Read more about the article Astrology and Art: Metalmorphosis by David Černý
The image shows the Metalmorphosis II sculpture in Prague not the one in Charlotte, NC - couldn`t find a free phot of that one. But chose to present it because it delivers an impressive image of what the different layers look in the state of distortion. Czech _Republicimage: Another Believer, ccbysa4.0

Astrology and Art: Metalmorphosis by David Černý

astrology and art: "Metalmorphosis" by David Černý

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Euopean Champions League Final 2013 at Wembley – data for prognosis

The Champions League Final in 2013 will be played between Borussia Dortmund against Bayern Munich. For interpretation of the relationship of a football team or club with a stadium we need to compare the astrogeographical coordinates of the place with the astrological chart for the foundation of the club.

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Read more about the article The “Spring Temple Buddha”
The Spring temple Buddha has both astrogeographical resnance coordinates in Capricorn photo: Zgpdszz license:ccbysa3.0

The “Spring Temple Buddha”

If Capricorn was considered to describe the character of the celestial Adibuddha Vairocana it could be his aspect as the embodiment of Emptiness (Śūnyatā) which refers to the absence of inherent existence in all phenomena that could best be related to the reflex of the reduction of mysticism in Capricorn. If Capricorn is interpreted as an indication for the possible aspect of Vairocana as the primordial and highest of all Buddhas Capricorn would indicate that Vairocana represents an administrator of the cosmos rather than a central creator personality.

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Read more about the article Avebury Stone Circle in astrogeography
Avebury Henge and Village is located in Cancer with Taurus pointing at the function of the site as a temple of energies related to the earth mother photo:Wikityke, :ccbysa2.5 The Avebury Stone Circle

Avebury Stone Circle in astrogeography

The Avebury Stone Circle

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Read more about the article Aphrodite`s Temples and Birth Place in astrology
Ruins of the Temple of Aphrodite at Aphrodisias located in Aquarius with Pisces photo:Brocken Inaglory license:GNU/FDL

Aphrodite`s Temples and Birth Place in astrology

Aphrodite`s birth place and the ancient temple at Aphrodisias - The legend of Aphrodite`s birth as delivered by Hesiod (ca.750 BC) reveals her relation to the astrogeographical constellation of the temple site best: when taking over the rule over the world Cronos the son of Gaia and Uranus, in an act of castration chopped off his father`s genitals and threw them into the sea. Aphrodite (aphros=foam) was born in the splashing ocean the moment Uranus` genitals and semen fell into the sea at Petra tou Romiou near Paphos, Cyprus. Homer (ca.850 BC) records a slightly different but not necessarily older version in which Dione and Zeus are parents to Aphrodite.

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Martin Luther`s Constellations at Wittenberg, Wartburg and Worms

Martin Luther`s Constellations at Wittenberg The All Saints or Castle Church at Wittenberg is the church of Wittenberg Castle where Martin Luther is said to have posted his 95 Theses on 31 October 1517.

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Read more about the article The European Union in Political Astrology
The EU and Brussels in Political Astrology: Pluto and neptune transit cycles in relation to the astrogeographical resonance coordinates of The Eu capital in Brussels.

The European Union in Political Astrology

The Astrological Chart for the EU and its Parliament

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