Copenhagen, Denmark & Nuuk, Greenland in Political Astrology. Birth & foundation charts of Denmark and its territories in astrogeography.
Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A – Z: Lists of all capitals by continent, (dt. version), African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Beirut, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Reykjavík, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington.
The astrogeographical position of Copenhagen

The astrogeographical position of Copenhagen for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the international and global resonance of the capital and political center of Denmark is: the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Copenhagen are 1° Cancer and 14°Cancer the sign of emotional independence, identity and individuality, fertility, motherhood, pregnancy, ancestors and the most important astrological factor for emotional authenticity in modern art and culture. The fact that the national morphic field of Denmark found its central capital in Cancer the sign of lakes, islands and coastlines as the natural habitat of crabs directly resonates with the land of islands and coastal territories seems only natural.
The Birth Charts for Denmark

- The Danish constitution was a result of the European-wide democratic movement during the Pluto-Uranus conjunction of the years 1848-50. While attempts to get to a modern constitution failed in most other countries it was successful in Denmark.
- The Mars-Saturn conjunction between 13° and 6° Aries the sign of German culture may indicate that a large part of the pressure on the Danish governments which led to the new constitution was an effect of the Frankfurt National Assembly of 1848/49 and the rise of German nationalism and the threat from the expectable foundation of the first German national state (which finally happened not before 1871. The rise of the Prussian-German national state caused a strong threat to Danish territories and resulted in the 2nd Schleswig War of 1864.
- MERCURY at 8°CANCER was conjunct the half-sum or midpoint between the 2 resonance coordinates of the Danish capital at 1° & 14°Cancer. Mercury so indicates that the
- As an indicator of practical solutions Mercury
Gorm the Old as a 1st King of Denmark with
The exact date of origin of the Kingdom of Denmark is not established, but names of Danish kings begins to emerge in foreign sources from the 8th century and onwards. Danish and Nordic legendary stories, chronicles and sagas often have accounts of Danish kings and dynasties stretching further back in time than the 7th century.

Painting by August Carl Vilhelm Thomsen (1813-86
The year 936 marked the beginning of more exact written records on the danish kings through the beginning of the reign of King Gorm the Old. The astrogeographical transit which explains the change brought about by the appointment of Gorm the Old was the ingress of Pluto in water sign Cancer and straight onto the 1°Cancer resonance coordinate of what later became the capital of the national morphic field of Denmark. For more examples of the importance of the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of central capitals for events in the history of nations see my articles on the astrogeographical positions of Berlin, Warsaw, Ottawa, Canberra, New Delhi, Tokyo an many others.

The effects of Plutos ingress into Cancer and onto the national capital coordinates of Denmark can be examined in an assumed deeper transformation of social life, defense systems, culture and technology. But it has to be noted that Pluto over the central degrees of the national morphic field (1° and 14°Cancer) did not bring the christianization of Denmark. In fact Gorm the Old appears to have been a candidate that stood for the preservation of the older native religion. It was Gorms son Harald Bluetooth (reign 958-986) who became the first christian King of Denmark after being baptized in 960.

ph: Anagoria, GFDL
The astrological chart for the birth moment of Christian Denmark reveals an an important astrogeographical parallel to the birth charts of Christian Poland (966) and of the Holy Roman Empire (962): important transits of Neptune the planet of spirituality.

But whereas Neptune was conjunct the resonance degrees of the future central capitals of Poland and Germany Warsaw and Berlin indicating at least some support for the national topics this transit of Neptune occurred as a square to the future national capital Copenhagen indicating a possible challenge to the national unity and national morphic field of Denmark.
The astrogeographical position of Nuuk the capital of Greenland

The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Nuuk for morphogenetic field level 1 which describe the international and global resonance of the capital and political center of Greenland: Nuuk has one coordinate at 20°Sagittarius and the 2nd at 10°Taurus. The transit of Jupiter over the 20° Sagittarius (heat sign) resonance coordinate of the capital of Greenland and the approach of Uranus towards the 10° Taurus (sign of the earth and soil) resonance degree between May 2020 and April 2022 stand for the changes to be expected for Greenland through the effects of climate change.
The possession of Greenland was disputed by Norway and Denmark over centuries until it was settled by the International Court of Justice in The Hague on 5 April 1933. The astrogeographuical resonance coordinates for Norwegian capital Oslo are 3°Aries and 10°Gemini.

Trumps Colonialist Claims to Greenland in 2019 and 2024/25
On August, 19 2019 media from all over the world reported that Donald Trump has confirmed his statement released before saying he is considering an attempt to buy Greenland for strategic reasons, though he said the idea is “not No1 on the burner”. Trump`s unprecedented arrogant and dangerous play with imperialistic expansion threatens the autonomy and rights of small countries all over the world. And apart from that it directly questions the political status quo in the North Sea region including the political and strategical sphere of the European Union and a number of NATO allies (UK, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Finnland and Sweden and also Russia. Trumps announcements have to be understood as a direct attack on global political stability, a threat to the future of NATO and the beginning of a US campaign attempting to occupy polar territories legally owned by Norway, Denmark and Canada.

