The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology & Astrogeography. A comparative astrogeographical transit study for Kiev, Moscow, Washington and EU between 1985 and 2032.
NEW ARTICLE in development in my Astrogeography Laboratory.
Related Articles: The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology & Astrogeography, Wann endet der Ukraine Krieg, Uranus Transits and the Eras of Fascism 1917-45 and Neo-Fascism 2001-29, Ukraine and Kiev in Political Astrology. Moscow & Russia in Political Astrology, “Moscow-Russia in search of its borders & identity“, The European Union in Political Astrology, Astrological World Map Positions of Capitals worldwide, “Saporischschja – das gefährlichste Kernkraftwerk der Welt“, “The Russian mobilization of 21 Sep 2022”, “The Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2022”, Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology,
The End of the Ukraine War in Astrology
Resources: History of Ukraine
In this article I interprete the transits of the “12 systemical planets” or sign rulers of the 12 syste,ical alements (SIGNS, HOUSES) in relation to the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of national capitals from the astrological worldmap calculation system that I have developed since 1986.
The most important capitals related to the geo-strategical the RUSSIAN INVASIONS of Ukraine since 2014 are:
Targets of Russian Colonial Imperialism are:

- Kiev at 7°Aquarius – 19°Scorpio as capital of the war target
- Minsk at 1°Capricorn – 27°Leo
- Vilnius
- Talinn
- Riga
Super – Centralist Nations with appeal to global dominance:
- Moscow at 2°Taurus – 12°Cancer as capital of Russia & Colonialized super territories in Asia Colonial invader of Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia & Global Empire
- Washington at 6°Cancer – 27°Leo as US capital, NATO leader – European ally, Competitor of Russian Colonialism, Conspirator ag. Russia
- Beijing at 3°Leo – 17°Sagittarius as the capital of CHINA and global ally & supporter of the Russian Colonial Empire
European Union
- Brussels at 9°Scorpio – 21°Pisces as EU & NATO capital & alliance of smaller nations as targest of Russian Colonialism
- The Grand Cross of the capitals of the founding members of the European Community at 29° of the Mutable Signs
- Berlin at 10°Cancer – 29°Virgo as capital of Germany, US European military headquarter, largest economy + weapon producing nation of Europe
- Paris at 27°Aquarius – 28°Sagittarius as capital of France & strongest, independent actor in European Union
- Warsaw at 7° – 12°Libra as largest direct EU neighbour & EU bridge to supply Ukraine
- Helsinki at 26°Pisces – 29°Scorpio
- Stockholm
The different functions & aspects of national capitals
From my experience in astrogeographical field stuidy I suggest to explore the resonance coordinates of national capitals from my calculation system as definitions of the all-time centers of the national unity of modern state nations.
Lists of aspects and functions of national capitals:
- all-time centers of the national unity, union and communion of the territories of state nations
- all-time centers of the national unity, union and communion of the population
- all time centers of the common multiple of the factual population and its ancestors
- all time centers of the common multiple of all aspects, features and elements of nations: population, territory, state, state cult, common belief systems, collective economy/laws,
- the seat of parliament as representative of the population with legislative power & power to control the government
- the seat of government as executive power and representative of the population
How to read & interprete the two different coordinates of a capital
- the 2 coordinates of my calculation system are defined by the astrological longitude and latitude coordinates of the capital in the global zodiac grid system that I have found, determined and verified by extensive research.
My Astrological World Map Calculation System
- I developed a system of astrogeography that defines places through their position in the morphogenetic surface field of the earth`s surface through a system of astrological latitude and longitude coordinates.
- This system divides the geographical longitude and latitude coordinates into astrological zodiac grid systems on 6 size levels.
- The overall surface field of the earth is so divided into 12 x 12 fields.
- The astrological subvdivisions of each of the 144 fields are defined by 12 x 12 smaller fields of which each one contains 12 x 12 smaller fields that contain 12 x 12 even smaller fields a.s.o..
- The earth surface can so be explored by an astrological grid or field system that defines any place on earth through astrological coordinates on various size levels.
- The sequence and names of the 12 Greek zodiac signs are applied in the original systemical meaning of their sequence as a key to measurement, definition, description and interpretation of the 12 natural stations and 4 seasons of the solar year in the Northern hemisphere.
- The astrogeographical coordinates so applied to the position of places in the overall surface field of our planet can be understood as descriptions (definitions for interpretation) of their position in the overall field patterns of the landscapes and fields in which they are enbedded.
