Athens and Greece in Political Astrology

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Idealised view of the Acropolis (located in Virgo with Aquarius) and Athena Promachos carrying a great spear in her right hand (rather than with an owl as indicated from copies and coins), by the painter Leo von Klenze in 1846, who portrayed the great statue of Athena Promachos as visible from far away, as reported in ancient texts.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology

Greece and Athens in Political Astrology. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the capital and government of Greece.

This is an older article – I`m hoping to find the time to work on it soon

Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A – Z: Lists of all capitals by continent, (dt. version), African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Beirut, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and NuukDamascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabadJakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev,  Kabul, LhasaLima, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Reykjavík, Riyadh, RomeSeoul, StockholmSouth American Nations, Taipei, TehranThe Hague, Tripoli, TokyoUNASUR, United NationsVienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington.

Greek Culture and Mythology: The Parthenon Temple at the Acropolis in AthensAphrodite`s birth place and the Temple at Aphrodisias, Oracle of Delphi, The magic of prediction in ancient Greek culture, The Birth place of Zeus in Jupiter`s sign Sagittarius, Three Steps to Mount Olympus, The Temple of the Eleusinian Mysteries, The Tower of the Winds in Athens

Introduction: What is a Nation ? Nations as Morphic Fields

Among the particular functions of national capitals is their role as all time centers of the common multiple of nations.

I suggest to explore the capital function of Athens (like that of Washington, Beijing, Rome a.s.o) ín such a way that it is not a question of Athens being the “most important” city in Greece but rather the natural energetical center in the landsacpe field of the territory of the Greek national state which functions as a natural center of the national common multiple by way of “re-connecting” the Greek nation with the centers of the common multiple of other nations.

On that level of global and uniiversal connectedness the particular qualities of Athens help connect the Greek nation with the global aspects of national issues. My theory on the (magical) phenomenon of capital centers is that this is what all national capitals do. Ther may be energetical, psychological, physical, spiritual or other aproaches to explanations why the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of capitals from my Astrological Worldmap System are so intensly represented and important in national charts and ALL – TIME developments of national history. But what I am convinced of is that capitals are solutions and answers to the “NAtIONAL QUESTION” of a nation.

So what are Nations ?

  • The term “Systemical Astrology” means that I use the 12 sign zodiac, 12 house system and 12 planetary rulers as a structural model and the 12 seasonal zodiac signs as definitions of the 12 structural elements to differentiate between the 12 natural components, aspects and systemical parts of a nation.
  • Field Theory means that I explore the different aspects of nations as single fields in order to get to a clearer differentiation between the people the state nation, the territory, language, culture, history, ancestor lines, genetic pools and all the other specific aspects that nations may or may not possess.
  • Field theory can be applied to explore every single layer of reality as a system of its own.
  • That can help us to examine instead of judging nations.
  • The term Morphic aspect of systemic fields describes the assumption of the existence of a subconscious, conscious or unconscious, intended or unintended, visible or invisible relatedness, exchange, resonance, transfer of information and energies between all single parts of a field and system as well as between single fields and systems.
  • through the concept of Morphic fields systems like the family and ancestor line field, local neighborhood field, friends field and many other if not all types of group fields can be explored as interrelated systems.
  • I personally use the term Morphogenetic Fields in astrology in order to refer to the level of “genotypal” organisation of astrogeographical surface fields according to the 12-fold systemic structural model that has been derived from the seasonal definitions of the 12 solar months since around 200 BCE..
  • astrology assumes resonance and inter-relatedness between all things that exist in all dimensions.
  • which concept but “morphic field theory” as framed by Rupert Sheldrake could be better to analyze the phenomena investigated through the basic standard equations of astrological conclusions like “as above so below” or “as clothed so naked” …. ???

Greece and Athens in Political Astrology

The City of Athens is named after the goddess Athena and the temple area on the Acropolis Hill is her most important place of worship with the Parthenon (meaning: house of virgins) Temple at its center.

The astrogeographical resonancen coordinates of Acropolis Hill (field level 3 – surrounding area of the Parthenon) in Virgo (virginity, monk-hood, healing, protected places) and Aquarius (trans-sexuality, spiritual quest, heaven, paradise) resonate with the fact that Athena never had a love relationship. Athena`s Virgo related quality is also reflected in the astrogeographical position of her own city Athens in Virgo for field level 1 (global resonance).

Idealised painting of the Acropolis with the great statue of the Athena Promachos located in Virgo with Aquarius. The depicition shows the name giving city goddess carrying a spear in her right hand (instead of owl).
Reconstructive painting by Leo von Klenze in 1846 claimed to be based on ancient texts.

The astrogeographical positions of Athens at 15°Scorpio and 18°Virgo

Ancient Greek culture represents in many ways the “Mother Culture of modern European Civilization”. Its unique indepedent cultural developments in the fields of democracy, culture of karmic individuattion, science, philosophy, astrology along with its strong exchange with the ancient covilizations of the Phoenecian, Fertile Crescent, Egypt, Africa, India, China; Caucasus and other cultures make it an important fundament for globalization of civilization, scienceand culture in the modern age.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Astrogeographical positions of important centers in Ancient Greece – calculated for astrogeographical field level 1 (larger region) which describes their global resonance.

