Warsaw and Poland in Political Astrology. The astrogeographical position of Warsaw and transits of planets in relation to the political center and government of Poland.
Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington,
Related: The Warsaw Ghetto in astrogeography, Libra as the sign of symmetry, On the Astrology of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa,
Warsaw and Poland in Political Astrology

Astrogeographical position of Warsaw for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the international and global resonance of the capital and political center of Poland: for field level 1 both coordinates of the region of the City of Warsaw are located in aristocratic air sign Libra at 12° and the other at 7° Libra. The resonance of Warsaw with Libra as the sign of aristocracy, princesses and princes is reflected in the city`s unbelievably rich inheritance of palaces.
Libra is a relatively rare astrogeogrophical factor in national capitals. Among the national capitals that share the position of one resonance coordinate of the center of their national morphic field in Libra are:
- Algier (Algeria): 18°Libra – 8°Pisces
- Amsterdam (Netherlands): at 4°Libra – 24°Pisces
- Belgrade (Serbia): 6°Libra – 5°Aries
- Colombo (Sri Lanka): 15°Libra – 29°Virgo
- Doha (Qatar): 19°Libra – 22°Cancer
- Georgetown (Guayana): 17°Libra – 22°Aquarius
- Hong Kong (PRC): 6°Libra – 20°Scorpio
- Lisbon (Portugal): 11°Libra – 1°Virgo
- London (UK): 24°Libra – 27°Capricorn
- Manama (Bahrain): 8°Libra – 1°Cancer
- Mexico City: 10°Libra – 14°Sagittarius
- Skopje (N. Macedonia): 18°Libra – 12°Gemini
- Tehran (Iran): 17°Libra – 13°Scorpio
- Yamoussoko (Cote D`Ivoire): 7°Libra – 27°Scorpio
Among the 27 EU members it is Amsterdam (4°LI), Lisbon (11°LI) and London (24°LI) that share one resonance coordinate in Libra. The only other nation that has both resonance coordinates in an air sign is the Italian capital Rome with both resonance coordinates in Gemini.
- Libra so stands for the ideals of courtly high culture, aristocracy, balance of powers, formal harmony, symmetry and justice. In regard to the centralizing functions of the seat of government Libra indicates the topic of a balance among the single parts of a country rather than of a super-centralist capital as for example the global super-territories like Moscow, Washington, Beijing, new Delhi all located in super-centralist signs Leo and Taurus.
- A question may be asked in how far the double position of Warsaw in air sign Libra may be examined as a mark of the lack of self-centered, emotional independence and autonomy and a tendency to seek counterparts for self-reflection.
- This is in regard to Libras functions as the sign of windows, gates, openings, receptivity, service orientation, partner orientation and focus on cultivating a dependence on enemies and helpers in order to compensate the mistrust in ones own center.
- the topics of Libra as the sign of angels as well as of victims may be explored in regard to the question in how far the materialization and condensation of individuality is favored, allowed and/or seen as useful by the Libra reflexes of the center of the national territorial field.
- it may be explored in how far the fuller allowance of human rights, personal liberties of individuals, open society and freedom of self expression could be felt as a danger to Polish governments, society and formal morality due to the instability from the double Libra resonance of the capital.
- among the symptomatic enemy projections used by the neo-fascist Polish governments in the 21 st century are such evil-doers as Germany, the EU, refugees, non-Catholics, LGBT and other formally legal standard hate objects.
- Considering how the the status of London (24°Libra-27°Cpricorn) and Belgrade (6°Libra-5°Aries) as capitals with Libra resonance and Non-EU members could help these nations built a clearer front-line for self-orientation about their national identity might help identify the advantages of leaving the EU for the purpose of self-finding.
More articles on the role of astrogeographical positions in Libra
- the Libra resonance of the City of London the all time center of the national territory morphic field of England and capital of the British Colonial Empire and its successor organization the Commonwealth of Nations.
- my documentation on the Libra traits in Chinese culture at the end of my article Libra as the sign of symmetry
- Libra in Astrogeography – use google translator
The astrogeographical positions of Kraków – Poland`s capital between 1038 and 1596

