Canberra & Australia in Political Astrology and Astrogeography. Birth & foundation charts and important transits in Australian history.
Compare: Cancer and Leo: the magic of Uluru, Australian Federal Elections on 2 July 2016,
Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington.
Canberra & Australia in Political Astrology
The site of the modern city of Canberra was selected for the location of the new Australian Nation’s capital in 1908 as a compromise between rivals Sydney and Melbourne, Australia`s. two largest cities. Construction of the artificial city was started in 1913 and the official function as the capital of Australia reached on 9 May 1927.

The Astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Canberra at 5°Leo & 20°Capricorn
The 5°Leo position of Canberra
Astrogeographical position of Canberra for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional and international resonance of the Australian capital its government and poltics: the capital city and seat of government of Australia has one coordinate located at 5° in highly magnetic, centralist, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, heart, power station, self-esteem, emotional self-expression and of birth.
Leo is a trait of particularly centralist capitals and nations. It can be explored as a factor that emphasizes the superior powers of a particularly centralist central government in relation to state authorities. One plausible reason why this could be of particular importance for Australia can be seen in the size of the Australian territories which include no less than 7,688,287 km2. Leo is a factor that can supports identification with the central government and the preference of centralist over federalist standards.
This astrogeographical aaumption can be verified by a look into the results from my astrogeographical world map calculation system: Though Leo is a relatively rare astrogeographical factor for the position of capitals 4 out of the top 7 of the largest territorial nations worldwide have their capitals at places with one coordinate in Leo: Beijing at 3°Leo, Washington at 27°Leo, New Delhi at 26°Leo & Canberra at 5°Leo.
The 20°Capricorn position of Canberra
The 2nd coordinate of Canberra is located at 20° in solid, conservative, strict earth sign Capricorn the astrological resonance sign and major indiocator for: the state as an organization & public representative of a nation, its government, administration, autonomy, self-responsibility, stability, laws, public space, organs of a state such as the police and also its hardware, limits and borders. For the site of a capital Capricorn so relates to the issues of stabilization of the nation and territories, control, hierarchy, ruling classes, handling of problems and state cult as a belief system that helps justify the existence of a nation in order to stabilize it.
The Astrogeographical neighbourhood between Canberra at 20° & London at 27°Capricorn
The 20°Capricorn resonance coordinate of the Australian capital, parliament, government and center of the national morphic field as a state nations provides a conjunction with the 27°Caprícorn astrogeographical position with the capital of Great Britain in London. This aspect makes the two nations “astrogeographical neighbours and can be examined as a factor that supports the close relationship and ties between Australia and the UK of Great Britain. It stands for the historical functions of London as a “mother capital” of Canberra and of the British Queens & Kings as common heads of state of the two state nations.
But things are not as simple as that: a holistic comparison of the astrogeographucal positions of Canberra & London and of Australian & British culture has got to recapitulate that the Capricorn neighbourhood between the 2 nations is at same time in contradiction by a square aspect of the 20° & 27° Capricorn coordinates of Canberra & London with the 24°Libra resonance coordinate of London.
The ambiguity of this aspect ins inherent in the dual situation of London as a capital of Great Britain, England and the English Nation, while at the same time it has certain important function as the site of a global and world government. There are several really complex aspects to ths unique astrogeographical position of London as well as to its role in history. The most obvious factor that has got to be evaluated regarding this role of London as one (of possible several) world capitals is the importance of the “ENGLISH” language as the No. 1 language of globalization.
For some deeper thoughts on the astrological dichotomy of the inherent Libra-Capricorn square see: Chapter II — The “English Language Nation Field” and “English Language Global Fields” of my article: London and Great Britain in Political Astrology.
Anyway i assume that it is enevitable and just a normal thing, that the national identity of the Australian population, nation, territories, culture, language and other national issues have got to be reflected, discusses and differentiated from overlays of the English and British roots, ties, connectedness, memories, good & bad relations, karma a.s.o.. My simple suggestion here is that the simulataneous conjunction and square aspects with London can serve as an astrological key to understandin that situation.
Capricorn as the sign of the cross and its resonance in Austrailian culture & state cult
The close ties between Australia and Great Britain are also imprinted in the Australian Flag where the upper left part contains the flag of the United Kingdom with the 3 crosses depicting the emblematic roots of the union of the 3 kingdoms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland founded in 1800 Christian through reference to the unification under a common monotheist Christian State Cult.
- The red St George’s Cross of England. St. George. It relates to the exorcist role of military saint George the patron of England – name day 23. April
- The white diagonal St Andrew’s Cross of Scotland. It relaes to the Martydom of the Apostle Andrew – name day 30 Nov.
- The red diagonal St Patrick’s Cross of Ireland. It relates to St. Patrick the national saint and “Apostle of Ireland” – name day 18 March.
Since Capricorn also represents the astrological resonating sign of crosses the symbolism of the shared crosses it can be explored as an expression of the shared “ASTROGEOGRAPHICAL NEIGHBOURHOOD” between Canberra &
The exact opposition of Canberra with the 21°Cancer resonance coordinate of Canadian capital Ottawa explains the potential of the wtwo nation as functioning as complementary poles in the sense of a cooperation through the integration of opposite elements as in the grand cross between the capitals of the founding members of the European Union: Rome (29°Gemini), Berlin (29°(Virgo), Paris (29°Sagittarius) & Amsterdam (29°Pisces),
Btw.: as the sign of the winter solstice and birth of light Capricorn is also represents the relation between the cross and the sun as well as the function of the Christian Cross as a symbol of the parallel between the Christ and the Sun.
From an astrological perspective other aspects of the Christian Cross to be considered lie in the differentiation between:
- A — subjective & objective, mental & spiritual
- B — assumed/imaginary/theoretical and effectively real,
- C — hell/terrestrial/physical & heaven/transcendental,
- D — the sphere of the living & the eternal sphere can also be explored as important aspects of the special functions of Capricorn in the overall systemical concept the 12-months-year, 12-signs-zodiac, 12-houseshuman system.

