Havana and Cuba in astrology. On the astrogeographical position of the capital of Cuba and the political astrology of the Cuban nation and territories.
Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A – Z: Lists of all capitals by continent, (dt. version), African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Beirut, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, Lisbon, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Reykjavík, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington.
Havana and Cuba in astrology
Astrogeographical Position of Havana

Havana is the capital of Cuba the biggest of the Caribbean Islands, Cubas strategical position to the south of the Florida (USA) and to the west of the Yucatan (Mexico) peninsulas makes it an important bridge between the USA, Central Mexico and the Caribbean nations.

The City of Havana was built to the west and south of the natural Havana Bay that can be entered through a narrow inlet from the North coast making it an ideal place for an easy to protect harbor. The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Havana at 2°Taurus the sign of market places and at 15°Virgo the sign of protected places and harbors as such made it an ideal site for the construction of a protected harbor and trading post.
The astrogeographical position of the City of Havana for morphogenetic field level 1 describes the supraregional and global topics of resonance of the capital, government and national morphic field of Cuba. The resonance coordinate at 2° in highly centralist earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth, roots, markets, agriculture, occupation, possession and control of lands is located in exact conjunction with the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Cuban long time ally and political protector Moscow and the 3°Taurus resonance coordinate of the Indian capital of New Delhi.
The 2nd resonance coordinate of Havana at 15° in self-protective earth sign Virgo the sign of reason, health, strategical planning, storing goods, gardening, protection of nature, agricultural science, conservation, slavery and of protected places made it an ideal site for the construction of a protected harbor and trading post. As the opposition sign of Pisces the sign of the sea Virgo is the most important sign of the function of harbors as places that are protected from the ocean.

The Virgo resonance of Havana as an indication of the self-isolation of Cuba since 1959
Virgo as the sign of preserved places: Photos of fashionable classical 1950ies US cars, left behind after the end of the Batista and US – Mafia dominated era before 1959 have long determined the international image of Havana. This impression of a self-isolated, self-preserved and poor culture stuck in the slavery era off the coast of Florida and the frenzy of consumerism and super-fat idols of US heroism is a fascinating image of the Virgo resonance of the center of the national morphic field of Cuba.
The Virgo (sign of slavery and economically dependent population) resonance has to be examined also in relation to the fact that the wealth of Spanish Cuba was based on slavery and slavery trade.
The position Havana and of the national morphic field of Cuba in Virgo is a strong image of the isolated situation of Cuba in the 2nd half of the 20th century. The Virgo resonance coordinate explains how the nation managed to protect its island from the hegemony of the US economy, global players and criminal organisations by reaching a full export embargo of the US economy and of goods with few exemptions for food and medical on 19 October 1960. By 7 Feb 1962 the embargo was extended to total, The initial embargoes and sanctions were reactions of US governments directed against the confiscation of US citizens property in Cuba and the Cuban alliance with the USSR.

- the position of the North Node as the indicator of aims, outcomes and targets of events exactly conjunct the 14°Virgo resonance coordinate of Havana during the beginning of the first embargo in 1960 explains how the Cuban government, capital, economy and center of the national morphic field were targets of the act.
- the transfer of intentions to targets as described by the opposition axis between the South Node and the North Node over Havana can be examined as a direct image of rules set in regard to the export and travels of goods, capital, passengers, trade relations, political exchange and interference, potential military occupation and other aspects from the USA to Cuba.
- Pluto the planet of trauma, pain, danger and fear of foreign control, nomadic situations, dependence, ideology, underground culture and of alertness, strongholds and bunkers at 7°Virgo approaching towards the 14°Virgo position of Cuba explaining how the independent Fidel Castro Cuba was building up a defense system against the US influence in the years to come. The climax phase of the Pluto conjunction transit occurred between November 1962 and August 1966.
- the transit of Uranus the planet of globalization, revolution, emancipation and self-finding at 25°Leo conjunct the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington explains the developments in the US-Cuban relationships during the first half of the John F. Kennedy presidency (20 Jan 1961 – 22 Nov 1963).
- Uranus stood for the loss of semi -colonial control of US government, politics and criminal organisations over Cuba during a period of reorientation of US politics after the intense ideological trauma from the Mc Carthy era during the Pluto transit conjunct Washington in the mid 1950ies.
- the conjunction of
Caribbean Neighbour Capitals of Havana in astrogeography

The Foundation process of Havana
According to my research the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of central capitals of nations are important resonators of nations and their territories long before their foundations. Like in many other capitals this is of high importance in regard to the foundation process of the modern capital of Cuba too.

