Moscow & Russia in Political Astrology. Political astrology and astrogeography of Russian history and of the capitals Moscow and St. Petersburg.
New Articles: The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology, “Moscow-Russia in search of its borders & identity“, “Saporischschja – das gefährlichste Kernkraftwerk der Welt“, “The Russian mobilization of 21 Sep 2022”, “The Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2022”, “Zur Astrologie von Russlands Invasion der Ukraine 2022“, “The Nordstream Gas Pipelines attacks of 26 Sep 2022 in support of the Russian annexation of South & East Ukraine”, “The relationship between Russia and China in history” chapter 2 in “China & Beijing in Political Astrology”
Russia in my Astrogeography Blog: The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in St. Petersburg, The Moscow Kremlin in astrogeography, Stalin`s paranoia constellation at the Kremlin, Catherine the Great at the Winterpalace in St. Petersburg
Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A – Z: Lists of all capitals by continent, (dt. version), African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Reykjavík, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington.
Capitals as all-time centers of the morphic and morphogenetic fields of nations
In mundane astrology astrological data of the foundation of countries, nations, parliaments and governments and birth data of heads of state are examined as indications of important central issues, time lines of development and all kinds of issues regarding the countries.
I want to show here how the astrogeographical data from my Astrological World Map calculation can be used for a deeper examination of the relationship between transit cycles and the places on earth where events occur. After intense studies and comparisons of the astrogeographical resonance degrees of the places where national capitals are located with events I have come to the conclusions that their positions function as centers not only of the national politics and governments but also of the morphic fields of a nation aka the smallest common multiple or golden calf around which a nation, its inheritance and memory and what is assuemd as its tribal identity develop.
These centers seem to exist in the landscapes of mother earth long before nations and their state organisations were developed and founded. See examples for the age-old resonance of such coordinates of places that that later become centers of national morphic fields in my articles on Beijing, Berlin (dt.), The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA, Ottawa and others. These geopolitical appear to support the foundation processes of nations and serve as centers of stabilization for the self-organisation of nations through governments, and administrative institutions.
Moscow & Russia in Political Astrology: the astrogeographical position of Moscow

ph:, ccsa3.0
Astrogeographical position of Moscow for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional and international resonance of the capital and government of Russia: the position of the astrogeographical longitude coordinate of Moscow and the government of “Mother Russia“ falls on the second degree (2°) of solid fixed earth sign earth sign Taurus (sign of the earth mother) and the latitude coordinate between 11° and 12° of emotional water sign Cancer (sign of the uterus). The combination brings two female signs and aspects of motherhood together: Cancer the sign of pregnancy, conception, the uterus and ancestors plus Taurus the sign of the earth mother and the land itself.
The combination of Taurus with Cancer relates to the image of the “Earth Mother”. An illustrative architectural example for the combination of Taurus with Cancer is the Hagia Sophia (for morphogenetic field level 3) – the super-temple and mother of all domes built in Constantinople between 532 and 537 AD.

Taurus as the sign of territorial expansion and colonialism
Taurus is a particularly rare position for capitals. Compare my lists of Asian, African, European and American capitals.
In regard to nations the position in highly centralist earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth and ground, conquering, occupation, possession and territorial control of land, resources, markets and financial profits stands for the hunger for territorial expansion, colonialism and possession of territories that made Moscow the center of the by far largest of all national territories on planet Earth. The position at 2°Taurus marks a strength and a structural problem of the central capital and the center of the national morphic field of the Russian nation in Moscow.
New Delhi the capital of Russian long time ally India too has one resonance coordinate located on exactly the same resonance position at 2°Taurus. In the case of India too the seat of government in Taurus resonates with the function of a capital to bind a large number of different peoples, tribes, cultures, languages and politics together in a super-large capital of colonial tradition.

A deeper understanding of Moscows position in the first (2°) of twelve 2°30 subdivisions (inner houses of a sign) of the 30 degrees of Taurus has to consider the fact that it represents the First House or stage in the inner development of the sign. The first 2°30 subdivision of zodiac signs so relates to Aries the sign of action, speed, warfare, new starts and of expansion
This means that the astrogeographical resonance coordinate of Moscow in the Aries-Taurus” aka “Mars-Venus” zone of the sign explains the Russian capital as programmed for warfare over possession of territories, territorial competition, expansion, colonialism, an agricultural society and one that tends to live on exploitation of the resources provided by mother earth (fossile, agricultural, those from the centralism of the control over the super-largest territory as such and those from markets.
A strong astrological explanation for the role of Taurus as the sign of territorial expansion can be found in the planetary positions during the Oklahoma Land Rush on 22 April 1889 and the birth of Adolf Hitler two days before on 20 April 1889 both with the Sun conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow and an intense conjunction of Mars as resonator of Aries with Venus as resonator of Taurus.
A comparison with the 4 largest super-centralist super powers on our planet reveals that Taurus (together with Leo) appears as one of 2 major astrogeographical resonance coordinates apparently required for the expansionism and super-centralism of nations: New Delhi at 2°Taurus + 26°Leo, Beijing at 3°Leo + 17°Sagittarius and Washington at 27°Leo + 6°Cancer.
Taurus and the centralization of state dogma
Taurus is the rarest sign for the astrogeographical position of national capitals.
The history of the 19th to 21st centuries has seen Moscow-Russia establish its colonial empire as the global head office of the centralization of state cult onto single person dictatorship through a number of paradigm changes all of which included ideological claims to absoluteness of Moscow` s rulership and dominance over the rest of the world.
From the “Orthodoxism” claim to represent the first and one and only true Christian state cult to the “Pan-Slawism Claim” with Moscow as the capital of all Slaws to the “Leninist World Revolution” against any other interpretations of socialism, communism, humanism, democracy, human rights, spirituality, multicultural open societies and other positive approaches to community life.

Cancer as the sign of fertility, family, emotional identification and ancestor lines
The positions of the centers of national morphic fields in Cancer can be assumed and examined as an aspect that stimulates centering around emotional identity, independence, fertility, family, ancestor lines and inheritance. It directly resonates with the waters, rivers and springs of the national territory and with the fertility of the living beings – the humans, animals and plants that live here.
Moscow`s “Neighbor” Capitals in Cancer

The position at 12° Cancer falls in conjunction with the positions of Berlin at 10° and Washington at 6° Cancer. Madrid located at 20° Cancer is 8° “behind” in the timing of transits. The conjunction with Washington can be evaluated as an extremely important and stabilizing factor which might have prevented much worse controversies since the beginning of the Cold War between US capitalism and Russia in 1917. As far as the transits of the outer planets are concerned their effects regularly stimulate the position of the US capital between 1 and 4 years before transiting the maximum of any aspects with the capital of Russia. But for the “inner” planets the time in between the maximum effect of transits for Washington and Moscow is only 6 days for the Sun, Venus and Mercury and only 12 hours for the Moon. The position of Berlin in between the positions of Moscow and Washington explains the role of Berlin as a bridge in between the governments of the 2 military superpowers.
The combination of Taurus with Cancer as the world record holder in territorial expansion
Russia is the most successful nation in regard to territorial expansion that has ever existed. In the case of Russia it is not one of the fast growing expansionist fire signs that are behind this potential. The combination of the self-centering signs Cancer and Taurus stands for the stability and constancy of the territorial expansion of Russia and for the capacity to accumulate, possess and keep it. The female signs Cancer and Taurus reflect the appeal for stability of the super-centralism of its capital instead. That does not mean that there is no giant ism behind this sign combination: It is particularly fixed sign Taurus the sign of the largest land animals that stands for the manifestation of large quantities and physical bodies. Examples for especially large manifestations of physical bodies in the combination of Cancer with Taurus are: the Hagia Sofia with the largest dome over long periods of time and Burj Khalifa with the tallest tower.
These and other qualities of the combination of Cancer with Taurus can be studied through consideration of the contrast between Russia and another extremely successful European nation: the Roman Empire with both astrogeographical resonance coordinates of its capital located in movable air sign Gemini the sign of technology,learning, cultural exchange, roads, duality, curiosity, neutrality, civil rights and its system of comparatively decentralized provinces.
Astrogeographical Transits in the Period of Colonial Invasions betw. 2013 – 2032
Article: The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology

Timeline of important Pluto Transits in the History of Russia
Pluto is currently the slowest moving among the 12 classical systemical planets. The 4 stations (conjunction, ascending, square, opposition, falling square) he makes during his 2 simultaneous transit cycles in relation to the 2 different resonance coordinates of capitals can be examined as the basic time structure of all levels of perceptible manifestations (territorial, political, cultural, sociological, technological) of the development of nations.