Astrogeographical position of Kraków for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the international and global resonance of the first capital of Poland: Kraków is located at 29° in self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of reason, health, optimal use of resources and 28° in highly alert and defensive, solid fixed water sign Scorpio sign of strongholds and bunkers. 28°Scorpio relates to the important role of tradesman guilds.
29°Virgo is really stunning because of the conjunction with the resonance degree of Berlin. Historically this aspect had a very strong resonance during the Neptune transit over 29°Virgo in the course of the German occupation of Poland in World War II when Nazi-Germany heavily destroyed Poland while working its own self-destruction.
What is a Nation ? Nations as Morphic Fields
Astrology takes the resonance aspect between all thing for granted. The concept of morphic fields and of astrological measurement of morphogenetic field structures are simple standard concepts that allow us to refer to resonance phenomena. Nations consist of millions of types of systems. I use the category here to explore the resonance, transport and exchange between systems and also the effects of that.
For comparison see the chapter im my article London and Great Britain in Political Astrology
- Recapitulating the different aspects of a nations is an important step before interpreting event charts in national history as so-called National Charts. Political science uses definitions for the different types and aspects of nations.
- I suggest to explore nations as morphic fields. For that purposes I introduce between 12 and 20 different systemical categories that can be extremely useful for an easier and more systemical exploration of the aspects of nations. The most basic and essential ones are population and territory. The existence of language is an important social – a national state a central political category.
- Astrological research on the situation of “nations” is probably the most widely spread use of political astrology. Charts are calculated for important events in the history of what is considered as a nation. But only in very rare cases can a nation be understood to have been founded on an actual birth date.
- An important problem and impediment for deeper astrological and intellectual exploration of nations is that in nearly all cases national state cults attempt to impede holistic, abstract, seriously critical recapitulation of the structural issues, problems and contradictions between the various facets of cultural, ethnic and territorial identity and other aspects of nations.
This is why in a first step towards establishing more scientific standards of Political Astrology I suggest to explore and recapitulate which of the 15 or more different of types, aspects, features and structural elements of a “country” and of a nation may be identified and be useful for differentiation of the meaning of nations and national charts:
A – Territorial Nation Field (all states): the claimed and/or occupied territory and the wider acceptance of the claimed Territorial Nation Field by the United Nations defines the validity of the law and area of administration and jurisdiction of state nations.
B – Population Nation Field: I use the term population to avoid misleading interpretation of the use of the term “People” or even worse of the German term “Volk” due to their being charged with fascistoid and racist connotations. I suggest to use the word population for the effective population that inhabits the national territory assuming that not all members of the population are members of the same ethnic, cultural or language group.
C – State Nation Field: all states consider themselves as political nations. Nevertheless it should not be neglected that there are many Nations without a state of their own. The “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” was an example of a colonial state of two or more nations. Some state nations like India or the USA include large numbers of ethnic, language, religion and other type of fields.
D – “Ethnic” “Nation Field“: or rather the input into the genetic pool along with the question of the inherent controversy between the name-giving ethnic group and the factual present population at a given moment in time. This aspect is important to explore as most national names are general labels mostly given to them by neighbors and storytellers. Examples: the Kurds have no state nation of their own but are subject to being controlled by a number of other nations. The so-called “Dutch” speak a dialect of the so-called “Deutsch” language. Nevertheless their state nation and territorial nation is not “Deutsch”. “Germany” does not represent all Germanic groups. France qualifies the nation through the name of the “Franks” a Germanic tribe that originated from the modern territory of the GFR. But their traditional inheritance was “Gallic”. England is named after the Germanic tribe called “Angles” whose name can be traced back to the modern territory of the GFR. That naming leaving out the influence of the Celts, Picts Romans. Saxons, Vikings, Normans and all the immigrants that followed them like the Hindus, Africans, Poles a.s.o.
E – Cultural Nation Field: inherited tradition and what we feel and share as social tradition and social history. Language, music, experienced history, myths, technologies, landscape, climate, local topography & nature are factors that play an important role. Origins and/or influences on the shared aspects between Cultural Nation Fields are often aggressively debated, defended or occupied as if they were territory between state nation fields and s well as social groups.
F – Language Nation Field: language including dialects is one of the strongest and most important elements of nations.
G – Ancestor Line Nation Field: any memory stored in the Akashic records of having ancestors or children in a national territory may be part of the ancestor line field. Ancestor lines are not limitable to landowners or people who lived in a country all of their lives. The “ancestor line nation field” would be largely identical with the “ethnic” and “effective population” national morphic fields.
H – Colonial State National Morphic Field (e.g. Moscow-Russia as the most important examples): Moscow-Russia is currently the biggest and most extreme example of a modern state on the basis of a Colonial State Nation.
I – Post Colonial Nation State Field (e.g. India). state nations that were united and/or defined by colonial empires. India is the biggest one – other such super states are all of the South American state nations, Mexico, Canada and Australia.
J – Island State Nation Field (Iceland, NZ, Australia): Island State National fields have a specific isolated status and patterns regarding the Moon (coastlines) as their protection from Neptune 8uncontrollable open sea)
K – “Religion” Nation or State Nation Field: the expansion of the Roman Catholic Nation Field in Western and Central Europe through the Frankish Empire and the multinational Holy Roman Empire with its spiritual capital in Rome are important historical examples. The European Colonialism with the installation of Colonial “Christianism” (Protestant & Catholic) since the 15th century are symptomatically aggressive examples of “Religion Nation Fields”.
L – Multinational Cooperation Nation State Field: among the biggest examples are the European Union of national states (EU) and the United Nations of national states (UN). The USA too at least in several important regards has to be examined under this aspect. Particularly through its self-definition as a supra-ethnic, supra-national state and as territorial union state joined by a larger number of independent territorial states.
M – Autonomy field of a Nation: a hypothetical category that I suggest in regard of questions concerning different types of fields or field patterns that may be seen as important vital aspects of nations with a potential gravity.
N – Social Class Nation: this term has been proposed by a political scientist to explore, define and deal with ideas of solidarity and common identification particularly the global nation of workers and the proletariat. Other identifications one could think of may be slaves or victims.
The natal charts for modern Poland
The proclamation of Poland in 1916 and the Independence of 1918
Astrologer Nicholas Campion suggests the proclamation of Poland of 5 November 1916 during WWI as a possible chart for the modern Poland. An astrogeographical verification explains the 2nd half of WWI, the Russian Revolution and years after WWI period as a time of intense pressure on the existing status quo in Warsaw.
This era terminated with the role of the Russian Tsar as the king of Poland and the German and Austrian occupation “with the help” of the square transit of Pluto to Warsaw with its climax between August 1916 (4°Cancer) and June 1921 8°Cancer).