The Southern Cross as an emblem of the state cult of former European colonies in the Southern hemisphere
The name and form seen in the constellation known as “CRUX” – also called “SOUTHERN CROSS” is represented in the Flags of Australia, New Zealand and Brazil. The form in which the stars can be observed is interpreted as a cross. It can therefore be examined as an analogy, correspondence and resonance of the Capricorn element too.
The fact that former European colonies use it for their flags is a certain reference to their European roots and inheritance. It suggest that though European their particular identity differs from Europeans is such a way that they live under a sky where the Southern Cross can be seen.
The right ascension of its tropical position is located between 11:56:05 = 29°Virgo (tropical) & 12.57:45 = 14°Libra (tropical).
Astrogeographical neighbour nations of Australia & important resonance
20°Capricorn +/- 7° Neighbors :
Lima (Peru) 19°Capricorn, Ulanabaatar (Mongolia) 21°CAP, Castries (St. Lucia) 19°Cap, Kingston (Jamaica) 18°Cap, Chisinau (Moldova) 17°Cap,, Guatemala City 24°Cap, Kingstown (St. Vincent/Grenadines) 15°Cap, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 15°Cap, Timphu (Bhutan) 26°Cap, Roseau (Dominica) 14°Cap, London 27°Cap, Vienna (Austria) 13°Cap,
5°Leo +7°/-5° neighbours:
Bridgetown (Barbados) 5°Leo, Port Louis (Mauritius) 6°Leo, Brazzaville/Kinshasa 3°-4°Leo, Ankara (Turkey) 3°Leo, Beijing 3°Leo, Riyadh 7°Leo, Vilnius (Lithuania) 7°Leo, N`Djamena (Chad) 1°Leo, Conakry (Guinea) 1°Leo, Taipeh 29°Cancer, Bogota (Colombia) 11°Leo, Hanoi (Vietnam) 11°Leo.
Capitals of Australia in Astrogeography
The City of Melbourne had served as the seat of the first all Australian governments from 1901 to 1927. Canberra officially became the capital through the inauguration of the new parliament here in 9 May 1927.