Origins of Moscow

ph: A.Savin, ccbysa3.0
Borovitsky Hill (Kremlin Hill) represents the origin of the City of Moscow which was later built around it. A first “gord” or “grad” (fortified structure) overlooking the site where the Neglinnaya River flowed into the Moskva River is assumed to have been built here in the 11th century by the Vyatichi. The name of Moscow was first mentioned in 1147 and the first wooden Kremlin defense built around 1156.
The first mentioning of Moscow in 1147
An exact date or year for the birth or foundation chart of Moscow cannot be settled. The selling of interpretations of the first mentioning of a name of towns as their foundation charts in commercial astrology is not useful for a seriously precise astrological verification of the holistic and scientifically relevant aspects of the foundation process and data. Such capitalist treatment practiced by the overwriting and suppression of critical verification and differentiation of a fragile relative and hermeneutical science like astrology should not be supported.
For doing that I suggest that an examination and exploration of the status of dilapidation of the semantical morphic field through culturally accumulated habits along with the manipulations engraved in the respective political, national and scientific morphic fields e.g. through state cult and political or economical propaganda and advertisement should be part of the astrological recapitulation in any attempt of measuring out the factors that block,impede, overwrite or prohibit scientific precision and the differentiation level of astrological interpretation.
In regard to Russian cultural history for example it should be investigated in how far a serious astrology might require a deeper analysis of the lack of stable traditions in support of intellectual individuality, individualization of personal independence of judgement, opinioning and self-expression through the inherited habits of the unique Russian tradition of psychological warfare and propaganda warfare that appears to consume, corrupt and dominate moral, intellectual, economical, political and scientific judgement for the purpose of political centralization and control over the population. Therefore the effects of symptomatically aggressive and manipulative aspects of the Russian traditions of Super Colonialism, Super-Dominant World Rulership, Zarism, Leninism and Bolshevism, Pseudo-Socialism, Institutionalized World-Revolutionism, Pseudo-Communism, Stalinism, Russian Fascism, Putinism and Duginism (as in Trumpism) on political and mundane astrology should be taken into consideration as part of the astrological routine of holistic and scientific investigation.

- the Saturn – Neptune opposition of 30 March 1147 was the 3rd in an opposition process initiated since the 1st SA-NE opposition of 30 May 1146. It occurred just within few days of the Spring Equinox of the year which marks the natural beginning of any solar year. This chart can therefore be used as an important indication for the circumstance of the foundation and birth process of Moscow.
- The intensity of the culmination of astrological transits of the 12 systemical planets during the Saturn – Neptune opposition of 30 March 1147 is absolutely breathtaking.
- It directly involved Venus the ruling planet of the 2° Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow conjunct Saturn and opposite Neptune in a constellation of intense instability of territorial control and questioning of territorial integrity.
- Pluto the planet of alertness and defense due to traumatic experiences of pain and terror during battles for dominance and power was conjunct the North Node Rahu indicator for aims and outcomes of events around 26°Taurus a zodiac degree of highest financial and territorial profits and expansion. It could be found to stand for a phase in which territorial expansion was necessary in order to prevent attacks from competing tribes.
- Not enough that this alone appears as an intensely strong definition of the path of Moscow on its way to the world record holder capital of the quantitative territorial expansion of a national morphic field. In addition to that Jupiter (Zeus) the planet of victory, expansion, tresure hunt and success was conjunct Pluto and the North Node at 28°Taurus the climax degree of the sign of markets, money, agriculture and territorial resources. It signifies the conjunction of trauma from the battle for power (Pluto) with success (Jupiter) explaining the long history of fear from extremely brutal and violent attacks from the treasure hunt of nomadic central Asian tribes at the traumatic roots of Russian history.
- At the same time the Saturn – Neptune opposition of 30 March 1147 also points at three other planetary conjunctions of great astrological importance that should be investigated as parts of the birth and foundation and the stabilization of the foundation processes of Moscow. These 3 consecutive conjunctions of which every single one of them took place in Taurus the sign of the astrogeographical longitude of the larger region (field level 1) of Moscow were:
- The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 11 June 1146, 7:10 for Moscow that was part of the Earth Cycle between 14 Nov 1007 and 15 Nov 1186 and occurred at 17°30 in earth sign Taurus in the year that preceded the first mentioning of Moscow.
- The conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on 9 March 1147 at 15:21 LMT for Moscow which occurred at 24°59 Taurus
- The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto known for its particularly strong impact of testing and promoting the stabilization of political and organisational structures on 13 May 1147 at 20:56 that occurred at 26°10 Taurus.
- The fact that all of these three conjunctions occurred in Taurus the sign of the longitude of the Moscow region explains their importance for the initialization of new and particularly stable (because in Taurus and because of their involving of the most stable planets Saturn and Pluto) developments in the whole region.
- The fact that all 3 conjunctions occurred in opposition to Neptune the planet of territorial instability in Scorpio the sign of nomadic, tribal cultures explains their indication as parts of processes of expansion and stabilization of agricultural production and of agriculture based settlements, market places (Taurus) and urban centers (Taurus).

- as the initial one of the 3 intense conjunctions between 3 of the 5 slower moving systemical planets Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn on 11 June 1146 should be examined as starter for the foundation process of the City of Moscow.
- Its is also fascinating to consider that Pluto the planet of competition for dominance was at 26°Taurus and in exact square to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington – one of the major competitors of Moscow and the 27°Aquarius resonance coordinate of Paris probably the most prominent capital of a super-centralist continental European nation after Moscow.

- the super-aggressive Jupiter-Pluto conjunction during the foundation of Moscow has of course to be evaluated here as part of the overall process of the 3 consecutive major conjunctions – and all of them opposite Neptune.
- But that does not mean that the full impact of such an astrological event should not be explored here and seen in its fuller dimensions. Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions should be examined in regard to the strife for absolutism of the presented self-image of super-heroes, super-hunters, super-powers and super-patriarchs. Under a Jupiter-Pluto aspect a king is not just a king – it is the representative of the image of the super-lord or dominator.
- it can be assumed here that the intensity of the trauma and violence of the territorial competition (Pluto) experienced was turned into the strategical concept for success (Jupiter) by those groups that emerged as rulers of the region during this phase of the foundation of a Russian National State.
- The opposition of that conjunction with Neptune the planet spirituality and representative of earthly or material weaknesses explains the Jupiter – Pluto aspect as a reflex of projection of ones own weaknesses onto others by seeking weaker partners for domination.

- the extremely defensive Saturn – Pluto conjunction of 1147 that marked the foundation process of Moscow and together with an opposition to Neptune the planet of territorial instability in the ruling sign of Pluto explains the foundation of Moscow in 1146/47 as a defensive reaction under the traumatic pressure from heaviest territorial threats.

The Destruction of Moscow by Batu Khan in 1238 under a Pluto square and Uranus in opposition

map: SeikoEn, ccbysa3.0
The Siege and destruction of Moscow by the Golden Horde under Batu Khan between 15 and 20 January 1238 was part of the Mongol Invasion of the territories of the Kievan Rus in the years 1237-1240. It was the beginning of 250 years of vassal state status of the Rus and with high yearly tributes to pay.