- The proclamation of an independent Poland through the pseudo-emperors of Austria and Germany created a factually dependent but legally existing state in the conquered territories of Poland former occupied by Russia.. The term “puppet state” used for its first stage is fascinating in terms of resonance of the semantic with the morphic field.
- The proclamation of 1916 was part of the historical processes “brought about” by the transit of Pluto the planet of metamorphosis and the pupa stage of butterflies over the exact square position to the 5°Libra coordinate of Warsaw from 5° in Cancer the natural indicator of the morphic field of the population of country. An astrogeographical analysis has to come to the conclusion that the decisive entry of the United States into WW I was the most important factor for the autonomy of Poland after 120 years of foreign role.
- This is because Pluto transited the 6°Cancer astrogeographical resonance coordinate of the US capital in Washington during this period. This means that the USA had the best of cards to exert pressure on the foreign rulers over Poland before that Pluto transit. This strong square resonance between Warsaw and Washington is of course a natural aspect of tension but as can be concluded from the grand cross at the basis of the EU founding members such astrogeographical squares do include an option for even more intense cooperation in international and global relations of nations.
- A similar constellation but with a lot more problematic impact is the square aspect of the 11°Libra coordinate of Warsaw to the astrogeographical resonance degrees of Berlin and 10°Cancer and Moscow at 12°Cancer.
- Thes rares aspects can be used to examine the role of Warsaw as a bridge between the two. But has in history led to the experience of being crushed in between the spheres of interest of the two centers. Particularly the hyper-centralist and hyper-expansive colonial empire of Moscow-Russia has often invaded and dominated parts of Polish territory.