Capitals of Oceania in Astrogeography

Current and future transits of the outer planets for Canberra & Australia
Pluto conjunct Canberra April 2016 to December 2020
This transit of Pluto conjunct the 20°Capricorn astrogeographical position of Canberra reached its first climax in April 2016 and will be effective until around December 2020. The current Pluto transit over Canberra suggests support for transformation of political, social, educational, industrial and economical structures and belief systems and the self- image of Australia as a country and nation. The British EU Referendum and the voter´s decision that the traditional Australian “motherland” would leave the EU came right during the starting phase of this Pluto transit in June 2016. Retrograde Pluto at 17°Capricorn was conjunct and Uranus at 23°Aries square the 20°Cap astrogeographical resonance degree of Canberra. The Brexit decision could bring the chance of a new stage in the Commonwealth relationships and even closer political and economical ties between Australia and the UK. On the other hand the old question of an independent Australian head of state may come up again as the rise of British separatism may also be felt as a stimulation of Australian separatism. Although the topic of Australian – British relationships is too unproblematic as despite of the synchronicity – to be considered as a really important matter for the transformation of Australian politics and culture.
The Saturn – Pluto conjunction of 2020
The Saturn – Pluto conjunction of 13 January 2020 at 22°46 Capricorn will occur in conjunction with the 20°Capricorn astrogeoraphical position of Canberra and mark the end of the phase of the simultaneous transits of Saturn and Pluto over the resonance degree of Australia`s capital.

The global political changes that are to be expected from this particular Saturn – Pluto conjunction have to be expected as having their strongest resonance for Australia in house 2 the field of income, economy, agriculture as well as industrial production, territorial integrity, nationality status and social topics.
The position of Uranus at 2°Taurus will be exactly conjunct the Russian capital of Moscow suggesting the chance that the Russian government in Moscow will attempt to make new alliances and other decisive steps to promote its global sphere of interest. Venus the sign ruler of Taurus will be at 28°Aquarius and conjunct the astrogeographical resonance degree of the french capital Paris indicating the option for a closer global cooperation with France and the EU. Other important resonance aspects can be expected from the resonance of the Saudi-Arab capital Riyadh (21°Leo) and North Korean capital Pyongyang (21°Leo too) with the position of the Moon on 17° in supercentralistic royal fire sign Leo. Another aspect that has to be mentioned here is the fact that the 17°Leo Moon position from the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 2020 has the strongest resonance with the Mars-Pluto conjunction (15°-18°Leo) in house 7 of the natal chart of the People`s Republic of China indicating that 2020 will see a new climax in the aggressive expansion of China´s economy and political sphere of interest. This development will put strong pressure on Australian spehre of interest.
The position of the North Node at 8°Cancer will fall right on the half sum between the resonance degrees of Washington (6°Cancer) and Berlin (10°Cancer) pointing at a rebirth of the US-EU relationships as a central motive and aim including also the option of a solution for the problems between the EU-US partnership and Moscow (11°Cancer).
Saturn transits
Saturn`s transit over the 20° Capricorn position and conjunct Canberra between February 2019 and February 2020 can be expected as a stabilizing and regulative process in which the foundation for long – term developments could be laid. Saturn can be expected to stimulate self-responsibility, autonomy, self-reliance, separation, reforms and laying the basis for future stability. A classical example for really strong effects of a Saturn transit conjunct a capital was the Saturn transit over the Ukrainian capital Kiev during the Euromaidan uprising which strongly promoted Ukrainian independence from Russia.
Uranus square between July 2014 and May 2017
An important, really challenging and potentially stressful transit is the square of Uranus to Canberra`s 20°Capricorn position between July 2014 and May 2017. Such transits are there to help the government reform or to help the people reform their governmment. As I have shown in my blog articles on the astrogeographical positions of Berlin and Washington periods in which governments are not put under stress by such transits from the outer planets tend to make governments more liable to corruption because governments can be more free to manipulate and corrupt the country during such periods. The examples here are the rise of the Hitler and the first half of the George W. Bush presidency. In times of tense transits from the outer planets governments are questioned and the chance that corruption becomes public is just bigger.
Uranus square to Canberra between May 2019 and February 2021
Uranus square transit to the 5°Leo astrogeographical coordinate of the australian capital and government in Canberra over 5°Taurus between May 2019 and February 2021 can be expected as the next intense challenge to the stability of the current government and the Australian democracy. For the judgement of current Uranus transits it has to be taken into account that the current Uranus return from the times of the rise of the German Nazis between 1927 and 1941 has to be calculated as a Uranus influence strongly under control of the agenda of neo-fascist globalization through the Trumps, Putins and Bolsonaros.
A recent example for a Uranus square transits are the Brexit decision with Uranus square and opposite the astrogeographical coordinates of London (24°LI & 28°CAP) at the same time.
Birth & Foundation Charts for Australia
The discovery of Australia I: the Willem Janszoon expedition of 1606

