China in Astrology

China in Astrology: astrological analyses of important places, sacred sites, temples and historical events in China´s history, politics, culture, spirituality and religion


Beijing Skyline
The skyline of Beijing CBD ph: 郭友柏, ccbysa4.0


Astrogeographical position of Beijing for morphogenetic field level 1 (region) which describes the supra-regional and international resonance of the capital and  government of China: the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the central government area in Beijing are located at around 3° of highly energetic, magnetic, self-centered, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun, light, power stations, the heart, kingdom, absolutism, centralism, monopolies, self-esteem, profile-neurosis and the need to surplus others and at 17° of dynamic, mental fire sign Sagittarius sign of thinking, philosophy, profit-orientation, expansion, priest castes (Mandarin, Brahmin), luxury, win-win situations, style, design, fashion, composition, ornamentation, lava, hell and probably the most important signs of corruption.


List of Articles:


Astrology of China: Capitals Early Period
Astrology of China: Chinese Capitals Part I Creation, Mythology, Legendary Xia Period
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Pluto and Uranus Transits for Taipei and Kiev

Taipei and Taiwan in Political Astrology

Taipei and Taiwan in Political Astrology. Astrogeographical Transits and important foundation charts for Taiwan. Articles on political astrogeography & birth charts of nations: A - Z: Lists of all capitals…

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Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography

Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography and Astrology. Astrology & History: climax periods of Pluto transits in relation to capitals and national centers. I will be working on this article over…

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Seoul is located at 28°Virgo and 23°Aries ph: 서울특별시 소방재난본부, ccbysa4.0

Seoul, Pyongyang and Korea in Political Astrology

Seoul, Pyongyang and Korea in Political Astrology and Astrogeography. History and Present day situation of Korea and the transits of planets in relation to the 2 capitals. Capitals & Nations…

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Sun Temples in Astrology

Sun Temples in Astrology. Astrology, Astrogeography and Sacred Sites: a comparative study of the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of Sun temples. Important Sun Temples in astrogeography: Sagittarius with Leo for the site…

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Sunrise at Emei Shan. photo: Staceynyx, ccbysa3.0

The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology

The Sacred Mountains of China in Astrology. Astrology and Sacred Sites: the astrogeographical positions and energetical topics of the Sacred Mountains of China Related articles: Astrogeographical position of Beijing, The Forbidden…

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Chinese Martial Arts at Shaolin Monastery photo: Shawn Xiangyang Liu, GNU/FDL

The Legendary Shaolin Monastery

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Read more about the article China and Beijing in Political Astrology
The skyline of Beijing CBD ph: 郭友柏, ccbysa4.0

China and Beijing in Political Astrology

China and Beijing in Political Astrology. The astrogeographical resonance coordinates of the capital, government and center of the national morphic field of China in Chinese history and astrological foundation charts.…

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The Shell Museum of Dalian in Cancer the sign of shells

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Heaven`s Gate on the point of the winter solstice on Tianmen Shan

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Cancer and Virgo – Jokhang Temple in Lhasa

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Jungfrau und Zwillinge – Samye Gompa das älteste Kloster Tibets photo:Tsui license:ccsa2.0 photo:Tsui license:ccsa2.0

Samye Gompa the oldest monastery in Tibet

Samye Gompa the oldest monastery in Tibet Astrology and astrogeography of the oldest monastery in Tibet

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