The foundation of Baracoa on 15 August 1511
Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar set out from Hispaniola to form the first Spanish settlement in Cuba, with orders from Spain to conquer the island in January 1511. After landing at Baracoa a heavy two month long war with the indigenous Taino people. The Spanish colony of Cuba born through the foundation of the first Spanish settlement near the modern city of Baracoa on the North-East coast of Cuba by 15 August 1511.The settlement at Baracoa was located at 7° Leo and 22°!Scorpio.

Santiago as the first capital
Founded as early as 15 July 1515 by Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar on the south-east end of the island Santiago was one of the first Spanish settlements on Cuba. In 1522 Santiago was made the first central on the island of Cuba. Santiago is located at 20° in water sign Cancer and at 0°in fire sign Sagittarius, It is a fascinating coincidence that the 20°Cancer resonance coordinate of Santiago is exactly conjunct the 20°Cancer position of the Spanish capital Madrid and the capitals of two more Spanish colonies: Buenos Aires and Montevideo. This aspect may have made Santiago de Cuba a relatively easy to control site for the Spanish invaders.
Velázquez de Cuéllar made a simultaneous attempt for a foundation of a major city near the western end of the more than 1100 km long island of Cuba in 1515. The chosen location was on the south coast of the western part of Cuba between the City of Batabano and the Mayabeque River located at 4°Taurus and 25°Virgo. But like several other attempts to found a capital on the south-west coast of Cuba this attempt failed.

- the centralized attempts of the foundation of settlements on Cuba by Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar was begun under the impression of ingress of Uranus the planet of globalization into Taurus and conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Havana the modern capital of Cuba and of the center of the country`s national morphic field.
- Uranus on the first highly expansive degree of Taurus the sign of conquering, occupation and possession of territory, resources of the land and of food production along with market places and sources of income explains the beginning of a long period in which the Spanish crown attempted to chase and draw all types of resources from its new colonies in the Americas.
- the transit of Saturn as the ruler of Capricorn and resonator of the stabilization of political systems exactly conjunct the 29°Scorpio/0°Sagittarius resonance coordinate of Santiago explains the stabilization of colonial control through the foundation of what was to become the first real capital of the Spanish Cuban territory after Baracoa.
The foundation of Havana in 1519
In 1519 the name of San Cristóbal de la Habana was given to a new settlement founded in the Havana Bay on the north coast of Cuba next to an already existing place under the name of Puerto de Carenas.

- the foundation of Havana occurred at a later stage in the 7 years long process of the Uranus transit: Uranus had reached the very center (15°) of the sign of wealth, money and income (Taurus). Uranus position here indicates that the phase of conquest and claim of the island of Cuba had come to a stage of stabilization.
- Venus as the sign ruler of Taurus was conjunct Saturn in his own sign Capricorn the sign of government structures and on a degree position (17°-19°) that stands for stable military bases and fortifications.
- at the same time the Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio the sign of underground culture and the pirate castes in opposition to Uranus explains the attraction of Havana for pirates, adventurers and criminal agents under the disguise of the royal crowns of Spain, England, France, Netherlands, Portugal and other origins.
- among the hardships reflected by the combination of Venus with Saturn are prostitution, slavery and the presence of pirates.
Havana as the capital of Cuba
In 1552 the governor of Cuba Gonzalo Perez de Angulo moved his residence from Santiago de Cuba to Havana making it the de facto capital. The exact date appears to be unclear, but there happened to occur an overwhelmingly strong Pluto-Saturn conjunction inn that year which has to be examined as an important shift in the timelines of developments. On 20 December 1592 Havana was confirmed as capital of Cuba by Philip II of Spain.