There are a number of interesting charts for the discovery of the Australian continent by European explorers. The first documented contact was the Dutch Willem Janszoon expedition which first landed in Australia naming it New Holland.

- The first documented contact was the Willem Janszoon expedition which according to data given in the wiki article seems to have landed at Cape York on 26 Feb 1606 with a remarkable Jupiter-Mercury conjunction in the center of Aquarius (16°-19°) and conjunct the 15° Aquarius Pluto position from the Australia Day expedition 182 years later in 1788.
The discovery of Australia II: the Cook expedition of 1770

The first discovery of the coast of New Holland by James Cook on 19 April 1770 and the 1st landing at Byron Bay (Sydney) on 29 April 1770 marked the beginning of the era of the British possession of Australia.

- The Moon at 11°Aquarius during the discovery of land is a strong indication for the role of Aquarius as an important significator for the Australian continent at least from the point of view of the first European explorers. The prominent role of Aquarius is further emphasized by the fact that the moon was the ruler of Saturn conjunct (or near) mid-heaven a position that signifies reaching the aim of one´s mission and of Uranus as the ruler of Aquarius conjunct (or near) the descendant – the point of visibility of the discovered land.
- The Sun-Venus-Uranus conjunction in the first decade of earth sign Taurus the sign of conquering and possession of territory clearly shows the aims of territorial expansion and financial gains behind the expedition.
- The Sun at 0°Taurus was exactly conjunct Uranus`position from the foundation of the East India Company of 31 Dec 1600 (jul.) showing the full dimensions of the topic of territorial globalization related to Uranus in Taurus. As the sign of solid ground Taurus on the western horizon at sunset and being occupied by 3 planets is an illustrative astrological simile for discovering land from a ship at the time of sunset (aka with the Sun conjunct the western horizon).
The astrogeographical opposition of Canberra to Australia Day

26 January is celebrated every year as Australia Day to commemorate the arrival of the “First Fleet” in Australia which consisted of nine ships and 1100 men including a large number (600) of British convicts that were deported from their prisons to the new continent.
Australian astrologer Ed Tamplin suggested 5:26 as an astrologically evaluated time for the landing of the expedition at Sydney Cove. The astrogeographical coordinates of Sydney for morphogenetical field level 1 are 3°Cancer and 14°-15°Aquarius.

