The astrology of Lima and Peru. Political & Mundane Astrology: The foundation charts of Peru and the astrogeography of the capital Lima
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Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A – Z: Lists of all capitals by continent, (dt. version), African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Reykjavík, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington.
The astrology of Lima and Peru

Lima is the capital and the largest city of Peru. It was founded by the Spanish invaders in 1535 on the site of a former agglomeration as a new central capital of what was to become the territories of modern Peru.

ph: Diego Delso, ccbysa4.0
Astrogeographical position of Lima for morphogenetiic field level 1 which describes the national and international resonance topics of the capital, government and center of the national morphic field (nation) of Peru: the central town area of Lima has one resonance coordinate at 5°Cancer (indicator for the position near the sea and conjunct Washington) and the 2nd coordinate at 19°Capricorn exactly opposite the 20°Cancer resonance coordinate of Madrid.
Origins and Foundation charts for Pre-Hispanic Peru
Pre-Incan capitals
A number of the cultural, religious and technological achievements were passed on to the Inca culture from earlier multi-ethnic and expansive Andean cultures. See a timeline of cultures in Peru. Among the most important ones were the:
- Moche culture centered near the City of Moche is particularly noted for their elaborately painted ceramics, gold work, monumental constructions (huacas) and irrigation systems.
- The Pyramid City of Tucume built by the Lambayeque or Sican culture (700 – 1375 AD) in Northern Peru is an important example for a Pre-Incan culture whose technical skills as goldsmiths were far advanced to those of the Inca.
- Two larger empires in the Andes that simultaneously preceded the Inca state were the Tiwanaku state (c. 300–1100 AD) from the Lake Titicaca area and the Wari Empire (c. 600–1100 AD) centered in the central highlands of Peru near the city of Ayacucho. The Wari state occupied the Cuzco area for about 400 years.

The monumental capital city of Tiwanaku was the largest urban settlement in the core area of the Tiwanaku civilization in the southern Lake Titicaca Basin.

Astrogeographical positions of the ancient city of Tiwanaku for morphogenetiic field level 1 which describes the national and international resonance topics of the capital, government and center of the national morphic field (nation) of the Tiwanaku culture: the site of the city has one coordinate at 16° in aristocratic air sign Libra the sign of harmony, balance, beauty, symmetry, justice, courts and courtly culture, openness, relationship and marriage.
The 2nd coordinate is at 7° in centralist, solid, fixed earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth, roots, agriculture, markets, income and the conquering and occupation of territory.
The Wari Empire centered near Ayacucho
The Huari or Wari Empire with its capital at the Huari archeological site located 22 km northeast of the city of Ayacucho in the central highlands of Peru at an elevation between 2600 and 2900 meters existed between 600 AD and 1100 AD .

Astrogeographical positions of the ancient capital of the Wari Empire near Ayacucho for morphogenetiic field level 1 which describes the national and international resonance topics of the capital, government and center of the national morphic field (nation) of the Wari culture: the City of Wari has one resonance coordinate at 14° in creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, paradise, flying, abstraction, self-finding, revolution and of leaving the past behind. The 2nd coordinate is at 10° in highly magnetic, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, and of kingdom.
The astrogeographical parallel of the Aquarius – Leo resonance of the City of Wari with the Egyptian capital built for the sun god Aten can be examined in regard to the centralization of religion through a cult of a sky, sun or weather god and the development of a more centralist and absolutist role of kings and royal dynasties.
The foundation of the Inca Empire with Pluto opposite Lima
Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui (1418–1471/1472) was the ninth Sapa Inca of the Kingdom of Cuzco which he transformed into the Inca Empire in 1438. In Quechua Pachakutiq means “reformer of the world”. Pachacuti began an era of conquest through which Cuzco grew from a city kingdom into an empire. Within three generations the Inca dominion from the valley of Cuzco to nearly the whole of western South America.
Pachacuti is often linked to the origin and expansion of the cult of the sun god Inti which corresponded with the Leo resonance coordinate of the City of Cuzco and also the one of the Sun Temple Intihuatana at Machu Picchu.
The Inca referred to their empire as Tawantinsuyu meaning the “the four provinces which were: Chinchaysuyu (north), Antisuyu (east; the Amazon jungle), Qullasuyu (south) and Kuntisuyu (west)“. The term Inka (“ruler” or “lord”) was used to refer to the ruling class or dynasty. As a small group (estimated: 15,000 to 40,000) they ruled a total population of around 10 million people

map: QQuantum, ccbysa4.0
With its administrative, political and military center at the City of Cusco the Inca Empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America. The City of Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire from the 13th century until the Spanish invasion of 1532.

ph: Martin St-Amant, ccbysa2.0
Astrogeographical position of Cuzco for morphogenetiic field level 1 which describes the national and international resonance topics of the capital, government and center of the national morphic field (nation) of the Inca Empire between the 13th century and 1532: Cusco is located at 25°Aquarius the sign of the sky, stratosphere, heaven, paradise, flying, escaping, self-finding and of leaving the past behind. Aquarius stood for the focus on technical and cultural innovations and a particular focus on the sky, sun, stellar and rain gods.
The 2nd coordinate of Cuzco is at 7°Virgo the sign of reason, self-protection, health, gardening, protection of nature and plants, technical knowledge on agriculture, adaptation to difficult circumstance and optimization of the use of resources, storing and conservation of goods and of strategical planning.

