Oprah Winfreys recipe for success

Oprah Winfreys constellation at Harpo Studios in Chicago. Aries supports the 4th house in Oprah`s birth chart describing the place as her home where she could work in an atmosphere of relative independence and self-employment. Places with this aspect in the birth charts of individuals are often used by them as a retreat. But in case of self-employance it can serve as a solid basis for emotional, intellectual and practical independence in a person`s performance and ways of thinking. It is the aspect of family life and could explain her success here as through broadcasting the feeling that all the people watching her show on TV were being guests at her home.

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Audrey Hepburn in Taurus at Tiffany`s

Audrey Hepburn in Taurus at Tiffany`s - An easy definition for this constellation would be: "a marketplace for new contacts and opportunities". Audrey Hepburn`s biography does not suggest many parallels with Holly Golightly from "Breakfast at Tiffany`s". But an astrogeographical analysis of the filming location reveals a highly intense resonance between the character of Holly and Audrey`s constellations at the site.

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Read more about the article British Kings & Queens in astrogeography
London and Great Britain in Political Astrology: The individual relationships of English Kings and Queens with their royal palaces as indications of their situation, approach, performance and other aspects.

British Kings & Queens in astrogeography

Queen Elisabeth II. at Buckingham Palace - Elisabeth´s constellation at Windsor Palace the seat of her ancestors is very interesting because the astrogeographical constellation of the site in Taurus and Capricorn reflects the two main signs in her own birth chart. These coordinates support the third and the twelfth houses in her birth chart. The third house stands for education and learning and the twelfth house in case of celebrities stands for a retreat and hiding place that could support finding peace from public attention and paparazzis.

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Read more about the article The Palace of Versailles in Astrology
The Palace of Versailles is located in the combination of earth sign Virgo (protected places, health, reason, retreats, gardening, parcs, plants) with air sign Gemini (interfaces, communication,road crossings, intelligence, learning, symbols, writing, secretaries, management, coordination, technological improvements) ph: ToucanWings, ccbysa3.0

The Palace of Versailles in Astrology

Louis XIV`s constellation at Versailles Palace

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Queen Elizabeth `s astrological constellation at Windsor Castle

Queen Elisabeth I. at Windsor Castle. Both astrogeographical aspects of the place are to be evaluated as highly auspicious for Elizabeth personally and considering the great progress and success that she achieved, for her reign over the country too.

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The heirs to the British Throne and their constellations at Buckingham Palace

Prince William at Buckingham Palace Although the overall constellation may indicate that William might be ready to take over responsibility for serving as a king and trying to do a good job it does not stand for feeling at home or having one´s own space and territory. It rather indicates someone standing in public territory and being fully exposed to the demands of his job.

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Read more about the article Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone at the “Basic Instinct House”
Director, producer and stars Sharon Stone, Jeanne Tripplehorn and Michael Douglas at the 1992 Cannes Film Festival. photo: Georges Biard license: ccbysa3.0

Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone at the “Basic Instinct House”

Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone at the “Basic Instinct House”

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Read more about the article Cancer and Scorpio – Shiva in two water signs
The incident of the "churning of the milk ocean (the world/milky way/galaxy": the gods (left) and demons (right) worked together to swirl the milky way. Shiva is seen on top of the world drinking away the poison to make the world habitable. explanation

Cancer and Scorpio – Shiva in two water signs

Cancer and Scorpio - Shiva in two water signs

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