- The capitulation of Russia due to the Bolshevist Revolution of November 1917 was followed by the capitulation of Germany and Austria on 11 November 1918 allowing the Polish army under General Pilsudski to take over control over Warsaw on the same day.
- Pluto occupied 6°Cancer explaining the fact that the status quo of the occupation through German forces and administration in Warsaw was under pressure and forced to leave the city and country on the same day.
- Saturn at 27°Leo was exactly conjunct Washington (6°Cancer, 27°Leo) explaining that the capital of the USA went trough a moment of stabilization of its government and state cult the moment World War I was won. It also explains how Poland was saved from being caught in the tight grip between Germany and Russia by the USA.
- the absence of exact transits over the positions of Warsaw itself are remarkable and may lead to the question of the resonance of
The Nazi-German attack on Poland in 1939 under a Moon-Jupiter conjunction opposite Warsaw
The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact initiated by Hitler divided Poland into a german and a russian part on 23 August 1939. It paved away for the german invasion on 1 September followed by the Russian invasion on 17 September 1939.

- The absence of direct transits of tension from the slower moving outer planets could suggest that the structural causes for the attack did not lie inside of Poland.
- Jupiter the planet of hunting, aiming, chasing for success, victory and expansion was at 7° Aries the sign of action, speed and warfare and joined by the Moon exactly opposite the 5°Libra astrogeographical resonance degree of Warsaw. This constellation describes the lust for war, fighting, dominance and murder and possibly even the use of amphetamines by Hitler armies during the Blitzkrieg.
- Saturn at 1°Taurus was exactly conjunct Moscow explaining how Hitler´s attack on Poland came to Stalin rescue by help Stalin to get out from the government and identity crisis of the “Great Pureg” era.
- the North Node as indicator of aims was at 0°Scorpio the sign of bandits, criminal gangs and of foreign territory may be explored as an indication of the Nazi strategy to steal, plunder, rape, enslave and destroy in the classical 100.000 year old criminal gangs and nomad fashion of.

- On 2 October 1940 al Jews from the Warsaw area were ordered to gather at the Warsaw Ghetto area. This act was the early preparation for the genocide committed against the European Jews by the fascist German regime in the years to come.
- The chart had the Sun as the planet of centralism at 9° Libra and the North Node indicator for aims at 11°Libra exactly conjunct the 11°Libra resonance coordinate of Warsaw.
The Radio Message from Cholm, the end of WW2 and the Communist era
The emission of a 1st radio message from a “Polish Liberation Committee” from the City of Cholm has been identified as the start of the soviet rule over Poland by polish astrologer Rafal Prinke.

- From an astrogeographical point of view the chart can be seen as a clear reflection of the coming pressure exerted on the Polish capital after the liberation of Poland from the Nazi-German horror regime:
- Neptune was approaching the exact conjunction with the 5°Libra astrogeographical resonance coordinate of Warsaw indicating the suffering and paralysis of Warsaw, its destruction by the Nazis but also the complete extinction of the status quo of German occupation of Warsaw.
- But then at the same Neptune also stood for the subjugation of Warsaw and Poland under the Soviet sphere of interest which was effective until the Perestroika era. Neptune has got to be investigated here also in regard to the territorial insecurity of Poland as Moscow Russia disposed of it at its own will.
- The simultaneous square transit of the faster moving Saturn the planet of exorcism at 4°Cancer to the 5°Libra coordinate of Warsaw stood for the rising pressure on the status quo of the German occupation as “government” in Warsaw.
- Jupiter (Zeus) the planet of victory and triumph was conjunct Washington at 29° Leo explaining the Big Brother function of the USA.
The Warsaw Uprising of 1944
The Warsaw Uprising between August, 1 and October, 2 1944 of the Polish underground resistance and the Polish Home Army was an unsuccessful attempt to liberate Warsaw from German occupation. The uprising began on August, 1 1944 and was timed to coincide with the retreat of the German forces from Poland ahead of the Soviet advance. While approaching the eastern suburbs of the city, the Red Army temporarily halted combat operations, enabling the Germans to regroup and defeat the Polish resistance and to destroy the city in retaliation.