- the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 4 April 1552 occurred within hours of the nearly simultaneous ingress of both planets into Pisces the sign of pure spirituality dissolution of the preference of invalid. formalist, suppressive, outdated, empty, meaningless earthly considerations and of the ocean on which the travelling, exploring, occupying and exploiting of the Americas from Europe was handled.
- the conjunction of both astrological indicators of hardware: Saturn of the organisation of government control through laws, executive organs, efficiency, authority and expertise and Pluto of the vessels and its constructors, workers and sailors along with their personal needs, problems, trauma, dependence, belief systems. illusions, limitations and debts should be examined as a hint at the beginning of a new era in the colonization process.
- the Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Pisces backed by a Mars-Mercury conjunction and ingressing Venus in the same sign stood for the beginning of a new period. The phase of discovery and conquest of territories by the European governments that had begun with the last Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 1518 in Capricorn was over.
Foundation of the Spanish Colony

The Discovery of Cuba in 1492 with Pluto opposite Havana
The Christopher Columbus expedition first sighted and landed on Cuba on 27 October 1492. As Columbus immediately claimed the whole island for the Spanish crown this date has to be seen as the foundation date of Spanish Cuba too.
The exact opposition of Pluto to the at 4°Scoroiio to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Havana during the first landing of the Columbus expedition in Cuba in 1492 can be identified as a symptomatic astrological pattern for such colonial invasions..
A similar aspect occurred during the first landing of the Juan de Grijalva expedition in 1518 on the American continets namely in Mexico with a Pluto-Saturn conjunction opposite the 5°and 6°Cancer resonance coordinates of Lima and Washington the “astrogeographical capitals” of South and North America.
As an alternative term to “astrogeographical capitals” the definition as geo-strategical capitals from the point of view of astrogeography may be considered.

- the chart for the first sighting of Cuba has an amazingly intense resonance with the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of the center of the national morphic field of the whole of the Cuban island: Pluto the planet of the battle for dominance and power was exactly opposite the Havana position at 5°Scorpio and conjunct the North Node at 4°Scorpio. Pluto in opposition to the center of the national morphic field as the planet of alertness and self-defense due to pain, terror, trauma, foreign control, dependence and the battle of power marked the arrival
- at the same time the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Havana was occupied by Chiron the planet of careful strategical planning, securing of water and food supplies and indicator for the 14°Virgo position of Havana. The position of Chiron conjunct the South Node can be examined as an indication of the anxiety to find supplies badly needed as a solid basis for further travels and exploring western shipping routes.
The Foundation of New Spain in 1535

Officially founded on 8 March 1535 the Viceroyalty of New Spain covered the Spanish possessions in North America, Venezuela and the Pacific Ocean (Philippines and Guam).
An important innovation caused by the European colonization was the centralization of larger multi-ethnic territories under one rule and from a single capital that laid the basis for the creation of large modern nations.

A holistic, systemic, astrogeographical evaluation of the foundation chart of new Spain needs to consider the resonance of the transit positions of the 12 systemical planets in relation to the central capitals of the national territories (countries and nations) that evolved out of the Spanish occupation.

- Saturn the indicator for the stabilization of government control at 2°Leo was exactly square the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Havana explaining the foundation of New Spain as a step directed against the stability of the inherited status quo of the autonomy of indigenous population on Cuba.
- Uranus the planet of globalization at 18°Cancer was conjunct the 20°Cancer resonance coordinate of Madrid and Santiago de Cuba explaining the transfer of Spain and of Eastern Cuba from a local into a global center.
- The conjunction of Mars with Jupiter in an aspect of expansion through warfare between 24° and 26°Aquarius was exactly opposite the 27°Leo resonance of Washington my first candidate for the “astrogeographical capital of North America” explains the foundation of new Spain as a step aimed at the conquest and occupation of North America.
- The position of Neptune the planet of destabilization of territorial control on the 2nd degree of the zodiac at 2° in Aries the sign of warfare marked the beginning of a new Neptun cycle of 165 years.
- Neptune was approaching the exact square to the 5°Cancer resonance coordinate of Peru my first candidate for the “astrogeographical capital of South America” as well as the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington my first candidate for the “astrogeographical capital of North America” explaining the foundation of new Spain as a step aimed at the destabilization of status quo of territorial control in North and South America.
Cuban War of Independence
The Cuban War of Independence between February 24, 1895 – February 15, 1898 was the last of three liberation wars after the Ten Years’ War (1868–1878) and the Little War (1879–1880). The final three months of the conflict escalated in the Spanish–American War,

