History and Astrology

History and Astrology: a collection of over 250  articles on subjects of political and mundane astrology.

Highlights in this category are my articles on the foundation charts and foundation  horoscopes of nations and important events and developments in the history of nations.

Highlights in this category are:

—-   National Charts and Transits in Astrogeography:

History of Germany in Political astrology,

The European Union in Astrology,

London and Great Britain in Political Astrology,

—-    Articles on the role of Pluto in Political Astrology:

Periods of History as defined by the transit aspects of Pluto with Neptune
Periods of History as defined by the transit aspects of Pluto with Neptune
Pluto Neptune conjunctions 13000 BC - 9000 CE
Pluto Neptune conjunctions 13000 BC – 9000 CE

Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography,

The first Pluto Return from the foundation of the USA

Pluto-Neptune Transits in Mundane Astrology,

—-   Articles on current events and developments

Paradigm changes in Moscow Russias Psychological Warfare and State Cult
Paradigm changes in Moscow Russias Psychological Warfare and State Cult between the Crimean War of 1853-56 and the Invasion of Ukraine between 2014 and 2022.

Moscow-Russia in search of its borders & identity

Saporischschja – das gefährlichste Kernkraftwerk der Welt“,

“The Russian mobilization of 21 Sep 2022”

“The Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2022”,


Read more about the article The Suicide Bombing Attack on the Lal Shahbaz Qalandar Shrine
Lal Shahbaz Qalandar Shrine located in Sagittarius with Cancer photo: Zainab Arain, ccbysa4.0

The Suicide Bombing Attack on the Lal Shahbaz Qalandar Shrine

Astrology & Terrorism: The Suicide Bombing Attack on the Lal Shahbaz Qalandar Shrine Sufi Shrine in Pakistan on 16 February 2017 in astrogeography Related Articles: The astrogeographic position of Islamabad…

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Oroville Dam: highest tension expected on 13 February

Oroville Dam: highest tension expected on 13 February. The exact moment of the square transit of Mars is tobe expected as the climax of danger of breaking. Related articles: Astrology…

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Read more about the article A WW2 flak tower in the sign of crabs
This anti-aircraft gun tower in St. Pauli, Hamburg has both coordinates in Cancer photo: KMJ, GFDL

A WW2 flak tower in the sign of crabs

A WW2 flak tower in the sign of crabs. Architecture & Astrology: on the astrgeographical position of a flak bunker tower in Hamburg and the astrogeograpical typology of water sign…

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Read more about the article Saturn over Paris – the 2017 presidential elections in France
The outcome of the 2017 Presidential Elections in France calculated for the moment of the closing of the polling stations on 7 May 2017, 20:00 in Paris

Saturn over Paris – the 2017 presidential elections in France

Saturn over Paris - the 2017 presidential elections in France. Mundane and Political Astrology of French elections and current history. Compare: Paris and France in Astrology & Astrogeography,  Paris Terrorist…

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Anchorage and the Alaska earthquake of 1964

Astrology & Events: Anchorage and the Alaska earthquake of 1964 The astrogeographic position of the City of Anchorage the largest agglomeration in Alaska:  Anchorage and the Alaska earthquake of 1964 Astrogeographic…

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The Maya Ruins at Palenque in astrogeography

The Maya Ruins at Palenque in astrogeography From the wiki article: "The Temple of the Cross is the largest and most significant pyramid within a complex of temples at the…

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Read more about the article UNASUR – Union of South American Nations in astrogeography
Unasur Headquarters buildiing located in Aries with Virgo photo: Montserrat Boix, ccbysa4.0

UNASUR – Union of South American Nations in astrogeography

UNASUR - Union of South American Nations in astrogeography. Political astrology and astrogeography of the south-american self help organisation Capitals & Nations in Astrogeography: A - Z: Lists of all…

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Read more about the article George Van Tassels Integraton Project at Joshua Tree
The Integraton located in Cancer with Gemini photo: Shamrox, GNU/FDL

George Van Tassels Integraton Project at Joshua Tree

George Van Tassels Integraton Project at Joshua Tree, California. Astrology, Architecture & Technology. Compare: An astrogeographical typology of monolithic domes, The Egg on top of Dali´s House in Cancer –…

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Read more about the article Reaching the Gate into Aquarius at Cape of Good Hope
Cape of good Hope photo: Cape of Good Hope has both coordinates in Capricorn with the tip only at 0°Aquarius the sign of hope. Photo: Diego Delso ccbysa4.0