Transits of Planets Stimulate People, Places and People`s relation to Places
Articles: Pluto Transits in Political Astrogeography, Pluto-Neptune Cycles & Ages in Mundane Astrology, Uranus-Neptune Conjunctions in Political Astrology, Saturn – Neptune Conjunctions in Mundane Astrology, Uranus – Pluto Conjunctions in Astrology,
The important components of nations that can be stimulated and influenced by transiting planets are:
- national territory
- national population – categories: legal citizens (at home & abroad), vistors, migrants. refugees
- nation state 6 state nation
- state insitutions incl. constitutions & law
- parliament
- government
- federal states & provinces
- others
Aspects stimulated by the slower moving planets:
- Pluto transits stimulate climax moments of crisis, trauma, competition, pressure, foreign occupation, losses, terror, transformation of nations
- Neptune transits stimulate dissolution of overcome strucures, impediments of development, unification, global & cosmic consciousness,
- Uranus transits stimulate re-connection, revolution, globalization, holistic abstract perspectives,
- Chiron transits stimulate self-protection, resonable strategies, adaptation to needs, optimal use of resources, healing
- Saturn transits stimulate government action, stabilization, issues of state cult & dogma, borders & attampts of controlling problems or refoorm politics
- Jupiter stimulate collective learning through experience and mental reflection
Chapter 1 – The Russian Colonial Invasion in Ukraine – When will it end?
The Russian Colonial Empire in the 3rd millennium
- With ca. 145 million citizens the state nation that calls itself “Russian Federation! is a comparatively small nation.
- With 17 Mio. km² the size of the territories it attempts to control, possess, exploit and defend is extremely disproportionate compared to global standards in the 21st century.
- The state nation of Moscow Russia originates in the very west of these territories.
- The military conquest of the territories east of Moscow was made since 1480 – when the Globale Age of European Colonialism began.
- A large number of smaller states and populations were swallowed and have been treated as Russian slave nations ever since.
- Among them 900.000 km² annexed from China in the final treaty of the “Opium Wars” in the “Convention of Beijing” of 1860 signed by Russia, France and United Kingdom.
- In October/November 1917 the state cult ideology of Moscow Russian Colonialism was transferred from a “god-given” Tsarist rule into an ideology of a Moscow controlled “World Revolution” of a “dictatorship of the proletariate”.
- The new Russian dictatorship founded between 1917 and 1922 so defined the Russian Colonial Empire as a aiming at the conquest of the whole world under a state cult controlled from Moscow.
- Between 1985 and 1991 that state cult ideology was abolished, a democratic state, personality rightes and open society wer established and an amount of colonial territories as large as ca. 5 mio km² given back to native populations for foundation of independent states.
- Since the beginning of the establisment of a new dictatorship by elites of the infamous Soviet Era Secret Services under Vladimir Putin in 1999 Rusian politics and state cult were reversed to a new Colonial Imperialism with the claim to the rule of Moscow over any group treated as ETHNIC RUSSIANS by the Putin doctrine of 2021. Here: “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians”
- Russian authorities re-started claiming poession of former colonial territories in Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, Kazakhstan, Usbekistan, East Germany, Romania, Georgia, Armenia and all other nations freed from direct colonial rule and exploitation from Moscow in 1991..
- Colonial Imperialism was so declared as the ruling Moscow Russian state cult ideology for the 21st century.
Putin´s War Aims in the 21st century
What are the aims of the Russian colonial invasion in Ukraine and when will they be reached ? It could be assumed right from the very beginning of the Russian invasion in Ukraine in February 2022 that Moscow`s aims were:
- to secure the Russian annexations of Crimea, the regions o Donezk and Luhansk and of Belarus.
- to transform the Moscow controlled 17 million km² territorial super empire into a military dictatorship state in order to prepare for the coming AGE OF CLIMATE MIGRATION from South Asia to the regions of the melting perma frost soils of the vast empty regions od Siberia to be expected from some point in the 2030ies.
- to create and encounter scenarios for new global wars and national expansions in order to turn more nations into supporters of Moscow`s instable and outdated colonialist rule over half of Asia and the national populations in the ennexed territories.
- to weaken, suppress and control Ukraine and to prevent its people from flourishing economically
- to prevent Ukraine from economical cooperation with the smaller nation community of the European Union which is possibly the biggest cultural threat to Moscows Colonialism.
- to deter the border nations along its 22,407 km of land borders from daring to organize and make themselves independent from Moscow`s political, economical, military dominance.