- The destruction of Moscow of 1238 occurred with Uranus the planet of globalization, multicultural and foreign influences, abstraction, revolution and of innovations at 14°Capricorn in opposition to the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow.
- The North Node (Rahu) as indicator for the aims and outcomes of events was exactly conjunct the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow explains that Moscow itself and along with it the existing roots of the national morphic field of future Russia were the target and aim at this point of the Mongol invasion. This position of the North Node could be examined as a hint at the fact that the Mongol invasion of 1238 and territorial dominance over Russian territories over the next 200 years supported the rise of Moscow to a more important role.
- together with the heavy square transit of Uranus another even more traumatic influence at work was the transit of Pluto the planet of trauma, pain, terror, conditioning, battles for power and pressure from enemies at 14°Libra over the square position to the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow.
- these heavy transits of a Uranus and Pluto square pressure onto Moscow had been effective since 1236 when the Mongol invasion had become foreseeable and inevitable. Considering theses transits one can imagine the fear that was spread in the population.
Foundation of the Grand Duchy of Moscow in 1263 with Saturn conjunct and Neptune square to Moscow
The Grand Duchy of Moscow existed between 1263 and 1547 as the predecessor state of the Tsardom of Russia. It was ruled by the Rurik dynasty, who had ruled Rus’ since the foundation of Novgorod in 862. The state originated in 1263 when Alexander Nevsky of the Rurik dynasty appointed his 2 year-old son Daniel I to rule the newly-created Grand Principality of Moscow which was a vassal state to the Mongol Empire.

map: David Liuzzo,
By the 1320ies Moskovy had eclipsed and eventually absorbed its parent duchy of Vladimir-Suzdal. It managed to annex the Novgorod Republic in 1478 and the Grand Duchy of Tver in 1485.

- The foundation of the Grand Principality of Moscow was founded during the stabilizing transit of Saturn the indicator for government institutions, laws, control, efficiency and realism over the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow in 1263.
- As an indicator of destabilization of territorial control and the status quo Neptune had been transiting over the square position to 2°taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow for 3 years indicating that the foundation of new administrative structures with Saturn over Moscow square to Neptune was aimed at dealing with unclear situations.
The first Stone fortress built with Pluto and Uranus conjunct Moscow in 1366
The replacement of the older an oak wall structure by a strong citadel of white limestone during the reign of Dmitri Donskoi between 1366 – 1368 marked an important step in the consolidation of Moscow as a vassal of the Mongol Empire. This is is clearly reflected in the astrogeographical transits of the slower moving outer planets of the year 1366: a simultaneous conjunction transit of Pluto and Uranus over the two astrological resonance coordinates of Moscow explain the development as a climax of intense threat of destruction.

- the beginning of the consolidation of the city fortress through the construction of a stronger stone wall in 1366 was carried out with Pluto the planet of defense against trauma, pain and terror, the underworld, fortresses, bunkers, defensive attitudes and reactions, alertness and the battle for dominance in group hierarchy exactly conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow explaining the urgent need for defense structures due to traumatic experience through attacks from nomadic (Pluto) groups.
- At the same time Uranus the planet of globalization, multicultural situations, abstraction, self-finding, rebellion and emancipation occupied 12°Cancer – the exact degree of the 2nd resonance coordinate of Moscow. The conjunction with the place might explain the new city defense as an important basis for technological. cultural and social innovations and the globalized, long distance contacts of Moscow with other countries.
The Battle of Kulikovo as an example for Saturn transits conjunct Moscow

The victory of various Russian principalities against the Golden Horde under the command of Prince Dmitry “Donsky” of Moscow in the Battle of Kulikovo on 8 September 1380, at the Kulikovo Field (Astrogeo. Pos.: 13°Taurus – 3°Virgo) near the Don River (now Tula Oblast) is understood a minor but psychologically relieving turning point in the rebellion of the Rus against their status as Mongol vassal states. Nevertheless Moscow was sacked and an assumed 24,000 people killed when the Mongol leader Tokhtamysh sieged and conquered the city between 23 and 27 August 1382.
The Duchy of Moscow had to wait for the self-liberation from the so called “Mongol-Tartar Yoke” for another 100 years.

- the stabilizing transit of Saturn at 3°Taurus exactly conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow indicates that this particular transit position of Saturn is highly auspicious and supportive for the stabilization of independence of Moscow and Russia.
- Mars the planet of warfare at 7°Scorpio and conjunct Venus both in opposition to Saturn and Moscow explain the battle as part of the fight against the suppression of territorial autonomy.
The end of the “Tartar Yoke” in the Great Stand on the Ugra River in 1480

The end of the so called “Tartar Yoke” meant the liberation of the Rus from a period of 250 of being obliged to paying high tributes to the Mongol Khanates. Ivan III had refused to pay these tributes as early as 1476. Due to the ongoing wars among the Mongol leaders it took Akhmat Khan the leader of the Great Horde no less than 4 years to prepare for a military response which is known to historians under the name of the Great Stand on the Ugra River between 8 October and 28 November of 1480. The 2 armies faced each other on the 2 sides of the river south-west of Moscow for several weeks until the Mongols decides to withdraw and give up their claims to the Moscovite territories.

The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Sarai the capital city of the Great Horde some 250 km south-east of Wolgograd (Stalingrad) was located at 0°in earth sign Virgo and 8°in Aquarius (Field level 1 – global resonance).

- the Great Stand at the Ugra River occurred shortly after the Pluto-Saturn conjunction of 24 September 1480 and has to be seen in connection with it. Saturn and Pluto were moving forward
- Saturn at 12°Libra was exactly square to the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow in a highly stressful and problematic position for Ivan III. And Pluto too was advancing towards the square accumulating pressure on Moscow and on the positions of the Rus.
- Jupiter (Zeus) the planet of victory was retrograde at 7°Leo in exact opposition to the capital of the Great Horde. This aspect might explain the fear of the Mongols of a danger to their capital through attacks from enemies and competing Khanates.
Current and future transits of the outer planets in relation to the astrogeographical position of Moscow
The simultaneous Pluto & Uranus challenge between January 2013 and January 2015

My prognosis written in 2015:
After the extremely problematic transits of Uranus and Pluto that put the Cancer position of Moscow under pressure from an opposite position (Pluto in Capricorn Jan 2013 – Jan 2016) and from a square (Uranus in Aries May 2013 – Jan 2015) their transits between January 2015 and at least until the change brought about by Uranus` entry into Taurus in May 2018 seem comparatively relaxing for the situation of the Russian government. Both Pluto and Uranus are moving away from the dramatically tense position they had taken between 2013 and 2015. These movements are to be seen as stabilizing transits for the future situation of Russian economy and politics which had been under heavy pressure in the process that began with the Euromaidan Uprising in Kiew in December 2013.
Summary written in 2021
The Euromaidan Demonstration from 21 November 2013 and the Revolution of Dignity on 18 -23 February 2014 in Kiev that ousted the elected President Yanukovich were directed against the supremacy of Moscow over Ukrainian politics. It was triggered when President Yanukvich had impeded the association of Ukraine with the European Union in order to renew close ties with Russia. The Ukrainian Revolution was answered by Moscow with the Annexation of the Crimea Peninsula on 20 February 2014 and the infiltration of Russian soldiers that started a Civil War in the Donbass Region from 6 April 2014. This Russian policy was answered with heavy economical sanctions against the Russian economy from the side of the USA and EU. This again was answered by Russia with a highly successful psychological warfare in support of global Neo-Fascist propaganda alliance between the Russian secrete services and US Republicans with the Brexit Decision (2016-20), the Trump Presidency (2017-21), the installation of a strong Nazi Party in the German Parliament (2017) and the attempted Coup d’État of 6 January 2021 in Washington as its major achievements
Uranus` transit over Moscow between May 2018 and April 2020 and the climax of Russian influence on US politics during the Trump presidency