- Mercury the ruler of Gemini was at 23° Capricorn nearly conjunct the 27°Capricorn astrogeographical position of London explaining the establishment of a British bridgehead and outpost here.
- Pluto the planet of defense, trauma, pain, fortresses and plausible resonator for the deported British Criminals at 15° – in the very center of Aquarius (sign of revolution, self-liberation, escaping, outsiders, outcasts, alternative culture, fresh air) – was exactly conjunct the City of Sydney and auspiciously trined and supported by Jupiter the planet of victory from 16°Gemini the sign of bridges, interfaces, learning, curiosity, outposts, intelligence, technology, contacts and infrastrucutre.
- The fact that the conjunction of the Sun and Ascendant at 5°-6°Aquarius on Australia Day was exactly opposite the 5°Leo astrogeographical position of Canberra, Australia`s modern capital since 1926 is remarkable in several regards: First of all: this exact correspondence between the historical data and my astrogeographical measurement of morphogenetic field patterns seems a really precise astrological verification of the precision of both date and time as well as of astrogeographical data. Secondly: the astrogeographical opposition of Canberra to Australia Day aka the deportation of British convicts and social problems along with colonialism and globalization (Aquarius) makes the 20th century foundation of Canberra look like an explicit answer to the British rule over the 5th continent in an attempt to establish a national self-esteem, self-centeredness and value of the country´s emotional rights for a self-centering identity (Leo). The opposition of the astrogeographical coordinate of a newly built capital to a dominant constellation from the birth chart of a country could be a symptomatic placement with artificially built new capitals. A strong example here is the opposition of the 1°Capricorn astrogeographical position of Islamabad to the violent 1°Cancer position of Mars from the birth chart of Pakistan.
- Altogether as a moment in the history of our planet the strong Aquarius constellations (4 planets plus AC) of the birth moment of British Australia emphasize its great importance as a moment of “fulfillment of global discovery & globalization”: with the control over Australia English language and British culture had reached a new climax if their global expansion and planted the seeds (Aquarius) for the largest global empire in history so far.
- A fascinating astrogeographical coincidence is that the Venus-Saturn conjunction of the day between 28°and 29° Aquarius fell exactly on the 27°Aquarius astrogeographical coordinate of Paris. Apparently the two french ships that appeared near Byron Bay on 25 January did not manage to land due to the heavy winds (Aquarius) with the distressful Venus – Saturn conjunction over Paris and due to their late arrival were unable to make territorial claims.
On the Parallels between the British occupation of Australia and the French occupation of Canada
The capitals of Australia and Canada are in a remarkable and fascinating resonance through opposition to each other: Canberra is located at 20°Capricorn and Ottawa at 21°Cancer – making them look like twins. Such oppositions between countries can be highly productive as in the case of the grand cross between the capitals of the EU founding member states.

The colonial aggression of Jaques Cartier was carried out with a Mercury-Uranus conjunction between 18° and 20°Cancer and thus exactly conjunct the astrogeographical resonance degree of Ottawa. Uranus appears as the planet of changes, abstraction and awareness of a fuller perspective on the country s potentials through the contact with globalization. The intensity of this planetary transit with the astrogeographical resonance degree of the capital is as overwhelming as in the case of the British colonization of Australia through Commander Arthur Phillip on 26 January 1788. Astrologically the relative difference being that the french occupants seem to have been comparatively friendly with the local indigenous population through the conjunction with the 21°Cancer resonance degree of the future capital area of Canada whereas the british occupants were acting in opposition to the 5°Leo resonance (SUN at 5°Aquarius) and a simultaneous square (Neptune at 20°Libra) to the future capital area Canberra that reflected the local indigenous population.
The British claim to Australian territory in 1788 with Neptune exactly square the “all-time center of the national morphic field of united Australia” in the Canberra territory
It is absolutely fascinating that the foreign occupation of Australia occurred with Neptune at 20°Libra exactly square the 20° Capricorn
astrogeographical resonance degree of Canberra an area which was to become the future capital of Australian territory 120 years later. Although such resonance between planetary positions of past and future is an absolutely common phenomenon in astrology it is still sth. else and new to see how this is also included in the resonance of places with not only the transits of planets but also the essential karmic issues of evolution that they stand for.
So what does a Neptune square to a capital stand for? The expected answer is defeat, loss of autonomy and of territory, destabilization, self-destruction, foreign rule, economic depression, slavery, dependence, disease, uncontrollable influences and more. Though still futuristic in 1788 the astrogeographical position of Canberra seems to have resonated already like a the constellation of a capital of the local people – the Aboriginal population of that time in this Neptune transit. The arrival of the British invasion brought the social degradation of the Aboriginals along with the loss of their rights, territory, autonomy and independence.
For potential effects of Neptune square transits in astrogeography transit compare the Neptune`s square transit to Berlin between December 1945 and August 1949 and the start of US Civil War.