- to suppress the protest movement in Belarus that had been large-sclae protesting for self-liberation from the Russian control of Belarus politics in the protest movement of 2020/21
- to create a military dictatorship in order to prevent the protest movement of belarus from spreading to Russia
Which scenarios could end the current invasion in Ukraine ?

- Maximal Territorial gains of the Colonial Empire in Eastern Ukraine
- Ukraine acceptance of Russian Colonial annexations
- A ceasefire or peace treaty that gives Putin the guarantees he opts for.
- What could make such a treaty possible ? A US government forcing Ukraine to agree to that.
- The end of the Putin dictatorship
Next astrogeographical transits with chances for a ceasefire
Simultaneous Jupiter- Zeus Return to the neighbor capitals Washington, Berlin, Moscow in 2025

In July-August 2025 there is a chance of a ceasefire in the Ukraine war.
But you just can’t order a peace treaty via Uber Eats with chicken and lubricant as propagated in bullying, disintegration and nation splitting hate war propaganda.
Anyone who has studied history should know that a peace-treaty requires a peace conference. According to the usual procedure, this should be done by professionals, not heads of government. At the Congress of Vienna in 1814/15, for example, Friedrich Karl Reichsfreiherr vom und zum Stein negotiated for Russia. A peace conference may last 2 years or longer.
As already mentioned, there are no peace treaties under Stalinism – but Putin should still be interested in the long term.
Because it is about Russia’s structural problem: its internal instability due to its history and colonial empire as a small European nation in Asia. And because climate migration from south to north means that the isolation and migration stop limited to the ethnic Russian majority can no longer be maintained in the long term. Also because Siberia is now accessible. For the “Rus-Fed” an international guarantee of its borders would be a huge opportunity. They are simply afraid that as an ethnic minority they will lose the ethnic upper hand.
The USA type of system would be the future-proof model in this regard – but only if the USA can achieve a future-proof update of its constitution.
This would also enable the Rus-Fed to manage the huge territory in an optimized, climate-neutral way. Siberia would have to develop into a multicultural system similar to the USA. The current “Rus” Federation could possess this territoriy like a “US of Eurasia“. As already mentioned, the ethnic name and ethnicity based dominance of a small group is a burden on the importance that the 15 million km² giant territory will have in the future under circumstances of mass migration due to climate change and the gigantic population growth in Asia.
In addition, the Taiwan question would have to be clarified and the sphere of interest between the USA and China in the Pacific would have to be regulated.
Then the recognition of the autonomy of Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Kazakhstan and all border states that Russia has infiltrated and is impoverishing. These could, for example, be transferred to a jointly controlled neutrality status guaranteed by the signatory powers.
In addition, the question of ending Russia’s psychological warfare for national division, which it has notoriously waged against all states worldwide since 1850 with the exception of 1991-98, would have to be addressed.
Similar to the Peace of Westphalia or the Congress of Vienna, bilateral agreements could also be made. These could be guaranteed by all signatories or single guarantee powers.
London would perhaps be a good place for this – also as the world capital. I think negotiations could also take place in Minsk, Athens or Berlin.
Simultaneous Jupiter (Zeus) return for USA-Germany-Russia
In July – August 2025, the Jupiter conjunction transit that occurs every 12 years will repeat itself, simultaneously favoring the axis of Washington, Berlin, Moscow as “neighboring cities”:
- August 1918 – May 1919: The end of World War I as a healing and liberation for all three nations. The rise of the USA to global superpower was a victory and an expansion — the German Revolution, first democracy and the liberation from monarchy and colonies as a national healing for Berlin — the mobilization for civil war and victory, the expansion of the central government for Russia.
- July 1942 – August 1942: Turning point in the Atlantic War after the victory in the Battle of Midway as a success & maximum industrial-military production as super expansion for mobilization to victory for the USA — maximum of territorial expansion and maximum of war opponents for Germany — maximum mobilization and war production for victory for Russia.
- August 1918 – May 19: End of World War I as a healing, and liberation for all 3 nations —- Rise of USA to Global super Power as victory & expansion —- German revolution, 1st democracy & liberation from monarchy & colonies as national healing for Berlin — Mobilization for civil war to victory, expansion of central government for Russia.
- September 1989 – March 1990: End of the USSR & Iron Curtain as a victory, expansion, solution, national healing for all 3 nations.