My prognosis written in 2015:
The next really important and highly intense transit of major importance for the Russian government will be Uranus` coming transit conjunct the position of the Russian government at 2° Taurus. The process will be triggered from the date of the entry of Uranus into Taurus on 15 May 2018 and be effective until around April 2020. A transit conjunction indicates a harmonious and stabilizing process in regard to the topics and energetical autonomy of the place itself. The aspects that could be “stabilized” by Uranus are self-finding, self-liberation, innovation, revolution and retracing the fuller amount of the place`s own potentials. It has to be taken into account that the position of Moscow in the sign of territorial expansion resonates with the extreme size of the Russian empire and the role of Russia as the largest country in the world. And particularly the first degrees of Taurus have to be understood as the part of the zodiac that stands for the reflex to enter, mark and occupy territory. My favorite example here is Hitler`s Sun at 0° Taurus. Therefore Uranus in Taurus stands for a period in which the Russian government could try to retrace it`s capacity to possess or reclaim territory and to expand its spheres of political interest which had been heavily reduced during the Gorbachev era.
Furthermore Taurus represents the sign of profitability, wealth, agriculture, food growth and as the sign of the earth also an important indicator for mineral resources. Economically Uranus stands for a larger step ahead in economy and could indicate a new economical beginning and decisions to reform the country`s economical system. The last time this transit occurred was between June 1934 and May 1936 a period which as the initial phase of Stalin`s “Great Purge” represented an extremely violent, highly problematic but economically stabilizing phase in Russian history. That was of course under completely different historical circumstances. Therefore aspects of this transit should not be misunderstood by simple transfer of the past events onto future constellations. Central issues should be a legislation to achieve a more sustainable and autonomous economical progress and less dependence from selling the natural resources of the land.
In regard to the Russian relations to the rest of Europe the grounding effect of an outer planet on the Russian governments` position in Taurus could intensely strengthen the Russian position, standing and influence not only in regard of territorial claims but also in regard to economical cooperation with the EU. Another plausible topic that may come up during that Uranus transit could be the common market within Europe and/or the economical association of Russia with the EU which has long been prevented by the dominant military and economic role of the USA.
The option for a tight political and economic cooperation between Russia and the USA could pave the way for intense changes in Russian society with the option for an “Americanization” of the Russian economy and society during the transit of Uranus over Moscow.

My Comment in 2021:
The period before and during the transit of Uranus (globalization, re-connection with ones fuller resources) over the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow (2016-2020) was accompanied by a period of external success of Russia. This was achieved through the Global Neofascist Alliance between Russia and the American Fascist Movement under Donald Trump. Uranus over Moscow stood for the re-connection of Russia with its own territorial resources and potential role after a longer period of geo-strategical losses between 2001 and 2015. Important factors that allowed Russia the regaining of influence in Syria, Middle East and Europe were:
- the retreat of the Trump administration from geo-strategical spheres of influence gained by the USA since the restart of the Cold War by the George W. Bush administration in 2001.
- the extremely high standards, aggressiveness, efficiency of Russians most effective weapon and export industry: the secret service propaganda and psychological warfare infiltration of other nations (Uranus) developed in thousand years of history (Uranus) of territorial expansion in the intensely disputed regions of Eurasia and particularly in the “Pseudo-Socialist” expansionism (Uranus) of the “Communist Global Revolution” (Uranus) during the 20th century.
- the direct identification of Uranus with Russian fascism just like with German fascism marks the Uranus transit over Moscow as a period of regression into the Fascist era of the 1920ies -30ies. The parallel of the Uranus position at 20°Aries from the Hitler inauguration of 30 Jan 1933 with the Trump inauguration of 20 Jan 2017 with Uranus on the same degree after a full 84 -years cycle is a strong proof of this resonance of Uranus.
Pluto in Aquarius in a square to Moscow from March 2023 until January 2028

The ingress of Pluto into Aquarius the sign of Uranus` rulership and in a square position to Moscow in March 2023 will activate a tight challenge and intense questioning of the position of the Russian government. The climax of the coming Pluto square transit will be effective from March 2023 until January 2028. It will bring the first Pluto return since his last Aquarius ingress between April 1777 and January 1781.
Pluto can of course be expected to represent pressure from all kinds of belief systems and ideologies but also from the geopolitical sphere of interest of the top level competitors for global hegemony: the USA and China. In regard to Russia`s geo-strategical propaganda warfare alliance with the Neofascist International aka US Republicans, the US far right, racists and KKK along with the global gas and oil cartels behind them can be expected as a cause of problematic developments that could turn out as highly problematic for the remaining facade of democratic institutions in Russia. The Neo-Fascist propaganda so successfully spread by the troll armies of the Russian Secrete Services can be expected to gain more influence over the public opinion in Russia turning the ideologies of fascism, racism and hate spread by Russian psychological warfare onto its own society.
I personally have accepted that the election of Wladimir Putin as President of Russia may be found to have had an important stabilizing and strengthening influence that helped build up efficient administrative structures in the young Russian democracy after the change from a “pseudo-communist” to a capitalist society since 1991. But:
The stability of the political system dominated by the super-presidency of Wladimir Putin for more than 20 years is likely to have to be reformed one way or other.
The actual problem that I see in that is: Russian society seems to consider itself and/or its the remains of its democratic institutions as too weak to cope with any alternative to the autocratic rule of Wladimir Putin due to the fear of political unrest and crisis, splitting of society, destabilization of the national government and state, loss of territorial control over minorities, the rule of criminal oligarchs, warlords or simply the lack of tradition of an open, free society.
As Russia itself appears to be politically frozen and paralyzed from within and unable to move and allow its population to inspire itself for movement, the expectable and only strategy sought by the Putin administration in dealing with this square transit of Pluto is by projecting its issues onto foreign nations onto the never ending theater of Russias existence as a victim and nation mistreated.
That Russian whining can be globally heard to be echoed in the most successful Russian Neofascist propaganda exports: Trumpism, Johnsonism and German Neonazi party AFD whining of a USA and Britain exploited by the rest of the world and of a poor mistreated Germany having had no responsibility for World War 2.
Neptune Transits

Future Transits of Saturn
(chapter written in 2015)
From the perspective of Systemical Astrology the astrogeographical transits during the 29 – year cycle of Saturn stand for triggering processes and climax phases of the long-term developments stimulated by the long-term transits of the 3 (or 4) slower-moving outer planets: Uranus (84 years cycle), Neptune (164 years cycle) and Pluto (366 years cycle).
Saturn opposite Moscow Dec 2018 – Nov 2019
The next really tight transit of Saturn in relation to Moscow will be first triggered when Saturn changes signs from Sagittarius into Capricorn on 20 December 2017 with its first climax shortly before Saturn`s retrogracy from 17 April 2018 at 9°08` Capricorn. The effects of Saturn`s transit in opposition to Moscow will reach their climax between December 2018 with Saturn at 9° and November 2019 with Saturn at 16° Capricorn. The opposition from Capricorn is a reality check for the Russian government, its personell and its more recent politics. As this transit falls in the period of the Uranus conjunction (3-2018 until 4-2020) the logic of the interaction of Saturn with Uranus has to be investigated.
Saturn square Moscow March 2022 – Feb 2020
Saturn`s ingress into Aquarius on 22 March 2020 will activate intense tension and challenge of the Russian government through a square position to the 2°Taurus astrogeographic position of Moscow effective until February 2021. Saturn in Aquarius stands for a reorientation process of the political institutions.
Stabilization of Moscow during the Saturn conjunction from April 2028 until Feb 2029
The next fuller and long-term stabilization of the political situation and government in Moscow can be expected from Saturns transit over the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow between April 2028 and February 2029.
National Charts for Russia and its History
The Foundation of Novgorod by Riurik in 862 or 859 with Uranus conjunct Moscow

The Novgorod Republic is assumed to have been founded to unite the tribes of the Rus. It was established with the help of a group of Scandinavian nobles that were most probably imported from Sweden. The picture above is a visualization of the invitation of Riurik and his group of Varangians who were considered neutral to the destructive and deadly competition between the existing tribes of the region. Their rulership allowed the unification of single tribes in a larger formation.

ph: Дар Ветер, ccbysa3.0
Rurik (c. 830 – 879) was a legendary Varangian (Viking) chieftain who gained control of Ladoga (St. Peterburg area) in 862, built the Holmgard settlement near Novgorod, and founded the Rurik Dynasty, which ruled the Kievan Rus (later the Grand Duchy of Moscow and Tsardom of Russia) until the 17th century.

