conjunction in Scorpio square to Delhi

The demolition of the 16th-century Babri Mosque in Ayodhya on the supposed birth site of the Hindu god Sri Ram on 6 December 1992 by by Hindu fanatics occurred under a Mercury-Pluto conjunction a constellation of conspiracies and propaganda manipulation at 24°Scorpio in a square to the 26°Leo coordinate of the central government in Delhi. Babri Mosque had been built by Babur the founder of the Mughal Empire in 1528 shortly after his invasion in North India in an act of demonstration of his personal dominance over Hinduism. The astrogeographic coordinates of the City of Ayodhya are located in the intensely idealistic constellation of 17°Aquarius the sign if the sky and 23° Libra the sign of angels (FL1).

The city of Ayodhya, U.P. the birth town of Sri Ram is located at 25°Libra and 16°Gemini    photo: आशीष भटनागर , Gnu/FDL

The effects of the demolition of Babri Mosque were catastrophic as it led to  violent clashes between Hindus and Muslims with thousands of people being killed.  The demolition of Babri Mosque came very late in history. This in itself is a definite proof of the traditional focus on deeper holistic spirituality and relative peacefulness of the Hindu religion especially compared to the by far more violent monotheism and territorial aggression of the neo-fascist dominators of Muslim religion. The extremely violent reactions onto the incident in Pakistan gives a clue about this dramatic problem when pseudo-religious violence takes over religion in order to suppress and dominate spirituality itself.

India & New Delhi in Political Astrology: Astrological chart for the demolition of Babri Mosque on 6 December 1992 calculated for 12:00 noon

But what the Mercury-Pluto conjunction really reveals here is that the demolition of Babri Mosque was politically organized to promote the cause and profits of the lobbyists behind Hindu neo-nationalism and the radical Hindu parties. The  square from the  Mercury-Pluto is a clearest indication that the incident was organized as a straight attack on the central government in Delhi. The same can be seen from the transit of Chiron the planet of strategical planning and optimal use of resources conjunct the 26°Leo astrogeographic position of Delhi: the demolition of Babri Mosque was organized as part of the election campaigns of BJP and its allies.

The propagandistic measures taken by the government of Pakistan to protest the demolition of Babri Masjid by closing offices and schools on 7 December are to be understood as symptomatic of the square from the Mercury-Pluto conjunction to the Central Government of India in the same way.