Astrogeographical position and resonating degrees of Athens for morphogenetic field level 1 which describe the international, global topics of the Greek capital and  government: The astrogeographical position of the parliament area around Syntagma Square in Athens is located at 18° in earth sign Virgo and at 15° in water sign Scorpio for morphogenetic field level 1 which defines the global significance of the national capital, seat of parliament & government and all-time center of the national territory morphic field of Greece.

The Hellenic Parliament building in Athens is stretching across the divide between Gemini (north half) and Cancer (south half) and the 2nd coordinate in Cancer too – both for field level 4 (exact position of the building itself – field size app.: 80 x 120 m). The position in Gemini the sign of Parliaments is symptomatic of the function of the site and building as an interface dedicated to erxchange, discussion of controversies, opposites and the democratic conditions of liberty, freedom of opinion and speech and of the separation of the 3 powers (jur., leg. exec.) The even stronger Cancer resonance indicates the emphasis on the national, population patriotism and national independence and autonomy against the ruling classes, formal rule of state cult, ideology and the formalist interpretation of laws. ph:  Thomas Wolf,, ccbysa3.0

History of Modern Greece since the 15th cntury

The foundation chart for the Greek Republic of 1974

Greece and Athens in Political Astrology
Greek Republic Foundation Chart 1974 calculated for the swearing in of Konstantin Karamanlis as Prime Minister on 24 July 1974, 4.00 in Athens
  • The astrological birth chart for the modern Greek Democracy is calculated for the swearing in of Konstantinos Karamanlis as new president on 24 July 1974, 4.00, Athens (source: N. Campion “Book of world Horoscopes”). Nicholas Campion proposes 2 other astrological foundation dates one on 25 March 1821 and another one on 3 February 1830. 
  • All the three dates show intense transits near 18° in maritime sign Pisces (ocean, sea, global influences, Poseidon) the opposition degree to the 18° Virgo (harbor, protected dry land, storing goods, Athena) resonance coordinate of the all-time center of the national territorial field of Greece in Athens.
  • this sign opposition can be explored in regard to the competition between Poseidon (Neptune & Pisces) and the virgin goddess Athena (Virgo) on who was to be the ruling deity of the city of Athens.
  • maritime sign Pisces is the ruling sign of the sea and of ships and may be found to reflect the strong influence of ship owners in the history of Athens and on Greek economy.
  • The position of highly expansive Jupiter the planet of Zeus at 17° Pisces in opposition to the 18°Virgo resonance degree of Athens and the Greek government on the “birthday” of the new democratic State hints at the important role and challenge to the Greek government by beneficiaries from political and economic corruption, oligarchs and other forces from inside and outside of the country. 
  • the intensely strong conjunction between the ascendant at 13°Cancer with Mercury and Saturn between 10° and 11°Cancer exactly conjunct the 12°Cancer resonance coordinate of Moscow (10°Cancer of Berlin too) may be explored as a hint at the popular solidarity with Moscow due to the intense hate accumulated in Greece against the USA who had involved Greece as a proxy state in the geo-political strategy against the expansion of the Russian colonial empire in the military coup and rule of the brutal Papadopoulos regime between 1967 and 1974.
  • The conjunction between Mercury indicating rejection and attempts of abortion is particularly strong in Cancer as the sign of the uterus and emotional identity through the position right on the ascendant. The solidarity felt with Russia and hate against the USA so appears as a basic emotion at the foundation of the modern Greek democracy.

The Tempi Train Crash of 28 Feb 2023 with an exact Mars square and Uranus opposition to Athens

As documented in the wikipedia article a series of scandals pointing at organized criminal prevention of government investigation into details of the disastrous explosions following the TEMPI TRAIN CRASH of Feb 2023 led to widespread protests all over Greece in the following 2 years.

“On 28 February 2023, a head-on collision occurred between two trains south of the Tempe Valley in Greece….. The collision, involving the InterCity 62 (IC62) passenger train operated by Hellenic Train and an intermodal freight train, killed at least 57 people…… It is the deadliest rail disaster in Greek history. It was discovered that the IC62 passenger train had been allowed to proceed on the wrong track and pass signals at danger despite the presence of the freight train on the same stretch of track.” (source: wikipedia article)

Greece and Athens in Political Astrology
Tempi Train crash diagram Source: wikimedia commons GNU/FDL license

Experts later found that the forces from the train collision itself weren `t the most lethal factor but illegally transported substances which wehn set on fire developed a horror scenario of exlosion and fireballs.

For the proven substances that caused the most deadly impact the wiki article mentions: “aromatic hydrocarbons” and “liquid chemical solvents such as xylene and toluene, commonly used to adulterate gasoline” both probably illegally transported and “silicone oils“.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Astrological chart for the Larisa Tempi Train Crash on 28 Feb 2023, at 23:21 north of Larisa, Greece.