“Notable features of the Inca Empire included its monumental architecture, especially stonework, extensive road network reaching all corners of the empire, finely-woven textiles, use of knotted strings (quipu) for record keeping and communication, agricultural innovations and production in a difficult environment, and the organization and management fostered or imposed on its people and their labor.” From the wiki article

Transits for Lima (5°Cancer & 16°Capricorn) as the long-term center of the national morphic field of Peru
- the transformation of the Cuzco Kingdom into the Inca Empire in the year 1438 occurred under the intense threat and tension in relation to the national morphic field of the whole of Peru from the transit of Pluto the planet of trauma, pain and battle for power over 16°Cancer in exact opposition to the 16°Capricorn resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field of Peru at Lima.
- it can be assumed that the foundation along with its territorial expansionism was a reaction onto the traumatic experiences and threats to the Peruvian lands during the conjunction transit of Pluto over the 5°Cancer resonance coordinate of Cuzco between 1427 and 1432
Transits for Cuzco (7°Virgo & 25°Aquarius) as the capital of the Inca Kingdom and state
- Uranus the planet of globalization, innovation and revolution at 26° in earth sign Taurus the sign of agriculture, income, possession of territory was in exact square transit to the City of Cuzco explaining the foundation of the Inca Empire in 1438 as an effect of technological improvements of agriculture, stimulation of trade and income therefrom and of threats (square aspect) through competitors.
Foundation charts for Post-Incan Peru
The Beginning of the Spanish Conquest and colonization of the Americas

map: Nagihuin, ccbysa4.0
The central astrological event that explains the beginning of the Spanish conquest and colonization of South and Meso-America was the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 13 March 1518.

- the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of March 1518 occurred at 4°17.29 in earth sign Capricorn and in exact opposition to the 5° Cancer resonance coordinate of the center of the future national morphic field of Peru at Lima and the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field of the USA in Washington. These aspects explain the fuller impact of the horror, destruction, pandemics, murder, torture, ideology, monotheism, racism and foreign control (all symptomatic of the Saturn-Pluto combination) that was brought to the Americas trough the Spanish, English, Portuguese, Dutch and French colonization.
- any consideration of the extreme dimensions of the “Holocaust” of the indigenous population caused through the European colonization should investigate the Pluto-Saturn conjunction as its astrological “cause”. That accounts for the spreading of Eurasian/African diseases like small-pox, measles, para-typhus (Cocolitzli), cholera and others along with the sheer brutality of mass murder and seizure of land through the Spanish, English, Portuguese and other European colonialists.
- directly threatened and affected by the position of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 4°Capricorn were Quito the capitals of modern Ecuador at 5°Aries through a square and of Sucre the constitutional capital of Bolivia at 7°Cancer through opposition.
- The conjunction of territorial instability and insecurity of Venus as indicator for the possession of territory with Neptune as an indicator for pure spirituality and the destabilization of possessions and control conjunct the 25°Aquarius resonance coordinate of the Inca capital and government in Cuzco and in exact opposition to the 27°Leo resonance of Washington explain the destabilization of the status quo brought to the future US territories and the largest existing Empire in South America.
- the particularly intense resonance of the two capitals of Peru and of Washington make the Peruvian and the US territories appear as of central, strategically importance in the colonization process.
- other future American nations whose capitals and central resonance coordinates were directly threatened were: A — the 6°Taurus resonance coordinate of La Paz (Bolivia) through the conjunction of Uranus the planet of globalization B — the 28° Aquarius resonance of Asuncion, Paraguay and the 22°Aquarius coordinate of Georgetown, Guayana through conjunction with the Venus-Neptune conjunction C — the 22°Virgo resonance coordinate of Santiago de Chile through conjunction with Jupiter the planet of the treasure hunt.

map: Jaontiveros, ccbysa4.0
The first landing of the Juan de Grijalva expedition in the Tabasco region of Mexico on June 19, 1518 was followed by the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire under Hernan Cortés between 1519 and 1521. These were the two initial steps in the colonization of the North American continent.