Reaching the Gate into Aquarius at Cape of Good Hope

Reaching the Gate into Aquarius at Cape of Good Hope. From the fundaments of stability in Capricorn into the Good Hope of Aquarius For penisulas in astrogeography compare: The Ship…

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Read more about the article Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology
Santuario de Chimayo located in Aries with Leo photo: Andrea Stawitcke, ccbysa2,5

Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology

Santuario de Chimayo in Astrology. A temple of light and ignition in a field of angels: the American Lourdes at a small church in New Mexico Related articles: The magical spring…

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Read more about the article The Valley of the Saints of Britanny at Carnoët
Sainte Gwen sculpture at Valley of Saints. Sainte Gwen gave birth to three saints ph: Ggal, ccbysa4.0

The Valley of the Saints of Britanny at Carnoët

The Valley of of the Saints of Britanny (Vallée des Saints) at Carnoët in Pisces with Scorpio The Valley of the Saints of Britanny at Carnoët. Its astrogeographic position and the fascinating…

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Read more about the article Boscawen-Un Stone Circle in astrogeography
Boscawen-Un Stone Circle is located on 0°Capricorn the cardinal divide of the winter solstice and in Pisces photo: Waterborough, ccbysa3.0

Boscawen-Un Stone Circle in astrogeography

Boscawen-Un Stone Circle in astrogeography. Astrology and Sacred Sites: Boscawen-Un Stone Circle Compare: An astrological typology of Dolmen and Portal Tombs, Stonehenge,  Saint Michael Leyline in Astrogeography, Saint Michael`s Mount and Mont Saint…

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Read more about the article Plutos Gate between heaven an hell
The Plutonion at Hierapolis is located in Capricorn with Sagittarius author: Ömerulusoy, ccbysa3.0

Plutos Gate between heaven an hell

Plutos Gate between heaven an hell. The astrogeographical position of the Pluto Temple at Hierapolis (Pamukkale) in Sagittarius with Capricorn. Related articles: The Forbidden City in Beijing,  St. Peter’s Basilica and Vatican City…

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Read more about the article National centers of Buddhist state cult in Pisces
The Emerald Buddha in Bangkok photo: Gremel Madolora, ccbysa3.0

National centers of Buddhist state cult in Pisces

National centers of Buddhist state cult in Pisces. Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok & Wat Ounalom in Pnom Phen as the religious center of their nations. Compare: Buddhist Stupas in…

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Read more about the article Scorpio and Pisces between mystification and occultism
Sainte Riwannon mother of Saint Herve photo: Milkomède, ccbysa4.0

Scorpio and Pisces between mystification and occultism

Scorpio and Pisces between mystification and occultism. Astrology and art: the astrogeographical position of the Valley of Saints sculpture park at Carnoët, France. Related articles: Scorpio as the sign of…

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The Gemini Giant sculpture is located in Gemini

The Gemini Giant sculpture is located in Gemini Astrology, sculptures & places: The Gemini Giant as a guardian sculpture and iconic image of personal liberty and the right for playfulness Compare: The…

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Read more about the article Rundale Palace the Baltic Versailles in Virgo
Rundāle Palace is located in Cancer with Virgo photo: Jeroen Komen, ccbysa2.0

Rundale Palace the Baltic Versailles in Virgo

Rundale Palace the Baltic Versailles in Virgo. A short astrogeographical evaluation of the position of Rundale Palace Compare: Louis XIV`s constellation at Versailles Palace Rundale Palace the Baltic Versailles in Virgo…

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Read more about the article The Great London Smog of 1952 in Astrology
Nelson's_Column duringthe Great Smog of 1952 photo: N T Stobbs, ccbysa.2.0

The Great London Smog of 1952 in Astrology

The Great London Smog of 1952 in Astrology. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction over London and the Great London Smog of 1952 in astrogeography Compare: Saturn - Neptune Conjunctions in astrology,: London and…

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Read more about the article Ukraine and Kiev in Political Astrology
For morphogenetic field level 4 (exact position) which describes the energetical topics and atmosphere of the building itself the House of Parliament of Ukraine (Verkhovna Rada) is located in relaxes water sign Pisces the sign of temples, spirituality, illusions with earth sign Virgo sign of reason, protected places and optimal use of ressources ph: ВАДИМ ЧУПРИНА, ccbysa4.0 

Ukraine and Kiev in Political Astrology

Ukraine and Kiev in Political Astrology. Birth charts and history of Ukraine. Transits of the outer planets in relation to the capital and government of Ukraine. New Article Capitals &…

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