- the chart is for the foundation of City of Veliky Novgorod through the Riurik dynasty. It is the foundation chart for the Novgorodian Rus and the Novgorod Republic which was founded to unite the tribes of the Rus.
- Another possible year of foundation is three years before in 859. After considering the astrogeographical transits I decided to assume 862 as more convincing because Uranus moved in conjunction with the 11°/12°Cancer astrogeographical resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field of Russia in the City of Moscow (founded 300 years later). Such transits over the resonance coordinates of modern national capitals have turned out to be effective hundreds and thousands of years before their foundation. see the long lists of example presented in my articles on Washington, Berlin, Tokyo. Canberra, Ottawa and others.
- Uranus the planet of globalization, innovation, mutation, hybrids, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural societies, abstraction, re-connection with the fuller potentials of humans, rebellion, revolution and emancipation at 14°Cancer was conjunct the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field and of the Russian Nation.
- this position could lead to an interpretation that points at the abstract role of Uranus as a planetary representative of the originator or grand-grand father of tribes and nations. But the manifest reality of this aspect of Uranus lies in his holistic role as the planet of pollination and of mixing of cultural, social and genetic inheritances in the first place. Tribes – like all populations are and have to be mixtures of varieties and in this regard Uranus is a particular mediator of diversity – so to say.
- what can be seriously examined here is in how far the role of Uranus lies in his representation of the mutation and foundation of a “mutated”, or “new” ancestor line , especially because of the presence of Uranus in Cancer which may be understood as the sign of ancestor lines as such! An astrogeographical verification of this simile can be seen in the position of the tomb and temple of Confucius in Qufu in a position with both resonance coordinate in Cancer.
The Christianization of Russia

An important step in the Christianization of Russia was announced by Patriarch Photius of Constantinople in 867 who recorded that the Kievans wer baptized by his bishop. Following the Primary Chronicle, the definitive Christianization of Kievan Rus’ dates from the year 988 (the year is disputed, when Vladimir the Great was baptized in Chersonesus and proceeded to baptize his family and people in Kiev the baptism of

- Though these first conversions seem to have had no lasting effects the square transits of Uranus the planet of globalization, abstraction, innovation and multicultural influences over 2°Leo in exact square to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field of Russia appears as symptomatic of the attempts exerted from Constantinople to expand its centralist geo-strategical influence towards todays Russia.
The Foundation of the Kievan Rus in 882 with Jupiter (Zeus) conjunct Kiev and square Moscow

The foundation of the Kievan Rus occurred only 20 years after the foundation of Novgorod. The City of Kiev was chosen by Oleg Helgi (The Wise) of Novgorod. as the new capital to unite the Northern and Southern Rus in 882. The choice of Kiev must have been made for strategical purposes: it brought Constantinople within reach of the Rus and made trade with central Europe easier.
The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Kiev are: 7°Aquarius and 20°Scorpio.

- the Kievan Rus was founded with Jupiter (Zeus) the planet of victory and expansion at 1°Aquarius exactly square to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow. Jupiter was approaching the 7°Aquarrius resonance coordinate of Kiev in the “Return of Zeus” constellation, explaining the rise and expansion of Kiev.
- This Jupiter position directly describes the natural competition, polarity and complementary relationship between centers of the national morphic fields of Russia and Ukraine in Moscow and Kiev. Apart from all historical negativities and wounds this type of relationship appears as particularly productive and stimulative for the development of both single national morphic fields and nations.. Compare the Grand Cross between the capitals of the founding members of the European Union.
The Foundation of the Mongol Empire as an Empire of Robbery in 1206 with Pluto exactly square Moscow

The foundation of the Mongol Empire as a nomadic robbery empire by Ghengiz Khan in 1206 had a massive influence on the history and development of Russia due to their yearly raids, conquests and the traumatic fear and paranoia imprinted into the national spirit by the killing, raping and looting business and also the heavy tributes the Mongols demanded from their vassal states.
The Mongol Empire kept the two super-large national territories of modern-day China and Russia under permanent stress over centuries shaping their national identities, culture and their traumatic spirit (see: Chinese Great Wall, Russian Tartar Yoke). Among the never ending waves of North-Asian nomadic robbery tribes that swept across large parts of Asia, the Levant and East and Central Europe the Mongol Empire was one of the best organized and most successful.Its capital Avarga was located around 200 south-east of the capital of Mongolia at Ulaan-Bataar. According to my astrogeographical calculation system the resonance coordinates of Avarga are 20°Virgo and 10°Aquarius those of Ulaan Bataar are 23°Leo and 21°Capricorn.

- as the ruler of Scorpio and indicator for house 8 issues Pluto is the main planetary indicator of nomadic cultures and also of the robber castes and organized criminal gangs.
- the position of Pluto in royal, imperial, absolutist and centralist fire sign Leo explains the foundation of a super-large central empire as a step aimed centralizing their territorial strength and supremacy.
- the foundation in 1206 was a result of Plutos transit conjunct the 2°Leo resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field of China and square the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow from 1201 to 1206.
- the remarkable indication of stability, growing roots and the aim of creating a centralized territory by the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus the sign of settling down, farmer castes, agriculture and long-term territorial stabilization was counter-indicated and under strong pressure through the exact square from Uranus in Leo the sign of kingdom and of absolute rule of single rulers indicating the permanent and notorious aim of competing tribal chiefs to overthrow any central dynasty.
Foundation of the Tsardom of Russia

The Tsardom of Russia or Tsardom of Rus’ was the centralized Russian state from the assumption of the title of Tsar by Ivan IV in 1547 until the foundation of the Russian Empire by Peter I in 1721. The coronation of Ivan IV was held in the Cathedral of the Dormition in the Moscow Kremlin on 16 (26) January 1547.

- The lack of direct transits (square, Opposition, conjunction) of the outer systemical planets to the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Moscow explains the introduction of the title of the Tsar of Russia as a highly important historical step.
- The conjunction of Mercury the planet of symbols with Pluto the planet of iconography, ideology and visualization suggests an interpretation of the coronation ceremony as a symbolical act that was invented to mark the growing self-esteem, wealth and territories due to the independence of Russia from the “Tartar Yoke” that had factually existed since 1480.
The Conquest of the Kazan Khanate with Uranus square to Moscow in 1552
The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the City of Kazan for morphogenetic field level 1 (global resonance) are: 20°Virgo and 12°Cancer
The conquest of the Kazan Khanate in 1552 was major step in the expansion of Russian territories towards

map: Татарин116, ccbysa4.0
In August 1552, forces of Ivan the Terrible laid siege to Kazan. On October 3, after two months of siege and destruction of the citadel walls, the Russian forces entered the city and slaughtered the remaining defenders and population.

