History and Astrology

History and Astrology: a collection of over 250  articles on subjects of political and mundane astrology.

Highlights in this category are my articles on the foundation charts and foundation  horoscopes of nations and important events and developments in the history of nations.

Highlights in this category are:

—-   National Charts and Transits in Astrogeography:

History of Germany in Political astrology,

The European Union in Astrology,

London and Great Britain in Political Astrology,

—-    Articles on the role of Pluto in Political Astrology:

Periods of History as defined by the transit aspects of Pluto with Neptune
Periods of History as defined by the transit aspects of Pluto with Neptune
Pluto Neptune conjunctions 13000 BC - 9000 CE
Pluto Neptune conjunctions 13000 BC – 9000 CE

Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography,

The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA

Pluto-Neptune Transits in Mundane Astrology,

—-   Articles on current events and developments

Paradigm changes in Moscow Russias Psychological Warfare and State Cult
Paradigm changes in Moscow Russias Psychological Warfare and State Cult between the Crimean War of 1853-56 and the Invasion of Ukraine between 2014 and 2022.

Moscow-Russia in search of its borders & identity

Saporischschja – das gefährlichste Kernkraftwerk der Welt“,

“The Russian mobilization of 21 Sep 2022”

“The Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2022”,


Read more about the article The Hundertwasser architecture in astrology
Hotel and Thermal Bath in Bad Blumau ph: Intentionalart, ccbysa3.0

The Hundertwasser architecture in astrology

The Hundertwasser architecture in astrology. Astrology, architecture and art: some thoughts on the architectural design created by Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Astrology & Architecture articles: The astrogeography of Wellness Resorts, Spas. Yoga,…

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Read more about the article Political Astrology of Minsk and Belarus
Independence Palace in Minsk Antono Vasiljev, ccbysa4.0

Political Astrology of Minsk and Belarus

Political Astrology of Minsk and Belarus. The astrogeographical position of Minsk and the historical charts of Belarus. Relevant Articles: Moscow Russia in search of its borders, The Russian mobilization of 21…

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Read more about the article Capitals and History of Myanmar in astrology
Shwedagon Pagode is the archetype of gold-plated stupa temples in Myanmar photo: R.A. Lettau

Capitals and History of Myanmar in astrology

Capitals and History of Myanmar in astrology, Astrology, History and Politics: resonance coordinates for Naypyidaw, Yangon, Ava, Bagan, Pegu. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: African Union…

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Read more about the article Buddhist Stupas in Astrology
Bawbawgyi Pogoda is located in the combination of earth sign Virgo with air sign Aquarius ph: Jakub Hałun, ccbysa4

Buddhist Stupas in Astrology

Buddhist Stupas in Astrology. A comparative study on the astrology and astrogeography of Buddhist spiritual art and architecture. Related articles: An astrogeographical typology of monolithic domes, Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar,…

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Read more about the article Bangkok and Thailand in astrogeography
City pillar shrine building in Bangkok in the shape of a stupa. ph: กสิณธร ราชโอรส, ccbysa3.0

Bangkok and Thailand in astrogeography

Bangkok and Thailand in astrogeography. The foundation charts for Thailand and the astrogeographical position of Bangkok. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: African Union + Capitals, Amsterdam,…

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Read more about the article The astrology of Lima and Peru
The astrogeographical resonance coordinates for Lima are 5°Cancer and 19°Capricorn. ph: Sagitario30252, ccbysa4.0

The astrology of Lima and Peru

The astrology of Lima and Peru. Political & Mundane Astrology: The foundation charts of Peru and the astrogeography of the capital Lima Related articles: Sechin Bajo – the oldest building in…

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Read more about the article Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump in Political Astrology
Kamala Harris in 2019 ph: Gage Skidmore, ccbysa2.0

Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump in Political Astrology

Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump in Political Astrology the birth charts for the female candidate for the Vice Presidency & Donald Trump compared. Related articles: The USA and Washington in…

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Read more about the article The Discovery of the planet Neptune
image of Neptune taken on August 20, 1989 as the spacecraft approached the planet for a flyby on August 25. The Great Dark Spot, flanked by cirrus clouds, is at center. A smaller dark storm, Dark Spot Jr., is rotating into view at bottom left. Additionally, a patch of white cirrus clouds to its north, named "Scooter" for its rapid motion relative to other features, is visible. Image: Justin Cowart, ccbysa2.0

The Discovery of the planet Neptune

The Discovery of the planet Neptune. Astrological and astrogeographical data and analyses on the discovery of the 12th systemical planet. Related articles: Poseidons birth place near Kiveri, On the competition…