Astrogeographical Positions for field level 1 (global resonance)

  • The accident site is located at 0°SCORPIO & 3°LEO.
  • The astrogeographical resonance ccordinate of the Chinese Capital Beijing at 3°LEO exactly coincides with the site of the train crash. Speculations regarding the indication of this resonance would have to investigate the role of China as the owner of the harbor of Piraeus.
  • The Greek Capital Athens at 15°SCORPIO & 18°VIRGO
  • Mars at 18°Gemini was exactly square & Uranus at 15° Taurus exactly opposite Athens
  • URANUS OPPOSITE ATHENS: Uranus (Revolution) at 15°Taurus (money, markets) was in the very center of the sign of money, profits, income exactly opposite the 15°Scorpio resonance coordinate of Athens. The Indication of slower moving Uranusan particularlsy in the sgn of mones and markets indicate a higher level of organized criminal activity.

Pluto as main astrogeographical indicator for the accident

  • The incident occurred 3 weeks before Pluto`s 1st ingress into Aquarius on 23 Mar 2023.
  • During the accident Pluto was at 29°Capricorn heading towards the exact square to 0°SCO and start of the opposite transit in relation to the 3°LEO position.
  • Slow moving Pluto indicates long-term issues of corruption discharged, exploded and brought to the surface by the event.

Moon – Mars conjunction in the 3rd decade of air sign Gemini.

  • All such aspects have multiple dimensions on which we can interprete them.
  • Mars is the indicator for ignition and for accidents too.
  • Yes Gemini is the sign of roads, rails and transport vehicleds too
  • The 2nd half of Gemini is known for its over stimulation and over excitement like through gasoline. This aspect can so be investigated as indicating the gasoline and fuels exploding in the air and shooting what has been described as the „FIREBALL EFFECT“
  • At the same time Gemini represents the sign of democracy & parliament.
  • Mars at 18° Gemini was exactly square the 18°Virgo resonance of the capital Athens. Indicating that and how such type of super disasters force democratic institutions to reform administration, laws and surveillance of laws by police.

Reason why the train accident as such happened.

  • is maybe not the main overall issue – because a mistake made by an individual
  • Astrologically the first indicator for the person whose mistake caused the crash is MERCURY (operator) being conjunct Saturn (overload) in house 4.

The Issues of corruption in the chart

  • Central indicator in the event chart would be Pluto in House 3 as an indicator of structural corruption in the government adiministration and the political control organs (parliament)

The question of the seat and origin and of the organized criminal activities and conspirators

  • Regarding the quest for the seat of the criminal gang organized cominals: MERCURY as sign ruler over Mars & Moon in house 4 (operative base within the country) & conjunct Saturn there too.
  • Assumed the freight train was transporting containers from Thessaloniki to Piraeus Harbour but prosecutors not allowed to verify origin and content of containers – would make it an international issue.
  • How could there have been any possibility that the content of the containers would not be dsclosed to the public ??? Assumed the freight train was transporting containers from Thessaloniki to Piraeus Harbour but prosecutors not allowed to verify origin and content of containers – would make it an international issue. –

Greek History in the past 500 Years

The Fall of Constantinople in 1453

Astrogeographical Position of Byzantium/Constantinople

Astrogeographical resonance coordinates for Byzantium/Constantinople for field level 1 (larger region, global resonance) according to my calculation system are: 6°Cancer & 17°Capricorn. The opposition aspect between the 2 signs reflects the locationof Byzantium at the Bosporus strait between Europe and Asia indicating a bridge between 2 continents and the dichotomy and confrontation between the two.

Roman Emperor Constantine had selected the City of Byzantium the city on the European side of the Bosporus for strategical purposes as the New Rome renaming it Conctantinople. The foundation of Byzantium iwas dated by Greek historian Herodot as 667 BCE. – the summer solstice positions of JU in SAG; SAT in AQ, UR – PIS, NE in SAG, PL in GEM – make it an astrogeographically improbable year..

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Territorial Expansion of the Ottoman Empire between 1307 and 1683. map: Nicolas Eynaud, ccbysa3.0

The territorial expansion of the Ottoman Empire into European mainland Greece began in 1307 in the Gallipoli peninsula. The conquest of continental bridge at Constantinopolis on 29. Mai 1453 broke the last barrier allowing the Ottomans to conquer the Balkans and control large parts of Greece until the Post – Napoleonian era (1820ies).

Fall of Constantinople through the conquest by ottoman troops calculated as a midday chart for 29 May 1453 (inner circle) with transits during the foundation of Constantinople on 11 May 330 CE (outer circle)