A climax of the process of British occupation of Australia was reached on February, 7 1788 when Governor Arthur Phillip (born 11 Oct. 1738) claimed all of the land from the Pacific Ocean at New South Wales westward up to the 135th meridian east (east half of Australia) between latitudes of 10°37’S and 43°39’S for the British crown.

- The proclamation of the British possession of Australia was made with Uranus on the IC – the very point in any horoscope which marks the actual territory where an event takes place.
- Uranus may also be explored here as a resonance with Australia´s antipodean location in relation to Europe.
- The fact that the 27°Cancer Uranus position was exactly opposite the 27°Capricorn astrogeographical position of London also explains the settlement in Australia as the establishment of a vanishing point to counterindicate certain topics of the homeland – esp. the traditional exclusively aristocratic social hierarchy as represented by the astrogeographical coordinates of London (27°Cap-24°Li).
- One can imagine that this Uranus aspect must have been felt particularly intense by the prisoners that had been deported here with no option to ever return to Britain again.
- Psychologically the Uranus position on the IC and especially because in Cancer is known as a constellation of disgust stemming from the experiences of abuse, violation and the suffering from sexually transmitted diesease (syphilis). The outbreak of the smallpox in 1789 which erased an estimated 50% of Aboriginal coastal population has to be assigned to this Uranus position.
- Just like in the Americas the effects of the import of exogenous virus infections on native populations through globalization was absolutely devastating in Australia too.
Commonwealth of Australia: the federation of the australian colonies with a grand trine in the earth signs
The unification of the Australian Colonies on 1 January 1901 was an important step in the development of the Australian nation. It became effective with he start of the New Year of 1901.

The Sun – Saturn conjunction of the day marked the federation of the Australian colonies as an act of stabilizing the status quo as a colony under British authority. The new status as a united colony seems to have been of high economical profitability through the grand trine of the Sun position with the Moon at 12°Taurus the sign of markets, profits and agriculture and with Mars at 11°Virgo the sign of reason and optimal use of resources. The complete absence of the strong Aquarius` influence from the earlier foundation charts explains the shift of Australia from a convict colony to an established agricultural economy and society.
At the same time the 5 planetary factors in Sagittarius gathered around Uranus in house 3 show the stimulation of social, economical, technological, educational and political development gained from the new status of a united country. The strong resonance of Sagittarius with Australian culture as suggested by mundane astrologers of the 20th century would be reflected in these planetary positions. As the sign of travelling, shooting, hunting and of gathering Sagittarius stands for the resources offered by the vast Australian territories.
The chart for the Australian parliament
Using the chart for the 1st Australian Parliament as a national Chart for Australia as proposed by Jessica Adams really makes sense to me. I have come to the conclusion that charts for the constitution and or parliamentary institutions are particularly important national charts. They describe the basis on which the interior stability, union and practical political processes of any nation are built. Important charts are the Powell Chart for the US constitution, the Glorious Revolution and the Federal Republic of Germany constitution charts.
That does not mean that other charts for example for the federation or union of provinces or their independence are less important. Such charts rather reveal the moments of the initiation into the programmatic issues of a national ideal than define the factual political institutions
The first federal elections for the new Parliament of the “Commonwealth of Australia” were held on 29 and 30 March 1901. That Parliament was opened at noon on 9 May 1901 by the Duke of Cornwall and York (later King George V).

