Islamabad and Pakistan in Political Astrology. Birth & foundation charts of Pakistan and important transits in the history of its territories.
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The astrogeographic position of Islamabad
Islamabad is the administrative center of the government of Pakistan.

Astrogeographic position of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional, international and global resonance of the Pakistani government: the area has one coordinate at 1° Capricorn the sign of governments and administration
The second coordinate of Islamabad is located on 8°Cancer the sign of fertility, rivers, conception, motherhood and of feeling at home.
Birth & Foundation Charts for Pakistan
The foundation of Islamabad in 1960
The new capital Islamabad was constructed between 1960 and 1967. It was designed by Greek urban planning architect Constantinos Doxiadis born 12 May 1913 with Jupiter on 17°Capricorn and Mars conjunct the North Node Rahu on the first degrees of Aries the zodiacal sphere of new beginnings.

- Islamabad was founded in a year when Saturn was in transit of his own sign of rulership Capricorn the sign of government institutions, administration, stability. laws and focus on stability, control and efficiency.
- The spring equinox of the foundation year was accompanied by a conjunction of Jupiter (Zeus) at 2° Capricorn with the Moon conjunct the 1°Capricorn resonance coordinate of the area where then ew capital was constructed. This “Return of Zeus” transit to a national capital can be evaluiated as a positive and healing constellation for the nation in regard to autonomy and political stabilization.
The birth chart for modern-day Pakistan
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan was founded on 14 August 1947 when the new Dominion of Pakistan came into being, with Muhammad Ali Jinnah sworn in as its first Governor General in Karachi. The act became effective at midnight of August 15 1947.
The simultaneous independence of the territories of Pakistan and India from the colonial status as part of the British Colonial Empire “(“British Raj”) occurred 2 years after the end of World War II. The chart marked the simultaneous foundation of 2 new national states. Pakistan with an islamic state cult in territories with Islamic majority and India with a multi-religious state cult and Hindu majority.

- The position of Mars on the degree of the summer solstice and carduinal divide at 0°Cancer the sign of conception, feritlity an emotional independence is a remarkablly strong hint at the conception of two completely new state nations Pakistan and India on that day. And of the radically emotional separation and divide between the two as well.
- Another strong symbolism of Mars at 0° Cancer can be found in the fact that 0°Cancer equals the IC aka : A — the emotional center of home, inheritance & ancestor lines, B — the place under ground as indication of the territorial & landscape morphic field, C — the population & people morphic field.
- The strong indication of outbreak of physical violence under emotional motivation, hate and projection of racism, emotional injustice and accusations of torture is a known effect of the position of Mars in Cancer. This aspect also explains the outbreak of street violence in which an estimated 1 million people were murdered.
- The position of Mars in house 2 (income, money, possessions, food supply, territory) emphasizes the projection of emotional issues into territorial claims and claims for possession of land and the aggression aimed at dispelling each other from their respective national territories.
- Mars` position was conjunct Uranus at 25° in Gemini and house 2 pointing at a REVOLUTION & MUTATION of the status quo regarding territory, economy and legal rights: The definition of the territories of the 2 state nations was artificial and made for purly practical puirposes (Uranus in Gemini) but not inherited.
- The British Raj colonial state had not been able to unite the full Indian sub-continent. The Mars-Uranus-Conjunction “across the cardinal divide” (GEM to CAN) and in the house of territory can be seen as a strong description of the “momentum” of a mutation of the “gathered-together smaller kingdoms” under rule or influence of the British into two large (by territory & population) state nations.
- regarding the resonance between the capital Islamabad built between 1960 and 1967 at and the independence chart of Pakistan of 1947 what can be concluded is:
- the strong astrogeographical resonance of the area where the new capital Islamabad (0°CAP & 8°CAN) with the foundation which strongly relates to a check-post between two worlds, the examination of effective factual reality and the exorcism of negativity, subjective projections and the human attempts to overwrite the higher, abstract aspects of truth.
- 0°Capricorn also relates to the position of the Prime Minister, head of state, king or tribal chief. This is strongly reflected in the Sabian Symbol for 0° Capricorn is “An (american) Indian Chief Claims Power from the Assembled Tribe.” Building a capital on the first degrees of Capricorn so indicates the purposes of establishing natioanl institutions aimed at controlling and stabilizing the the country, nation & population.
- There is another fascinating aspect in the resonance between the position of Islamabad at 0°Capricorn – the degree of the winter solstice — due to the opposition of Capricorn with Cancer the strongest astrological indicator of sign of Hindu religion. Capricorn so stands for taking a position against the cultural, ethnic eonomic & political influence of Pakistan`s super-large neighbour.
- Islamabad places the name of the national state cult taken from religion of Arab origin above it. Since 1°Capricorn relates to the symbolism of a guardian between two worlds and spheres. The government of Pakistan so appears as a self-defined defender and fortress at the separation line between the islamic sphere and the Hindu sphere.
- It is remarkable that in this definition no particular feature describing the national aspcts of culture, ethnicy and inheriterance are included or descibed.
1st Constitution and Republic of Pakistan in 1956
Both charts the independence of 1947 and the end of the British Crown in Pakistan in 1956 occured during key moments in the decolonization process of the British Colonial Empire.
Nevertheless the chart for the 1st Constitution and Republic founded on 23 March 1956 delivers far more insights into the national hiotory of the Pakistani state nation.

History & Events in Pakistan
An event of “blasphemy”
On 25 November 2017 social media and several TV stations in Pakistan were blocked through a decision of the Pakistani government after “blasphemy” clashes in the capital Islamabad. Accusations of “blasphemy” are used as a propaganda trick in pseudo-islamic fascism to indoctrinate the society, create fear, suppress individualism and civil rights, peace movements and respect for life, creation, spirituality and god himself.
According to a BBC article “About 200 people were injured when security forces tried to disperse an Islamist sit-in at the Faizabad Interchange – a key highway. The protesters have been blocking the highway for several weeks, demanding the sacking of Law Minister Zahid Hamid whom they accuse of blasphemy. Pakistani media report that demonstrators also broke into the minister’s residence in Punjab province.”

The current situation occurred while Mercury is about to join Saturn while approaching the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Islamabad at 1°Capricorn. Saturn`s transit over the the last degrees of Sagittarius seems to have a 12th house plus a void of course effect on the stability of the Pakistani government.