Helsinki and Finland in Political Astrology & Astrogeography. Planetary transits in relation to the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of Finland.
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Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam, Ankara, Asian Capitals, Athens, Bagdad, Bangkok, Beijing, Belgrade, Berlin (en), (Berlin (dt), Bern, Brasilia, Brussels, Cairo, Canberra, Caracas, Copenhagen and Nuuk, Damascus, EU & European Capitals, Havana, Helsinki, Hongkong, lslamabad, Jakarta, Jerusalem, Kiev, Kabul, Lhasa, Lima, London, Madrid, Manila, Mexico City, Minsk, Moscow, Myanmar, New Delhi, New York, North American Nations, Ottawa, Paris, Prague, Pyongyang, Riyadh, Rome, Seoul, Stockholm, South American Nations, Taipei, Tehran, The Hague, Tripoli, Tokyo, UNASUR, United Nations, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Wellington
Helsinki and Finland in Political Astrology

The astrogeographical position of Helsinki

Astrogeographical position of Helsinki for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the international and global resonance of the capital and political center of Finland: according to my astrological worldmap calculation system the capital of the national morphic field of Finland in Helsinki is located at 29°Scorpio and 26°Pisces – suggesting a fascinating parallel with the EU capital Brussels (9°SCO-22PIS) in the same sign combination of two water signs.
- the position in Scorpio, the sign of strongholds, bunkers and fortresses may be examined in relation to the fact that the capital of Finland strategically overlooks the Gulf of Finland controling the sea route to St. Petersburg.
- the position on the last degrees in Pisces is a n indication of the strong influence of the ocean – energetically, physically and athmospherically. This includes the danger of flooding and the pre-dominance of the water element in Finlands territores in the form of the 187,888 lakes in Finland larger than 500 square metres.
Birth and Foundation Charts for Finland
For early midieval invasions of finland see the article: Early Finnish wars
The Swedish Crusade & Christianization attempt around 1155
One larger scale (not the first) Swedish attempt of conquest of Finland known as the First Swedish Crusade was undertaken by King Eric IX (The Holy) in the name of christianization of state cult some time in the 1150ies. King Eric is assumed to have brought along with him the English Bishop Henry of Upsala who was installed as bishop of Finland where according to the Catholic legend suffered martydom on 20 January 1156
The fact that the exact year has been subject to speculation in historical science makes the long-term planetary transits that acompanied tehese events a great example for the potential of the use of astrogeographical data in the exploration of historcial processes and data.

Since the exact year of the undertaking is uncertain astrogeographical transits can serve to identify the climax of pressure to the status quo in Helsinki in order to examine single years in question as part of a longer process.
The extremely challenging and stunningly precise aspect toHelsinki made by the Neptune-Pluto opposition around 4 January 1151 CE can serve as an explanation for an extreme pressure and challenge to the status quo in what is identified as Finland´s national territory today.
This conjunction took place with between Neptune exactly conjunct the 29°Scorpio resonance coordinate of Helsinki and Pluto exactly opposite at 29° in taus the sign of occupation and possession of territory.

- the transit of a Neptune-Venus conjunction (territorial instability, nomadic culture and travelling instead of settling down) exactly conjunct the 29°Scorpio resonance coordinate of Helsinki indicates a situation in which the territorial, social and econimcal status quo in Finlands national morphic field was weakended, instable and threatened.
- as the sign ruler of over the 29° Scorpio (sign of nomadic cultures) resonance coordinate of Helsinki Pluto being exactly opposite at 29°Taurus (sign of settling down & agriculture) explains the attempt of conquest including the introduction of a state cult (ideology) of a settled society and technological standards of agriculture.
- the fact that as the sign ruler over Pluto in Taurus Venus was exactly conjunct Helsinki explains how the Swedish “Crusade” was aimed at territorial occupation, annexation and economical exploitation of Finlands territories.
- Astrogeographically the Neptune-Pluto conjunction can so be identified as the troggering moment for the decision, preparation and undertaking of the Swedish campaign.
- the Neptune conjunction with the capital can also be examined as and indication of the import of a holistic, transcendental, multi-cultural and multi-ethnic type of state cult in the form of Christian religion.

- the strongest astrogeographicalö aspect was the intense challange to the status quo in Finland through the exact opposition transit of Chiron at 27° in Taurus the sign of money, income, agriculture and occupation of territory to the 29°Scorpio resonance coordinate of Helsinke as the all-time center of the national morphic field of Finlands territories
- this transit explains the Swedish geo-strategical, preventive action aimed at controling Finlands territory in order to secure and exploit its resources.
Treaty of Nöteborg divides Finnland between Sweden + Novgorod in 1323

- Saturn at 29° Taurus exactly opposite the 29°Scorpio resonance coordinate of Helsinki and conjunct the position of Pluto at the beginning of the 1st Swedish crusade to Finnland in the 1150ies explains a long-term and comparatively stable (Saturn) settlement of the status quo in Finland under foreign (opposition) rule and control.
- Pluto at 20° Pisces was nearly conjunct the exact position of the 26°Pisces coordinate of Helsinki indicating an intense crisis for the Finish population to be expected for the coming conjunction of Pluto with Finlands capital between 1224 and 1227.
The Gand Duchy of Russian Finland 1809-17

- Saturn at 28°Scorpio was exactly conjunct the 29°Scorpio resonance coordinate of Finland explaining the outcome of the treaty as a step in a long-term stabilization of the status quo.
The Declaration of Independence in 1917

- the strongest astrogeograophical transit during the first political independence of Finland was by Chiron at 25° Pisces conjunct the 26°Pisces resonance coordinate of the national capital. Chiron indicates a step that helped organize, plan, protect and handle the further exploration, development, control and self-protection of the vast scarcely populated territories along with the 75,818 islands over 0,5 km2 area.
- as the sign ruler of Virgo the role of Chiron includes rulership over a conjunction of Mars with Lilith joined by the Moon in the center of earth sign Virgo the sign or reason, health, science of agriculture and gardening, protection of nature, forrest industries, and protected places on safe and dry land.
- two remarkable transits in relation to the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of Moscow can be explored here: the long-term square transit of Neptune over 2°Leo right from the beginning of World War 1 in September 1914 as indication of the process of destabilization of the Tsar regime and important indicator of the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the square transit of Venus at 1°Aquarius the sign of escaping, self-liberation and revolution as an indication of the step away from the Russian possession of Finlands territories.