- The Moon-Saturn conjunction of the first parliament at 16°/17° Capricorn was near and almost conjunct the astrogeographical position of the future capital of Canberra which was still to be founded. And similar to the Australian Federation Chart of 1 Jan 1901 this Capricorn aspect was strongly and auspiciously supported by a trine from Taurus the sign of markets and agriculture. This time through a conjunction of Sun and Venus between 17°and 20°Taurus.
The Statute of Westminster 1931: the formal right for independent legislation
The Statute of Westminster 1931 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom and modified versions of it are now domestic law within Australia and Canada. It established the formal legislative independence of self-governing states as so called “Dominions” of the British Empire. It stabilized the long-term evolution of the former Britsih colonies into independet state nations under the “Westminster System of Government“ of parliamentary government which incorporates a series of rules & procedures for operating a legislature includig the British majority voting and 2 party-systems.
The impressive astrogeographical key aspects present in this chart make the Statute of Westminster appear as a key event to understanding the long-term developments that conserved fundaments laid by the British Colonial Empire in North America, The Caribbean region, Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceaniia.

- SATURN CONJUNT CANBERRA & LONDON: The Statute of Westminster passed the British parliament with Saturn at 21° in his own sign Capricorn conjunct the astrogeographical position of Canberra.
- Saturn transits over the astrogeographical position of a country often turn out as highly supporting aspects for the local population and political independence of a capital. Such transits of Saturn seem to signal developments that support the stability of political autonomy, self-responsibility and territorial integrity.
- In this case Saturn is joined in his own sign by a Moon-Venus conjunction. This constellation of planetary positions shows the importance of the formal act passed through the Westminster Statute in regard to social and cultural (Moon), political and administrative (Saturn) and economical (Venus) autonomy of Australia.
- 5 planets in a row in Capricorn explain how the Statute of Westminster was a political and administrational act aimed at – and with the outcome – of a long-term political stabilization of the state nations and their territories, including mutual guarantees of support for their autonomy.
- For the 24°Libra and 27°Capricorn resonance coordinates of London the aspects stimulated by the transit position of Saturn at 21°Capricorn provided the symptomatic ambivalent, bi-polar, ambigious indication that any of such transits have for the capital of the UK due to the special conditions of its position with the rsonance coordinates square to each other. A very rare aspect in capitals.
- Saturn heading for the square position to the 24°Libra resonance coordinate of London explains the legislative independence of Australia, Canada and other “Dominions” as a challenge to the British influence and control over Australia and the other. dominions
- Saturn heading for the conjunction with the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London explains the legislative independence of Australia and the dominions as a step in the direction of British national autonomy as well as a long-term stabilization of British influence on Australia as well as the other dominions
- The unique structural potential that lies in the inclusion of polarity & ambiguity in British foreign policy may so be observed and reacpitulated as a particular characteristic that can be traced back to the astrogeographical position of London.
- JUPITER CONJUNCT WASHINGTON: A fascinating aspect is that all the stabilization of the former British colonies under systems based on the British example of parlamentary monarchy was acompanied by the position of Jupiter the planet of victory and growth at 22°Leo close to conjunct the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington, explaining the influence of the BIG BROTHER USA as the important stimulator and regulative guarding the process of the turning of the British Colonial Empire into the Commonwealth. As the seeker of directions and ways Jupiter over Washington so directed & guarded the British de-colonization process leading Britain and its former colonies to finding the way to healing with the help of the flame in the hands of the Statue of Liberty in New York
- URANUS CONJUNCT NEW YORK at 13°Leo: Uranus over New York explains how the example of the fuller scale independence, multi-national society, emancipation from monarchy & British caste system, economical modernity and personality rights and the US demanding an end to colonial politics effected the direction that the British were forced to take.
- JUPITER CONJUNCT NEW DELHI: at the same time this position of Jupiter at 22°Leo was conjunct the capital of another political giant: India – which even though it took over the parlamentary system introduced by the British went the way of separating itself as much as it could from the British influence for good.
Birth Charts for Canberra
The new capital of Australia was founded in 1913 with Uranus in an exact opposition to the astrogeographical position of Canberra indicating the sudden and immediate changes of status, atmosphere, landscape, buildings through the effects of globalization and through the installation of an artificial capital.
There are two dates for the foundation of Canberra: the symbolical start of construction work on 20 February 1913 and a namegiving ceremony on 12 March 1913.
The horoscope for the start of the construction work
There are two dates for the foundation of Canberra: the symbolical start of construction work on 20 February 1913 and a namegiving ceremony on 12 March 1913.

