The astrogeographical position of New York City, An astrological investigation into important planetary transits in the history of New York.
Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A – Z: Lists of all capitals by continent, (dt. version), African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Beirut, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Reykjavík, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington.
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The astrogeographical position of New York City

The Astrogeographical resonance coordinates of central New York City for morphogenetic field level 1 (global resonance) which describes the supraregional, global topics of resonance of City: the Manhattan area has the coordinate for its astrogeographical longitude at 13° in highly magnetic, centralist fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, light, heart, power stations, kingdom, self-centering, self-esteem, self-expression and birth. The astrogeographical latitude coordinate is at 13° in water sign Cancer the sign of the moon, fertility, conception, pregnancy, motherhood, islands, coast-lines, beaches, river banks and emotional independence, feeling at home, emotional pain, isolation and compassion. As the opposite sign of Capricorn Cancer represents the most important astrological condition for modernity and allowance of the permanency of updates of culture, social conditions, arts and belief-systems and of living in the present time.
Cancer has a strong resonance with the origins of English culture but a strong opposition with the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of the English capital London that stands for the centralist and conservative role of the British Empire.
The combination of Cancer with Leo and of Leo with Cancer is present in the whole region of the East Coast from Bridgeport (Connecticut) all the way down to Washington which is located at 6°Cancer and 27°Leo.

The Astrogeographical resonance coordinates of central New York City for morphogenetic field level 2 (city) which describes the energetical topics of Manhattan and the town of central New York: at the location of the town of Central New York as defined by Manhattan both astrogeographical resonance coordinates stretch from the last degrees (decade) of highly energetical, magnetic, centralist fire sign Leo into self-protective earth sign Virgo the opposite sign of Pisces the sign of the sea (Pisces). As the sign of harbors and of protected places as such Virgo relates to securing ships and goods at protected harbors.

Major astrogeographical transits in the history of New York
Pluto opposite NY: Estêvão Gomes Expedition first explores NY Harbor in 1525

The Giovanni de Verrazano Expedition was the first known European discovery of the Hudson Bay area. The chart is calculated for the summer solstice of 21 June 1624. Half a year later the area was further explored by the Estêvão Gomes Expedition.

- the Giovanni de Verrazzano expedition first discovered the New York area in1624 with Pluto (battle for power over foreign territories or foreign control over native territories) at 15° Capricorn opposite the 13°Cancer resonance coordinate of N.Y. and the 11° to 18°Cancer coordinates of the region to the North and South of N.Y. City.
Pluto square NY: Dutch West Indies Co. given exclusive trade rights for America in 1621
The foundation of the Dutch West India Company turned out as one of several important motors in the European colonization of North America- with its mein base in New York.

- Pluto (battle for power over foreign property or against foreign control) at 13°Taurus (sign of income, money, profits, market places, agricultural products, resources of the land) exactly square the 13°Leo resonance coordinate of New York explains this important step in the foundation process of what later became New York City.
Saturn conjunct New Amsterdam: the town chartered as a city in1653

The New Amsterdam settlement and harbor was first chartered as a city on 2 February 1653. By 1660 the population was about 1500 Europeans half of them Dutch and 375 Africans with 300 of them being slaves.

- New Amsterdam (NY) was first chartered as a city during a retrograde Saturn (stabilization, legalization, administration, government) transit at 8°Leo conjunct (stabilization) the 13°Leo resonance of the area.
- Saturn`s position appears to have had the function of confronting Mars (threat by violence) at 13°Scorpio (sign of tribal populations from the point of view of settled down ones, native Americans, nomads, criminal activities, underground organisations) exactly square to the 13°Leo resonance coordinate of the area.
- the Sun as ruler over the Leo resonance coordinate of the New York area at 13° in Aquarius the sign of globalization, abstraction, multicultural populations and innovations was exactly opposite New York explaining how the colonial culture and the export trade away from New York dominated the status quo at New York.
Uranus opposite NY: English conquest of New York on 8 September 1664

The English conquest and occupation of the Dutch colony at New York began with the arrival of a British fleet on 27 August 1664 and ended with the surrender of Peter Stuyvesant the 7th director of New Netherlands colony after 2 weeks of negotiations on 8 September 1664.