- August 2001 – May 2002. Restart of the Global Cold War by the US fossile cartels in cooperation with Sunni terrorism as global expansion scheme —- plus, on a smaller scale, Putin or, for Russia, stabilization of the then successful Putin system for Russia —- Successful model of introducing the Euro currency for Germany
- July 2013 – April 2014: Ukrainian revolution and de facto independence as a success, victory & expansion for USA and Germany —- Russian annexation of Crimea as a victory and expansion into the Donbas by Russian soldiers with the civilian population as a protective shield as an expansion model
- July – August 2025: Possibility of a ceasefire and way
The Saturn – Neptune-Conjunction-Period between 25 May 2025 and April 2026:
Hopes for an end to Putin’s dictatorship, which has now lasted at least 25 years, are currently tied to the Saturn-Neptune conjunction on February 20, 2026. The exact conjunction of Saturn and Neptune will only occur once – not three times as usual.
- The conjunction will be fully triggered for the first time on May 25, 2025.
- On July 13, Saturn at 1°56′ Aries will have moved within 13 arc minutes of Neptune at 9°09 Aries – but will then turn retrograde.
- Since Jupiter will overrun Washington’s 6°Cancer resonance position at this time, a success for Washington and the USA can be expected.
- However, it should be noted that Jupiter will simultaneously overturn its position in the founding of the United States and its Constitution, so that the Constitution can be expected to be strengthened in the face of the ongoing Trump coup and Trump’s massive violations of constitutional rights.
- For this reason, it is also necessary to examine the extent to which the now expected destabilization and more comprehensive domestic political defeats of the Trump administration will allow the continuation of the Trumps Putin-Appeasement policy.

- Since the Saturn-Neptune conjunction will be triggered in House 11 for the capital of Ukraine at the beginning of the triggering process, The effect of the conjunction can be assumed to be developmental events, which, as a detachment from the past, entails a withdrawal from a sense of belonging. The same applies to Berlin and Germany.
- For Washington (as well as Ottawa), the conjunction takes place at the end of House 2 and in the ruling sign of House 3. For the USA, this is primarily about resolving problems arising from internal problems regarding the instability of the foundations (House 2) of its national legislative system, i.e., the constitution. Since the position is directly related to House 3 (neighbors), resolving this through projection onto the relationship with neighboring countries is plausible. The US government’s approach is evidently using neighboring countries as scapegoats (SA-NE Conjunction) and victims (SA-NE Cj.) of its national structural problems.
- For Moscow at the end of House 10 and in the ruling sign of House 11. For Moscow, therefore, the issue of getting rid of legacy issues regarding the form of government, the system of government, and the lack of holistic personal responsibility for the long-term effects of the global position of the Russian nation among the peoples and nations of the earth: Russia is getting out of hand.
- For Beijing and Taipei, the conjunction occurs equally in House 8 – indicating processes of disengagement from problems of foreign occupation. This reflects the foreign occupation of Chinese autonomy through the long-term effects of China’s agony during the era of European colonization, which continues there to this day, and its aftermath.
- This applies above all to the ongoing occupation of China by the conflict and wars of the Stalinist sphere of influence of the super-colonial system of Russia against the US sphere of influence. Moscow keeps Beijing, like all its border states, under the control of its geopolitical interests – namely through the pseudo-communist system imported from Moscow based on the Russian model. This applies equally to the 900,000 km² of Outer Manchuria, which was annexed by Russia at the end of the Second Opium War.

- The horoscope for Saturn’s entry into Aries, calculated for Kyiv, can be interpreted, on the one hand, as a horoscope for the upcoming Saturn-in-Aries phase from May 25, 2025, to April 13, 2028. Calculated for the capital of Ukraine, it indicates how the nation, its autonomy, the state, and its territory can develop and stabilize.
- Mercury-Uranus conjunction at 27°Taurus in exact square to Washington’s 27°Leo resonance position: the timing falls during the climax phase (May 17, 2025, Sun yoke Uranus at 17°Taurus +/- 4 weeks) of the oligarchic coup in the USA, indicated by the Uranus transit over 24°-30°Taurus from May 2024 to April 2026.
- The Moon, as ruler of House 2 (national territory), at 7°Taurus conjunct Moscow (2°Taurus) at the end of House 11 but in the ruling sign of House 12 (loss): the territorial losses to Moscow can be classified as flight reflexes, expulsions, consequences of blackmail, loss through theft, and being at the mercy of a territorial power.