The start of the construction work for the new capital in the Union territory of Canberra on 20 February 1913 can be taken as a plausible date for the foundation of the new capital. This is because Mars had just ingressed into Aquarius the sign of artificial mounds, lakes and a plausible indicator for the construction of an “artificially created” – in the sense of “not organically grown” city.

- Even more so because sign ruler Uranus – was exactly opposite the 5°Leo astrogeographical position of the territory of Canberra indicating a strong challenge through intense and sudden changes of status, atmosphere, buildings and use of the land. As the ruler of globalization Uranus directly indicates a foreign occupation and challenge. This is also documented by the fact that Uranus was conjunct the Sun and ascendant position from the Sidney Cove landing of 26 January 1788 (Australia Day) making the foundation of Canberra seem a direct fulfillment of things started with the British occupation in 1788.
- The fact that Neptune at 23°Cancer had been transiting in exact opposition to the 20°Capricorn astrogeographical position of the Canberra area during the preparation for the construction works explains the whole change of destination of the area as a development over which the local population had no influence.
The Namegiving Ceremony for Canberra on 13 March 1913

Lady Denman calculated for 13 March 1913
- The name-giving ceremony was held by Lady Denman on 12 March 1913 with a Moon-Venus conjunction between 4° and 6°Taurus exactly square the 5°Leo coordinate of Canberra making the main aspect of the name-giving ceremony the foundation of a newly built market and energetical center and of the early stage of the construction work, money to be invested, contracts to be made and large profits to be expected.
- The square aspect to the position of the territory of Canberra
- The two faster moving female planets do not reflect topics of long-term processes but rather relate to the initiation of practical earthly topics. That reminds me of the lack of female planets and energies during the early phase of foundation of Brasilia another artificially built capital. It may be explored in how far Venus and the Moon may therefore be evaluated as representatives of organically grown towns whereas male planets would be representatives of fast and centrally organized foundation & construction.
- The fact that the name-giving ceremony has a strong earthy constellation square to 5° Leo resonance coordinate of Canberra can be examined as an expression as a hint at a hype regarding claim to be staked by investors, profitees, lobbyists and of bringing forward territorial issues within Australian society too. The first degrees of Taurus are of particular importance in acts of occupation of land by settlers and colonialists as can be seen in the example of such events as the Oklahoma Land Rush of April 22, 1889 with the Sun at 2° in Taurus
- The Venus – Moon constellation was in exact square to Uranus at 5° in his own sign Aquarius the sign and topic ruler of globalization and indicator of the implantation of foreign issues into the Canberra area. That means that the Moon-Venus conjunction at 5°Taurus took the position of the half sum between the Canberra area (5°LEO) and the British occupation (Uranus at 5°AQUA) explaining the name-giving ceremony as a step dedicated to the mediation between the foreign and the local energies and interests.