- the conquest of the Kazan Khanate was achieved with Uranus as the planet of globalization at 13° Libra occupying the exact square position to the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow explaining the intense challenges, confrontations, new visions and space for further expansion that must have arisen through the new geo-strategical situation. And also through expanding the national dominance over a new geo-strategical sphere of interest.
- another comparatively stressful aspect was through the ingress position of Mars the planet of warfare at 0° in royal fire sign Leo the sign of kingdom, self-esteem, empires and of profile neurosis opening up a new square aspect to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow.
The Time of Troubles in 1598 – 1613
The “Time of Troubles” was a period of political crisis which began in 1598 with the childless death of Fyodor I the last of the Rurik dynasty and ended in 1613 with the accession of Michael I of the House of Romanov. It was a time of lawlessness and anarchy. The death of Fjodor I ended the Rurik dynasty, leading to a violent succession crisis with numerous usurpers and false tsars claiming the throne. Russia experienced the famine of 1601–03, which killed a third of the population, within three years of Fyodor’s death. Russia was occupied by the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Polish–Muscovite War (also known as the Dimitriads) until it was expelled in 1612

- the Time of Troubles began shortly after the 3rd of three drastically problematic Uranus – Pluto conjunctions with the initial one on May 1, 1597 at 21:13 GMT at 20°Aries. Uranus – Pluto conjunctions, oppositions and squares mark climax phases of cultural, social, political, psychological stress, tension, confrontation, revolution, rebellion
- During the 15 years phase known as the Time of Troubles Uranus and Pluto both moved over in conjunction with the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow.
The Great Russian Famine of 1601-03
The Great Famine of 1601-03 in Russia was part of a global global weather phenomenon of exceptionally cold winters and summers that hit Russia really hard. During this two-and-a-half-year period, 127,000 bodies were buried in mass graves in Moscow alone. Widespread starvation killed perhaps two million in Russia, a third of the population.
The Great Russian Famine is believed to have been a “Volcanic Winter” phenomenon caused by the eruption of the Huaynaputina volcano in Southern Peru. on 19 February 1600 – the largest ever recorded in South America – which continued with a series of eruptions into March 1600. The name of Huaya – “Putina” may be linguistically researched in regard to its resonance with important personnel in the history of Russia. Huaya means “New” and “Putina” means “fire throwing mountain” an interesting parallel in regard to such emblematic heroes as a “Ras-Putin”.

- during the Beginning of the Great Russian Famine of 1600 Uranus the planet of the sky, strong winds, revolution, globalization, cosmic influences, radical changes and of re-connection with the fuller amount of potentials of humans and of all type of terrestrial systems at 1°Taurus exactly conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow. Uranus is therefore to be seen as the significator of the event that triggered the weather abnormality.
- Saturn the planet of scarcity, cold seasons, lack of resources and of endurance at 7°Scorpio was in transit of the opposition to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow.
- Saturn was of particular importance here also because of his role as the ruling planet of the conjunction of Mars the planet of ignition with the North Node and Mercury around 12°Capricorn and in exact opposition to the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow.
- A possible astrological reason why Russia was hit particularly hard by the weather abnormality may be examined in the placement of Mars, North Node and Mercury in Capricorn were conjunct mid-heaven for Moscow while the Moon was near the 12°Cancer position of Moscow and exactly conjunct the IC aka the signifying position of the place for which the chart is calculated (Moscow).
The Eruption of Huaynaputina volcano in astrology and astrogeography

The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the site of Huaynaputina volcano for morphogenetic field level 1 (global resonance) are: 20°Virgo and 9°Taurus

- During the eruption of Huaynaputina volcano Uranus was in transit of the last degrees of Aries. The deadly effects on the weather situation in Russia become visible from the time of Uranus` ingress into Taurus and conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow.
- Uranus role in regard to changes of weather and unusual, unexpected and extreme weather phenomena is to be examined through his role as the god of the sky and air aka the sphere from which weather comes down onto the grounds. A differentiation has to be made in regard to other important personnel ruling aspects of the weather: Jupiter as the personification of the weather god as the daily regulator and bringer of seasons and cycles, Saturn as the ruler of droughts and of particularly cold seasons, Mercury as the ruler of the mixing of weather systems and of course the Sun as heater and the Moon as gravitator for waters. By astrological definition it is the role of Uranus (and of Neptune) to regulate and deal with the psychic incrustations, psychological problems and blocks of development that arise from the human handling of long-term effects of climate and repetition of cyclical phenomena such as the assumed calculability of all circumstance of human life.
The Romanov Dynasty

On 21 February 1613 a Zemsky Sobor (a kind of national assembly in 16th and 17th century Russia) elected Michael Romanov as Tsar of Russia The House of Romanov an offspring of the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Gottorp became the second reigning dynasty in the history of Russia. The election ended the period of political instability due to the extinction of the Rurik dynasty. the Times of troubles

The origin of the House of Romanov in astrogeography
Located at 12°Leo and 25°Taurus (morphogenetic field level 1 – global resonance) Gottorf Castle is the central seat of the House of Gottorf. It is located near the City of Schleswig in the Schleswig Holstein Federal State of Germany. The town is situated about 30 km south of the Danish – German border. The choice of this ancestor line therefore resonated with the Scandinavian roots that had also marked the origin of the Dynasty of the first Russian dynasty: the House of Rurik.

The painting is Part of a historical sight of the German town of Schleswig by Georg Braun and Frans Hogenberg (betw. 1572 + 1618)
The Foundation of St. Petersburg with Neptune square to Moscow in 1712

Tsar Peter the Great made St. Petersburg the capital of Russia in 1712. St. Petersburg thus overshadowed the role of Moscow for nearly 200 years until the capital was moved back to Moscowafter the Russian Revolution. The astrogeographic positions of St. Petersburg are 3° Aquarius (an exact square to Moscow!!!) and 2° Aries for morphogenetic field level 1. The date of the foundation of the Peter and Paul Fortress is regarded as the birthday of St. Petersburg.

- Neptune as an indicator of climax phases of territorial destabilization at 13° Aries was in exact square to the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow`s explaining how the dominant role of the Moscow Kremlin as the seat of government of Russia was challenged by the newly built residence.
- But not all aspects speak of a problematic step for the role Moscow as the actual center of the national morphic field of Russia: the foundation of the new capital St. Petersburg occurred with Jupiter (Zeus) at 7° Taurus conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow in the classical “Return of Zeus” transit (examples: Liberation of Athens from the Osman (1828) & Nazi – German occupation in 1944, Fall of the Berlin wall and many more).
- Pluto the planet of defense against trauma, pain and terror, fortresses, the battle for dominance in group hierarchy in the very center (near 15°) of highly centralist, royal fire sign Leo explains the construction of the Peter and Paul fortress as a climax in the consolidation of Imperial rule over Russia.
Russian Army leaves Moscow before the arrival of Napoleon and burns Moscow down under a Jupiter square

After the French victory in the Battle of Borodino around 100 km west of Moscow on September 7 1812 Napoleon personally arrived in Moscow on 14 September 1812 finding that the Russian forces had abandoned the capital and set fire to the city in order to prevent Napoleon from seeking a winter refuge in Moscow.
The Russian armies moved south to seek a strategical position that allowed the Tsar to threaten French supply and retreat lines.

- Jupiter the planet of victory and arson attacks at 2° in royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, heart and heat was exactly square the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow. This transit of a relatively fast moving planet was the only direct transit of one of the 12 systemical planets in exact climax of a transit in relation to the astrogeographical coordinates of Moscow.
- As the ruler of Sagittarius the sign of hell and of arson attacks Jupiter his square transit as a natural indicator for arson explains the fire of Moscow as a rather temporary victory (Jupiter) that destroyed much of the city but made life harder for Napoleons Grande Armée.
- The fact that Jupiter was in Leo the sign of French culture may be examined as a symptom of the French attack, victory and triumph.
- The conjunction of Venus as the ruling planet of the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow and of the center of the national morphic field of Russia with Jupiter can be seen as a clear hint that the burning of Moscow was initiated by the Russian government.
- The highly positive and success orientated Venus-Jupiter conjunction square to Moscow and in Leo the sign of the Emperor also explains the success of the Russian strategy to leave and burn down the city as it destroyed supplies and gave Napoleon no chance to stay in the Russian capital for the hard Russian winter.
- The Russian propaganda war version which until today claims that it must have been Napoleons troops that destroyed Moscow is symptomatic of the extremely aggressive habitual mental brainwash patterns that seem to have overwritten any aspect of Russian history with the “Alternative Reality” method for centuries. This is extremely problematic as a fundamental recapitulation of the negativity created by the super-centralist systems of ideologies due to the Russian super – Imperialist profile neurosis remains impossible until today.

The Russian Revolution of 1917: Saturn and Neptune in opposition to St. Petersburg and square to Moscow
The Russian Revolution of 1917 ended the monarchy and the dynasty of the House of Romanov. It had two major steps: The February Revolution and the October Revolution.