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Fall of Constantinople through the conquest by ottoman troops calculated as a midday chart for 29 May 1453 (inner circle) with transits during the foundation of Constantinople on 11 May 330 CE (outer circle)
  • Mercury and Chiron on the first degrees of Cancer approaching the 6°Cancer resonance of Constantinople explain the efforts made to overcome the legendary frotress walls and open the gates into the city. Their square transit to Neptune indicates that the soldier were able to discover and make use of the weaknesses of the fortress.
  • The long term transit of slow moving Neptun at 2° Libra in square transit to the 6°Cancer resonance of Constantinople is a main indication of the causes of the fall of the legendary Constantinople fortress wall. Neptune (flooding, dissolution) indicates a period of structural weakness through territorial challenges.
  • Jupiter (zeus, victory) at 9°Aries the sign of warfare too occupied a square position to 6°Cancer making ihm an indicator of the challenges to the city winning the battle.
  • The resulting dangers and problems problem lying ahead for Athens and the Greek lands are documented by the position of the Sun at 16° Gemini and on the South Node square to the 17°Virgo resonance coordinate of Athens in such a way that the North Node as indicator of aims was at 16° in Sagittarius the sign of victory, chasing, hunting and aiming precisely square to Athens as well.
  • A key to exploring the full intensity of this aspect lies in the meaning of the South Node as the indication of the aqcuired control over the Bosporus super fortress documented by the SUN conjunct the South Node meaning that the full presence of powers (SUN) was not focused on the gains reached (SOUTH NODE) but on the perspective and aims opened through the posession of the Bosporus: the Ottomans held the key (Sagitarius) to a free passage (Sagittarius) to invading (Sagittarius) and voctory (Sagittarius) in Europe and against Athens.
  • The overall transit situation also provides a strong documentation of the clockwork of astrogeographical transits with intense insights into the sequence of resulting events that followed the conquest of Constantinople:
  • PLUTO at 8°Leo and URANUS at 28°CANCER were on the way to their conjunction at 13°Leo and square to the 15°SCORPIO RESONANCE OF ATHENS in 1455 and 1456 which accompanied the Ottoman conquest of Greece and Athens in 1456.
  • The mid-day position of the Moon at 4°Pisces was by the way conjunct the 3°Pisces resonance coordinate of the all-time capital of the territories that are now modern Turkey in Ankara.
  • The Pisces resonance of Ankara from my astrogeographical worldmap calculation system is btw. also fascinatingly reflected in the fact that the City name has traditionally been interpreted as to have derived from an anchor found here by 7th century BCE Phrygian King Midas. Pisces is the sign of the sea and ocean with the first 5 degrees reflecting the bottom of oceans, where anchors are lowered in order to get grip and stable position.
  • During the Roman re-foundation of Byzantium the 3°Pisces position of Ankara (as all time capital center of turkey) had been occupied by Pluto (indicator of fortresses, bunkers, tanks, defense positions) at 2°Pisces indicating that the stregthening of the Bosporus capital by Enperor Contsantine had been aimed at defending the Eastern borders of the Roman Empire against invasions from the lands that are modern Turkey today.

The 1st Turkish occupation of Athens happened during a Pluto-Uranus conjunction square to Athens in 1456

Recommended: : Uranus – Pluto Conjunctions in Astrology

Astrological chart for the Ottoman occupation of Greece in 1456 – the date is approximate – calculated for 1 June 1456 at 12:00 noon
  • The Turkish-Ottoman occupation of Athens in 1456 under Mehmed II occurred during a close Pluto-Uranus conjunction around 12° in royal fire sign Leo the sign if absolutist rule and hyper-centralism approaching the exact square position to the 15°Scorpio astrogeographical coordinate of Athens.
  • This type of direct aspects between transiting Pluto and Uranus in square, opposition and/or conjunction with capitals are among the most dramatic astrological aspects for national capitals.
  • The fiercefulness of the square from the Pluto-Uranus conjunction (aspect of castration) square to Athens lay in the extensive cultural eradication of the Greek autonomy and cultural inheritance through the pseudo-islamic national cult of the Ottoman emperors and the invasion with a centralist monotheism that was employed to organize the Ottoman empire under a strictly hierarchical rule.
  • The fact that the Pluto-Uranus Conjunction occurred in royal sign Leo the sign of super-centralism and absolutism concentrated in the Leo motto “There can be only one” which makes Leo the core indicator of the paranoia of abolutist rulers.
  • The importance of the resonance of Leo the sign of the Sun with monotheism can be observed through the astrogeographical position of  Akhetaten (Amarna) as the first capital of monotheism Leo.

The start of the Greek War of Independence during the Uranus – Neptune conjunction of 1821

On the importance of Uranus – Neptune Conjunctions please read my article: Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology

Uranus - Neptune Conjunctions in Astrology
The Uranus – Neptune Conjunction of 22 March 1821 initialized the beginning of the current 344 years long Capricorn Age in the 3770 years super cycle of Uranus – Neptune conjunctions. The so-called Post – Napoleonic Period triggered a global melt down of the colonial empires of Spain and France and a domino effect that allowed the independence and foundation of large number of national states in Europe and the Americas wthin the 15 years between 1814 and 1830.

It is a fascinating congruence that the important event that triggered the Greek war of independence happened just 3 days after this super – conjunction of the PLANET OF REVOLUTION (Uranus) with the PLANET OF DISSOLUTION (NEPTUNE).

The Metropolitan Germanos Patra blessed the greek flag and proclamation of independence on March 25, 1821, at the Monastery of Agia Lavra.

The exact date for the start of the Greek War of Independence is mostly set on 21 February 1821. The blessing of the national Greek flag and the Elliniki Epanastasi proclamation of independence by the Metropolitan Germanos Patra on March 25, 1821 at the monastery of Agia Lavra on Peleponnesos was an official ceremony that can be considered as an important early event in the timeline of national independence in the 1820ies.

