The Magic of Uluru or Ayer`s Rock
Cancer and Leo - Ayer`s Rock
History and Astrology: a collection of over 250 articles on subjects of political and mundane astrology.
Highlights in this category are my articles on the foundation charts and foundation horoscopes of nations and important events and developments in the history of nations.
—- National Charts and Transits in Astrogeography:
History of Germany in Political astrology,
The European Union in Astrology,
London and Great Britain in Political Astrology,
—- Articles on the role of Pluto in Political Astrology:
Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography,
The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA
Pluto-Neptune Transits in Mundane Astrology,
—- Articles on current events and developments
“Moscow-Russia in search of its borders & identity“
“Saporischschja – das gefährlichste Kernkraftwerk der Welt“,
“The Russian mobilization of 21 Sep 2022”
“The Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2022”,
Cancer and Leo - Ayer`s Rock
Virgo and Gemini - The Greenpeace Headquarters in Amsterdam
Capricorn and Sagitarius - The Tempel of Zeus in Olympia
The astrogeographical constellation of 10, Downing Street
Aries and Aquarius - The Headquarter of The European Commission
Sagitarius and Capricorn - The Forbidden City in Beijing
Libra and Capricorn - The Moskow Kremlin
The Astrogeographical Constellation of the UN Headquarters at New York
Libra and Gemini - The Constellation of the White House
Pisces and Pisces – The Mahabodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya
Aquarius and Leo – The Capital of the Sun God Aton
The Lion Horoscope of Nemrut Daği
Libra and Pisces - The Bin Laden Hideout
Capricorn and Taurus - The Lighthouse of Alexandria
Cancer and Taurus - Burj Khalifa in Dubai
Origin of the Inca Gold - Pyramid City of Túcume
The three steps to Mount Olympus
Virgo and Aquarius - Pyramid of Kukulcán in Chichén Itzá
Astrogeographical position of the Nuclear Power Plant of San Onofre
Libra and Libra - The Region of Fukushima