- Among the long term transits of the 12 systemical astrological planets the most important aspect was the Saturn Neptune Conjunction that occurred on 1 August 1917 at 4°Leo in exact opposition to the 3°Aquarius resonance coordinate of the seat of government in St. Petersburg and square to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow the long-time center of the national national morphic field of Russia.
- Conjunctions of Saturn with Neptune define climaxes of harmonization between the realms of two planetary factors of the spiritual plane. Saturn stands for the capacity to allow, accept, perceive and deal with perceivable aspects of reality that are beyond the control of humans. Neptune stands for those aspects of reality that are invisible, unknown, unconscious, suppressed and/or spiritual. Aspects of Saturn with Neptune therefore stimulate
The February Revolution of 8 March under the Zeus (Jupiter) Return transit to Moscow

The February Revolution of 8 March – 16 March 1917. On 8 March 1917 mass protests broke out in St. Petersburg and on 15 March 1917 at 15:00 Tsar Nicholas II signed his abdication in his royal train while on the way from the front to St Petersburg.

- the first step in the Russian Revolution occurred during the “Return of Zeus” transit constellation with Jupiter the planet of victory at 4°Taurus conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field of Russia in Moscow. This transit explains the Russian Revolution as a victory of Moscow in its competition with St. Petersburg.
- This is because at the same time Jupiter was exactly square the 3°Aquarius resonance coordinate of the central national government and seat of the Tsar and royal family in St. Petersburg,
- In regard to the long-term transits of the slow moving systemical planets long the Russian Revolution is to be understood in relation with the Neptune ingress into Leo on 23 September 1914 only 8 weeks after the beginning of World War I. At this point Neptune triggered a square transit aspect to Moscow and opposition to St. Petersburg explaining the Russian guarantee for military support of Serbia against Austria-Hungary of 30 July 1914 that heated up the July Crisis of 1917 as a step directed against against Russias own auto-defense system
- Neptune stood for the pressure on the territorial integrity and government and for the spiritual questioning of the justification of the status quo of the ruling king and royal dynasty and the outdated political system and monarchic rule as such.
- Neptune`s moved into a position of intense pressure on both capitals: an opposition to the seat of the government at St. Petersburg at 3° Aquarius and a square to the center of the national morphic field in Moscow at 2° Taurus. The climax phase of this transit lasted until about July 1918.
The October Revolution on 7/8 November

Its second major step was the military coup of the Bolshevist forces against the Provisional under the moderate Social-Democrat Alexander Kerenskij. That so called October Revolution fully erupted on 7 November 1917 when a fleet of Bolshevik soldiers entered the harbor of St. Petersburg while an armed insurrection by soldiers and demonstrators erupted and Red Guards forces under the Military-Revolutionary Committee began the occupation of government buildings.
The Storming of the Winter Palace on 8 November is remembered as the symbolical climax of the October Revolution. It was followed by a period of extreme violence, suffering during the Russian Civil War and the Allied military Interventions in Russia by the USA, United Kingdom, Japan, Greece, Serbia, France and Italy in to support of the White Russian side between 1918 and 1922.

- the astrological transits of Venus conjunct the North Node between 1° and 3°Capricorn and of Mars at 3°Capricorn all in exact trine aspect to the 2° Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow explain the October Revolution as an event that favored the transfer of the Russian capital from St. Petersburg to Moscow shortly after the seizure of power by the Bolshevist forces on 12 March 1918..
The Foundation of the USSR in 1922 with Pluto conjunct Moscow

The foundation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) on 30 December 1922 ended the main period of the Russian Civil War between 1917 and 1922.

- Pluto is not only the indicator for the radical ideology, the fundamentalist approach to putting it into reality,the traumatic and extremely violent period in all areas of life but also for the extreme pressure on the Bolshevist government from enemies under wich the government of the superlarge country (with over 20.000 km of borders) stood.
- As the ruling planet and representative of Scorpio (nomadic tribes) and resonator of house 8 the field of foreign territory and the opposite sign to Taurus (sign of land owners) Pluto can be examined here as the astrological resonator for the expropriation of private properties without compensation in the Decree of Land passed in 1917.
- An illustrative astrological parallel to the situation during the Pluto conjunction transit over the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow was the simultaneous transit of Pluto over the 10°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscows “astrogeographical neighbor capital” Berlin with the bankruptcy and inflation of 1923, the occupation of the Ruhr and several attempts for communist and fascist coups in the early 20ies.
Pluto square to Moscow: the Fascist German invasion of Russia in 1942
Russia was drawn into World War II by the attack from Hitlers Nazi German tank armies under the code name of Operation Barbarossa that was begun on 22 June 1941.

- Pluto the planet of defensive alertness, terror, pain, trauma, enemies, death, ideology, fight for dominance and pressure from competitors at 2° Leo was exactly square the 2° Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow during the extremely destructive Hitler-German invasion of Russia that was started on 22 June 1941.
- the climax phase (Aug 1938-Jul 1942) of that square transit for Moscow had started as early as August 1938 with the Munich Agreement (signed on 30 Sept 1938) that allowed Hitler to advance eastwards into the former “Sudeten German Territory” as a first step.
- the Hitler Stalin Pact of 23 Aug 1939 that sealed the fact that Stalin conceded to taking part in the starting of World War II too was signed during Plutos square transit in relation to Moscow.
- the conjunction of Chiron the systemical sign ruler of Virgo the sign of careful strategical planning with Pluto can explain the invasion as a carefully planned strategical move.
- At the same time the fact that Neptune was approaching the 29°Virgo resonance coordinate of the astrogeographical neighbor capitals Berlin (29°Virgo) and Tokyo (28°Virgo) explains the fuller self-destructive impact of their simultaneous attacks against the USRR and the USA in 1941.
- Mars the planet of warfare at 23°Pisces was approaching the exact opposition to the 29°Virgo positions of Berlin and Tokyo suggesting the interpretation here that the German invasion would have the affect of strong pressure and attacks on Berlin soon.
- The North Node as the indicator of outcomes at 27°Virgo and conjunct Berlin together with his conjunction with Neptune as the sign ruler over the position of Mars in Pisces can be interpreted here as a fascinating astrological symbolism of the fact that the outcome of Operation Barbarossa was the destruction of the center of the national morphic field of Germany in Berlin and of Germany too.
The importance of the Neptun – Saturn cycles in the 20th century and the Fall of the Berlin Wall with Sat-Ne opposite & Jupiter conjunct Moscow and Berlin

The fall of the Berlin wall occurred during a breath-taking Saturn – Neptune conjunction opposite the 12° and 10° Cancer resonance coordinates of Moscow and Berlin but the same time under the “Zeus Return Transit” (Jupiter conjunct Athens during the liberations from the Osman Empire and from Nazi Germany) of Jupiter the planet of victory, healing, liberalism, expansion and understanding conjunct Moscow and Berlin.

- The Chart is calculated for the Saturn-Neptune Conjunction on 13 Nov 1989, 14:40 for Moscow. The conjunction which took place only 4 days after the Opening of the Berlin Wall was closely related to the factual dissolution of the USSR in 1991 as a result of the Perestroika process which had begun after the Chernobyl Disaster (blog entry) in 1986.
- The conjunction occurred at 10° Capricorn in close opposition to the astrogeographical coordinates of Moscow at 12° Cancer and Berlin at 10° Cancer.
- The conjunction of the coordinates for Moscow and Berlin both in Cancer is a perfect astrological explanation for the synchronicity and interrelation of events during the process of Perestroika and it`s consequences for Berlin. And in regard to that constellation – Neptune the planet of spirituality in its role as a hierarchically superior factor conjuncting Saturn the planet of hierarchies – appears to have allowed the Russian government under Gorbachev to release a large number of countries from the Soviet Union without a military defeat. That surely was an unprecedented event in history.