Greek War of Independence: the blessing of the Elliniki Epanastasi and Greek flag in 1821 calculated for 12:00 noon.
  • It took place during a highly excitable Mars-Venus conjunction at 18°Piscesand in exact opposition to the 18°Virgo astrogeographical position of Athens which was then ruled by Ottoman forces.
  • As can be seen there was no direct pressure for political change on the status quo of the Ottoman occupation of Athens from the slow moving outer planets in 1821.
  • The indicaties that the inspiration of self-liberation and revolution that affected Greece in 1821 was through the inspiration of an all European and global revolution as reflected by the conjunction of Uranus (Revolution, Self-Liberation) with Neptune (dissolution holistic restructring) on 3°Capricorn the zodiac degrees of Government and effective political reform (0°-5°CAP).which swept away negative political systems in a large number of nations at this time.

The Return of Zeus (Jupiter) to Athens in January 1828

The Greek autonomy was made possible through the defeat of the Ottoman fleet in the Battle of Navarino by the British-French-Russian alliance on 20 October 1827. On 28 January 1828 Ioannis Kapodistrias arrived in Greece to take over the responsibility for the establishment of the new greek state. 

Astrological chart for Greek autonomy calculated for the arrival of Ioannis Kapodistrias former Russian Foreign minister to become the 1st head of State of independent Greece on 28 January 1828 calculated for 12:00 noon
  • The astrological chart for the arrival of Ioannis Kapodistrias former Russian Foreign minister to become the 1st head of State of independent Greece on 28 January 1828 shows Zeus (Jupiter as the winner) at 13°Scorpio approaching the 16°Scorpio astrogeographical position of Athens. The Greek autonomy finished with nearly 400 years of Ottoman/Turkish rule over Greece.
  • .

German Invasion of 1941 during a Jupiter – Saturn conjunction opposite Athens

The military invasion of Greece in World War II had been started by Italian troops advancing from Albania on 28 October 1940. The Greek Army temporarily halted the invasion and pushed the Italians back into Albania.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
1941-1944 Axis Occupation of Greece. Depicted are the three occupation zones, plus the geographic regions and major urban centres. map: Cplakidas, ccbysa3.0

Astrological chart for the German invasion of Greece during WW2 calculated for 6 April 1941 at sunrise
  • In the following year German troops invaded Greece and Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941 under the transit of Saturn at 14° and Jupiter at 18° in Taurus the sign of agriculture, food and occupation of territory with its half-sum in exact opposition to the 16°Scorpio astrogeographical coordinate of Athens
  • The war crime of the plundering of Greece through regular German troops (Wehrmacht) under the opposition transit of Jupiter and Saturn in Taurus the sign of food caused the worst famine in greek history ever during the winter of 1941/42 and in the years to come causing an estimated 250.000-450.000 deaths through starvation.

Zeus (Jupiter) Return to Athens in 1944

The withdrawal of German troops from Athens 12 October 1944.seems to have happened at an important turning point in history in .

The intensity and completeness of astrogeographical of resonance aspects during the last months of October and November 1944 seem to somewhat overwhelming. For Greece, the European continent and worldwide.

Astrological chart for the withdrawal of German troops from Athens on 12 October 1944 calculated for midday

Resonance for Greece:

  • JUPITER´s approach towards the 18°Virgo astrogeographical coordinate of Athens brought the liberation of the Greek capital from the Nazi terror regime through the return of Zeus (Jupiter) in Athena`s own sign and city.
  • VENUS (posession of land, grounding, income, markets) at 17°Scorpio was conjunct the 15°Scorpio coordinate of Athens indicating economic and territorial stabilization
  • URANUS (revolution, self-liberation) at 13°Gemini square the 18°Virgo resonance of Athens is the mark here of a period of revolution and competition between political groups within and also from outside (Uranus) the nation which infolded itself in the civil war that followed when
  • PLUTO was at 10°Leo heading for the exact square aspect to the 15°Scorpio resonance of Athens explaining a period of heavy challenges while the nation was being grinded by the notorious expansionism of Soviet Russia that allowed no self-centering of the national groups but worked to split the people apart like tghey did in all nations through the strucutrl weakness of their 22 million km² super empire and another 10 millions under their geo-strategical aitation propaganda machinery from the Chinese to the East European revolutions.

Global Resonance:

  • SATURN was at 11°Cancer conjunct the two astrogeographcal neighbo capitals of Berlin (10°Cancer) and Moscow (12°Cancer) explaining the liberation of Athens events as a stabilization of autonomy of the German nation in its own center (through defeat) as well as for the Russian government and people (through victory).
  • NEPTUNE at 4°Libra: was in a challenging, paralyzing square transit to the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington explaining how the victory over Nazi – Germany in World War II immediatly turned into a defeat against the geo-stategical sphere of interest of the Russian Colonial Empire which massively expanded in Europe and China from 1944 onwards.

Greek Civil War  of 1946-49

The Greek Civil War from 1946 to 1949 between the Greek government army backed by the UK  and USA and the Democratic Army of Greece (DSE)—the military branch of the Greek Communist Party (KKE) backed by Yugoslavia, Albania and Bulgaria is often considered the first proxy war of the post WW2 Cold War era.  