- Mars at 17° Leo squares Kyiv’s 19° Scorpio resonance coordinate in the 3rd house (neighbors): This indicates that, despite territorial cessions, the massive attacks and threats against Ukraine will continue. North Node at 25° Pisces:
Structural interpretation:
- Ascendant 29° Gemini: For Kyiv, the most important zodiacal degree of democracy (25°-30° Gemini) and parliamentarism is precisely located on the ascendant. The clarity of this theme, of all things, is a clear indication that the main theme of the unfolding Saturn-Neptune conjunction for Kyiv will be accession to the European Parliament and de facto independence from manipulation by Russian dominance, threats, intimidation, and foreign control.
- Mercury as the ascendant ruler in the 12th house conjunct Uranus at 27° Taurus squares the 27° Leo resonance coordinate of Washington: the development triggered by the oligarchic revolution in the USA can be classified in the 12th house as an event against which Ukraine is unable to act (UR in the 12th house).
- The conjunction of ascendant ruler Mercury with MC ruler Uranus is to be seen as an indication that the appeasement policy of territorial donations to Russia is currently without alternative.
Astrogeographical Transit Data for the national centers Kiev & Moscow between 2013 – 2032:
The timeline of astrogeographical transits shows a highly condensed period of astrogeographical transits between 2026 and 2032 for both capitals Kiev and Moscow.

- SATURN SQUARE KIEV between February 2022 and December 2022: the climax of this Saturn transit between 17° and 22°Aquarius over the square position to the 19°Scorpio (+/- 2°) coordinate of Kiev exactly coincided with the beginning of the Russian invasion on 22 Feb 2022.
- It was the first square transit of Saturn for the capital of Ukraine after the 2 consecutive conjunctions transits of 2013/14 and 2021.
- URANUS SQUARE KIEV between June 2022 and March 2025: this aspect can be taken as the main astrogeographical “transit cause” for the foreign invasion into Ukraine.
- For comparison: the Ukrainian Revolution against the Moscow controlled Ukrainian President Yanukovych in 2013 happened during a simultaneous square of Uranus & opposition of Pluto to Moscow (12°Cancer). This explains how strong the effects of such transits can be felt for the affected nation: With Uranus square & Pluto opposite Moscows paranoid colonial self-image must have projected the self.liberation of Ukraine from Moscow`s control in the Euromaidan Revolution of 2013/14 as a blow to the whole of the COLONIAL EMPIRE. But a fundamental difference between Ukraine and Russia can also be concluded: while Moscow experienced the loss of a potential colony during a Uranus square transit Kiev experienced the invasion of foreign troops along with the slaughter of its people and destruction of its land.
- Meaning that the structural difference between Russian and Ukrainian national identity is that: A –— Moscow Russia experiences its Uranus transits through paranoid projections onto the dominance over neighbour nations B — Kiev experiences its Uranus transits by being invaded through a neighbor nation.
- ASPECTS OF URANUS IN THE RUSSIAN WAR: A — global world wide issues due to the colonialist character of the Russian invasion of an independent state. B — the Russian war strategy to attempt globalization of its war scheme by seeking to engage China, Israel, Iran, N. Korea and other nations into the war plus the fact that Russia has openly threatened a number of member states of the European Union. C — the attacks by air through rockets, planes and drone, D — the threat with a nuclear attacks spread on many occasions by Russian officials D — the European & global solidarity and support for Ukraine
- EFFECTS OF THE END OF THE URANUS SQUARE TRANSIT IN MARCH 2025: the end of the 3 years phase of the Uranus square transit brings a relieve of tension from Uranus and a period of relative relaxation from the stressful aspects for Kiev. Since it comes shortly after the inauguration of a new US President in January 2025 scenarios might be explored which options the expectable Kamala Harris Presidency could effectively have for convincing the attacking Russian side into a ceasefire during the months to come
- PLUTO AT 5°-10°AQUARIUS CONJUNCT KIEV between March 2026 & December 2030: The transit can be expected as the end of war & post war period. As the indicator of foreign occupation Pluto conjunct the capital in such a situation indicates territorial losses for Ukraine. But
- PLUTO CONJUNCT THE CAPITAL IN (POST) WAR TIMES – Example of Berlin 1919-26: I suggest to compare this transit with the Pluto transit conjunct the 10°Cancer resonance coordinate of Berlin at the end of World War I with climax between Aug 1919 until May 1926. Parallels with Kiev could be: A — a relatively young national states, B — a stabilization process of the national identity and solidarity in independence and autonomy, C — The stabilization of national independence and identity under circumstances of a lost war including territorial reduction & losses D — a deep transformation of society to a new stage & form of an independent modern national state, E — the stabilization of a new fuller scale independent, autonomous national identity.