- during the whole period of the Cuban War of Independence the conjunction of Pluto and Neptune moved in exact square to the 14°Virgo resonance coordinate of Havana from 14°Gemini and in exact opposition to the 15°Sagittarius resonance coordinate of the Spanish capital Madrid showing that the pressure from these transit was on the government and political status quo in Havana and Madrid.
- Pluto stood for the fight for dominance and power under the threat of dependence, terror and losses while Neptune explains the situation as a period of territorial destabilization for Cuba and Madrid.
- the fact that the conjunction of Pluto with Neptune occurred in Gemini the sign of technology, logistics, industrialization and also the most important resonator of US American culture may be examined as a hint at the rising influence of the USA on the global community. This perspective is supported by the fact that the “war of Cuban Independence ” ended with the US occupation of Cuba.
- this turn of the tides also explains how Spain and Cuba lost the Cuban War of Independence due to the extreme pressure from Pluto and Neptune to their respective capitals.

Cuban Republic and limited independence from the USA in 1902

The Republic of Cuba encompasses the period from 1902 to 1959 after the independence from the Spanish Empire and the end of Cubas first U.S. military occupation in 1902. This 57 years period saw several military occupations by the USA on the basis of the so-called Platt Amendment of 2 March 1901 and the Cuban–American Treaty of Relations of 1903 allowing the US to intervene unilaterally in Cuban affairs, and securing the US a pledge to lease land for naval bases on the island. As a consequence the US secured its Guantanamo military base first built in 1898 for their purposes in 1903.

- the Platt Amendment of 2 March 1901 that sealed the dependence from the USA with Pluto at 15° Gemini exactly square to the 14°Virgo resonance coordinate of Havana and the foundation of the Cuban Republic of 20 May 1902 were forced onto Cuba under the impression of this Pluto square.
- the position of the South Node at 4°Taurus conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Havana explains that the North Node as the indicator of the outcome of the deal was opposite Havana pointing at the transfer and sell-out of resources. potentials and sovereignty away from Cuba.
- The position of the North Node opposite Havana at 4° in Scorpio the sign of rulership of Pluto explains the foundation of the Cuban Republic during a Mercury-Pluto conjunction square to Havana as a step in the direction of foreign control and dominance,
Cuban Revolution of 1933
The years between 1933 and 1936 saw a permanent instability of the Cuban governments accompanied by the transit of Neptune the planet of territorial instability, weakness of governments, corruption and the re-connection with liberal ideals conjunct the 14°Virgo resonance coordinate of Havana.

.After the forced resignation of Gerardo Machado as President of Cuba on 12 August 1933 the Sergeants Revolt of 4-5 September also called the Revolution of 1933 brought the so called Pentarchy of 1933 into power which formed the 100 Days Government under Ramon Grau.

On January 15, 1934 Grau was forced to resign by Fulgencio Batista who controlled the Armed forces and who had been conspiring with Sumner Welles of the American State Department. Grau was replaced as President by 7 consecutive Batista controlled puppet Presidents until Batista was himself elected an inaugurated as President for 4 years from 10 October 1940.