- the Pluto-Saturn conjunction between 4° and 7° Capricorn was exactly opposite the 5°-6° Cancer resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic fields of Peru in Lima and of the US capital Washington indicating the severe threat to the status quo in North and South America.
- Neptune the indicator for territorial instability at 26°Aquarius was conjunct the 25°Aquarius resonance coordinate of the government seat in Cuzco and opposite the 27°Leo resonance coordinates of Washington.
Spanish Conquest of Peru

The first major incident in the Spanish conquest of Peru was the capture of Atahualpa and the following Massacre of Cajamarca on November, 16 1532, The Spanish invaders led by Francisco Pizarro laid an ambush to capture the Inca ruler Atahualpa killing thousands of Atahualpa’s counselors, commanders and unarmed attendants in the great plaza of Cajamarca,

Transits for Cuzco (seat of government)
- the massacre of Cajamarca and capture of Atahualpa occurred during a royal conjunction of Jupiter the planet of victory, treasure hunt and success at 7° with the Sun as indicator of kings in a conjunction of royalty exactly square the 7°Virgo resonance coordinate of the Inca capital Cuzco.
- the black or dark moon Lilith at 6°Pisces was putting maximal pressure from exactly opposite the 7°Virgo resonance coordinate of Cuzco appearing as an indication of the ambush, trap, hidden intentions and also of the naivety, imprudence or ignorance of the commanders of the Inca military forces.
- the North Node as indicator of the aims and outcomes was at 10°Virgo and conjunct the 7°Virgo resonance coordinate of Cuzco explaining the conquest of the Inca capital as the actual aim of the Spanish attack.
Transits for Lima (center of the overall national morphic field))
- the revolutionary Saturn-Uranus conjunction between 10° and 12° Cancer approaching the the exact opposition to the 19°Capricorn resonance coordinate of Lima can be examined as an aspect that pointed at the ongoing civil war situation within Inca Empire that the Spanish invaders used for the attack on Atahualpa.
Transits for Madrid (15°Sagittarius – 20°Cancer)
- the transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius the sign of Spanish culture and also a resonator of the astrogeographical position of the center of the national morphic field of Spain in Madrid was a parallel to the Spanish capture of the capital of the Aztec Empire 11 years before on 13 August 1522 when Jupiter had occupied 14°Sagittarius.
Transits for London (27°Capricorn – 24°Libra)
- Pluto at 29° Capricorn was conjunct the 28°Capricorn resonance coordinate of London explaining the Spanish conquest of Peru as a heavy blow to the geo-strategical sphere of interest of the Kingdom of England.
Transits for Berlin (10°Cancer – 29°Virgo)
- the Saturn – Uranus conjunction at 10°-12° Cancer was exactly conjunct the 10°Cancer resonance coordinate of the center of Berlin the national morphic field of overall Germany. Though Germany as a country did not exist and may be found not to have been directly involve in the events this resonance with Berlin can be investigated as part of the responsibility of the German “banks” under the names of the Fuggers and Welsers who had lent the money for the conquest to the Spanish crown. See the chapter: The Role of the Welsers and Fuggers
The Execution of Atahualpa

- The Incan god-king Atahualpa was executed on 26 July 1533 under a revolutionary conjunction of Uranus at 15° with Saturn at 18°Cancer exactly opposite the 19°Capricorn resonance coordinate of Lima the future capital and center of the national morphic field of Peru.
- Saturn as the astrological sign ruler over the 19°Capricorn resonance coordinate of Lima was in exile explaining the transfer of the rulership over the center of the national morphic field to the hands of an adversary.
1535: Lima founded with Uranus opposite the City as the perfect image of the full impact of the Spanish Invasion
The City of Lima was founded by the Spanish Governor of New Castile (Peru) Francisco Pizarro on January 18 1535.

map: Milenioscuro. ccbysa4.0
The exact opposition between the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the capitals of Spain at 20°Cancer and of Peru at 19°Capricorn points at the special partnership between the two nations, cultures and national territories. One effect of this resonance is that transiting planets make exact aspects to both capitals at the same time. Another aspect here is that the central point of view and perspective on world history of the two nations are in diametral confrontation with each other. And it is no exaggeration to say that the arrival of the Spanish invaders in the Peruvian territories during the Uranus transit opposite the center of its national morphic field made the strongest confrontation and change in Peruvian and pre-Peruvian history.
- Pandemic effect of globalization: within 150 years 90 % of the indigenous population was wiped out through the imported pandemics alone.
- Import of new technologies: the Spanish invaders were able to control long distance shipping (Uranus, sailing (Uranus) and contacts with places far beyond the horizon (Uranus). They imported technologically advanced weapons like muskets and cannons.
- The destruction of the Inca Empire was a revolution of the status quo in all fields of life.
- indigenous tribes and slaves were at least temporarily “freed” (Uranus) from their situation
- The replacement of the state cult, religions and belief systems of the pre-hispanic South American continent through a monotheist European state cult and religion was an obvious climax of the globalization of culture, politics and contacts on our planet. It should be understood also that the European state cult had been developed from an imported religion based on Middle-Eastern cultural inheritance.
- the coincidence of this Uranus can also be examined as a proof that monotheism as such is a Uranian perspective on religion: Uranus appears as resonator of an abstract concept of a single god of the sky, heaven and paradise with a potential association of a universal, galactic or trans-galactic origin …. and of destruction too.