- The uprising was started under a Moon-Neptune square. In some regard the Moon on the first degree of Capricorn a degree of separation, exorcism and government may be seen as a strengthening influence for the start of the uprising. But its square to Neptune at 2°Libra and on its way to exactly conjunct the 5°Libra resonance coordinate of Warsaw in an aspect of insecurity and problematic issues within the hierarchy of commanders, appears as a highly inauspicious timing in regard to the lack of efficient administrative structures.
- nevertheless the Moon position square to transiting Neptune who was heading for Warsaw`s 5°Libra resonance may be found to deliver a clear sign of the intention to challenge the status quo of the Fascist German terror in Warsaw.
- astrologically is also fascinating here to consider the 0°Capricorn quality in regard to the aim of exorcising lies, manipulations, propaganda, distortion of factual reality and the demons therefrom.
- as sign ruler over the Moon position in Capricorn Saturn the decider and planet of the efficient outcome of action was in house 7 – a position that may be found to reflect the tendency to test and see how much was possible for the Polish “Resistance” moment rather than to overthrow the enemy.
- Astrogeographically even more problematic was the fact that fully direct Saturn at 5°Cancer was nearly conjunct the 10°Cancer resonance coordinate of Hitlers capital Berlin in what appears as a temporarily stabilizing aspect for the German armies
- Considering that Moon position the reason why the polish forces did not want to wait and limit their activities to efficient partisan attacks against German soldiers and infrastructure, may be sought in the idea that the polish fighters were led by a hierarchy that sought to manage the self-liberation of Warsaw in order to prevent the Red Army from entering Warsaw.
- The memory of the Hitler-Stalin pact & Soviet occupation of half of Poland in 1939 must have made it a frightening idea to be freed from the Nazis by the Red Army.

Although the exact number of casualties is unknown, it is estimated that about 16,000 members of the Polish resistance were killed and between 150,000 and 200,000 Polish civilians murdered in mass executions through the SS .
The 1989 chart for Polish democracy
In the course of the Perestroika movement Poland was allowed to decide for reforms and for the creation of a non communist government which was first established on 24 August 1989 under the 3rd Saturn-Neptune conjunction of the 20th century with Neptune in opposition to Moscow and Berlin at the same time.

- This day is also the first time in all the Polish independence charts when one of the 12 major systemical planets was conjunct one of the astrogeographical coordinates of Warsaw: it was Venus the ruling planet of the two Libra coordinates of Warsaw that appeared over the City making what seemed like a major return transit to the polish capital on that day promising peace, territorial autonomy, income and wealth.
- Uranus the planet of globalization, self-finding and revolution at 1°, Saturn the planet of stabilization and exorcism at 7° and Neptune the planet of spirituality at 9°Capricorn were all square to the 5° and 11°Libra resonance coordinates of the government in Warsaw explaining that the end of the ruling system had definitely come.
- It is fascinating to consider the effects of the super-conjunction of these 3 planets in tight tension to a capital that has both resonance coordinates so close to each other.
- Jupiter the planet of victory, mental understanding and healing was effective from a degree of conjunction with the 6°Cancer astrogeographical resonance coordinate of Washington at this moment in time, making the US government appear as the winner, good uncle and healer in the whole situation.
- the Saturn-Neptune conjunction that was on the horizon for 13 Nov 1989 of the same year and was to occur at 10°26` Capricorn exactly opposite Berlin 810°Cancer) and Moscow (12°Cancer) explaining the destabilization of the governments there and fall of the pseudo-socialist Berlin Wall.
- The square aspect to the 11°Libra coordinate of Warsaw must be understood to have triggered the downfall of the pseudo-socialist government and Moscow-Russian occupation of Poland in the year of 1989.
Pluto square to Warsaw during the Smolensk plane crash
The ultimate catastrophe of Polish – Russian relationships through the Smolensk plane crash in 2010 and the rise of the current anti-democratic, pseudo-conservative, pseudo-christian government in Poland since 2015:
The current President of Poland Jarosław Kaczyński is the twin brother of former President Lech Kaczynski who was killed in the Smolensk plane crash on 10 April 2010 together with a delegation of 90 representatives of the Polish government when attempting to visit the site of the Soviet mass executions of 22.000 Polish officers and intelligentsia at Katyn near Smolensk, Russia. The German – Russian occupation of Eastern Poland had started World War 2 in September 1939.
One of the most tragic ever plane crashes in history was the Polish Air Force Tu-154 Crash on 10 April 2010 near the Russian city of Smolensk killing all 96 people of the Polish government delegation aboard. It was travelling to Katyn to honor the Polish victims of the Russian mass killings of 22.000 Polish officers and intelligentsia in April-May 1940 at Katyn. The Russian mass executions had been ordered by Stalin as part of the Hitler – Stalin Pact through which Nazi Germany and the USSR had organized their shared occupation on Poland which started World War II in 1939.
Among the victims of the plane crash on 10 April 2010 were the President of Poland Lech Kaczyński and his wife, the former President of Poland Ryszard Kaczorowski, the chief of the Polish General Staff and other senior Polish military officers, the president of the National Bank of Poland, Polish Government officials, 18 members of the Polish Parliament, senior members of the Polish clergy and relatives of victims of the Katyn mass executions.