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Read more about the article The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in St. Petersburg
The combination of Aquarius (sign of murals, graffiti, ceiling paintings) with Pisces (sign of imagination, dreaming, mystification) at its best: Inside of the Church of the Saviour on Spilled Blood ph: Svklimkin, ccbysa4.0

The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in St. Petersburg

The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in St. Petersburg. Astrology, astrogeography, architecture and history: the "Church of the Christ on Spilled Blood" Related Articles: The astrogeographical positions of St.…

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Read more about the article The Porcelain Pagoda of Nanjing
The Porcelain Pagoda of Nanjing was located in Taurus with Sagittarius - a possible important aspect of aspects of the production of porcelain. Illustration by Johan Nieuhof.

The Porcelain Pagoda of Nanjing

The Porcelain Pagoda of Nanjing. Taurus with Sagittarius as an image of burning clay and expansion of wealth. Related articles: The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology, Sagittarius and Capricorn…

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Read more about the article The astrogeographical position of Prague
Winter sunrise over Prague ph: Radovan Císař , ccbysa3.0

The astrogeographical position of Prague

The astrogeographical position of Prague. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of the Czech Republic. Articles on political…

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Read more about the article The killing of George Floyd
Road crossing of 38th Street and Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis where the killing occurred. For morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) the road crossing is located in the combination of Venus signs Taurus and Libra ph: Fibonacci Blue, ccbysa2.0

The killing of George Floyd

The killing of George Floyd. Political and mundane astrology: astrogeographical analyses and data of the killing of George Floyd on May, 25 2020. Related articles: The Dallas Sniper Massacre &…

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Read more about the article The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA
Transits of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus in relation to Washington in the history of the USA

The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA

The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA in astrogeography. Political #astrology and #astrogeography of the United States. Related articles: The Astrogeographical Position of Washington, The astrogeography of…

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Read more about the article Rythmical activations and timeline of the Covid 19 Crisis in the USA
Map of the COVID-19 outbreak per capita as of 28 March 2020.

Rythmical activations and timeline of the Covid 19 Crisis in the USA

Rythmical activations and timeline of the Covid 19 Crisis in the USA. Astrological data and analyses of rhythmical activations in the chart for the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of January 12 2020.…

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Read more about the article 2002 SARS Coronavirus outbreak in astrology
Sars Cases in 2002/2003 image: Strickla, ccbysa3.0

2002 SARS Coronavirus outbreak in astrology

2002 SARS Coronavirus outbreak in astrology and astrogeography. Data and analyses for the 2002/2003 outbreak of SARS Coronavirus. Related articles: Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak 2019-20 in astrology and astrogeography, The Zika…

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Read more about the article Asian Countries and Capitals in Astrology & Astrogeography
Capitals of Asian Countries in Astrogeography: astrogeographical positions for morphogenetic field level 1

Asian Countries and Capitals in Astrology & Astrogeography

Asian Countries and Capitals in Astrology & Astrogeography. The astrogeographical resonance coordinates for the capitals of all nations in Asia Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: A…

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Read more about the article The African Union in astrology and astrogeography
Africa´s Countries & Capitals in Astrology & Astrogeography

The African Union in astrology and astrogeography

The African Union in astrology and astrogeography. Astrology and politics: the astrogeographical positions of African capitals. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: A - Z: Lists of…

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Read more about the article Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak 2019-20 in astrology
Replication of a coronavirus image: Crenim at en-wiki), ccbysa3.0

Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak 2019-20 in astrology

Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak 2019-20 in astrology and astrogeography. Data and analyses for the new SARS related virus outbreak on the climax of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of Jan 12 2020. Related…

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Read more about the article Libya and Tripoli in Political Astrology
Libya and Tripoli in Astrology Blog: Aerial view towards Tripoli - the capital of Libya . ph: Kayhan ERTUGRUL, ccbysa4.0

Libya and Tripoli in Political Astrology

Libya and Tripoli in Political Astrology. Birth charts of Libya and important transits of planets in relation to the capital and government in Tripoli. Articles on political astrogeography & birth…

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Read more about the article A “So Sagittarius Sculpture”
The site of the "Pilgrims sculpture" on Monte de Gozo near Santiago de Compostela has both astrogeographical resonance coordinates in Sagittarius photo: http://rayyrosa.com, ccbysa2.5

A “So Sagittarius Sculpture”

A "So Sagittarius Sculpture". Astrology, Astrogeography, Mystical traditions and sculpting: the pilgrims sculpture on Mount Gozo at Santiago de Compostela. Related articles: Saint Michaels Mount and Mont Saint Michel in…

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