Pluto opposite London: The Battle of Cable Street
Pluto opposite London - The Battle of Cable Street. On the astrological analysis of an important event in the history of the fight against globalized fascism Compare: London and Great Britain…
Astrology is in its core and essence a scientific approach to holistic, abstract and detailed interpretation of human and terrestrial life, fate, experience, perception.
Its basical methods explore paralells between structures of time measured through astronomuical data on the cycles of planets and other object in the solar system and events on earth,
Pluto opposite London - The Battle of Cable Street. On the astrological analysis of an important event in the history of the fight against globalized fascism Compare: London and Great Britain…
Islamabad and Pakistan in Political Astrology. Birth & foundation charts of Pakistan and important transits in the history of its territories. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations:…
Popocatepetl in astrological vulcanology Related articles: Volcanoes in astrogeography, Earthquakes in astrogeography. The Great Pyramid of Cholula in astrogeography, Astrology & Sacred Sites: Templo Mayor in Mexico City Popocatépetl is a 5,426 m active volcano located…
The 2017 Kermanshah earthquake. Astrology, astrogeography and earthquakes: Related articles: Krakatoa and the extreme weather events of 536 AD, The Nepal Earthquake on 25 April 2015, The San Francisco Earthquakes, Haiti earthquake, Fukushima. Kaohsiung Earthquake…
India & New Delhi in Political Astrology. Astrogeographical position of New Delhi & transits of the outer planets in relation to the government of India. Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography:…
Astrology & Architecture - Hoover Dam in astrogeography Related articles: Cancer as the sign of seashells in architecture. A WW2 “flak” tower in the sign of the crab, Oroville Dam astrogeographic position: highest…
The Las Vegas Massacre in astrogeography. Astrology, Events & Places: astrological data and analyses for the October, 1 2017 Las Vegas Massacre Related articles: Astrogeographical resonance degrees for the 50 US…
Gemini plus Leo - the Black Ant restaurant in astrology Astrology & Restaurants: Gemini plus Leo as the resonating astrological constellation of ants. Ants for dinner at Black Ant restaurant…
The Independence Referendum in Catalonia, Astrology & Politics: the Independence Referendum in Catalonia. astrogeographical analysis of the situation during the planned referendum. Compare: Barcelona Terrorist Attack on 17 August 2017, Astrogeographic…
Astrology & Hurricanes: Hurricane Maria in astrogeography - astrogeographcial data for the third consecutive strong Hurricane of the 2017 season Compare: Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography, Hurricane Irma in astrogeography, Hurricane Katrina in…
The 2017 Puebla earthquake in astrogeography. Astrology & Earthquakes: Astrological data and analyses data of the 19 September 2017 earthquake in Mexico Related articles: Astrogeographical Position of Mexico City, The…
Astrology & Volcanoes: Paektusan volcano in astrogeography. Astrogeographical data about one of the world`s most dangerous volcanoes. Compare: Volcanic eruptions in astrogeography, The Astrogeographical Positions of Pyongyang and Seoul and future…
Hurricane Irma in astrogeography. Astrology & Hurricanes: the astrogeographical position of Miami and the transits of planets in relation to the "Great American Solar Eclipse" Compare: The Great American Solar…
On the astrogeography of Carnac. Astrology & Magical Places: an introduction to the analysis of the astrogeographical positions of the Carnac allignments Compare: Menhir du Champ Dolent in Aquarius-Sagittarius, The sanctuary…
Nabta Playa sun and star observatory in astrogeography. Astrology & Magical Places: on the astrogeographical positions of the sun and star observatory at Nabta Playa west of Abu Simbel, Egypt…
Hurricane Katrina in astrogeography. Astrology, Events & Places: astrogeographical data and analyses of the landfall of Hurricane Katrina near Buras-Triumph, Louisiana Compare: Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography, Hurricane Irma in astrogeography, When…
Hurricane Harvey in astrogeography. Astrology, Events & Places: Hurricane Harvey from an astrogeographical point of view - a short analysis of astrogeographical data and planetary transits Related articles: Hurricane Irma…
The site of the Chernobyl Reactor in astrogeography Astrology, History & Politics: the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 in astrogeography Compare: The Fukushima disaster in astrogeography, Uranus on Midheaven and in Opposition to…
Barcelona Terrorist Attack on 17 August 2017 - The pre-eclipse Sun opposite Barcelona. Astrological and astrogeographical data and analyses As in the case of the terrorist attacks in London and Manchester…
The birth place of Saturn in astrogeography and astrology. The Temple of Saturn on the foot of Capitoline Hill & from Saturn to Jupiter: the shift in the roman state…