Map of Greece during the civil war ph: Alexikoua, ccbysa3.0

The Greek Civil War of 1946-49 began as an armed uprising by the Russian led Communist Party of Greece in the symptomatic style of the Coup Etat attempts staged in Europe since the Spartakist Uprising staged in Germany in January 1919

By 1946 it was basically a STALINIST TYPE PROXY WAR of the Russian Colonial Empire which had taken over possession of the whole of Eastern Europe against the USA and its allies in a similar way. With the outcome of the Greek Civil War being a government that was strongly dependent on the USA which by 1967 felt forced to implant a semi-fascist military junta to impede the Soviet Russian colonial control over Greece.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Comparative Chart for the beginning of the Greek Civil War on 31 March 1946 (inner circle) – with transits for the declaration of ceasefire by ceasefire declared by Nikos Zachariadis general secretary of the Greek Communist Party KKE on 16 Oct 1949 (outer circle)
  • URANUS SQUARE ATHENS: Uranus (revolution) at 14°Gemini was approaching the square position to the 17°Virgo resonance coordinate of Athens. This “NATURAL 2 YEARS TRANSIT” of pressure on the status quo of the capital, parliament, and governemnt explains the situation as part of interior historical issues of self-finding of the modern Greek nation.
  • Nevertheless at the same time Uranus is also particularly symptomatic of global issues and issues of globalization. Uranus is therefore to be explored as th indicator of the Stalinist Soviet World Revolution attempting to change political systems in any nation worldwide.
  • Since the position of Uranus at 14°Gemini was exactly conjunct Rome

Pluto – Uranus conjunction over Athens: the Greek military junta of 1967–1974

The coup d’état of 21 April 1967 overturned the democratic institutions and replaced the government through a military junta under Georgios Papadopoulos.

Astrological chart for the Coup d`Ètat and the Greek military junta calculated for 21 April 1967 and 12:00 noon.
  • The intense tension from the simultaneous transits of Uranus (between May 1965 and October 1966) and  Pluto (August 1965 – September 1967) over the 18°Virgo position of  Athens was used for a coup d`Etat that established the military junta under the CIA trained Georgios Papadopoulos.
  • This transit aspect as such has a similar fiercefulness as did the conjunction of the same planets during the Ottoman invasion of Athens in 1456. It stands for radical castration of the people and nation.

History of Ancient Greece

For timelines of ancient Greek History see the wikipedia article here:

  • Greek Dark Ages: Iron Age, Homeric Age 1,100 – 800 BC
  • Archaic Period: 785–481 BC
  • Classical Greece: 480–323 BC
  • Hellenistic Greece: 323–30 BC
  • Roman Greece: 146 BC – AD 324
  • Byzantine Greece:   AD 324 – 1453
  • Frankish/Latin Greece: 4th Crusade 1204 – 1797 End of Venetian Republic.
  • Ottoman Greece: 1453 – 1821 .

Timelines of Astrological Ages for exploration

The 2 most precise and important astrological keys for exploration of the timelines of ages are provided by the 3 slowest moving systemical planets:

  • AGES BY NEPL CONJUNCTION 33.000 years long super cycles of Neptune and Pluto conjunctions divided into 12 sub-periods in which their positions moves through the 12 zodiac signs in a total of 67 cycles of app. 492 years. Since the last
Pluto - Neptune Conjunctions in Astrology
Pluto Neptune Transits Cyclic Ages and the History of Civilization.The Aries Taurus & Gemini Ages of the 33.000 years long Pluto-Neptune Super Cycle. The current Modern Age of Civilization was initialized by the first Neptune Pluto Conjunction in Aries after 33.000 which happened in 2561 BCE. This conjunction accompanied the first development of elaborate script which in cultural history is understood as the mark and condition of high culture civilization of the modern era. See my cornerstone article : Pluto-Neptune Conjunctions as the Astrology of Ages

The Mycenaean Period 1700 – 1050 BCE

Mycenaean Greece (or the Mycenaean civilization) was the last phase of the Bronze Age in ancient Greece, spanning the period from approximately 1750 to 1050 BC

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Map of Mycenaean Greece 1400-1200 BC: Palaces, main cities and other settlements. map: Alexikoua,, ccbysa3.0
  • The term “Dark Ages” refers to the fact that they are less known.
  • But its quite certain that the “Greek colonization” began at some stage during that period.
  • Astrologically we can superficially assume that the beginning of the TAURUS AGE in 1073 BCE is plausible for it to have intensified and been devloped to a more lucrative standard. But we should not forget that this is just speculative.
  • Greek Colonization was by ship and through building ports and cities as bases for trade.
  • In that it may be comparable to early West – European Colonization after 1450
  • But is to be differentiated from the 2nd stage of European Colonization after 1500 esp. that of Russia which was worked by land and through systematic occupation and annexation of foreign territories and populations.

