Read more about the article The Hill of Tara – seat of the High Kings of Ireland
The Hill of Tara ph: Patrick Brown, ccbysa2.0

The Hill of Tara – seat of the High Kings of Ireland

The Hill of Tara - seat of the High Kings of Ireland. Astrology and astrogeography: the Hills of Tara and Knockarena. Compare:   Dún Aonghasa a ringfort and temple in Aquarius…

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Read more about the article Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan
Heavens Gate, on Tianmen Shan Mountain is located at 0°Capricorn and in Aries.

Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan

Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan. Astrology & Sacred Sites: Heaven`s Gate on top of the Sacred Tianmen Shan Mountain of China Related articles: Astrogeographic…

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Read more about the article From Cancer to Gemini: The Gate of the Orient
The "Gate of the Orient" at Souzjou, China located right in between Gemini and Cancer ph: Christian Gänshirt, ccbysa4.0

From Cancer to Gemini: The Gate of the Orient

From Cancer to Gemini: The Gate of the Orient - a pathway into a vagina. Astrology, architecture, design & places: the astrogeographical position of the Gate of the Orient building…

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Art Nouveau in Sagittarius and Cancer

Astrology and Places:  Art Nouveau in Sagittarius and Cancer. On the astrogeography of the Secession building in Vienna Related articles: Shaft, bow and balls in Sagittarius, The Egg on top of Dali´s House…

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Read more about the article Aries as the Sign of Unicellular Structures: Astrodome & Co
Reliant Astrodome - on the right has both coordinates in Aries (nasa world wind 1.3.5)

Aries as the Sign of Unicellular Structures: Astrodome & Co

Aries as the Sign of Unicellular Structures: Astrodome & Co. Astrology, astrogeography, architecture and design: typical elements of design in Aries. Compare: Astrology and architecture: characteristic features of Aries,  Libra as…

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Read more about the article Cancer and Libra: The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem
The Western Wall is located in Cancer with Libra ph: Golasso, GFDL

Cancer and Libra: The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

Cancer and Libra: The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. Astrology and astrogeography of the Wailing Wall on the Temple Mount Related articles: Pisces and Taurus - The Temple Mount in Jerusalem,…

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Read more about the article Bighorn Medicine Wheel in Capricorn and Aries
Bighorn Medicine Wheel, Lovell, Wyoming

Bighorn Medicine Wheel in Capricorn and Aries

The Bighorn Medicine Wheel in Capricorn and Aries. Astrology, sacred places, native american history & shamanism: the astrogeographical position of Bighorn medicine wheel. Related articles: The Palm Jumeirah, The Little…

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Read more about the article Sky Bella Hotel in Kopenhagen
Sky Bella Hotel in Astrology: the copposition between Leo and Aquarius. image license: cjreddaway - ccbysa2.0

Sky Bella Hotel in Kopenhagen

Sky Bella Hotel in Kopenhagen. Astrology, Architecture, Design & Places: the visualization of the topics of opposition between Aquarius and Leo as reflected in the design of distortion at the the…

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Read more about the article Opera Houses and Pisces as the sign of Music
Paris Opera Garnier located between Cancer and Leo and in Pisces. author: Anthony Degrémont, GNU/FDL

Opera Houses and Pisces as the sign of Music

Opera Houses and Pisces as the sign of Music. Astrology, Music & Art: the astrogeographical positions of opera houses and concert halls. Related articles: Ravi Shankar and George Harrison – spiritual healing…

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Read more about the article San Francisco and the divide between morphogenetic fields
Aerial view of San Francisco ph: Dicklyon, ccbysa4.0

San Francisco and the divide between morphogenetic fields

San Francisco and the divide between morphogenetic fields. On the astrology and astrogeography of San Francisco`s position on the cardinal, morphogenetical divide between Sagittarius and Capricorn. Related articles: Heaven`s Gate…

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Read more about the article Astrology and Art: Metalmorphosis by David Černý
The image shows the Metalmorphosis II sculpture in Prague not the one in Charlotte, NC - couldn`t find a free phot of that one. But chose to present it because it delivers an impressive image of what the different layers look in the state of distortion. Czech _Republicimage: Another Believer, ccbysa4.0

Astrology and Art: Metalmorphosis by David Černý

astrology and art: "Metalmorphosis" by David Černý

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Read more about the article The “Spring Temple Buddha”
The Spring temple Buddha has both astrogeographical resnance coordinates in Capricorn photo: Zgpdszz license:ccbysa3.0

The “Spring Temple Buddha”

If Capricorn was considered to describe the character of the celestial Adibuddha Vairocana it could be his aspect as the embodiment of Emptiness (Śūnyatā) which refers to the absence of inherent existence in all phenomena that could best be related to the reflex of the reduction of mysticism in Capricorn. If Capricorn is interpreted as an indication for the possible aspect of Vairocana as the primordial and highest of all Buddhas Capricorn would indicate that Vairocana represents an administrator of the cosmos rather than a central creator personality.

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