- the Cuban Revolution of 1933 also known as the Sergeants’ Revolt was a coup d’etat during the preparation stage of the transit of Neptune the planet of territorial instability, weakness of governments, corruption and the re-connection with liberal ideals conjunct the 14°Virgo resonance coordinate of Havana between 1933 and 1936
- the conjunction the Sun as indicator for kings, centralization of authority with Neptune the planet of hiding, submission and overshadowing of one personality by another stood for the appearance of 5 representative individuals as the heads of state of which no one was the actual leader or caretaker of power. The Sun as major competitor for power and personal dominance so appeared as eclipsed by Neptune (hiding).
- This time the axis between the South Node as indicator of the origin of outcomes on the royal degree of 28°Leo exactly conjunct the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington and the North Node as indicator of outcomes at 28°Aquarius pointed at the transfer of the hidden strategies regarding the true ruler of Cuba (Sun as ruler of Leo overshadowed by Neptune) away from Washington.
The first Batista Presidency with Pluto square Havana
The dominance of the US ally Fulgencio Batista over Cuba and its politics and economy begun in 1933 lasted until the victory of the Cuban Revolution on 1 January 1959.
“Batista suspended the 1940 Constitution and revoked most political liberties, including the right to strike. He then aligned with the wealthiest landowners who owned the largest sugar plantations, and presided over a stagnating economy that widened the gap between rich and poor Cubans. Eventually it reached the point where most of the sugar industry was in U.S. hands, and foreigners owned 70% of the arable land…. As such, Batista’s repressive government then began to systematically profit from the exploitation of Cuba’s commercial interests, by negotiating lucrative relationships both with the American Mafia, who controlled the drug, gambling, and prostitution businesses in Havana, and with large U.S. – based multinational companies who were awarded lucrative contracts.” (from the Wiki article)

- the first of several Presidencies of the factual dictator Fulgencio Batista began during the square transit of a conjunction of Pluto the planet of pressure, foreign influence, dependence, alertness, trauma, pain and the battle for power at 4°Leo with Chiron the planet of security concerns and strategical planning at 0°Leo with its half-sum at 2°Leo exactly square the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Havana.
- the grand conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn known for its long-term stabilizing effects placed near the center of earth sign Taurus the sign of money, markets, income, agriculture, economy and of territorial control explain the long-term rulership of Fulgencio Batista over Cuban politics in the period that followed his first presidency until the Revolution of 1959. For the impact of a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus for a nation with its capital at 2°Taurus compare the 1st inauguration of Vladimir Putin during the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of 2000.
- the great potential for economical stabilization indicated by the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus appears to have been concentrated on the exploitation of Cuban resources by the Batista caste and their US connection thus stabilizing the concentration of power in foreign hands as explained by the Pluto-Chiron conjunction square to Havana.
The Socialist Revolution of Fidel Castro in 1959
“I believe that there is no country in the world including any and all the countries under colonial domination, where economic colonization, humiliation and exploitation were worse than in Cuba, in part owing to my country’s policies during the Batista regime. I approved the proclamation which Fidel Castro made in the Sierra Maestra, when he justifiably called for justice and especially yearned to rid Cuba of corruption. I will even go further: to some extent it is as though Batista was the incarnation of a number of sins on the part of the United States. Now we shall have to pay for those sins. In the matter of the Batista regime, I am in agreement with the first Cuban revolutionaries. That is perfectly clear.“— U.S. President John F. Kennedy on October 24, 1963 – source: New Republic, 14 Dec. 1963, Jean Daniel “Unofficial Envoy: An Historic Report from Two Capitals,” page 16.

The socialist revolution of Fidel Castro began with the 26 July 1953 attack on army barracks in Santiago de Cuba in an attempt to start the overthrowing of the dictator Fulgencio Batista, It was directed against the Batista dictatorship but had to deal also with fighting against the heavy colonialist influence of US politics, economy and multi-national companies along with the export of dictatorship and criminal organisations such as the Mafia to Cuba.