- Uranus as the indicator of globalization, overturning of governments, sailboats, sailing, multicultural influences, innovation, revolution and radical changes at 13° in his own sign Aquarius (revolution, globalization) was exactly opposite the 13°Leo resonance coordinate of New Amsterdam turning its name into New York.
- the deliberate change of names too can be examined as a symptomatic act of Uranus and/or Aquarius through its symbolism as the sign of cuckoos and the analogy with the act of the planting of cuckoos eggs in foreign nests. In this case it is particularly interesting for consideration of this particular type of strategies as the South Node as indicator of the origin of the implantation was at 11°Aquarius and exactly conjunct Uranus and Chiron.
- the position of Chiron the planetary ruler of Virgo the sign of long-term strategical planning, protected harbors, storing goods and securing income at 11°Aquarius was conjunct Uranus and opposite New Amsterdam explaining the long-term geo-strategical intentions behind the English coup that occupied the extremely promising Dutch colony.
- the position of the North Node as indicator of targets at 11°Leo was exactly conjunct the 13°Leo resonance coordinate of New York.
Uranus conjunct, Saturn opposite and Neptune square; the end of the Britisch Occupation in 1783

After being the Fall of Boston in March 1776 the British army had practically made New York its headquarter on US territory.
The end of the British occupation of New York and was achieved some 7 years after the American Declaration of Independence of 1776, 2 years after the French Siege of the British troops in Yorktown, Virginia and 2 months after the Treaty of Paris signed on 3 September 1783 that officially ended the American Revolutionary War. The date is called Evacuation Day.

- the astrogeographical T-cross transit situation of 3 of the slower moving outer planets in nearly exact aspect with the 13°Cancer resonance coordinate of New York was a spectacular line-up that may basically be examined in several ways: it explains how hard the colonial power must have clinged to the fast growing super-rich city and colony and how hard it was for New York and independent America to get rid of the British occupation.
- retrograde Uranus the planet of revolution and the overturning of governments at 11° in Cancer the sign of emotional individuality and independence was conjunct the 13°Cancer resonance coordinate of New York explaining the events as a step of self-liberation, emancipation, self-finding and of measuring out ones fuller independent potentials.
- Saturn as the planet of government control and stability was at 10° in his own sign Capricorn explaining that the pressure on the status quo in New York as represented by its 13°Cancer resonance coordinate came through the already existing legally valid (Saturn) Treaty of Paris which the British forces in New York were obliged (Saturn) fullfill . Saturn has a particular significance here also as the sign ruler over the 27°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London. In regard to this context Saturn stands for the British pressure onto New York.
- at the same time and in an aspect of tension with the positions of Saturn and Uranus, Neptune as an indicator of the values of pure spirituality, dissolution of overcome structures and of destabilization of government control was near to 12° in Libra in a square angle to the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of New York. Neptune therefore represented an element that questioned the motives and/or methods applied by both parties in the ongoing war.
- Last but not least Pluto the planet of the battle for power was at 8°Aquarius moving directly towards the opposition to the 13°Leo resonance coordinate of New York.
Saturn opposite and Uranus square: the Gun Violence Emergency of 2021

On 6 July 2021 New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo issued an executive order declaring Gun Violence a disaster emergency for the State of New York. In this case the resonance coordinates of The origin of the gun violence can be assumed in

- the faster moving conjunction of Mars with Venus (panical urge for action and reaction) between 11° and 15°Leo transiting conjunct the 13°Leo astrogeographical resonance coordinate for New York City and the 15°Leo resonance coordinate of Albany explains the urgency of the initiative against the structural problems as shown by Saturn at 12°Aquarius in opposition and Uranus at 14°Taurus square to NY City.