The Greek Archaic Period: 785–481 BC

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Greek and Phoenician colonies in the 8th-6th centuries BCE. map: Gepgepgep, ccbysa3.0

The Classical Greece Period 480 – 323 BCE

The Battles of Plateae and Salamis

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Map showing the Greek world during the Greco-Persian Wars (ca. 500–479 BC). map: Bibi Saint-Pol, ccbysa3.0
Naval Battle of Salamis

Naval Battle of Salamis on 26 or 27 September 480 BC between an alliance of Greek city-states under Themistocles, and the Achaemenid Empire under King Xerxes.was an important victory in the second Persian invasion of Greece.


Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Astrological Chart for the Battle of Salamis on 29 Sep 480 BCE (julian date)
  • Astrogeographical position of the Achaemenide capital Persepolis: 5°Scorpio and 1°Aries
  • Astrogeographical Position of the Salamis Strait: 13°Scorpio and 19°Virgo.

Planets during the Battle of Salamis

  • Neptune at 12°Sagittarius heading towards the exact square positio to the 18°Virgo resonance coordinate of Athens can be explored as the indicator of the central issues of the last phase ane end of the Persian attempt to conquer and possess Greece.
  • Neptunes square transit indicates a period of challenges to territorial independence, autonomy and national identity (square transit to a capital). The challenge through Neptune stands for globalalization, transcendental foreign and global influence, attempts to subdue and ona karmic level the stimulation for transcending cultural, technological, and other habitual limitations to development. Its so indicates a Holistic Challenge.
Battles of Plateae and Mycale (near Samos)

The Battle of Plataea was the final land battle during that ended the the second Persian invasion of Greece. It is considered one of the most famous and most important battles in European history.

Battle description: “At the preceding Battle of Salamis, the allied Greek navy had won an unlikely but decisive victory, preventing the conquest of the Peloponnesus region. Xerxes then retreated with much of his army, leaving his general Mardonius to finish off the Greeks the following year. In the summer of 479 BC, the Greeks assembled a huge army and marched out of the Peloponnesus. The Persians retreated to Boeotia and built a fortified camp near Plataea……….While attempting a retreat after their supply lines were disrupted, the Greek battle line fragmented. Thinking that the Greeks were in full retreat, Mardonius ordered his forces to pursue them, but the Greeks, particularly the Spartans, Tegeans and Athenians halted and gave battle, routing the lightly armed Persian infantry and killing Mardonius. “ (wikipedia article)

The Battle of Plateae and that of Mycale some 350 km East were fought on the same day. While a Greek army attacked the Persians by land at Plataea the allied Greek fleet sailed to Samos where the remnants of the Persian fleet was stationed and destroyed them.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Astrological Chart for the Battle of Plataea calculated for 27 Aug 479 BCE (julian calendar) as a midday chart.
  • Astrgeographical posiotion of Plateae (40 km NE of Athens): 9°Scorpio – 13°Virgo
  • Astrogeographical position of Mount Mycale (Asia minor, opposite Samos island) : 26°Sagittarius – 25°Virgo
  • Astrogeographical position of the Achaemenide capital Persepolis: 5°Scorpio and 1°Aries :

Planets during the Battle of Plateae:

  • Mars at 17°Scorpion conjunct ther 15°Scorpio resonance coordinate of Athens: the aspect seems to explain the alertrness, motivation, quick and determined action of the Greek forces
  • Venus at 18°Virgo conjunct the 17°Virgo resonance coordinate of Athens: may be understodd here as an indication of victory , inviolability (virgo) of territory (Venus) and profits (Venus)
  • The long term transit of slow moving Neptune and its conjunction with Lilith (indicator of the unknown, unseen and incalculable) at 14°-15° in Sagittarius square to the 17°Viorgo resonance coordinate of Athens is the indicator here for the period of foreign invasion.
  • Since the position of 18°Virgo with Venus on it represents the status quo of the Greek side the Neptune-Lilith conjunction square to Athens represents the status quo of the Persian troops as weak.
  • A particular facette of Neptune (relying on Inituitive action) being conjunct Lilith (unsconsious, unforeseen, unddetected) may be lead to key esplanation here of how the Persian commander Mardonius misinterpreted the situation bringing himelf and his troops into disaster and death.

Planets during the Battle of Mycale

  • Since Neptune is the ruler of the sea and maritime movements with boats too the square position of Neptune ro Athens also symbolizes the travel away from the mainland to hunt (Sagittarius) the Persian Marine forces.
  • The dark Moon Lilith conjunct Neptune could be explored of an inidcation of th indicate the deplorable state that the Persians ships and forces were in.

Alexander The Great

The period of Alexanders reign as king of Macedon and Hegemon of the Hellenic League lasted from October 336 to his death on 10 or 11 June 323 BC. And he was Pharao of Egypt from 332 to 323 and King of Persia from 330 to 323.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Birth chart for Alexander the Great calculated for 20 Jul 356 BCE (jul.) as a midday chart. The exact date is disputed – but 20 or 21 Jul is s a result of historical research (see dt & en wikipedia). On 21 Jul the Moon position would have made a difference.