- The combat phase of the Cuban revolution was begun 4 days after the 3rd and final one of the 3 Saturn – Neptune conjunctions of 1952/1953. The timeline of historical events during the 3 Saturn-Neptune conjunctions (1917 – Russian Revolution, 1952/53 – Berlin Uprising & start of Cuban Revolution and 1989 – Fall of the Berlin Wall) in the 20th century clearly shows how the Saturn-Neptune conjunctions are related to the rise and fall of Leninist type of socialist revolutions.
- the North Node as indicator for the aim and outcome of events at 3° in Aquarius the sign of self-liberation and revolution was exactly square the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Havana directly challenging the Cuban government. The position of the Moon at 1°Aquarius conjunct the North Node explained the intensity of the desire to fight for a revolution.
- even more so because the attack was carried out only 3 1/2 hours before full moon with the Sun and Mercury between 1° and 3°Leo also in exact square to the 2°Taurus coordinate of Havana.
- the fact that the slow moving planets were not making any direct pressure onto Havana explains that the revolution was still far from representing a real danger to the ruling class and government in the capital.
- Jupiter (Zeus) the planet of victory was at 17° in Gemini the sign of sign-posts, experiments, learning, technology, information and intelligence in a square position to the 14°Virgo resonance coordinate of Havana explaining the successful publicity gained through the attack as a challenge to the Cuban government
The Bay of Pigs Invasion

The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed landing operation at Playa Girón on the southwestern coast of Cuba between 17 and 20 April 1961, The landing operation was covertly financed and directed by the U.S. government and carried out by some 1500 Cuban exiles who opposed Fidel Castro’s Cuban Revolution equipped with M 41 tanks .

- the half-sum at 2°Aquarius of the conjunction of Saturn at 29°Capricorn with Jupiter at 5°Aquarius in exact square to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinates of Havana and Moscow explains how the attack was aimed at stabilizing long-term (JU-SA) measures to establish a solid geo-strategical front-line (JU-SA) aimed at building up pressure on both top enemies of the USA.
- the Bay of Pigs invasion was carried out during the climax phase of the transit of the conjunction transit of Uranus the planet of globalization, flying, innovation and of revolution over the 27°Leo resonance coordinate of Washington between October 1960 and August 1962.
- the Sun as the sign ruler over the 27°leo Leo resonance coordinate of Washington occupied a highly stimulative, harmonious trine aspect at 27° in fire sign Aries the sign of action, speed, mobilization and warfare explaining the naivety of the US leadership in believing that a half-hearted, small scale invasion could bring much success.
- the harmoniously stimulative trine and sextile aspects from the 6°Virgo position of Pluto conjunct the North Node with its sign ruler Chiron at 6°Pisces to the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington may be found to represent other important factors that may be found to have seduced the inexperienced new US President Kennedy into supporting the manoeuvre.
- Chiron the planet of careful self-protective strategies in Pisces the sign of hiding conjunct the South Node as indicator of intentions stood for the hidden US attack by ship while Pluto the planet of strongholds and bunkers in Virgo the sign of Havana and of save landings conjunct the North Node as indicator of aims stood for the aim of building up a new bridgehead on Cuba.
Cuban Missile Crisis with Pluto conjunct Havana and an opposition of Mars and Saturn square to Havana and Moscow
The Cuban Missile crisis occurred at the beginning of a climax phase of thew Pluto transit over the 14°Virgo resonance coordinate of Havana accompanied by an extremely dangerous planetary tension from an opposition of Mars with Saturn right on the North-Node-South Node axis and square to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate that connects Moscow and Havana.

The Cuban Missile Crisis between 16 October – 20 November 1962 was a climax in the post World War II confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union which escalated into an international crisis when American deployments of missiles in Italy and Turkey were matched by Soviet deployments of similar ballistic missiles in Cuba. The events were the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war making it a defining moment in the history of U.S. national security and nuclear war preparation.
The Russian missiles had arrived on Cuba by 8 and by 16 September 1962. The US intelligence saw proofs of the missiles not before October 14.