- The close relationship of the Saturn – Neptune conjunctions during the 20th century with the history of the USSR, Communism and Germany is legendary: The Russian Revolution on 8 Nov 1917 (Russian-German front of WW I, German support for Lenin), the East Berlin Uprising terminated by Soviet tanks on 17 Jun 1953 and the Opening of the Berlin Wall on 9 Nov 1989 mark central events close to the 3 conjunctions of these two planets. Conjunctions between Saturn and Neptune occur regularly every 36 years- the next one is due in 2026.
Chernobyl`s astrogeographical square to Moscow and the Chernobyl Disaster with Pluto opposite Moscow

The Chernobyl Disaster on April 26 1986 at 1:23 local time in Chernobyl, Ukraine was one of the biggest disasters ever caused by man. It had a global impact through contamination with radioactive radiation and even more through the political consequences of historical dimensions. It had a significant influence on the Glasnost, Perestroika and Dissolution of the USSR processes and thereby contributed to the end of the Cold War.
The 2°Aquarius coordinate of the Chernobyl reactor site for field level 1 the supraregional, worldwide level of resonance lies in exact square to the astrogeographical position of Moscow at 2°Taurus. Aquarius relates to Uranus the triggering planet which was on the ascendant during the catastrophe. Uranus is the indicator for Uranium, the radioactive fall-out set free, the explosions within the reactor and for the political change that the disaster effected in the Soviet Union. Politically the square aspect between Aquarius the sign of revolution and Taurus the sign of the possession, market places and financial profits. Particularly for the case of Moscow the astrogeographical position stands for the role of the Russian Capital as the center of the largest territory possessed by one capital worldwide.

- the Chernobyl disaster occurred at the end of the climax phase of the opposition transit of Pluto over 2°Scorpio in the exact opposition to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow. The climax phase (+/- 2° orbis) was between November 1983 (0°Scorpio) and August 1986 (5°Scorpio). Plutos role as the planet of death, transformation, bunkers, plutonium
- Mars the planet of ignition, action, fighting, aggression occupied 13°Capricorn in exact opposition to the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow explaining the intensity of the threat to to the capital and government.
The Birth Charts for modern Russia

- During the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian SFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) Neptune the planet of spirituality, clearing of old blocks and habits, long over-due reforms, problems that could not be handled and of destabilization of territorial claims was at 13°Capricorn in exact opposition to the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow.
- Neptunes transit explains the dissolution and/or abolition of: A – the Soviet Union and its ideological manipulation a, propaganda, psychological infiltration and suppression of individuality, B – Russian colonial control over Eastern Europe and over a large number of satellite states worldwide, C – of its military dominance, D – of the Warsaw Pact, E – of the pseudo-socialist, super-centralist economy, F – of its Gulags and concentration camps, G – of parallelisms between fascist patterns of role conduct, mind control and suppression of freedom with official state cult and nationalist ideology
- Furthermore Neptune brought the introduction of A – individual personal freedom of opinion, self-expression and ways of life, B – democratic elections, C – a super-capitalist economy of US style, D – a system of exploitation of national resources by criminal gangsters in US style, E – loss of control over government institutions
- Neptunes opposition to Moscow may also be examined as a symbol for A – economical problems during the restructuring process, B – weakness of the central state during the intermediate period, C – attempts of criminal gangs and foreign nations to dominate and or weaken the government, D – all kinds of problems of such a big change.
- And above all this Neptune transit stood for the capacity of Russias Soviet Union to allow a peaceful end of its position as the No. 1 Top level global superpower along with its gigantic colonial empire. This remarkable historical step is surely unprecedented in the history of mankind.
- Neptune appears as the planet of “letting go“.
- the fact that the dissolution of the USSR was carried out by a President born with the Sun in Neptune´s home sign Pisces: Mikhail Gorbachev born on 2 March 1931 at 20:30 is also represented by the opposition transit of Neptune.
- Uranus the planet of globalization was retrograde at 8°Capricorn but in a process of transiting the exact opposition to Moscow too! His transit indicated the expectable attempts of the geo-strategical competitors of Russia particularly NATO to make use of the situation in favor of expanding their own sphere of interest in Eastern Europe.

- The ratification of the dissolution of the USSR by the Russian Parliament meant large territorial losses for the colonial Russian Empire controlled from Moscow as 14 states gained territorial sovereignty. The dissolution of a world superpower of such dimensions without military defeat was unprecedented in world history.
- Venus as the astrological significator of territorial integrity and ruler of the 2° Taurus resonance of Moscow was at 7°Scorpio and in opposition to Moscow.
- During the process of the ratification Saturn in Aquarius the sign of self-finding, emancipation and revolution passed a tight square to the Russian Government in Moscow`s position at 2° of earth sign Taurus the sign of agriculture and possessing territory between January 1991 (0° Aquarius) and January 1992 (7° Aquarius). In the light of this transit Taurus the sign of territorial claims clearly appears as the indicator for the gigantic dimensions of the territory of Russia and the urge to conquer and the capacity to possess such vast territories.
- At the same time Uranus the ruling planet of Aquarius and significator of globalization was in transit over the opposition to Moscow (12° Cancer) between April 1990 (9° Capricorn) and December 1992 (15° Capricorn) challenging the hierarchies among the countries ruling classes, politicians and administration.
The first years of Russian Democracy
The first democratic parliamentary elections in post war Russia were held on 12 December 1993.
But the transfer and transformation of the socialist economy into a private economy and other of other political, economical, social, defense, global super power status related and other structures had and still have many issues and problems to cope with.
As a consequence from the many and sudden changes of in these fields Russi experienced a period of destabilization during the mid – 1990ies with two major intensely challenging astrogeographical square transits:
- Uranus the planet of globalization and multicultural society in a square transit to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow with climax phase April 1995 – November 1997. Such Uranus transits are typical for the questioning of old and overcome structures and patterns of role behavior under the inflow of foreign cultures and an aggressive anti-reaction against that.
- Neptune the planet of holistic clearing of unsolved issues and of re-connection with spirituality and spiritual perspectives on politics square to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow with climax phase March 1997 – December 2000. Neptune in a square transit to the government and center of the national morphic field stood for the destabilization of territorial and government control, growing corruption, manipulation and crime.
Putins Russia
In August 1999, Vladimir Putin was installed by President Boris Yeltsin as the fifth Prime Minister in less than two years. This alone describes the political crisis and problematic instability of the Russian governments at the time.

9 months later Vladimir Putin won the Presidential Elections of 26 March 2000 with 53,4 %. of the votes. His First Inauguration as Russian President was carried out on 7 May 7 2000 at 11:00 or 12:00 in Moscow.

- the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn during the 1st inauguration of Wladimir Putin is to be seen as an intensely efficient, stabilizing and positive aspect that was even further supported by the conjunction with the Sun and of Mercury.
- Venus as the sign ruler of the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow was at 7°Taurus and near Moscow but over-shadowed by an exact square position of Neptune who was just emerging from his year long destabilizing square transit to Moscow begun in March 1997. Putin so appeared as the counterpart to Neptune.
- it can be assumed that Putin had been pushed to the front line of Russian politics by Yeltsin and other important and experienced personnel behind him in order to attempt a stabilization of the political and economical situation in Russia.
- A political analysis may come to the conclusion that positive effects may have been achieved through the early Putin administrations. For example in organizing a certain control over the oligarchic structures, organized criminal gangs and part of the corruption. On the other hand it should not be forgotten that Putin and the powers behind him made use of the relative weakness of the system during its transition from a Stalinist to a Super-Capitalist.
- That also means that the fundament (Venus) on which Putins autocratic reign was built is the weakness of the political system and of other people. This too has to be taken from the Venus – Neptune square – and aspect of paralysis, financial crisis and of exploitation of weaknesses.
- the royal conjunction of the Sun with Jupiter stood for the centralization of attention, power and apparent expertise onto a single individual. The presence of Mercury in this four-fold conjunction explains the further concentration on Putin as the bringer of knowledge and in the fields of Taurus aka the organisation of market places and of the center of society.
- the intense gathering of a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus with other important planets should be examined as a strong and positive parallel and resonance with the similar conjunction of the year 1147 in the sign of the morphic field of the area around and to the east of Moscow during the foundation phase of the city..