- Trumps announcements and continuing provocations were made during Saturns transit over 14°Capricorn in exact opposition to the 14°Cancer resonance coordinate of the danish capital Copenhagen. The opposition transit of Saturn in his own sign Capricorn and near the conjunction with Pluto explain the US Presidents remarks as a straight attack on danish autonomy.
- The newest step in the newest phase of US imperialistic global policies begun in January 2001 came in the wake of a coming conjunction transit of the North Node over the 14°Cancer resonance coordinate of Copenhagen in September 2019, the 12°Cancer coordinate of Moscow in October, the 10°Cancer coordinate of Berlin in November 2019 and the 6°Cancer position of Washington in February 2020 suggesting that the effects of the process started can be assumed to have direct consequences on the political situation and decisions in all 4 countries in the years to come.
Trumps Renewal of Claims to Annexation of Greenland in 2024/25
4 weeks before the Presidential Inauguration of Donald Trump and his oligarchic lobbyist Elon “I buy everything” Musk on 20 January 2025 have started an intense wave of extremely arrogant and highly aggressive provocations and announcements regarding their appeal to global rulership in personam. Yes one may argue Trump uses provocation like a tiger but may turn out to be a lame cat. But this time there appears to be a whole organisation of US oligarchs claiming to be able and work to take over control of the USA and Europe.
Due to the growing speed of climate change Greenland is going to be a land of growing attractivity not just for exploitation of resources but for living within the next 20 -30 years.
In Trumps wordings “Greenland is vital to American national security”. Nevertheless if it was about the national security of the USA and its appeal to control and defend the Arctic region against Russian colonialism Trump has had years to talk about a US and/or NATO military base in Greenland with its long-term ally Denmark and other NATO allies like Norway, UK, Ireland. Iceland, Canada, France and the European Union.
Doing that via interviews and by provocation, threat and as part of his daily lying, manipulating for propaganda warfre plus accompanied by his hate proaganda lobbyist and notoriuos liar Elon Musk at the same time suggesting military invasion of Great Britain has got to be taken serious as part of an agenda to:
- weaken and/or destroy NATO
- to follow in the footsteps of the colonialist agenda of the only remainng Colonial Empire on our planet: Moscow-Russia
- to terminate the United Nations Charta of 24 Oct 1945 which prohibits invasions and volent attacks on other states
- to counterplay the Russian Colonialsm and claim annexations in exchange for annexations made by Moscow Russia in violation of international law and the UN Charta
- to enter into bargaining with Russia on the US consent to the Russian annexations in Ukraine

- Mercury (tactical moves, playing, advertising) at 11°Leo exactly square the 10°Taurus resonance coordinate of the capital of Greenland indicating a method operated in a poker game attitude and playing with colonialist demands
- Saturn (borders, governments) at 14°Capricorn opposite Copenhagen ´s 14°Cancer, Moscows 12°Cancer resonance positions.
- Jupiter (arson attacks, lobbyism, success, expansion) at 14°Sagittarius on his was to approaching the conjunction with the 20°Sagittariius resonance coordinate of Nuuk within 6° (1°/per year rhythm – in years = 2025).
- Jupiter at 14°Sagittarius was exactly conjunct the position of Pluto (14°SA) during the fatal inauguration of G.W. Bush that started the renewal of the global war agendas in 2001.: This transit aspect is a hint at how Trumps strategy to exploit the global confrontation created by the G.W. Bush administration (PL in SAG) in his hunt for profits (Jupiter in Sagittarius).
- Copenhagen (Denmark) at 1°Cancer & 14°Cancer: the Saturn Neptune conjunction of 20 Feb 2026 at 1°Aries will take place in exact square to the Danish capital indicating intense challenges through flooding & climate change (SA-NE), neglection (SA-NE) of national rights and terititoral autonomy (NE-SA) and possibly through aggression and/or warfare (Aries) as proposed by Trump
- Turmp 1st made the claim on 19 Aug 2019 during the transit of Saturn at 14°Capricorn in exact opposition to Copenhagen`s 14°Cancer resonance position. Indication of an appeal to establish a hierarchy of rulership of the ruling castes aka oligarchs (Center of Capricorn)
- Sun-Venus-Mars conjunction between 26°Leo & 1°Virgo conjunct Washingtons 27°Leo resonance coordinate and his own ascendant at 29°Leo indicating the appeal to a global rulership of the large super-centralist super powers. Compare my article: “The Astrology of the Global World Order”.
- URANUS in TAURUS indicating OLiGARCHIC REVOLUTION: with Uranus at 23° (climax in the sign of money and possessions) in Taurus (money, markets, oligarchs) on his way to the exact square to the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington as the central astrological indicvation of the Turmp-Musk cuop D `Etat attempts against the capital, population, center of the national morphic field, central state in favour of the OLiGARCHIC REVOLUTION against the rights and political influence of the American people in their own land.
- Jupiter at 14°Gemini was in exact opposition to Jupiters position (14°SAG) during the first timing of Trumps Greenland provocation of 2019.
- Jupiter at 14°Gemini square Saturn at 14°Pisces: hunt for profit (Jupiter) challenging limits, borders, laws and long term effective reality (Saturn). Saturn is an indication that the annexation actually seems impossible —- except if Trump sent it out to bargaining with Chinaover a deal to swap Taiwan for it. a.s.o. ……
- Moon at 12°Libra. like Jupiter the Moon was in exact opposition to where he stood at midday of the first Greenland Annecation claim (12°Aries) of 2019. In both cases the Moon occupying the square aspect to the 12°Cancer position of Moscow explained a provocation sent to Moscow. While in 2019 Trump worked to challenge,stimulate or invite the Russian aggression (MOON square MOSCOW in ARIES) by 2024 he Trumps announcement may so seem to answer the RUSSIAN INVASION in UKRAINE (MOON in LIBRA) by calling for compensation to clear the imbalance of profits made by Putin while Trump was out of Presidential office for 4 years.
The Saturn – Neptune Conjunction of 2026 square to Copenhagen

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