Personality issue

  • Pluto at 20°Aries: the 20th degree of aries is THE most important and central degree of the warriror-aristocracy caste. In natal charts it indicates karmic issues with the experience as a higher rank officer, military leader and king. Pluto in that position indicates the karmic isses of dealing with traumatic issues from petterns of role behaviour from these experience esp.. Their major individuality issues are shown by the square position of this Pluto pattern to the Sun in Cancer the sign of emotional individuation.
  • Neptune at 16° Virgo square to the 18°Virgo resonance coordinate of Athens: this aspect explains Alexander role in the way of transcendence (Neptune) of the Greek territories. The further he went away the more he left the all-time capital of Greece, and his motherland behind.

Zeitgeist issues

  • Pluto in Aries: the beginning of the new 248 years Pluto cycle throgh the Pluto ingree into Aries in 375 BCE marked the beginning of a new cultural period
  • Neptune at 16° Virgo

Alexander`s Asian Campaign 334 – 323 BCE

See a Chonology of the Expedition here.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
A map of Alexander the Great’s empire at its largest extent in 323 BCE including details of key roads, location and battles. map: Generic Mapping Tools, ccbysa3.0
Start in 334 BCE

Alexanders Army started the Asian campaign leaving from Amphipolis in April 334 BCE. An exact date is not known but a full moon gathering in spring (mostly March) of groups of fighters from all particpiating cities and directions was a traditional setting.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Alexanders Asian Campaign calculated for 31 March 334 BCE (jul) Full Moon as assumed gathering of army
  • I calculated the Full Moon of 31 March 334 BCE wihich is the most probaböe, plausible date as military gatherings were usuall planned for full moon as the best and easiest date for orientation. How many days after thfull moon the first ciontingents of troops started marching can be speculated. But most probably several goups of vanguard must have been sent earlier in order to scout for food supple, logistics a.s.o.
  • Most important planetary indicators for the zeitgeist of the era must be Pluto near 9° Taurus and his opposition to Neptune at 5°Scorpio
  • Uranus at the beginning of Aries sign of warfare indicated the beginning of a military revolution, intensity of motivation and effects of revoluton brought bout through Alexanders outstanding one-way military campaign
  • Jupiter on the last degrees of Cancer indicated an atmsophere of leaving, separation and melancholia turning into fresh new motic´vation and excitement 4 say later when Jupiter ingressed in Leo.
The Battle of Issos on 5 Nov 333

The Battle of Issus in southern Anatolia was fought on 5 November 333 BC between Alexanders Hellenic League and the Achaemenid Empire, led by Darius III. It was 2nd great battle of Alexander`s Asian campaign.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Map showing the Initial dispositions at the beginning of the Battle of Issos, The astrogeographical latitude (N-S sequence of zodiac signs) of the site is located at 15°Libra. Since on that day there was an exact opposition between Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries the Persians in the North of Pinarus River facing South.represent Mars while the Macedonians in the South facing North represent Uranus.
  • The position of Mars in so represents the Persians moving South indicating that the Macedonian side is represented by Uranus.
  • Mars indicates attacks relying on power of forces while Uranus indicates innovative, surprise and swift strategies, moves and technology.,
  • The Sun (massive presence) in Scorpio as the neighbour sign of Mars represents Persian troops too – while Pluto (strong defense) in Taurus as the neigbor sign of Aries represents Macedonians.

Athens and Greece in Political Astrology
Astrological Chart for the Battle if Issos on 5 Nov 333 BCE (julian date) calculated as a 12:00 noon chart
  • Astrogeographical position of Issos: 15°Libra (N-S latitude) and 15°Aries (W-E longitude).
  • Astrogeographical position of the Achaemenide capital Persepolis: 5°Scorpio and 1°Aries
  • Astrogeographical position of Athens (All Greece Capital): 15°Scorpio – 18°Virgo
  • Astrogeographical position of Pella (Macedonian capital): 0°Scorpio – 12°Cancer

Planets during Battle of Issos:

  • Jupiter at 29°Virgo was conjunct the natal position in Alexanders birth chart.
  • MARS at 9°LIBRA OPPOSITE URANUS AT 8°ARIES: Since on that day there was an exact opposition between Mars in Libra and Uranus in Aries the Persians in the North of Pinarus River facing South rrepresent Mars while the Macedonians in the South facing North represent Uranus.
  • SUN at 9°SCORPIO OPPOSITE PLUTO at 10°TAURUS: The opposition between the Sun position (conjunct Neptune) in Libra´s neighbour sign Scorpio and Pluto in Aries neighbour sign Taurus can therefore indicate the Persians facing south and Macedonians facing north: This aspect can be explored in regard to the confrontation between strong defense, weapon systems and alertness (Pluto) defending their positions (Taurus as indicator of teritorial control) and as sign ruler over the Sun in Scorpion inviting attacks.
  • SUN CONJUNCT NEPTUNE: the leader of the represented group (Persians) is under pressure through inner competition or else not fully aware of the opponents tactics and the overall strategical situation.
  • SUN IN SCORPIO: is not necessarily negative or weak in competition or battle. For the Persian side the Sun reflects an appeal to superiority based on larger quantity of troops and absolutism and centralism of their kingdom (Leo-Scorpio aka Sun-Pluto Conjunction).

Hellenistic Greece Period 323–30 BC