The plane with the polish representatives was arriving from Warsaw to attend an event commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre which took place near Smolensk. The reason for the crash was low visibility through heavy mist over the airport. The plane with the Polish delegation apparently decided to land despite explicit warnings through the Smolensk Airport personnel. It has later been questioned why the Polish delegation neglected the difficult situation.
A holistic interpretation of the catastrophe has to consider several historical circumstances:
- one thousand years of wars, conflicts and suffering make the relationship between Poland and Russia one of the most problematic worldwide.
- the Polish visit to Russia was intended by some, surely not all officials on both sides as a step taken in the direction of healing Polish – Russian relations
- after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact on 1 July 1991, of the USSR on 21 December 1991 and the allowance of full Polish independence from its status as a vassal state and Polish Nato membership since 12 March 1999 the visit of the Polish delegation to the site of the 1940 Massacre of Katyn could have marked an important step in the improvement of relations between the Polish and Russian nations
- due to the US conspiracy against EU-Russian relationships with its climax in the openly aggressive provocation of President George W. Bush to seek Ukraine membership during the NATO summit of 2008 in Bucharest and US secret services support for the planned Ukrainian revolution a new Cold War in Europe had been created for the expansion of the US geo-strategical sphere of interest directed against Western Europe and the EU.
- the Polish government delegation visit to Katyn came in a moment in European history when relationships between Poland and Russia were overshadowed by this increasingly aggressive atmosphere and particularly for a direct neighbor state of Ukraine and Russia.
- the Polish delegation was led by the aggressively nationalist right wing President Lech Kaczyński who may have tended to understand and want to stage the visit to Katyn as an act of protest against Russian guilt and continued occupation of Polish territories rather than a step in the development of friendly relationships.

- The Sun at 19°Aries a degree known for its relatedness to the military castes was conjunct the position of Jupiter and the South Node at 20°Aries from the start of the Katyn Massacre of 1940.
- The astrological factors that explain the heavy mist and humidity over the Smolensk airport were the Moon at 2° in water sign Pisces a degree of deepest depression near mid-heaven (MC) the indicating angle for the sky above the ground where an event takes place.
- and Neptune the planet of invisibility, spirituality, insecurity, paralysis and the sign ruler of Pisces exactly conjunct mid-heaven.
- Pluto the planet of fighting, trauma, death was exactly square to the 5°Libra resonance coordinate of Warsaw and had just descended below the western horizon.
- this catastrophic Smolensk air crash marked only the beginning of a period of strongest pressure and tension through the square transits of Pluto the planet of defense, trauma, threats in relation to the 5° and 11°Libra resonance coordinates of the capital Warsaw which did not end before October 2015. This period saw the heavy CIA influences in the Euromaidan Revolution of 2013 answered by the Russian annexation of Crimea, infiltration of Poland`s neighbor Ukraine by Russian forces in order to stage a civil war, the new threat of a Russian attack on its former vassal states in Eastern Europe, the rise of the Neo-Fascist International promoted by a new propaganda war led by Russian secret services, the new climax of attacks of the US-Saudi-ISIL terror coalitions on the whole of the Middle East, Africa and Europe including the rush of refugees from the affected countries into Europe.
- the political developments inside of Poland with the current anti-democratic, heavily nationalist, pseudo-conservative and ideologically pseudo-catholic government under the leadership of President Jarosław Kaczyński the twin brother of the former President Lech Kaczyński who was killed in the Smolensk disaster explains how heavily the long-term effects of this Pluto transit have effected Poland. The current government makes use of the theory of a Russian caused explosion of the plane for its political propaganda.
- Saturn the planet of stabilization and control was on the very last degree (29°) of Virgo – a position which may be found to have had an effect like a void of course 12th house aspect for Poland – because it falls in the 12th sign from the two Libra coordinates of the center of the national morphic field of Poland.
- the opposition of Uranus the planet of global influences at 28°Pisces to Saturn at 29°Virgo marks the catastrophe as part of a period of strong pressure on the Grand astrogeographical Cross (Rome: 29°GEM. Berlin: 29°VI, Paris 29°SAG, 29°PIS: Amsterdam) between the founding members of the European Union.
The Katyn Massacres in astrogeography