- the Cuban missile crisis occurred at the beginning of the climax phase of the transit of Pluto the planet of trauma, pain, battle for dominance and power conjunct the 14°Virgo resonance coordinate of Havana. This transit explains the extreme tension that Havana was under during the 1962-1966 in fear of a possible US invasion in Cuba.
- the position of the Moon at 10°Gemini the sign of intelligence and in formation exactly square the 11°Virgo position of Pluto can be investigated as a momentum that explains the intense shock that the information must have had for US President Kennedy.
- the discovery of the Russian nuclear warheads and missiles on Cuba seems to have occurred with the ingress of Mars the planet of actions, speed, warfare and mobilization into Leo activating the square transit to the 2°Taurus astrogeographical resonance coordinate that connects Moscow with Havana.
- Mars also activated an opposition to Saturn which had been moving over 2°Aquarius in a square position to Havana since his ingress into Aquarius on 3 January 1962. The intense tension from the square transit of Saturn as indicator of factual reality, necessities and government control has to be examined as n indication of the reason why the Russian and Cuban governments felt it was reasonable and prudent to prepare the installation of nuclear weapons on Cuba.
- information about the new threat was delivered to the US President on 16 October when Mercury the planet of intelligence, information, communication and learning at 6°Libra exactly square the 6°Cancer resonance coordinate of Washington. The conjunction of Mercury with the black moon Lilith as indicator for unknown and unconscious information the information passed by Mercury appears as sth. that included the evidence about a larger and important dimension of problem that US politics had been unaware of or that had not been given enough attention.
Cuban Constitution of 2019
A constitutional referendum was held in Cuba on 24 February 2019 in which voters were asked whether they approved of a new constitution passed by the National Assembly of People’s Power in July 2018, The reforms were approved, with 90.61% of valid votes cast in favor. They included the recognition of private property, foreign investments and a number of improvements dedicated at modernizing the Cuban system. It came into force on 10 April 2019.
The planetary transits in relation to Havana explain the new constitution howsoever indecisive, ineffective and paralyzed it may be judged as an important progress in the updating of the political system.

- Uranus the planet of globalization was exactly conjunct the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Cuba with the central indication that the new constitution was dedicated at integrating a number of updates and improvements that could help the nation, political system and economy make up and adjust to the global standards of the post Cold War I (1945-1991) period.
- the new constitution was introduced shortly after and thus as a result of the climax phase (August 2016- January 2020) of the opposition transit of Neptune in relation to the 14°Virgo resonance coordinate of Havana pointing at a process of dissolution of technical, ideological, economical and other political standards of the past.
- the conjunction of Venus the planet of income, money, food, agriculture and territorial control with Neptune the planet of pure spirituality, holistic perspectives on the situation of the nation, territorial and economical insecurity, paralysis and losses in Pisces the sign of hiding, waiting, consuming, imagination, manipulation, corruption and loss of control has to be investigated as a potential indication that points at an indecision about the long-term role of the government.
- the new constitution of 2019 came during the first approach of Saturn the planet of stabilization of governments, laws, control and efficiency in his own sign Capricorn to Pluto the planet of alertness, trauma and habitual perception before the important Pluto-Saturn conjunction of 12 January 2020, In between the positions of Pluto and Saturn the South Node as indicator of overcome structures from the past took the position of a mediator between Saturn and Pluto.
- The North Node as indicator for aims an outcomes was at 21° Cancer the sign of emotional identity and independence of the people, culture and the nation and opposite Saturn and Pluto explaining the allowance, conception and development of emotional self-centering, fertility and independence as a major aim of the new constitution.
- the North Node was conjunct the 20°Cancer resonance coordinate of the City of Santiago de Cuba and of the capitals of such important potential partners as Buenos Aires and Madrid indicating that standards of the political systems in these countries served for orientation in the making of the new constitution.
- The position of the Sun at 20° in Aries the sign of action, speed, warfare, fighting, mobilization in exact square to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and on the half-sum between North and South Node explains the Cuban constitution of 2019 as an intermediate step and for an intermediate stage in the political development of the country and nation taken to secure important standards from the past. Such standards could be: the relative independence from the USA and the Cuban systems of education and of medical care and the relative stability of government control over criminal organisations compared to the other American nations including the USA not to speak of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Brazil, Columbia etc…..