Lima was founded with Mars conjunct the City and Uranus in opposition
- Uranus the planetary indicator for globalization, innovation, revolution, political emancipation and symptomatic factor for foreign invasions and influences was in transit over 19°°Cancer conjunct the Spanish capital Madrid and exactly opposite the 19° Capricorn resonance coordinate of the area of Lima.
- The conjunction of Uranus with Madrid stood for the globalization of the Spanish Crown and territories into new and unknown worlds, cultures and opportunities the expansion and the export of its culture, state dogma and religious ideology along with its social, political and economical order and problems.
- Uranus in conjunction with its capital made Madrid the actor while the Uranus opposition made Lima the victim of the Spanisch invasion.
- At the same time Mars the planet of warfare was at 18°Capricorn conjunct the exact position of Lima indicating that the city was built as a fortress and military base.
- the foundation of Lima along with the stabilization of the Spanish Colonial Empire in South America occurred during the beginning of a new 165 year long Neptune cycle since the Neptune ingress in Aries on 8 March 1534 (Gregorian date)
The proclamation and war of independence of 1821
The independence of the Spanish colonies in South America from the Spanish crown was achieved in a longer process that had begun with the US American war of Independence and the foundation of the USA in 1774. The French Revolution of 1789-94 and particularly the French invasion of Spain in the Napoleonic Wars from 1807 to 1814 structurally weakened the Spanish Empire that it had to give up its American colonies one by one.

The Peruvian War of independence was supported through invasions by the Argentinian general José de San Martín in 1821 and Simón Bolívar in 1824. The Declaration of Independence in 1821 was an important step. It was made possible by the retreat of the Spanish Viceroy from Lima to the old Inca capital of Cusco under the pressure from the invasion of San Martin

- During the first proclamation of independence of July, 18 1821 saw Chiron the planet of self-protection, adaptation to necessities, self-healing and strategical planning in exact square to the 5°Cancer coordinate of Lima from 6° Aries, the sign of new beginnings, action, speed, warfare. This aspect could explain the preventive retreat of the Spanish Viceroy government and his troops to Cusco under the pressure from the military campaign by San Martin.
- The beginning of the process of independence was marked by the strong impact of the ingress of all 3 slowest moving systemical planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) into an aspect of intense tension to the 5°Cancer resonance coordinate of the capital Lima explaining long-term changes for the Peruvian capital that were brought about during the years 1821 to 1826.
- After 5 years the war of Independence of Peru ended in 1826 with Pluto the indicator of the fight for dominance at 5° in Aries the sign of warfare in exact square to the 5°Cancer resonance coordinate of Lima explaining this final step of the transformation process that brought the defeat of the last Spanish royalists in Peru.

- Pluto exactly square to Lima explains the momentum of the factual Independence of Peru as a step directed against the traumatic experience of the 300 year long period of the Spanish occupation of Peru between 1532 and 1826.
- At the end of the war of Independence Neptune the planet of destabilization of the status quo and of territorial control at 13°Capricorn was close to the conjunction with the 16°Capricorn resonance coordinate of Lima. Neptune stood for the processes of dissolution of old structures.
The new constitution of 1993
The year 1992 saw the Peruvian constitutional crisis and the Fujimori coup D`Etat of 5 Arril 1992 during the simultaneous transit of Uranus and Neptune over the 19°Capricorn resonance coordinate of the capital Lima. It resulted in the 1993 referendum in which the new constitution was passed which was enacted on December 31 1993. It was Peru`s 5th in the course of the 20th century.

- The exact conjunction of Uranus the planet of globalization, revolution, abstract ideals, self-liberation and self-finding with Neptune the planet of pure spirituality and destabilization of territorial stability and government control between 20° and 21° Capricorn and over the 19° Capricorn resonance coordinate of Lima is symbolic of a process that can be interpreted as a kind of a holistic re-orientation and self-finding of the Peruvian nation and its political system.
- a heavily problematic aspect expressed in the conflicts and problematic issues dealt with can be investigated through the square aspect of Pluto the indicator of trauma, pain, battle for power and the, cultural deficits of a nation at 27°Scorpio with Saturn the indicator of political stability, control and the efficiency of government institutions.
- Saturns role here may be seen as a representative of the critical review of the former constitution directed against the problems caused by the existing social and financial hierarchy of dominators (Pluto) of the nation.
- As Saturn was conjunct the 25°Aquarius resonance position of the Inca capital Cuzco the new constitution