The mass executions of an estimated 22.000 Polish officers and intelligentsia in April/May of 1940 at Katyn by Stalins infamous mass execution industry had been ordered by Stalin as a consequence of the Hitler-Stalin Pact through which Nazi Germany and the USSR had organized their shared occupation of Poland that started World War II.

- The Katyn Massacres were begun after 3 April 1940 with Saturn the astrogeographical factor of stabilization of control at 1°Taurus exactly conjunct the 2°Taurus astrogeographical resonance coordinate of Moscow. This highly stabilizing transit of Saturn exactly conjunct Moscow allows several consideration: A — the collaboration between the two super-fascist empires Nazi-Germany and Moscow-Russia allow Stalin to stabilize his own extremely instable situation as dictator after 4 years of “Grand Purge” with and estimated 1000 murders of Stalin`s opponents a day. Stalin seems to have simply continued the mass murder technology projecting it abroad.
- Pluto at 0°Leo in exact square to Stalin`s capital and government explains the expansionism of the Russian Colonial Empire.
- The Pluto ingress into Leo in June 1939 had marked the Hitler-Stalin Pact of August 1939 and the start of WW2 on 1 September 1939. While Stalin made use of the occupation of Poland to overcome the interior crisis inside of the super-large Colonial Empire with the help of the Nazis Pluto`s square transit to Moscow also explains the coming nearer of Hitler´s long planned attack on Russia which German historians have identified as his overall major target in World War II-
- For the Russian capital the square from Pluto as indicator of fascism seems to have manifested through the rising fascist German threat against Moscow which was itself under a fascistoid system.
- The Sun as ruler of Leo and thus of the position of Pluto was at 13°Aries right opposite the 11°Libra resonance degree of Warsaw thus bringing up the full impact of Pluto against Poland through the German-Russian hunger for the self-expression of pseudo-nationalism through the lust for terror and murder (Pluto in highly centralist Leo as an indicator for centralized terror).
The natal chart for Catholic Poland

The personal baptism of Mieszko I, the first ruler of the future Polish state, and much of his court is considered as the initial moment in the history of catholic Poland.

- The conjunction of Neptune as the ruler of spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of spirituality, re-connection and the catholic church occupied by Jupiter the planet of the priest castes, healing and shamanism with Uranus the ruler of spiritual air sign Aquarius the sign of revolution, self-finding, globalization, abstraction, the sky and paradise exactly over the 11°Libra resonance coordinate of Warsaw is a stunning and unbelievably strong resonance aspect for the foundation of a catholic tradition here.
- It may explain the particularly strong standing that catholic religion still has in Polish society until today.
- Although Uranus-Neptune conjunctions are often aspects of paralysis they do contain also the potential for a congruence and harmony of the peaceful and quiet acceptance of the problems of society and the material world (Neptune) with the readiness for rebellion, revolution, self-liberation, independence and socialism (Uranus).
- Neptune conjunct Warsaw explains the future dependence of Poland from the spiritual “intoxication” and authority of the Pope and catholic church in Rome – just like it was the case with the Holy Roman Empire, which had been founded only 4 years before (962 A.D.) under the same conjunction of Uranus with Neptune.
- The baptism of Miesko was aimed at bringing Poland in a strong relation with the HRE and its emperor Otto I. (the Great) in order to seek support and protection from Western Europe against the frequent attacks on Poland from the area of modern Hungary and from Russia.