- PLUTO COJUNCT A CAPITAL IN COLD WAR TIMES: – Example of London 2020 – 2024: The conjunction transit of Pluto over the capital of Great Britain between March 2020 and November 2024. Parallels with Kiev could be: A — the issues of separation from another larger organisation. B — the strong influence of the Russian war propaganda machinery on interior politics and issues of national identity. C — The change of foreign influence on interior politics from the EU & neighbour nations to the lobbyists of the 4 super-centralist global powers USA, Russia, China, India D — the transformation process of the national self-image, identity and state cult from a European to a more globalist state nation. E — the intense economical and financial problems caused by the transformatuion of the
- PLUTO CONJUNCT KIEV as an indication of a transformation and stabilization process of the NATIONAL IDENTITY: A — Central aspects of the new national identity can be expected to focus on: the fuller scale separation from the influences of the Moscow-Russian colonialist/hierarchical belief systems, its political/psychological secrete services agitation propaganda machineries and of course the economical empoverishment scheme applied to keep the Russian population and those of the Russain border nations in political slavery. B — Side effects of this processes can include a more fundamental separation from the Russian ethnical/racist supremacy ideology and other lingual/cultural and state cult traditions from the Tsarist/Leninist/Stalinist/Putinist colonialisms. C —- the identification of national identity and largest common multiple of Ukrainians as an intense Anti (Pluto) – Russist self-image due to the deep trauma inflicted on the Ukrainian nation by Putinism and in the name of Russist Racism.
- SATURN & CHIRON AT 5°-10°TAURUS IN SQUARE TRANSITS TO KIEV: The simultaneous transit of the conjunction of Saturn and Chiron between 5° and 10° Taurus and square to the 7°Aquarius resonance coordinate of Kiev from May 2028 to Feb 2029 (Saturn) and from May 2028 to Apr 2030 (Chiron) will occur shortly after and parallel to the conjunction transit of Chiron and Saturn with the 2°Taurus resonance coordinate of the Russian capital in Moscow.
- I therefore suggest that the developments of Phase 4 of the coming Astrogeographical Transits for Kiev have to be explored and interpreted in relation to the transits for Moscow
- SATURN AT 9°-15°ARIES SQUARE MOSCOW between May 2026 and Mar 2027: the square aspect of Saturn in the center of Aries the sign of warfare can be seen as an indication that the Russian military reaches the limits of its expansion and with a tendency to get into heavy losses and problems. Compare: The square transit of Chiron over the same position between Jun 2020 and Apr 2023 brought a series of defeats, losses, military and interior problems for Moscow. Therefore this period can be explored as a hint at the dead end of the Russian invasion and expansion in Ukraine.
- SATURN & CHIRON AT 0°-5°TAURUS CONJUNCT MOSCOW: Before Saturn and Chiron start the square position transit to Kiev between May 2028 and Apr 2030 the two planets will move in conjunction with Moscow between Jun 2026 & Mar 2029 (Chiron) and Apr 2028 & Feb 2029 (Saturn). The stabilizing aspects of these transits for Russia can be assumed to support the focus, concentration and reduction of the Russian nation onto its own territories, population, inner development, stabilization through reforms and Particularly the Chiron transit conjunct Moscow may be expected to stand for a reasonable and sound outlook on the situation of the population of Russia and a vote against the supremacy of colonialism over the needs of the population.
- SATURN & CHIRON AT 5°-10°TAURUS IN SQUARE TRANSITS TO KIEV: the transits of the two stabilizing planets in Taurus the sign of markets, economy and income as well as of territory indicate dependence and economical pressure on the Ukrainian nation. The most constructive potentials of these expansive transits lie in the reforms and political re-organisation of the national territory, infrastructure and economy. A major aspect of the square may be reflected the dependance of Ukraine on strong influence of the supporters of its resconstruction liek the European Union, USA, International Monetary Fund and others.
- The healing and constructive re-structuring influence of Chiron and the re-stabilizing potentials of Saturn may so be reflected in their square aspect to the Ukrainian government
- JUPITER/ZEUS RETURN TO KIEV: the culmination of this conjunction transit indicates a moment of fulfillment of national independence and self-determination
- SATURN AT 16°-23°TAURUS IN OPPOSITION TO KIEV: the opposition of Saturn could explain the intensification of cooperation with European partners through implementation of EU rules, preparation to larger scale confrontation of the European market (TAURUS) along with aides and investments into the large scale innovation of infrastructure, agriculture and energy production.
