National Charts in Political Astrology

National Charts in Political Astrology and Astrogeography: analyses of important birth, foundation  and horoscopes in the history of nations and their capitals

African Union + CapitalsAmsterdamAnkaraAsian CapitalsAthensBagdad, BangkokBeijingBelgradeBerlin (en), (Berlin (dt)BernBrasilia, BrusselsCairoCanberra, CaracasCopenhagen and NuukDamascusEU & European CapitalsHavanaHelsinkiHongkong, lslamabad, JakartaJerusalem, Kiew, KabulLhasaLima, LondonMadridManila, Mexico CityMinskMoscowMyanmarNew DelhiNew YorkNorth American NationsOttawaParisPraguePyongyang,   RiyadhRome, Seoul, StockholmSouth American Nations, TaipeiTehranThe HagueTripoliTokyoUNASURUnited NationsUSA 50 State CapitalsViennaWarsawWashingtonWellington,

Read more about the article The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology
Ukraine and Moscow in Astrogeography: Comparison of Transits During the Russian Colonial War Period 2013 to 2029

The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology

The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology & Astrogeography. A comparative astrogeographical transit study for Kiev, Moscow, Washington and EU between 1985 and 2032. NEW ARTICLE in development in…

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Read more about the article Uranus-Neptune Transit Cycles in European History
Uranus – Neptune Synodic Transit Cycles in between 61 BCE & 2236 CE

Uranus-Neptune Transit Cycles in European History

Uranus-Neptune Transit Cycles in European History. Conjunctions and synodic cycles o Uranus and Neptune and the history of Europe. Compare: Uranus-Neptune cycles & the history of the USA, Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions…

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Read more about the article Helsinki and Finland in Political Astrology
Aerial picture of downtown Helsinki. ph: Pöllö, ccbysa3.0

Helsinki and Finland in Political Astrology

Helsinki and Finland in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. Planetary transits in relation to the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of Finland. New Article – come back…

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Read more about the article Belgium and Brussels in Political Astrology
Provinces of Belgium, source: wikipedia article, ccbysa4.0

Belgium and Brussels in Political Astrology

Belgium and Brussels in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. Planetary transits in relation to the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of Belgium. New Article – please drop…

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Read more about the article Taipei and Taiwan in Political Astrology
Pluto and Uranus Transits for Taipei and Kiev

Taipei and Taiwan in Political Astrology

Taipei and Taiwan in Political Astrology. Astrogeographical Transits and important foundation charts for Taiwan. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: A - Z: Lists of all capitals…

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Read more about the article Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography
Pluto Transits in the History of Great Britain

Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography

Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography and Astrology. Astrology & History: climax periods of Pluto transits in relation to capitals and national centers. I will be working on this article over…

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Read more about the article Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology
Übersicht über die Zeitalter der Menschheitsgeschichte aus Sicht der Transit - Astrologie: Die einzelnen Zeitalter innerhalb der 33.000 Jahre dauernden Super-Zyklen der Konjunktionen von Neptun & Pluto

Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology

Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology. Some thoughts on the astrological interpretation of the time structure of Pluto-Neptune cycles. Cornerstone articles: Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology, Saturn – Neptune…

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Read more about the article Havana and Cuba in astrology
Old Havana by night. ph: Gabriel Rodríguez, ccbysa2.0

Havana and Cuba in astrology

Havana and Cuba in astrology. On the astrogeographical position of the capital of Cuba and the political astrology of the Cuban nation and territories. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A…

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Read more about the article Political Astrology of Minsk and Belarus
Independence Palace in Minsk Antono Vasiljev, ccbysa4.0

Political Astrology of Minsk and Belarus

Political Astrology of Minsk and Belarus. The astrogeographical position of Minsk and the historical charts of Belarus. Relevant Articles: Moscow Russia in search of its borders, The Russian mobilization of 21…

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Read more about the article Bangkok and Thailand in astrogeography
City pillar shrine building in Bangkok in the shape of a stupa. ph: กสิณธร ราชโอรส, ccbysa3.0

Bangkok and Thailand in astrogeography

Bangkok and Thailand in astrogeography. The foundation charts for Thailand and the astrogeographical position of Bangkok. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam,…

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Read more about the article Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump in Political Astrology
Kamala Harris in 2019 ph: Gage Skidmore, ccbysa2.0

Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump in Political Astrology

Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump in Political Astrology the birth charts for the female candidate for the Vice Presidency & Donald Trump compared. Related articles: The USA and Washington in…

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Read more about the article The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA
Transits of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus in relation to Washington in the history of the USA

The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA

The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA in astrogeography. Political #astrology and #astrogeography of the United States. Related articles: The Astrogeographical Position of Washington, The astrogeography of…

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Read more about the article Rythmical activations and timeline of the Covid 19 Crisis in the USA
Map of the COVID-19 outbreak per capita as of 28 March 2020.

Rythmical activations and timeline of the Covid 19 Crisis in the USA

Rythmical activations and timeline of the Covid 19 Crisis in the USA. Astrological data and analyses of rhythmical activations in the chart for the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 12 2020.…

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Read more about the article 2002 SARS Coronavirus outbreak in astrology
Sars Cases in 2002/2003 image: Strickla, ccbysa3.0

2002 SARS Coronavirus outbreak in astrology

2002 SARS Coronavirus outbreak in astrology and astrogeography. Data and analyses for the 2002/2003 outbreak of SARS Coronavirus. Related articles: Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak 2019-20 in astrology and astrogeography, The Zika…

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Read more about the article Asian Countries and Capitals in Astrology & Astrogeography
Capitals of Asian Countries in Astrogeography: astrogeographical positions for morphogenetic field level 1

Asian Countries and Capitals in Astrology & Astrogeography

Asian Countries and Capitals in Astrology & Astrogeography. The astrogeographical resonance coordinates for the capitals of all nations in Asia Related: Astrological World Map Positions of Capitals worldwide Capitals &…

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Read more about the article The African Union in astrology and astrogeography
Africa´s Countries & Capitals in Astrology & Astrogeography

The African Union in astrology and astrogeography

The African Union in astrology and astrogeography. Astrology and politics: the astrogeographical positions of African capitals. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: A - Z: Lists of…

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Read more about the article Libya and Tripoli in Political Astrology
Libya and Tripoli in Astrology Blog: Aerial view towards Tripoli - the capital of Libya . ph: Kayhan ERTUGRUL, ccbysa4.0

Libya and Tripoli in Political Astrology

Libya and Tripoli in Political Astrology. Birth charts of Libya and important transits of planets in relation to the capital and government in Tripoli. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A…

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Read more about the article The astrogeographical position of Stockholm
Gamla Stan the old city of Stockholm is located in Virgo with Sagittarius for field level 3 (surrounding area) ph: Bengt Nyman, ccvbysa2.0

The astrogeographical position of Stockholm

The astrogeographical position of Stockholm. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of Sweden. Related articles: Gamla Uppsala the…

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Read more about the article The astrogeographical position of Hongkong
The City of Hongkong is located at 20°Scorpio and 5°Libra ph: chensiyuan, GF

The astrogeographical position of Hongkong

The astrogeographical position of Hongkong. Political astrology and astrogeography: past and future transits of the outer planets in relation to the Hongkong territory. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts…

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