PHASE 5: Dec 2029 to Sep 2030 —- JUPITER AT 17°-23°SCORPIO CONJUNCT KIEV: Return of Zeus as indication of a moment of victory and fulfillment of liberation
- JUPITER AT 17°-23°SCORPIO COJUNCT KIEV BETWEEN DEC 2029 & SEP 2030: the astrogeographical “RETURN TRANSIT” of ZEUS (Jupiter) to capitals stand for spectacular climax moments of triumph, healing and/or success. Though they are relatively short lived moments in time these transits are important as climax moments of fullfillments for nations.
- Among the most impressive examples for this transit coincidence are the returns of Jupiter to Athens in January 1828 when the national independence from the Ottoman Empire was gained and in October 1944 when the German occupation was ended.
- The opposition of Saturn could explain the intensification of cooperation with European partners through implementation of EU rules, preparation to larger scale confrontation of the European market (TAURUS) along with aides and investments into the large scale innovation of infrastructure, agriculture and energy production.
PHASE 6: Jul 2030 to Mar 2033 —- CHIRON AT 16°-23°TAURUS OPPOSITE KIEV: Expansion (opp.) of the protected area (Chiron) and adaptation (Chiron) to new opportunities of expansion (opp.)
- ChIRON AT 16°-23°TAURUS OPPOSITE KIEV: opposition transits indicate expansion of the range of options to confronting partners, adversaries, competitors, enemies and new horizons too. As the systemical indicator of self-protection, self-healing, stragical planningg and adaptation Chiron indicates a period of adaptation to opening up to the new possibilities.
- This transit ishould be explored as an indication of the potentials of the cooperation with the common market of the European Community of Nations.
- UPITER AT 5°-10°AQUARIUS CONJUNCT KIEV —- Return of Zeus in the sign of evolution, leaving the past behind, innovation and of re-connection with the fuller potentials of a nation can be explored as the chance for a climax moment in the liberation of Ukraine from burdens and impediments. of course one should be naive to think that self-liberation solves all problems.
- What really matters is that the nation and population advance by learning to cooperate and solve issues from the past.

- CHIRON IN A RISING SQUARE TO THE 12°CANCER COORDINATE OF MOSCOW FROM 9°-15°ARIES between Jun 2020 & Apr 2023: the triggering aspect for the military invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 was the square transit of Chiron the planet of strategical calculation, preventive measures, self-protection, reason and long-term calculation square to Mosco which had been effective for 20 months when the invasion was started in February 2022.
- The calculation of a “reasonable” and even inevitable war by the Russian government has to be understood as the reason behind the killing, murdering, manslaughter and moral corruption and self-destruction of the Russian nation.
- What seems to stand out as the most urgent plausible reason for Putins invasion in Ukraine in 2022 is the paranoia of the Anti-Russian independence, self-emancipation and revolution movement in Belarus in 2020-21 answered by Putin with a racist claim that Belarus & Ukraine were no indepdent nations but Russian territories published in 2021 and 2022.
- THE SQUARE POSITION OF CHIRON IN ARIES the sign of warfare, military so stands for Putins calculation that Moscow`s Colonial control over its 24.000 km long border nation belt was threatened and in danger through the example of the independence of Ukraine and the chance for its population to escape from the notorious suppression, political manipulation and empoverishment agendas through which Russia has been keeping its border nations in slavery of Moscows colonial empire for centuries.
- CHIRON IN ARIES SQUARE TO MOSCOW IN CANCER: In the duality between the 2 astrogeographical coordinates of Moscow at 2°TAURUS + 12°CANCER (National + Colonial Territories vs. Population) the 12°Cancer coordinate of Moscow represents the main indicator of the Russian püopulation. The square transit of Chiron in the sign of warfare so stands for the aims ofaspect of a PREVENTIVE AGGRESSION against the Russian popuklation aimed at controlling and suppressing it. And it order to prevent the Belarus protest movement from spreading to Russia – and the Russian population from liberating itself from the Putin ditatorship.
- JUPITER CONJUNCT THE 2°TAURUS COORDINATE OF MOSCOW BETWEEN MARCH 2023 & JAN 2024: the ZEUS RETURN transit of Jupiter conjunct Moscow was accompanied by a period of stabilization of the Russian military positions through tactical retreat and improvement of the supply situation which laid the foundation for new Russian offensives in the winter of 2023 to 2024 and spring of 2024.
- The suppression of the Wagner Group Rebellion on 23 June 2023 and the subsequent liquidation of its leader Prigozhin 2 months later may be understood as expressions of the victory situation for Putin`s government copntrol over Russia.
PHASE 3: MAR 2023 to NOV 2027 —- PLUTO SQUARE MOSCOW: military expansion to fight the Independence, Revolution & Individuality Development of the Russian population
- PLUTO IN A RISING SQUARE TO THE 2°TAURUS RESONANCE COORDINATE OF MOSCOW AT 0°-5°AQUARIUS: the fundamental and long term transit of Pluto as indicator for battles for power, hierarchy, domnance and foreign territories in Aquarius the sign of revolution and emancipation stands for a period of challenges to the stability of the national & colonial territories, population, constitution, economy and the colonial empire as such.
- The
- SATURN AT 9°-15°ARIES SQUARE MOSCOW between May 2026 and Mar 2027: the square aspect of Saturn in the center of Aries the sign of warfare can be seen as an indication that the Russian military reaches the limits of its expansion and with a tendency to get into heavy losses and problems.
- Compare: The square transit of Chiron over the same position between Jun 2020 and Apr 2023 brought a series of defeats, losses, military and interior problems for Moscow. Therefore this period can be explored as a hint at the dead end of the Russian invasion and expansion in Ukraine.
- Another aspect is the switch of the state and state cult, administration and economy, political agenda to a military economy and state and a one person military dictatorship.
- SATURN & CHIRON AT 0°-5°TAURUS CONJUNCT MOSCOW: Before Saturn and Chiron start the square position transit to Kiev between May 2028 and Apr 2030 the two planets will move in conjunction with Moscow between Jun 2026 & Mar 2029 (Chiron) and Apr 2028 & Feb 2029 (Saturn). The stabilizing aspects of these transits for Russia can be assumed to support the focus, concentration and reduction of the Russian nation onto its own territories, population, inner development, stabilization through reforms and Particularly the Chiron transit conjunct Moscow may be expected to stand for a reasonable and sound outlook on the situation of the population of Russia and a vote against the supremacy of colonialism over the needs of the population.
Phase 6: April 2029 to April 2032: NEPTUNE AT 9° to 15°ARIES SQUARE MOSCOW: Guilty as a Nation – the ethical Self Destruction of a nation of murderers and plunderers
- NEPTUNE AT 9° to 15°ARIES SQUARE MOSCOW: Neptune indicates the holstic re-connection with the consequences of the wrecklessness of the colonialist wars against its neighbours where Millions of RUSSIA-LOVING Ukrainians and Belarussians were forever desillusioned by Putins degenerate neo-fascist colonialism.
- NEPTUNE indicates the long-term consequences of our decisions. In that sense Neptune supports a destabilization of the military and war dictature system extablished in the Purin era.
PHASE 7: Aug 2034 to July 2036: URANUS AT 9° to 15°CANCER CONJUNCT MOSCIOW: Interior Revolution
Chapter 2 —- Astrogeographical Transits in the History of Modern Ukraine 1985-2032
The following TABLE I provides an overview of all important transit stations from the beginning of the Independence of Ukraine from the Soviet Union and Moscow Russian Colonial Empires in the Gorbachev Perestroika in 1985 right until 2033.
It is dedicated at helping readers to evaluate the transit effects of the important planets Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter on the two astrogeographical resonance positions of the capital of Ukraine.

Chapter 3 —- Astrogeographical Transits in the History of Modern Russia 1985-2032

Chapter 4 —- Astrogeographical Transit History for Washington & USA 1985 – 2032
Currently Working on it in Aug 2024

Chapter 5 —- Astrogeographical Transits for the European Union
The basis for the foundation of the European Union in 1992 was laid through the foundation of the European Community in the Treaty of Rome of 25 March 1957 signed by the former member states of the Frankish Empire of Charlemagne (crowned as emperor of Rome in 800 CE): France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg, Germany and Italy– as successor state of the first larger union state in Europe: the Roman Empire.
Astrogeographical Transits for the EU Capital Brussels
Currently working on this

The 29° MUTABLE SIGNS GRAND CROSS between the capitals of France, Germany, Italy and Netherlands/Belgium
Saturn Transits

The table can be used to explore the situation of a capital, nation and government during the most important periods in the history of the 20th century. The transits in the Grand Cross Aspect explains how the centers of the modern day national territories of these modern nations whose territories and populations have been in cmpetition, war and also n ever changinging alliances with each other have been aspected at various times.
Transits of Pluto, Neptune & Uranus